Entries by Mary Grow

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: How towns cared for their poor (conclusion)

by Mary Grow Benton, Clinton, Fairfield, Waterville, Winslow This fourth and final article on the ways central Kennebec Valley towns carried out their responsibility to care for their poorest residents will provide bits of information about half a dozen towns not already discussed. * * * * * * For Benton (which was part of Clinton until March 16, 1842, […]

China planners OK move for DC Customz

by Mary Grow China planning board members approved the only application on their July 11 agenda, allowing Denver Cullivan to move his metal fabricating business, DC Customz, to an existing commercial building at 70 Waterville Road. Board members decided no public hearing is needed, because the business will be in a building that has been […]

China select board signs in reappointed town officials

by Mary Grow China select board members had a short July 17 meeting, followed by a long signing session as they reappointed town officials and board and committee members for the fiscal year that began July 1. The list of appointees began with town manager Rebecca Hapgood and included other officers and members of a […]

Select board OKs PSAP agreement with Waterville

by Mary Grow At a very short special meeting June 30, the last day of the 2022-23 fiscal year, China select board members paid about $78,000 in end-of-year bills and approved a PSAP (Public Service Answering Point) agreement with the City of Waterville. As planned, Waterville is picking up the job of answering emergency calls […]

China transfer committee updated on reopening of waste facility

by Mary Grow China transfer station committee members spent their July 11 meeting mostly on updates – the latest news locally and from the former trash-to-energy facility in Hampden to which China used to send waste and may again. The news from Hampden is that the Municipal Review Committee, which represents China and 114 other […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Caring for the poor – Part 2

by Mary Grow How towns cared for their poor This article will continue the theme started June 14, how central Kennebec Valley towns took care of their poor residents, jumping across the Kennebec River from Augusta and Sidney to Vassalboro, Windsor, Palermo and China. The focus will remain – mostly – on the 19th century. […]

China planners hear two applications for self-storage units

by Mary Grow China planning board members began their June 27 meeting with sequential public hearings on two applications for self-storage facilities on Route 3, from Chris Harris and Lucas Adams (see the June 22 issue of The Town Line, p. 3). China codes officer Nicholas French had allowed half an hour per application. He […]