Entries by Mary Grow

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Augusta fires, fire departments, Part 3

by Mary Grow Your writer hopes her readers are not tired of fires and firefighting, because there will be one more article on the theme after this one. As usual, the topic has expanded because of more information than expected from easily available sources. One invaluable source is the University of Maine’s on-line DigitalCommons collection. […]

China select board supports broadband committee

by Mary Grow After a pre-meeting party in appreciation of retiring chairman Ronald Breton, China select board members settled down to deal with a long and varied Nov. 7 agenda. They unanimously endorsed a letter of support for the China Broadband Committee (CBC) application for a Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) grant to improve broadband service […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Augusta fires & fire departments – Part 2

by Mary Grow Another fire Augusta historian James North described was the one that destroyed Augusta’s bridge across the Kennebec River the night of April 2, 1827. (See the July 28, 2022, issue of The Town Line.) It was spotted a little after 11 p.m. and spread so fast that the “citizens [who] rushed to […]

VASSALBORO: Town seeks ideas for use of ARPA funds

by Mary Grow At their Oct. 27 meeting, Vassalboro select board members planned for a December discussion of ways to use federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Town Manager Mary Sabins intends to ask town departments and committees for suggestions, as she did last year. After audience member Holly Weidner offered ideas, board chairman […]

China planners postpone action on solventless hash lab

Daycare expansion approved by Mary Grow At their Oct. 25 meeting, China planning board members postponed action on Bryan Mason’s application, and scheduled a public hearing when they return to it on Nov. 22. They approved Angela Glidden’s application. Mason applied for what he and codes officer Nicholas French considered a change of use for […]

New fee on brush at China transfer station

by Mary Grow Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 15, people disposing of brush at the China transfer station will be charged a fee of two cents a pound. Vehicles carrying brush will enter and leave over the scale so the weight can be measured. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood explained at the Oct. 24 select board meeting that […]