Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro school board chairman stepping down

by Mary Grow VASSALBORO, ME — The May 17 Vassalboro School Board meeting was Chairman Kevin Levasseur’s last, after 21 years on the board, and was marked by expressions of appreciation on both sides. Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer and board members thanked Levasseur for his service, and Pfeiffer assured those present that, “I still know where […]

CHINA: Committee will not recommend new storage building

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Transfer Station Committee members decided at their May 17 meeting they will not recommend a new building to shelter the second compactor just north of the main trash hopper, because cost estimates are too high. Instead, they plan to investigate a cover to protect the controls and container […]

China select board moves to purchase new loader

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — After a long discussion at their May 23 meeting, China Select Board members unanimously voted to buy a new Volvo loader from Chadwick-BaRoss, Inc., of Westbrook. Director of Public Services Shawn Reed urged them to make an immediate decision. Prices are rising weekly, he said; if board members put […]

CHINA: Road paving plan to use chip seal process

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Director of Public Services Shawn Reed has consensus support from the town Road Committee for his paving plans for this summer, which involve extensive use of chip seal rather than asphalt resurfacing (see The Town Line, May 12, p. 2). Reed and Doug Fowler, representing All States Construction, […]

Ira Michaud chosen as new VCS principal

by Mary Grow VASSALBORO, ME — At a brief special meeting May 10, Vassalboro School Board members unanimously hired Ira Michaud as the new principal at Vassalboro Community School (VCS). Michaud will take office July 1, succeeding Megan Allen, who resigned earlier this spring and plans to return to teaching. He is currently ending his […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: French-Canadians – Part 1

by Mary Grow Augusta Two distinctly non-British peoples who came to live mainly in Augusta and Waterville, the largest manufacturing centers in the central Kennebec Valley in the 19th and early 20th centuries, were French-Canadians who came south from Canada’s Québec Province, and Middle Easterners, especially Lebanese and Syrians. This article will talk about French-Canadians […]