Entries by Mary Grow

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Even more high schools

by Mary Grow Continuing the discussion of (mostly) 19th-century high school education, this article will talk about Albion, Benton, and Clinton. In following weeks, continuing alphabetically, readers will find information on Fairfield, Palermo, Sidney (don’t expect much), Vassalboro, Windsor and Winslow. Albion voters first appropriated school money in 1804, and endorsed building schoolhouses the same […]

Bullying problems addressed by Vassalboro school board

by Mary Grow Vassalboro School Board members heard a parent’s complaint about bullying at Vassalboro Community School (VCS) at the beginning of their Sept. 21 meeting. They reacted with sympathy and concern and said they, administrators and their policy committee will continue to address the problem. Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer, who has had positive experience with […]

New China committee looks at additional space for town office

by Mary Grow At their Sept 23 meeting, members of the China Building Committee officially named themselves the Municipal Building Committee (MBC) and proceeded with preliminary plans for recommending additional space at the town office. Their main focus is on storage space, but as they looked ahead three decades they also considered whether more, or […]

China Transfer Committee discusses raising transfer station fees for Palermo residents

by Mary Grow China Transfer Station Committee members held a special Sept. 21 meeting to talk about increasing fees charged to Palermo residents. The meeting was consistently cooperative and courteous, with each town’s representatives expressing appreciation to the other’s. According to the discussion, the 17-year contract allowing Palermo residents use of China’s transfer station was […]

CHINA: Land parcel sale back to square one

by Mary Grow As of Sept. 27, China selectmen’s effort to sell a 39-acre piece of land on Lakeview Drive is back where it was before they agreed on a buyer at their Aug. 30 meeting. On Aug. 30, China realtor Lucas Adams told selectmen they had two bids, $10,000 from the local People’s Park […]

China Broadband Committee had a busy September

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members had a busy late September schedule, holding a committee meeting Sept. 23; participating in a public informational session by zoom Sept. 26 (see related story); attending the selectmen’s Sept. 27 public hearing on the Nov. 2 warrant article asking for funding for expanded broadband in China; and […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: More high schools

by Mary Grow China Academy, China misc, Erskine Academy The Massachusetts legislature chartered China Academy in June 1818. Charter language quoted in the China bicentennial history is almost identical to the language used 50 or so years later for Hallowell Classical and Scientific Academy: purposes are to promote “piety, and virtue,” and to provide instruction […]

Vassalboro selectmen approve purchase of two compactors

by Mary Grow At their Sept. 16 meeting, Vassalboro selectmen unanimously approved purchase of two new compactors for the town transfer station, concluding a years-long discussion of updating the facility. Tom Maguire, head of Maguire Equipment Inc., of Readville, Massachusetts, reviewed his company’s proposals with selectmen, Town Manager Mary Sabins, Transfer Station Manager George Hamar […]