Entries by Mary Grow

China planners continue work on two draft ordinances

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members continued to work on two draft ordinances at their June 15 meeting. The proposed new Solar Energy Systems Ordinance they decided is almost in final form. The proposed additional section of the shoreland ordinance, governing shoreline stabilization projects, is barely started. Board members reversed an earlier decision to […]

China Broadband Committee discusses ways to distribute fact sheet

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members spent most of their June 17 meeting discussing ways to distribute a flyer publicizing their plans for expanded and improved broadband service in town. The draft one-page handout introduces the proposal and invites interested residents to sign up for follow-up information via email. Board members scheduled a […]

China TIF committee receives half dozen requests for funds

by Mary Grow Members of China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee reviewed half a dozen requests for TIF funds at their June 14 meeting and forwarded all to the Board of Selectmen with recommendations that the funds be disbursed. China selectmen are scheduled to meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 21. The longest discussion was […]