Entries by Website Editor

LETTERS: Boisvert for sheriff

To the editor: Dear Voters of Waldo County, It may come as a surprise to some of you to learn that the Republican candidate for Waldo County Sheriff is Todd Boisvert. Todd, currently the Chief of Police and the Director of Public Safety in Searsport, is extremely qualified, having over 30 years law enforcement experience. […]

OPINION: A few suggestions about being litter free

COMMUNITY COMMENTARY by Richard Dillenbeck China resident Hello…let me share an update on efforts to create a Litter-Free China! Twenty years ago, I started picking up roadside litter on Lakeview Drive. The satisfying undertaking was combined with my habit of long-distance walking. Today I remain puzzled why so many drivers feel the best way to […]

Windsor select board approves assessor’s municipal tax assessment warrant

by The Town Line staff At their August 16 meeting, at the suggestion of Windsor’s Assessor’s Agent, Vern Ziegler, the select board unanimously voted on the Assessor’s Certification of Assessment, 2022-2023 Municipal Tax Assessment Warrant, certificate of commitment and certificate of assessment to be returned to the municipal treasurer of the state of Maine. There […]

EVENTS: KVCOG to hold hazardous waste collection day

The Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) will be offering Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days for the following locations: On Saturday, October 1, from 9 a.m. – noon, the towns of Skowhegan, Canaan and Madison will be collecting at the Skowhegan Transfer Station. All residents have to sign up by calling their individual town office. […]

Urgent funding needed by Winslow Community Cupboard Food Pantry to meet surging demand

The Winslow Community Cupboard food pantry – which now serves more than 220 food-insecure families with an additional 18-20 being added each month – is urgently seeking new one-time and recurring monetary donations to meet surging demand. The food pantry now assists food-insecure children, seniors, and other adults from 24 local towns, including Winslow (35 […]

China schools benefit from local boy scouts

by Chuck Mahaleris Bryson Pettengill’s Eagle Project was to create Zen Spaces at both the China’s Primary and Middle schools. He wanted to give back to the school and after discussions with his parents it was clear that children with special needs or social anxiety needed a safe environment. He realized the schools didn’t have […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, September 1, 2022

LEGAL NOTICE PETITION FOR A PARDON STATE OF MAINE Augusta, October 20, 2022 Notice is hereby given that a Petition for a Pardon for Warren Lander Smith who was convicted of the crime(s) Burglary CR 79671, is now pending before the Governor and a hearing will be conducted on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 9:00 […]