Entries by Website Editor

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, July 23, 2020

TOWN OF FAIRFIELD PUBLIC NOTICE Nomination papers will be available at the Fairfield Town Office, 19 Lawrence Avenue, beginning on Monday July 27, 2020. The Town of Fairfield has the following seats available for the November 3, 2020 Election: Town Council – One seat for a 3-year term. MSAD#49 Board of Directors – One seat […]

Public supper in Freedom

A public supper will be held at the Freedom Congregational Church on Saturday, August 1, from 4:30 – 6 p.m., at the church hall. These will be takeout dinners only. There will be some optional seating available following Covid-19 guidelines. All proceeds will benefit church projects.

Elvis fundraiser in Vassalboro

American Legion Post #5, in Waterville, will be holding an Elvis Concert fundraiser, on Sunday, July 26, from 2 – 4 p.m., at the St. Bridget Center, 864 Main St., in North Vassalboro. For tickets, call Craig Bailey at 313-8865, or Pearley Lachance at 873-0358. Advance tickets are $15, and they will be $20 at […]

Peaches are coming!

You need a break from the monotony. The Living Communities Foundation is bringing in big, drippingly-sweet peaches from northern New Jersey starting on July 31, with one or two more deliveries in August. The schedule isn’t set in stone yet, as details are still crystallizing. However, the first order has to be turned in and […]

LETTERS: A tradition ends

To the editor: For the last 40 years on the third Saturday in July, the South China Volunteer Fire Department has held a fundraising auction. Over the years it has become our major fundraiser, and has been eagerly awaited by folks from China, and surrounding towns. It has been going on so long that we […]

Ward rejoins Kennebec Federal Savings

Joshua Ward, who offers more than 20 years of banking and mortgage experience and who previously served as Branch Operations Manager at Kennebec Federal Savings, has rejoined the bank as a Loan Officer. In that capacity, he will assist customers with refinances, purchase mortgages, and home equity loans. In addition to being KFS’ new loan […]

China planners to review two potential ordinances

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members are scheduled to review two potential ordinances at their July 28 meeting, set for 6:30 p.m., in the town office meeting room. They are a Recreational Marijuana Ordinance and a Local Food and Self Governing Ordinance. Interested residents are welcome at this first open planning board meeting since […]

LongRoad Energy to hold public informational meeting

by Mary Grow LongRoad Energy Management sponsors a public informational meeting on a proposed solar project at 2579 Riverside Drive (Route 201) in Vassalboro at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 28, in the gymnasium at Vassalboro Community School. See The Town Line, July 16, for more information on the project for which Longroad is seeking state […]

Vassalboro selectmen to set tax rate

by Mary Grow Vassalboro selectmen intend to set the 2020-21 tax rate at their Thursday, July 23, meeting, which begins at 6:30 p.m., in the town office meeting room. Two other agenda items are suggesting ways to celebrate the town’s 250th birthday in 2021 and reviewing the Recreation Department’s proposed bid specifications for a steel […]