Entries by Website Editor

Bridge construction update

Please find below the anticipated traffic impacts and bridge closures for the week of June 24. Note: the info published has been provided to the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. It is subject to sudden change based on staffing, weather, supply chain, etc. Cianbro, of Pittsfield, the […]

EVENTS: Madison blood drive planned at legion

A blood drive hosted by American Legion Tardiff-Belanger Post #39, 20 S. Maple Street, Madison, will take place on Thursday, June 27, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sign up at redcrossblood.org or call 800-733-2767 or contact Richard at drwho57_57@yahoo.com for your appointment.  The time to give blood is NOW!!  FMI:  contact Richard at drwho57_57@yahoo.com.

Erskine Renaissance awards presented

On Friday, June 7, Erskine Academy students and staff, in South China, attended a Renaissance Assembly to honor their peers with Renaissance Awards. Recognition awards were presented to the following students Katie Shaw, Connor Alcott, Lucas Berto, Lacey Arp, Tristan Anderson, and Stephanie Kumnick. In addition to recognition awards, Senior of the Trimester Awards were […]

EVENTS: Albion bicentennial photo contest underway

Albion bicentennial photo contest is open to anyone, but photos must be taken in Albion. There are four categories: people, animals, still life and landscape in three age groups, 12 years old and under, 13-20, and over 20. All submitted photos must be in printed form and matted. Photos no larger than 5×7. Mat will […]

EVENTS: L.C. Bates Museum activities

The following programs will be presented at L.C. Bates Museum, on the campus of the Goodwill-Hinckley School, on Rte. 201, in Hinckley. Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m.  The Magic of Letterpress The concept of movable type was invented in China a thousand years ago, but the refined and efficient Gutenberg press of 1439 rocketed Europe […]