Entries by Website Editor

OBITUARIES for Thursday, January 18, 2024

ANNA E. MITCHELL WATERVILLE – Anna Elizabeth Thomas Mitchell, 97, passed away on Thursday, December 21, 2023, in Waterville. She was born in Waterville, on January 3, 1926, daughter of Peter and Jamillia Rumya Thomas. Anna was educated in Waterville schools, graduating from Waterville High School in 1944. Besides enjoying her academic classes, Anna was […]

AARP accepting community challenge grant applications

AARP Maine invites local eligible non-profit organizations and governments across the country to apply for the 2024 AARP Community Challenge grant program, now through Wednesday, March 6, at 5 p.m. Eastern. AARP Community Challenge grants fund quick-action projects that help communities become more livable by improving public places, transportation, housing, digital connections, and more. Now […]

Husson University Online celebrates term 2 academic award recipients

Husson University Online, in Bangor,  celebrates the academic achievements of students recently named to the president’s list, dean’s list and honors list for Term 2 of the 2023-2024 academic year. Courses for full-time online undergraduate students are offered over the course of seven weeks. This accelerated timeframe provides adult learners with an opportunity to balance […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, January 11, 2023

STATE OF MAINE PROBATE COURT COURT ST., SKOWHEGAN, ME SOMERSET, ss NOTICE TO CREDITORS 18-A MRSA sec. 3-801 The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice December 21, 2023. If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within […]

Erskine Academy first trimester honor roll (2023)

Grade 12 High Honors: Tristan Anderson, Leah Bonner, Isabella Boudreau, Heather Bourgoin, Robin Boynton, Elizabeth Brown, Nolan Burgess, Carol Caouette-Labbe, Makayla Chabot, Elise Choate, Alexia Cole, Caleigh Crocker, Brielle Crommett, Noah Crummett, Gavin Cunningham, Isabella Day, Keira Deschamps, Hailey Estes, Hunter Foard, Kaylee Fyfe, Aaralyn Gagnon, Meilani Gatlin, Caleb Gay, Julius Giguere, Tucker Greenwald, Nathan […]

Husson University announces fall honors (2023)

Husson University, in Bangor, has announced the academic achievements of students recently named to the president’s list, dean’s list and honors list for the Fall 2023 semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. Feed Abdulmohsin, of Augusta, President’s List; Malak Alkattea, of Augusta, President’s List; Kaylea Batchelder, of Fairfield, President’s List; Alyssa Bell, of Sidney, President’s […]