Grace Academy recipient of grant from Bar Harbor Bank & Trust

From left to right, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust employees Ben Huard, KelLee Gray, Daja Gombojav, Nichole Lee, Courtney Bonsant, Celeste Smith, Lisa Durant, and Grace Academy Executive Director Michelle Bourque. Contributed photo

Grace Academy Learning Center was a-buzz with teachers and students settling in to a typical school day when two representatives of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, Nichole Lee, Customer Service Manager and Courtney Bonsant, Customer Service Supervisor, paid a special visit, with a surprise in hand.

The Center’s staff was overwhelmed when Nichole announced that the bank had chosen Grace Academy as the recipient of its most recent employee-driven donation program called “Community Commitment,” a charitable fund which disburses monthly gifts to local non-profit organizations.

A check for $1,000 was presented to Grace Academy Executive Director Michelle Bourque. With plans to use all monies to run its many programs, the staff and students of Grace Academy were sincerely humbled by such a generous gift, and wish to publicly thank Bar Harbor Bank & Trust for supporting the work they do.


Legislative hearing scheduled on Sheepscot dam issue

“This legislation, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Pierce, (Dresden) proposes giving control of the dam on Sheepscot Pond to the Dept. of Marine Resources after decades of successful management by the Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.”

On Wednesday, February 7, at 10:00 a.m., the Maine State Legislature will hold a hearing regarding LD 922. This legislation, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Pierce (Dresden), proposes giving control of the dam on Sheepscot Pond to the Dept. of Marine Resources after decades of successful management by the Dept. Of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. It also mandates opening the dam at Sheepscot Pond to Alewives, Sea Lamprey, and other migratory anadromous fish without regard to the historical problems of such a move. The hearing will be in Room 206 at the Burton M Cross Building, 111 Sewall Street, Augusta. The Sheepscot Lake Association, the Palermo Town Select Board, and a large percentage of Palermo residents oppose this legislation for several reasons including the following:

  • Alewives entering Sheepscot Pond potentially carry VEN, a viral disease which would greatly sicken and negatively impact the species of fish which the rearing station stocks throughout ponds in our state. Alewives also can overload the fish rearing station requiring extra effort to manually separate and remove them on a daily basis, for which there is no budget.
  • Sheepscot Pond has a rare self-sustaining population of lake trout, also known as togue. Lamprey thrive in highly oxygenated water as do the togue and other game fishes. Sheepscot’s game fish will be threatened by the reintroduction of parasitic Sea Lamprey which in the past threatened the togue population and led to the present policy of excluding Sea Lamprey from entering the pond by closing the dam fishway during spawning season.
  • Alewives have the capacity to decimate the togue and landlocked salmon populations in the lake due to a natural enzyme (Thiamase) in the alewife which destroys vitamin B-1 in fishes consuming alewives. That process leads to early death of those sport fish offspring.
  • The opening of the dam will negatively impact water levels. As a result, these migratory fish become landlocked, as they did in the 1960s through the early 1980s. At that time, the sea lamprey were allowed back into Sheepscot. During this period there were years (similar to the previous two years of 2016-2017) when the water was too low in the pond for them to return to the sea and they “wintered over”. Their population grew to such an extent as a result, which negatively impacted the game fish population. The low water levels hurt the recreational use, including swimming and boating. These low levels can decrease home values, and in turn lower tax revenue on which the Town of Palermo depends.

The Sheepscot Lake Association and the Town of Palermo oppose LD922’s proposal mandating action to open the dam without regard to possible consequences. Returning these migratory fishes presents several risks which must be taken seriously. Sheepscot Pond is a significant recreational amenity for our community, town, and region. It’s our home, and all the residents of Palermo deserve to be heard and represented. We urge you to attend this hearing to show your concern and to oppose passage of this bill.

This article has been updated to accurately reflect the new time of the hearing.

Local students named to dean’s list at Stonehill College

The following students have been named to the Fall 2017 dean’s list at Stonehill College, in Easton, Massachusetts.

To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must have a semester grade point average of 3.50 or better and must have completed successfully all courses for which they were registered.

Justin Davis, class of 2019, from Palermo, and a graduate of Erskine Academy, in South China.

Colleen O’Donnell, class of 2018, from Waterville, and a graduate of Waterville Senior High School.

Skowhegan library children’s section awarded grant

Word has recently been received by the Skowhegan Free Public Library that the children’s section of the library has been chosen as a recipient of the Dorothy Louise Kyler Foundation grant in the amount of $5,000. The foundation specifies that all funds must be spent on books, audio books, CDs, and DVDs for the children’s collection.

Youth Services Librarian, Angie Herrick, wrote the grant last fall, stating a need for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related materials. Much of the current children’s non-fiction section is dated and funds are tight. According to a report put out by Georgetown University, Americans should expect to see a 26 percent increase in STEM job fields in the next ten years. This means that nearly a quarter of all new jobs will be centered on math, science, engineering and technology skills. It is the hope that this grant will allow the library to purchase new materials that will bolster the current collection without taking money away from the small book budget the library sets aside for children’s materials. The library would like to be able to provide these new and reliable resources to engage young learners in the STEM fields. Items on the wish list include: coding and technology books, math and science series, Lego design books, and lots of educational DVDs for all ages.

The Skowhegan Library Youth Services Librarian has been working with the Maine State Librarian’s STEM Liaison, Christina Dorman, and Early Literacy Children’s Specialist, Stephanie Schott, to make sure that quality materials are selected. New items should begin appearing on the library shelves in February.

Researchers see potential role for dancing

The Benefits of Movements

by Bob Brown

I was recently reading an article written by Scott Edwards, Harvard Medical School Correspondent that really got my attention. Many of us have been aware for years that there are positive health benefits to dancing and movement, but this was an up-to-date version with a little different slant.

The header at the top of the article said “Researchers see potential role for dance in treating neurodegenerative disorders and recently began to investigate the complex mental coordination that dance requires.” The article went on to ask, “How many of those who ballroom dance, foxtrot, break dance, square dance, round dance or line dance realize that they are doing something positive for their brains?” Daniel Tarsy, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and director of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Center states that, “There’s no question that music has a very stimulating effect on physical activity and I think that applies to dance as well.”

Scientists gave little attention to the neurological effects of dance until recently, when researchers began to investigate the complex mental coordination that dance requires. In a 2008 article in “Scientific American”, a Columbia University neuroscientist said that synchronizing music and movement constitutes a “pleasure double play.” Music stimulates the brain’s reward centers, while dance activates its sensory and motor circuits.

A 2003 study by researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and reported in the “New England Journal of Medicine” showed that dance can improve brain health. The study investigated the effect leisure activities had on the risk of dementia in the elderly. The researchers looked at the impact of 11 different types of physical activity, including cycling, golf, swimming, and tennis, but found that only dancing lowered participants’ risk of dementia. The combination of mental effort and social interaction made the difference.

In a small 2012 study, researchers at North Dakota’s Minot State University found that the dance program known as Zumba improves mood and cognitive skills. Other studies have shown that dance helps reduce stress, increases the levels of the “feel-good hormone,” serotonin, and helps develop new neural connections, especially in the regions involved in executive function, long-term memory, and special recognition.

Dance has also been found to be therapeutic for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Dancing is a fabulous addition to a regular course of activity that can include briskly walking, swimming, Tai chi, and lots of other forms of exercise. Our dance (square dancing and round dancing) just has the added benefits of social interaction, mental processing into motor action, moving rhythmically to music, and just plain being fun.

So if you’re looking to add a long term benefit to your health regimen, think about square and/or round dancing. For more info call Bob at 447-0094 or Cindy at 631-8816.

Webber Pond president updates on lake conditions

The pool got close to the spillway, but did not overtop.

by Frank Richards
President, Webber Pond Association

By way of update, the winter is going well. We had an extended period of really cold weather. Many days in a row where the thermometer at my house was minus-25 degrees.

Suddenly, there was a radical shift in the jet stream and we had two days of torrential rain with temperatures in the 40s. All of it came off the watershed. No way it could be absorbed by the frozen ground or snow that melted.

Widespread flooding in Augusta and Winslow. No issues with the Webber Dam. Thirty years ago we were advised to keep the pool between a foot and two feet below the spillway to protect against surges during the winter. That’s about three feet of draw at the control gates. It was good advice.

This is a shot of the control gates. As may be seen, there will be no worry about not enough water coming into the lake during the winter.
Photos courtesy of Frank Richards

So. CHINA: Banish boredom at South China Public Library; new book titles available; Fire and Fury on order

Just in the nick of time – South China Library has added many new books for your winter reading. Here is a sampling of new materials received.

The newest books by David Baldacci, James Patterson, Sandra Brown, Tess Gerritsen, John Grisham, Stephen King and Jan Karon, to name just a few popular authors, are now available. Our collection of large print books grows with every order. Fairyland, by Danielle Steel, and Any Dream Will Do, by Debbie Macomber, were among those purchased in this order.

For young adults – or for anyone – new additions include The Ship of the Dead, by Rick Riordan, and Turtles All the Way Down, by John Green.

We have added new books for children of all ages. Check out the beautiful picture book Red and Lulu, by Maine resident Matt Taveres, or the newest installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, The Getaway.

Don’t forget we also carry movies and have added the acclaimed series The Vietnam War, by Ken Burns, The Zookeeper’s Wife, and Beauty and the Beast. New audiobooks, so pleasant to enjoy during a long drive, include Enigma, by Catherine Coulter, and The Other Alcott, by Elise Hooper.

As for Fire and Fury, it has been ordered. Due to the demand, it may be a few weeks before we receive it. We have so much packed into our library! Treat yourself to time browsing at the library and selecting movies, books and audiobooks for relaxing winter moments. Hours: Wednesday, 10 a.m. – noon and 3 – 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m .

The Town Line to benefit from Hannaford’s Reusable Bag Program

Buy one of these reusable grocery bags from China Hannaford in February, and they will donate $1 to The Town Line!

The Town Line newspaper, a nonprofit committed to serving area communities, has been selected as a beneficiary of the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program for the month of February.

The Hannaford Reusable Bag Pro­gram launched in October 2015 and is designed to support local nonprofits through the sale of the reusable Cause bags.

The Town Line was selected by Hannaford store leadership as the February beneficiary of the program at the South China Hannaford store. For every reusable Cause bag purchased at the South China Hannaford during February 2018, The Town Line will receive a $1 donation.

Founded in 1989, and based in South China, The Town Line’s vision is to enhance the quality of life, to create a vibrant rural community connecting area towns, organizations and individuals through communication, education, and public dialogue. It is also The Town Line’s mission to build good community relations, and publish a weekly, non-partisan and balanced newspaper.

Managing editor Roland Hallee expressed delight in being chosen: “With the help of Hannaford, we can continue in our goal to provide area towns with a quality weekly newspaper that is both informational and educational to its citizens, and at the same time, help in our never-ending challenge of raising the funds to continue in our mission.”

For more information on the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program, visit or

A look at the top stories in The Town Line in 2017

by Eric W Austin

We’ve published a lot of stories over the past year, but which ones stood out from the crowd?

More than 20,000 people visited in 2017, with pages on the site viewed more than 70,000 times.

One of the advantages of a website over a traditional newspaper is the ability to track which stories are being read the most. Here I’d like to highlight those stories from The Town Line that attracted the most interest over the past year.

This article is based on statistics supplied by Google’s Analytics website tracking service, which monitors activity on

Managing editor Roland Hallee’s November story, “China baseball player working to crack lineup at Newbury College,” about Dylan Presby’s impressive scholastic baseball career, claimed the top spot with more than 1,000 views. Presby, of China, went to Erskine Academy where he was named the Kennebec Journal’s Baseball Player of the Year, before being accepted by Newbury College in Brookline, Massachusetts. There he competes in the Division III New England Collegiate Conference (NECC). Roland writes, “But, that was high school. He has now moved on to a higher level of competition.” Read the entire article on

Roland captured the second spot on this list as well, with his terrific (and prescient) column on the lack of birds in 2017. Appropriately titled, “Where have all the birds gone?”, Roland explores that very question and looks at some of the reasons behind the phenomenon. He writes, “The loss of bird populations in the Western Mountains of Maine includes three major causes.”

National Geographic magazine recently declared 2018 the “Year of the Bird,” putting a spotlight on the importance of our avian neighbors. I’m glad to see NatGeo has been reading The Town Line! Be sure to read Roland’s follow-ups as well, including “Update on birds” and “Bird disappearance is a phenomenon that exists nationwide.”

The 2017 Windsor Fair was a rousing success by all accounts and evidently people appreciated that we posted a ‘Schedule of Events’ for the festivities on It was the third most visited page on the site this year. Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to do the same thing in 2018!

We began posting the China Police Log on back in 2016, but this past September’s police log was one of the first stories we posted to our new Facebook page, and it garnered so much interest it came in fourth in our list of 2017’s top pages, being viewed nearly 1,000 times. Big thanks to Tracey Frost, one of China’s part-time police officers who sends it to us every month!

The opioid crisis is often thought of as an epidemic of the big cities, but many rural areas of Central Maine have been affected deeply as well. My article exploring the issue and how it’s impacting our local communities, “Opiates in Central Maine: Not just a national issue,” was viewed close to 700 times. I write, “The solutions we need require not just a change in policy, but a shift in attitude as well.” This is the first article in a continuing series, so look for future installments from The Town Line in the months ahead.

Picking just five stories from 2017 is difficult in a year with so much great writing. Honorable mentions go to the multiple articles — primarily written by guest contributors from the local community — on the question of alewives in our local lakes and streams.

Emily Cates also has had a number of popular articles this year with highlights like: “Wrap your trees in tin foil – The Sure-fire way to protect your trees in wintertime…and puzzle your neighborhood!” Check out more of her great writing in “Garden Works” on

The Town Line also launched its new Facebook page in 2017. As of today, more than 400 of you have followed us on Facebook! Like or follow us to see new local stories appear as updates in your Facebook feed. You can find us at

This week on, we’ve set up a special page to highlight the best articles in The Town Line from the past year. Find easy links to the great stories mentioned above, as well as other popular stories from 2017. Look for the ‘Best of 2017’ graphic on the homepage at

Eric Austin is a technical consultant and writer living in China, Maine.  He’s also the admin for

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Food industry needs to stop hiding nutrition info

by Mindy Haar

Nearly four in ten American adults are obese. That’s an all-time high.

The Food and Drug Administration proposed two rules to help combat this epidemic. The first would require chain restaurants to include calorie counts on their menus. The second would update the Nutrition Facts Label — the black-and-white nutritional content box.

Some food manufacturers and restaurant groups are working to defeat these rules. Deploying their lobbyists, these firms have pressured regulators to delay implementation of the regulations.

Americans can’t afford these delays. The obesity epidemic is taking a toll on our waistlines — and our wallets.

Obesity puts people at risk for many diseases, including diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Those four illnesses kill nearly 1.6 million Americans every year, and cost almost $700 billion.

Many believe the solution is to eat healthier. And yes, choosing less-processed foods and ones prepared at home is one step. But that isn’t as simple as it sounds.

People can’t make healthier choices if they don’t know the content of their food. In one survey of 3,400 fast food customers, on average, respondents underestimated the number of calories in their meals by about 200. More than one in four underestimated by more than 500 calories. That’s 25 percent of an average person’s daily recommended calories.

Even when foods have a nutrition facts label, Americans have trouble interpreting the information. Half of Americans can’t make out a food’s sugar content. Many struggle to calculate nutrition information when a package is divided into servings.

When consumers are provided with nutrition information, they make healthier choices. Restaurant-goers who were given the calorie content of their meals plus information about recommended daily intakes consumed 250 fewer calories than those given no information, according to a Yale study.

Transparency doesn’t just empower consumers to make healthier decisions. It prompts the food industry to eliminate unhealthy ingredients. In 2006, the FDA required manufacturers to label foods that contained trans fats. In response, food companies cut the levels of trans fats in their products by 80 percent.

The food industry has been fighting to block calorie counts on menus for years. The FDA first proposed the menu rule in 2010. The agency originally set the compliance date for the end of 2015.

The National Grocers Association, the Food Marketing Institute, and the American Pizza Community claimed the rule would be too costly. They pressured the FDA to delay it three times.

In November, the FDA issued new guidelines for the rule, so it appears it will take effect in May 2018. But the agency is accepting comments about these guidelines, which may allow the food industry to push for watered-down regulations or another delay.

That would be a mistake. Since officials started crafting the rule, the obesity rate has shot up 12 percent.

The FDA’s second proposed rule would require manufacturers to print nutrition labels with realistic serving sizes and easy-to-read calorie counts. Previously, serving sizes didn’t reflect how much the average American actually eats.

The FDA also added a line for “added sugar.” It’s recommended that people shouldn’t consume more than 50 grams of added sugar a day, but many popular products exceed that.

Regulators wanted the rule to take effect in 2018. But big trade associations have pressured the FDA to delay implementation.

The obesity epidemic will worsen if regulators cave to the food industry. It’s time for restaurants and manufacturers to tell Americans what’s in their food.

Mindy Haar, Ph.D., a registered dietitian, is assistant dean, Undergraduate Affairs, for New York Institute of Technology School of Health Professions.