Whitefield Lions host Christmas for Kids

From left to right, Carolyn Greenwood, Caitlin Labbe, Dagan Savage, Lydia Gilman, Santa, Courtney Paine, Alana York, Olivia Kunesh, Alex Mahon, Harrison Mosher, Brenda Bonsant and Noah Bonsant.
Whitefield Lions club hosted their annual Christmas for Kids party Sunday, December 10.
A lunch of hot dogs, chips, and punch was served, followed by cookies and ice cream.
Santa stopped by for a visit and kids clamored to tell him what they want for Christmas.
Requests ranged from Lego sets to a puppy.
Each child was given a big bag of wrapped presents to take home and put under the tree, to be opened Christmas morning
Games were played and songs were sung and children were awarded raffle prizes, including cans of popcorn, stuffed beanie babies, candy, porcelain dolls, a scooter and a bicycle.
Eight members of the Erskine Academy Leo club were on hand to help the Lions greet guests, serve food, and hand out gifts.
Twenty-five local children and their families attended the event.