China Ice Days “huge success”

The fish weigh-in at China Ice Days. (contributed photo)

At the Feb. 21 China select board meeting, Thomas Rumpf, president of the Four Seasons Club and chairman of the just-finished Ice Days weekend, called the celebration “a complete success,” with thousands of people joining Sunday’s fishing derby.

But, he said, he was disappointed that he had seen only one member of the select board at any event.

“I didn’t catch any fish,” Blane Casey said.

“The lasagna was great,” at the Friday evening Masonic supper, Jeanne Marquis added.

Janet Preston thanked Rumpf and told him she watched Sunday evening’s fireworks from her house.

And Ronald Breton said apologetically that since health issues prevent him from standing for more than a few minutes, he couldn’t take part.

To see more pictures visit the China Ice Fishing Derby Facebook page here!

List of Fishing Derby Winners part 1

List of Fishing Derby Winners part 2

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

China resident sets out to hike the Appalachian Trail

Toni Wall with other hikers. (contributed photo)

Submitted by Toni Wall

First installment

Toni Wall, a resident of China, and a member of the planning board, has embarked on a trek along the Appalachian Trail, from Georgia to Maine.

The first leg of the journey was the 1,236 mile drive from China, Maine, to Dawsonville, Georgia. Toni Wall and her husband Glen met Rose Silvia and her son, in Concord, New Hampshire, where she said goodbye to Glen and continued the journey to Georgia.

China resident Toni Wall at the beginning of her trek up the Appalachian Trail, from Georgia. (contributed photo)

The rest are notes from Toni’s hike:

We arrived at Amicalola State Park on February 12 where we met Cindy Cote Pickering, fellow Appalachian Trail (AT) hiker, and we recieved our Appalachian Trail hiking credentials. I’m registered as hiker #163.

On February 13 we started the AT at Amicaloa State Park using the approach trail to Spring Mountain, the southern terminus of the AT. At Stover Creek Shelter we met Rad from the Netherlands who is studying to be an English teacher, Just Will, a former Marine, and Mike from, Monson. Total mileage – 11.6.

On February 14 morning the temperature was 19 degrees. Stover Creek Shelter to Gooch Shelter, 12.9 miles. There, we met Matt, from Durham; we nicknamed him Hot Chili Pepper because of his sleeping quilt, Red, from Georgia and several others.

On February 15, we walked from Gooch Shelter to Woods Hole Shelter. At mile 20.5 we met Fresh Ground, from Leap Frog Café, who meets hikers along the trail from Springer Mountain to Maine. He was making eggs, bacon, pancakes and coffee. Yes, we indulged even though we ate breakfast before leaving the shelter. We hope to meet him again at Fontana Dam, North Carolina. I hiked with Bridges, aka Ryan, a former airman who served in Baghdad. At Woods Hole Shelter we ran into Hot Chili Pepper and Red, plus a few others, still trying to remember names. Total mileage that day – 12 miles.

On February 16, the leg was from Woods Hole Shelter to Neel Gap, time for resupply, shower and laundry. Total distance, 39 miles.

China’s Wynn Pooler captures state title in wrestling

Atop the podium with gold medal.

First Erskine freshman to accomplish feat

by Roland D. Hallee

Wynn in action. Photos taken at the Class B state championships on Saturday, February 19, which were held at Morse High School, in Bath.

Wynn Pooler, a freshman at Erskine Academy, in South China, won a state title in wrestling over last weekend.

According to head coach Tyler Bradbury, he’s the first freshman in Erskine Academy history to do so. Apparently he’s only the second wrestler in Erskine Academy history to win conference, regional, and state titles all in the same season (the first was Jake Peavey, who is now a nationally-ranked NCAA wrestler at the University of Southern Maine).

Erskine Academy competes in Class B, and Wynn wrestles in the 106-pound division. He is the son of Wes and Abby Pooler, of China.

Wynn has been wrestling since he was in kindergarten, and started competing at national tournaments when he was in the fifth grade, when he traveled to New Jersey with Team Maine. Since then, he has wrestled for national club teams based in states such as New Jersey, Georgia, and Maryland, at various national-level tournaments.

In Maine, the largest tournaments typically only have 3 – 4 mats and last a single day. The largest national tournament Wynn has competed at had 58 mats, and lasted three days. While Maine has some great wrestlers, it is rare for two equally-strong wrestlers to meet outside of the state tournament. In order to have great competition consistently, it requires a lot of out-of-state travel.

The top four place-winners from Class A and the top four place-winners from Class B for each weight-class will now compete at the New England Qualifier, otherwise known as “All-States”, at the end of this week. The top three place-winners for each weight from that tournament will then compete at the “New England Interscholastic Wrestling Championship”, being held in Providence, Rhode Island, on March 5. Then the weekend of March 25-27, Wynn will be competing at the National High School Coaches Association (NHSCA) High School Nationals, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where many of the best high school wrestlers in the country will be competing.

Wynn “enjoys the fact that while wrestling is a team sport, the actual competition is individual, and you don’t have to rely on others to be successful. The sport requires grit, toughness, and discipline. If you fail, you can’t blame others; you just need to learn from your mistakes, stay positive, and work on improving.”

Wynn does want to wrestle in college, but hasn’t yet begun to consider where that might be. If he maintains his straight-A average in school, he should have some options.

Vassalboro food pantry fundraiser surpasses goal

Donald Breton, left, and Lisa Breton, right, presenting a $5,000 check from Robert and Gail Migliorni, owners of American Precision Services, to Cindy Ferland, center, director of the Vassalboro Food Pantry Station. Friends of the Vassalboro Food Pantry Station exceeded the goal of $2,000 by donating a total of $3,585, for a grand total raised of $8,585. (Photo courtesy of Donald Breton)

PHOTOS: Fun at the Sci-Fi Festival

Olde Vassalboro Mill owner Ray Breton with Spiderman, left, and Batman, right, during the Sci-Fi Festival on Feb. 6. (photo by Mark Huard)

A great day of chasing the winter blues at the Sci-Fi Festival, even mill manager Samantha Lessard got in on the fun. (photo by Mark Huard)

Augusta scouts observe Scout Sunday at St. Mary’s

Front row, from left to right, Jacob Blais, Willow Mudie, Scarlotte Mudie, Elizabeth Blais, and Tom Carey. Back, Fr. John Skehan, Anthony Fortin, Ian Martin, Connor Poirier and Tristan Morton. (contributed photo)

Augusta Scouts from Scout Troops #631 and #603 joined with Cub Scout Packs #684 and #603 at St. Mary’s Church, in Augusta, on February 6, as part of the annual celebration of Scout Sunday.

Scouts joined parish leaders in distributing bulletins to parishioners, assisting with the offering, altar service, and recited both the Scout Oath and Law for the assembled congregation. Fr. John Skehan officiated and made the Scouts feel very welcome.

“Not every family attends the same church, but every Scout is taught to respect the religious freedom we enjoy in the United States. Our Scouts, today – on Scout Sunday, participated in this Catholic Mass and through this experience learned to appreciate the Catholic Faith,” said Scout leader Jeff Morton. “St. Mary’s Church and Father John opened their doors and hearts to our scouts. We were welcomed, allowed to participate, and learned so that our scouts can better understand their community and its religious culture.

Diversity, and tolerance are fostered through understanding and respect – this is what Scouting teaches.” According to District Chairman Joe Shelton, the BSA asks its members to affirm a belief in God. That doesn’t mean the Boy Scouts of America tells its members which religion to practice. Scouting provides youth members with opportunities to deepen their personal faith through programs such as the Scout Sunday event, leadership positions in their troop such as chaplain, and the religious emblems program. Scouts have a “Duty to God” and the Scout Law’s 12th and final point is that a “Scout is Reverent.” Lord Robert Baden Powell, founder of the worldwide Scouting movement, said in 1908, “No man is much good unless he believes in God and obeys His laws. So every Scout should have a religion.”

China Lake ice fishing derby grows into all-community winter weekend

Folks enjoying last year’s event. (photo by Sandra Isaac)

February 18 – 20, 2022

by Jeanne Marquis

When I went out to interview Tom Rumpf, president of China Four Seasons Club, I wanted to find out more about the China Lakes Ice Fishing Derby and how this event become our town’s biggest annual event so quickly? Here’s what I found out:

Tom Rumpf, president of China Four Seasons Club

“About three years ago–because this is the third one coming up–the four seasons club and myself got talking and we wanted to start the ice tourney back up. It hadn’t been run in 20 years. So we got a plan together and brought it to Tim [Fire Chief Tim Theriault] and everybody at the fire station because they are the ones that originally did this whole thing way back. They were all fully on board. So, it’s a joint venture between China’s 4 Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department.”

Tom went on to explain they only had about two months to plan and implement the ice derby. The two organizations felt it went well and were encouraged to immediately start planning their next year’s derby for February 2021 with monthly meetings all year. Many events were closed in the summer of 2020 due to the pandemic including our town’s China Days. By the winter, it was considered safe to host outdoors events. Tom Rumpf met with Becky Hapgood, China Town Manager, to get approval to use the fireworks that were purchased for China Days for the Ice Derby. Tom felt that adding the fireworks turned the derby from a day event into a town-wide, weekend celebration, something the residents of China, Maine, needed after a tough, isolating year.

“It really hit me last year when the fireworks hit and I saw the amount of people. I hadn’t seen that many people enjoying the outdoors in, I don’t know, in 20 years on that lake.”

The 2nd annual China Lakes Ice Derby was a success in boosting residents’ spirits, bringing visitors to town and raising funds for the China’s 4 Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department. Tom estimates between 600-800 people participated, including all ages and genders. The ticket sales raised $5,675.18, after expenses, providing China’s 4 Season Club and the China Village Fire department each with $2,837.60.

Energized by the success of the second derby, the monthly planning meetings went to work in March 2021 to turn the third derby into a weekend event including more organizations and adding more ways to enjoy the outdoors in winter. Tom brought out the oversized sheets of white paper his team used for brainstorming to show the creativity behind the scenes to include something for everyone in the next year’s derby weekend. Tom and his team went out to recruit involvement with regional businesses to donate prizes and showcase their products with demos. He also saw the potential in this winter weekend event to galvanize the town at a time when we need to get to know our neighbors better.

[See also: Annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby to culminate weekend town-wide festivities]

“So that was the big thing to me was bringing in all the nonprofits and all the different entities in town. Bring them all together to share and a whole weekend event. I think it will bring a lot of people out around town. Winter is a hard time. We’re praying for a good weekend, obviously. We have a lot of events for everybody.

“We’re starting Friday night. The Masons are having dinner at the Masonic Hall in China. They’re putting on a lasagna dinner. They keep all the proceeds. After the dinner we’re going to do a snowmobile ride from the Masonic Hall because the trail goes right by there. Out to Tobey’s around town back here for a fire down on the shore.”

The Masonic Hall Central Lodge is asking that if you wish to attend, please send them an RSVP to and let them know how many people will be in your group.

Tickets to participate in the China Lake Ice Fishing Derby are available at China Variety and Redemption, Greg’s Restaurant, Harvest Time Bait, in Winslow, Lakeview Lumber, Maritime Farms (formally Fieldstones), North Country Harley Davidson, Tobey’s Grocery and through any member of the China Four Seasons Club or the China Village Fire Department. Tickets will also be available at tents at the entrance points to the lake in Vassalboro, China and South China.

Sandra Boyce Isaac, a member of both the China Village Fire Department and China Four Seasons Club, created a Facebook page and website for updated information on the weekend’s schedule. She plans to run a live stream of events as they happen and results of the raffle.

In keeping with Tom’s vision of an all-community winter weekend, Saturday will offer activities on and off the lake sponsored by area nonprofit organizations. All day on Saturday, there will be skating at the new rink at the China School grounds with events organized by Martha Wentworth, of the China Recreation Committee. At the skate rink, Martha also has plans for a snow sculpting contest and food vendors. At 10 a.m., on Saturday, there will be corn hole contests run by the Women’s Veterans Glamping group inside the China Four Seasons Clubhouse.

There’s plenty for kids this year as well. The China Baptist Conference Center will be the site again for the cardboard sled race and creativity contest at noon on Saturday. From 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., the Conference Center hill is open for sledding. Take a break and stop into the Conference Center from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., for lunch donated by Big G’s Deli, of Winslow. Members from China For A Lifetime will be helping serve at this event.

What’s a winter celebration without an adventure in the woods? On Saturday starting at 2 p.m., the China School Forest and the China Lakes Association will be hosting a scavenger hunt for loons. Anita Smith, director of the China School Forest, tells us, “The trails are a great asset to our town because almost everyone can enjoy them. At the event, we will have extra child and adult snowshoes for people to borrow if they don’t have their own. This gives people a chance to try a new winter activity.” If no snow is on the trail this weekend, this event will continue on as planned as a hike.

Elaine Philbrook, who helped to organize the loon scavenger hunt, feels that “this is an opportunity for the China Lake Association to build connections with other organizations in the community. I hope this is just the beginning of our connections and maybe start a trend where groups in China work together on other projects. Working together seems to have worked out well for the Four Seasons Club and the Fire Department and it is working out well for the China School Forest and China Lake Association.”

Sunday, February 20, is the day of the fishing derby beginning before the first lights of dawn at 5 a.m. The kids can pick up buckets donated by Bar Harbor Bank and Trust at the China Village Fire Department. There are only 50 buckets, so the first kids to arrive, get them.

For those kids who do not know how to ice fish, Central Church will have members located by The Landing ready to help kids get started. Tom said, “They’ll be teaching kids to fish. So if your kid does not have traps or you don’t have any idea of how to fish, you go see them and they’re gonna set you up.”

When the adults need to take a break from fishing, two regional businesses, Central Maine Powersports and North Country Harley-Davidson, will be on hand with product displays. Tom was quick to point out, “Craig Anderson, from Central Maine Powersports, lives right here in China.”

Tom reminds us, “You have to bring your fish before 4 p.m., hopefully well before because we’re gonna be weighing the fish and counting the perch for the kids category. The tickets stop selling at noon time because at 1 o’clock we will start drawing door prizes. It’s gonna be Facebook live, so if you win, you can just come down and pick up your prize.”

At 6 p.m., on Sunday, the all-community, winter weekend celebration of the China Lake Ice Fishing Derby concludes with the spectacle of fireworks at the head of the lake. This will be the same sight that impressed Tom Rumpf by seeing so many people out enjoying the winter and encouraged him and his team to expand the event to more groups, businesses and ages.

Schedule of Events

Friday Night:

Mason Lodge Lasagna Dinner: at 6 p.m., at the Lodge, located at 50 Main Street, in China Village. Dinners will be $15 and dinners for children under 12 will be $5. Seating will be limited to the first 100 people.

In order to plan for the event, Central Lodge is asking that if you wish to attend, please send them an RSVP to and let them know how many people will be in your group.

Following the Mason’s dinner, there will be a Guided Nighttime Snowmobile Trail Ride finishing up with a bon fire at the China Four Season Club Beach.


All Day: Ice skating with a food truck on site selling refreshments presented by the China Recreational Committee.

All Day: Central Maine Power Sport Set-up and Demonstrations by the China Four Seasons Clubhouse.

10 a.m.: Cornhole Games at The China Four Seasons Clubhouse. Food and drinks will also be available for purchase. The event will be presented by (and all proceeds going to) Women Veterans Glamping.

10 a.m. – 3 p.m.: Sledding at the China Conference Center.

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Lunch at the China Conference Center with all of the food donated by Big G’s Deli, in Winslow.

Noon: Cardboard Box Sledding Race at the China Conference Center

2 p.m.: Snow Shoeing (or hiking if there is no snow) and Scavenger Hunt presented by the China Lake Association and the China School Forest.


5 a.m. – 4 p.m.: China Lake Ice Fishing Derby!

5 p.m.: Ice Fishing Derby Awards Ceremony

6 p.m.: Fireworks Display over China Lake.

Oak Grove School Foundation offers grants

The Oak Grove-Coburn school today, serving as the Maine Criminal Justice Academy.

The Oak Grove School Foundation is accepting applications for grants to support the education and cultural needs of students and nonprofit organizations in the greater Central Maine area.

Recipients must be educational, charitable or religious organizations that are tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) Of the Internal Revenue Service code.

Grant requests should be received by April 1, 2022. Funding decisions will be made in May and shortly after the funds will be distributed in July. Recent grants have ranged $500 – $5,000. The OGSF has also provided seed money for initiatives that last up to three years.

Groups interested in obtaining application forms and guidelines should contact Joann Clark Austin, Oak Grove School Foundation, P.O. Box 150, South China, ME 04358-0150 or Susan Briggs at

Healing waters pool nears goal to open facility in Augusta

Susanne Bouchard stands in the unfinished pool. (photo by Greg Glynn)

by Greg Glynn

When Susanne Bouchard came to Maine from Germany in 1984, she was surprised there weren’t more warm water pools or spas like she had seen in Europe. If she can raise $300,000, that will soon change.

As a Physical Therapist and Licensed Massage therapist for more than 45 years, Susanne’s life mission has been to build a 92-degree warm water pool and spa in Augusta.

As the Founder and CEO of Advanced Health Physical Therapy and Fitness, in Waterville and Augusta, she knows from her years of experience how water therapy can help patients who suffer from pain, obesity, multiple sclerosis, dementia, arthritis, Parkinson’s and other chronic conditions.

Susanne Bouchard

Bouchard says Maine has one of the oldest populations in the country. This was one of the reasons she started her mission in 2007 to build a warm water pool in Augusta. However, when she started fundraising for the pool at 160 Riverside Drive in Augusta, the 2008 recession quickly halted fundraising and plans were put on hold.

During the past 15 years, Bouchard has forged ahead, reaching out to more members of the community to help build the pool. Donations have come from bottle drives, cookie sales and larger corporate donations. One of her most popular ways to raise money is through donating a brick to the construction of the pool. Bricks range from $500-$1,000 and can be purchased in a person’s name or in memory of a loved one. Bouchard has also tried to reach out to local businesses and secure grants, but it has been tough, especially because of the economy and the pandemic.

Today, the physical pool is still under construction supported by the $1 million she has raised, but the COVID-19 pandemic has again deterred her work. The rising cost of materials and construction has impacted the plans to finish the pool, so it sits empty.

One example says Bouchard is the dehumidification system. In the past two years, the cost of the system went up by more than $40,000. This is one reason why raising the money now is more urgent than ever.

Bouchard also says patients and the community are waiting desperately for the interior of the pool to be finished. Her goal is to complete the project by the end of 2022, but she still needs $300,000.

The winter months are especially tough on the elderly, who are less active and don’t get the exercise they need to stay healthy. It’s not just the older population that is waiting.

Trisha Audette, of Winthrop, says, “My body is like a tin man that runs out of oil, so I need that heat during the winter and that’s why I am on board helping out for the pool because it will help so many people that I know, and so many people that I don’t know. It will help children, teenagers, adults, elderly people, it will be beneficial for any age.”

Once built the pool will be open to the public, with affordable membership options ranging from day passes to annual or life-time membership. The Healing Waters Pool is anticipated to bring people to Augusta from across the region and entire state, which would have a positive impact on the local economy.

Hot tub. (photo by Greg Glynn)

The plans for the Healing Waters Pool will include a large wheelchair ramp, making it easy for anyone to get in and out of the pool. Bouchard said many of the local area pools don’t have a 104°F hot tub, 55-65°F cold water tub, which allows for patients to experience a contrast bath. This helps to increase blood flow and promotes healing; it also helps boost the immune system.

The Healing Waters Pool will be a salt-water pool, better for people who have lung or skin conditions and can’t tolerate chlorine. The 92-degree warm water will be warmer than any pool in the region because she wants it to be gentle on muscles, joints and bones. The large saltwater pool will also feature five special massaging jets that are specifically placed for the neck and back. The pool will also have handicap men and women locker rooms and a sauna.

The community facility will also have a gym with a basketball court. Bouchard’s vision is a place where health and fitness can go hand-in-hand with fun and education for all ages. Bouchard gives tours of the pool and facility to anyone who is interested in learning more or donating.

“If everybody just gives $5 or $10 a month, it could make a big difference. I am also trying to find local businesses and sponsors that can help make this dream come true. We offer a lot of fundraising options, including signage inside the pool. If you know anyone or a business that can help, please tell them we would love their support,” said Bouchard.

The Healing Waters Pool is a division of Light of Life Ministries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. People can donate in person at Advanced Physical Therapy locations in Augusta and Waterville, mail a check to the Healing Waters Pool, 160 Riverside Drive, Augusta ME 04330, or donate online at

Fairfield woman celebrates 100th birthday

Centenarian Gladys Benner

Gladys Benner, a resident of Fairfield and shared over 50 years with her now deceased husband, Harlan (Bud) Benner, celebrated her 100th birthday on February 5, 2022. She has two children, three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

She had worked at the creamery, in Fairfield, when first moving to Fairfield. She had also worked in a local chair factory and woolen mills. She was a creative lady and her last years of working were as a florist at Sunset Greenhouse, in Fairfield. She retired from there to help take care of her grandchildren. She was a care-taker most of her life. She cared for her grandmother until her death, as well as her mother-in-law, and for a neighbor for many years.

She credits her sharpness to playing solitaire and doing crosswords puzzles every day. She was even found “dancing” from her wheel-chair at her great-granddaughter’s wedding this past fall, and was one of the last to leave that night. She is known for always having a smile on her face.