FOR YOUR HEALTH: Volunteer Finds Community in Military and Veteran Caregiver Network

The Towler family takes a portrait at Fort Cavazos (previously Fort Hood) just months before a permanent change of station to Germany. Photo courtesy of Betty Towler

(NAPSI)—If you or someone you care for is ever among America’s more than 2 million military personnel or in their families—or even if you’re not—here’s a story you may find inspiring:

Betty Towler met her husband, U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Nigel Towler, over 20 years ago while stationed in Korea. When they returned stateside, Towler made a professional sacrifice for her family.

“I had to leave the military because my husband was deploying. We already had two kids.”

When her husband returned from Iraq in 2005, Towler started noticing changes.

“He was with us all the time when he came back. He wanted to hang out with his family, but he was drinking and that wasn’t normal.”

Towler had her hands full, raising two children with another on the way and impending permanent change of station orders to Germany. A month later, her husband deployed a second time to Iraq.

“We all felt it when he came back the second time. He would be there, but he was not there. The TV would be on, but he wasn’t watching it. His mind was somewhere else,” Towler recalls. “We could be sitting on the couch and he’s on one end and I’m on the other and it’s like an awkward but a very scary silence. It was like a void. And I felt I could fall into this darkness, and nobody was going to come for me, and nobody was going to help me.”

Towler said she tried seeking help but found little support as a dependent overseas. They turned to religion, but that didn’t bring her family the solace they were seeking either. When they returned stateside in 2011, little had changed.

“Everything was just so overwhelming,” Towler said. “All the things people were telling us to do, all the appointments. It was all too much. Even visiting with family: he hears everybody being loud, laughing and his brain was like, ‘I can’t do this. There are too many conversations going on at the same time. I love them but I can’t be around them. It’s too chaotic,’ he said. He’d be down for 2 to 3 days trying to recover from just hanging out with other adults.”
Then in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, but their family was largely unaffected. In fact, Towler sees it as a blessing. It gave them time to focus on their health.

“I signed up for a lot of webinars and a lot of online courses,” she shared.

One of these resources was the American Red Cross Military and Veteran Caregiver Network (MVCN), a secure, online community that acts as both a resource directory and peer support network to over 12,000 military-affiliated caregivers. Using evidence-based peer-support programs, caregivers connect, share knowledge, learn new skills, and gain hope. Towler found support and solace from others just like her. Empowered by her newfound communities, she exercised her voice.

“We had to set boundaries. I was like, no, we need to tell them that we can only do two or three appointments in one week. It was too much. I had to learn to speak up, speak up for him and speak up for us.”

Now a Red Cross volunteer, Towler has been involved with the MVCN for the past five years, giving support to other military-affiliated caregivers going through the same challenges she did.

“We have about four calls a month. We’ll have some Zooms and some Slack chats just to really check in with the caregivers. I love how the older caregivers will share their experiences, like, here’s what we had to do, here’s the changes that happened in my house. Being part of this reminded me that I spent so much time caring for this one person, I forgot to make friends.”

Towler cares for her husband following his two deployments to Iraq, and the Military and Veteran Caregiver Network helps her do that by also helping her care for herself.

Learn More

For more information or to join the MVCN community, visit

PUBLIC NOTICES for Thursday, November 28, 2024



In accordance with Section 213 of the Winslow Town Charter, notice is hereby given that the Town Council will hold a public hearing in the Town Council Chambers, 136 Halifax Street, Winslow, Maine at 6:00 p.m. on December 9, 2024, on the following proposed Ordinance.
Ordinance No. 13-2024: The addition of two (2) hour parking on the east side of Bay Street, running north from the intersection of Bay Street and Halifax Street for a distance of one hundred (100) feet.
All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given the opportunity to be heard.  Anyone having questions about the proposed ordinances should contact the Winslow Town Clerk’s Office during regular office hours.
Audra Fleury
Town Clerk, Winslow, Maine

Notice of Public Hearing

Town of Winslow

The following application for a Liquor License has been submitted to the Municipal Officers of Winslow, Maine, for approval:  The Pointe Afta, Inc., d/b/a The Pointe Afta, 252 China Road, Winslow, Maine, and Special Amusement Permit for MacCrillis-Rousseau Post #8835 V.F.W., 175 Veterans Drive, Winslow, Maine.
Any citizen who desires to show cause why these applications should or should not be approved may do so during the Public Hearing scheduled for December 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Winslow Town Library, Council Chambers, Winslow, Maine.
Audra Fleury
Town Clerk


18-A MRSA sec. 3-801

The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the Estates noted. The first publication date of this notice November 21, 2024. If you are a creditor of an Estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors or be forever barred.

You may present your claim by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by the Personal Representative’s name a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-C M.R.S. §3-804.

2024-081 – Estate of RICHARD L. WEYMOUTH, late of St. Albans, Maine deceased. Jodianne L. Weymouth, 146 Ripley Road, St. Albans, Maine 04971 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-343 – Estate of LELAND B. HILLS, late of Solon, Maine deceased. Teresa Anne Hills, 417 Brighton Road, Solon, Maine 04979 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-345 Estate of LESLIE ELIAS-HENDSBEE, late of Madison, Maine deceased. Bruce Hendsbee, 29 Myrtle Street, Madison, Maine 04950 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-346 – Estate of DWIGHT W. FOOTE, JR., late of Carmichael, California deceased. Kathleen Newton Foote, P.O. Box 276, Rockwood, Maine 04478 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-347 – Estate of COLLEEN E. BRADSTREET, late of Hartland, Maine deceased. Taylor Bradstreet, 8 Hill Crest Drive, Clinton, Maine 04927 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-348 – Estate of JONATHAN G. CAYFORD, late of Athens, Maine deceased. Samantha J. Reid-Oliver, 16 Emerald Acres Drive, Madison, Maine 04950 and Mackenzie J. Cayford, 69 Mallard Road, Madison, Maine 04950 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2024-349 – Estate of RONALD K. SARNER, late of New Portland, Maine deceased. Elliott Barden, Sr., P.O. Box 363. Temple, Maine 04984 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-350 – Estate of WAYNE L. PARLIN, late of Madison, Maine deceased. Travis Parlin, 3 Andrea Ave., Benton, Maine 04901 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-351 – Estate of PATRICIA HUGHEY, late of Jackman, Maine deceased. Karen Finnegan, P.O. Box 65, Jackman, Maine 04945 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-355 – Estate of JACQUELINE L. PIO, late of Palmyra, Maine deceased. Dustin Pio, 9 Eastland Ave., Millinocket, Maine 04462 and Brian Scott, 784 Warren Hill Rd., Palmyra, Maine 04965 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2024-356 – Estate of MARK G. WALRAVEN, late of Brighton, Maine deceased. William Walraven, 60 Justine Road, Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 and Mark A. Walraven, 49 Blue Gill Lane, Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2024-357 – Estate of ARTHUR A. GAGNE, SR., late of Canaan, Maine deceased. Shawn Gagne, 15 Warren Ave., Canaan, Maine 04924 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-363 – Estate of EDWARD A. WILLS, late of San Bernardino, CA deceased. Lewis Wills, 919 River Road, New Portland, Maine 04961 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-364 – Estate of APRIL M. PALMER, late of St. Albans, Maine deceased. Bridget Gould, 511 Rome Road, Rome, Maine 04963 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-365 – Estate of SCOTT B. LUDDEN, late of Hartland, Maine deceased. Rosalie DeRaps, 262 Ford Hill Road, Hartland, Maine 04943 appointed Personal Representative.

2024-366 – Estate of JANUSZ A. JANKIEWICZ, late of Skowhegan, Maine deceased. Beata J. Jackson and Jeffrey Jackson, CMR 402 Box 1961, APO AE 09180 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2024-372 – Estate of FREDERICK J. FOSS, SR., late of Norridgewock, Maine deceased. Holly Mullen, 13 Colonial Lane, Condo #8, Norridgewock, Maine 04957 appointed Personal Representative.

TO BE PUBLISHED November 21, 2024 & November 28, 2024

Dated: November 24, 2024
/s/Victoria M. Hatch,
Register of Probate



Notice is hereby given by the respective petitioners that they have filed petitions for appointment of personal representatives in the following estates or change of name. These matters will be heard at 10 a.m. or as soon thereafter as they may be on December 4, 2024. The requested appointments or name changes may be made on or after the hearing date if no sufficient objection be heard. This notice complies with the requirements of 18-C MRSA §3-403 and Probate Rule 4.

2024-368 – BRYSYN JAMES CLARK. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Brysyn J. Clark, of 49 Pleasant Street, Hartland, Maine 04943, requesting name to be changed to Brysyn J. Clark-Stoots for reasons set forth therein.

2024-371 – DARCY MADELINE LITTLE. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Darcy M. Little, of 1430 Main Street, Pittsfield, Maine 04967, requesting name to be changed to Damien Mosher Little for reasons set forth therein.

Dated: November 21, 2024

/s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate

FARMGIRL AT HEART: Bringing coziness to the seasons and some good books to read

by Virginia Jones

As I go outdoors in the morning to do farm chores I am met with a crisp and cold wind. I notice little changes in the air; the color of the leaves as they shed their coats to bring us brilliant colors and the shade of the clouds as they glide swiftly by. It is these little changes that, if not observed, will go away too fast and then be forgotten.

Autumn is my favorite season with Spring being a second. When I am walking the dogs around the field or bringing food for the chickens and goats, I sometimes stop and look around at all the brilliant colors of the trees in our back field. I smell the scent of pine and fallen leaves underfoot and just pause to be grateful. My husband and I live on six acres which we call home. We are so grateful to have our little farm where we can experience the antics of our chickens and goats.

For some the end of Autumn brings an excitement of winter to come. They look forward to snow and all the activities that it entails. I am not a winter person, so I wish Autumn to last just a little bit longer. I am not quite ready for the leaves to fall away so quickly only to be replaced with a fresh layer of snow. Don’t misunderstand me. I love the first snow, especially at Christmas, I just wish it didn’t stay as long as it does here in Maine. I plan on getting a new perspective on that though.

With the colder weather comes the understanding that we will be shut in for a good part of the winter, unless you enjoy skiing or snowmobiling. I don’t tend to want to be outdoors when the weather drops below forty degrees. I like to be curled up on my sofa with a cozy blanket, a cup of delicious tea and a good book.

Thinking of coziness… there are many ways to bring a sense of coziness to your home. I love to light a few candles to bring a sense of calm to my home. I will put on some soft piano music while I am getting dinner ready. I drape the sofa with a few soft and cozy blankets. I stack a few books in a basket and place them on my coffee table. A simmering pot of orange slices and cinnamon sticks will bring a festive scent to your home. There are even lightbulbs that you can replace the brighter ones with to soften the lighting in your home. I love to have a pot of soup or stew simmering as well on the back of the stove.

Part of having a cozy home is to have house chores done, which isn’t always easy when you have a farm. There is always something to be done which can’t always be put off till tomorrow. When I do finally have my chores done I then like to sit in my lazy boy recliner or on my sofa and dive into a really good book; whether that be a cozy mystery, an interesting biography, or a look into days goneby.

Recently I started reading a magazine called The Cozy Issue published by Bella Grace. They have such good articles about ways to enjoy coziness. You can find this publication and more at . I long for a simpler lifestyle and they have such a way of showing the reader how to achieve that goal. I usually have at least three of four books going at once. If you love to keep track of books that you read or want to keep a list of books to read you can get an app for your phone called Goodreads. You can challenge yourself and others to a goal of books read per year.

Here are some recommendations for books to read during the cooler seasons and the days when you are snowed in.

Winter’s End (Alaska Wild #4) – Paige Shelton
The Lighthouses of New England – Snow Edward Rowe
The Fellowship of the Ring – J. R. R. Tolkien
The Chronicles of Narnia – C. S. Lewis
The Volstead Manor Series – Anita Higman
The Taster – V. S. Alexander

You can find many books to read during the cooler seasons of the year at your local library. Be sure to thank a librarian for all of their hard work. So steep your favorite cup of tea or cocoa, grab a cozy blanket and dive into a great read.

CRITTER CHATTER: Reminiscing at the Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center – Part 2

Undated photo of Don Cote with rescued baby raccoon. (file photo)

by Jayne Winters

As a follow-up to last month’s stroll down Memory Lane, here is another article Carleen Cote wrote in 2004:

“Over our 40 years, we have cared for every species of Maine mammal except for the Pine Martin [sic]. We have cared for every species of water mammal.

Caring for the mammals every year is one thing. We also needed to have places to release the wildlife back into the wild. Without the wonderful landowners who so graciously allowed us to enter their property to release the wildlife, releasing could have posed a problem. Our ventures into the fields and forests provided us with an opportunity to enjoy spectacular scenery, to enjoy the peace and quiet away from the rush of life, to listen to birds singing, squirrels scolding as we invaded their territory, the rushing and babbling of waters in streams and brooks as they wandered along to their next destination and the wonderful scents of the forest and the colors of fall foliage.”

“Over the years, area veterinarians have generously provided their services to the injured wildlife. They include Drs. Langdon and Peter Davis, Dr. Mike Hersom of Pine Tree Veterinary Hospital in Augusta; Dr. Dale Allerding, Drs. Darryl Praul and Erika Matthies Praul of Windsor Veterinary Clinic; and the wonderful staff of both hospitals.

We have met hundreds of wonderful people who have come to the Center to deliver a bird or mammal in need of human assistance, or who have come for a tour. Hundreds have made donations to help feed and house the wildlife, many of whom have become regular donors. School children have done projects to raise money for the Center. Area businesses have donated meats and produce or placed collection containers for donations. It is truly heart-warming to know that so many care about and want to help the wildlife.

In September 2003, 35 people came to the Center for a work day. These people gave up a day, after working all week, to build new pens, tear down others, and do any other work that we needed done but did not have time to do – as our time was spent in caring for the babies.”

I’ve only been writing this column since 2019 and don’t know all those who have supported Duck Pond over the years, but want to include Dr. Cody Minor and all the vet techs, assistants, and office staff at Windsor Veterinary Clinic who have provided care to Don’s wildlife patients since I’ve come “on board.” I would be remiss not to recognize the most recent volunteers I’ve met: Debbie, Jane, Don, Jeff and the late Amy Messier, as well as the folks who have helped with snow plowing and shoveling, lawn mowing, hauling brush, and making dump runs; Inland Fisheries &Wildlife biologists and wardens; Animal Control Officers and Agents; farmers who provided fresh goat milk for the fawns. Last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you to fellow wildlife rehabbers who have been so welcoming and helpful in accepting critter transfers since Don’s hospitalization last May. And, of course, much appreciation is extended to the Natural Resources Council of Maine, The Town Line, and Turner Publishing, for bringing Critter Chatter back to readers, following Carleen’s unexpected passing in April 2018.

In December, I’ll continue down Memory Lane with stories about student fundraisers!

PLEASE NOTE: Due to health issues, Don is not accepting or assessing any wildlife at this time, nor taking phone inquiries or referrals. He has been working with Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (207-212-1039; FYI, Jen accepts bats and mice), Wilderness Miracles, in Bowdoin (207-720-0074), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). Mid-coast Maine has a new turtle rehabber! Pam Meier can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708).Please check these websites for a rehabber close to you: or https://www.maine. gov/ifw/fish-wildlife/ wildlife/living-with-wildlife/orphaned-injured-wildlife/index.html In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office. – PHONE MESSAGES & EMAILS ARE NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

OBITUARIES for Thursday, November 28, 2024


FAIRFIELD – Former Fairfield Fire Chief, Duane Maurice Bickford, 66, passed away at home on Fri­day, Nov­em­ber 15, 2024. He was in service to the Fairfield Fire Depart­ment for 32 years, first by volunteer, later full term, and then becoming Fire Chief in 2000 before retiring in 2023. He was also a member of the Maine Fire Chiefs Association as well as serving a term as their President.

His desire to learn and expand his knowledge in his field of work was extensive given the length of courses listed on his resume. Duane used this knowledge to train both new and old recruits at Kennebec Valley Community College. He was greatly involved with creating the fire training center, a project which took years in the making. When he retired, he was voted onto the town council for a brief period of time.

For more information and to read the obituary, see the Veilleux-Redington Lawry Brothers Funeral Home site at


OAKLAND – Sean Alexander Lamontagne passed away on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. He was educated in Oakland schools, graduating from Messalonskee High in 2017. Sean was involved in Cub Scouts in Oakland and held multiple jobs in food service over the years.

He was predeceased by his brother Ryan in 2020.

Sean is survived by his parents, Gabriel and Debra Lamontagne, from Oakland; brothers, Joshua, Christopher, Benjamin, and Landon, all from Oakland; sister Micheala-line Lamontagne, from Cornville; nephew Sonny Gabriel Dube, from Oakland; godmother Sister Angela Fortie from Waterville; many cousins, aunts, and uncles.


JEFFERSON – Lisa Elaine (Fisher) West, 61, passed away at her home on Nov. 9, 2024. She was born March 19, 1963, in Augusta, to Beverly Fisher and William Hippler Sr. She was predeceased by her sister Linda, grandmother Rose, her parents and her partner, Mike Tillson. Lisa is survived by her sons, Michael Hix of Jonesborough, Tennessee, Daniel W. West of Jefferson, Brian West of West Gorham; grandchildren, Ethan, Gracie, Ray, Mel, and Bryan. Lisa graduated from Cony High School in 1982. Graveside services will be in the Spring of 2025.


FAIRFIELD – Gladys Benner, 102, passed away peacefully on the morning of Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Gladys was born in Benton on February 5, 1922, to Almon and Lelia (Clifford) Chamberlain.

When she was 1 ½ years old she went to live with her grandparents, Horace and Edith Clifford, and remained with them throughout her childhood.

On February 5, 1949, she married Harlan “Bud” Benner. Together they raised two children and a granddaughter. They were married for 57 years before Bud’s death in 2006.

Gladys worked in many places, including a creamery, woolen mills and a chair factory. Her last place of employment was Sunset Flowerland and Greenhouse, in Fairfield. She retired early from there to help care for her grandchildren.

Her true calling was that of a caregiver. She cared for neighbors, family and friends and always had her door open to anyone that needed her. She was a shoulder to cry on and a voice of reason.

She attributed her sharp mind and wit to daily games of solitaire and pages of crossword puzzles. She loved her flower garden, birdwatching, political shows and knitting hundreds of pairs of mittens over the years. She made the best molasses cookies and grilled cheese sandwiches.

In May 2019, she received the Boston Post Cane from the town of Fairfield for being the ‘Oldest Resident’.

She was predeceased by her husband, Bud; her sisters Lucille Hamm, Edith Robinson, June Fowler, Helen Gurney, Thelma Amy and Pauline Chamberlain; two brothers, Ernest Chamberlain and Almon Chamberlain Jr.

She is survived by her daughter, Deborah Benner and her partner Fred Rockwell; her son, Darrell Benner; her grandchildren, Pamela Fortin and her husband, Allan, Harlan Benner and his wife, Tanya, Rachel Benner and her partner, John Pierce; her great-grandchildren, Madelyn McKenzie and her husband, Brody, Jackson Fortin, Hannah Benner and Jacob Benner; her two great-great-grandsons, Samuel and Harrison McKenzie; a sister, Christine Ravin; and many nieces, nephews; extended family members.

An informal graveside service/burial was held at Maple Wood Cemetery in Fairfield, November 22, 2024.

Services are in the care of Veilleux Redington Lawry Brothers Funeral Home. An online guest book can be signed at

In lieu of flowers please make donations to this cause, as she was proud to donate to them often St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, 501 St. Jude’s Place, Memphis, TN 38105.


FAIRFIELD – Elaine “Diddie” Barry, 85, passed away on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. She was born on September 28, 1939, in New Hampshire, one of three children to Alphonse Charles Alley and Mary Luella (Thurber) Alley.

Diddie made the world’s best apple pie. She had a long, full life and wore many “hats.” Her most prideful hat was her dedication to the Rebekah Assembly of Maine. Diddie committed 50-plus years of service to the Rebekah’s. She had a whirlwind of roles during her time as a Rebekah and retired from the Assembly in the significant position of treasurer. She loved to laugh at the events and hold the attention of the crowd during her speeches at functions.

When Diddie was not traveling around the states with her fellow Rebekah’s she was traveling around the world with her family. She jumped on every opportunity to cruise in style, including memorable cruises to Alaska, Eastern and Western Caribbean, Hawaii, and Canada. The annual cruise photo has become a collection of everyone aging except for Diddie. She always placed herself front and center showing off her voluminous white hair and radiant smile remaining full of life.

She will be remembered for her playfulness, giving, and thoughtful nature, and her zingers served with a smile and an occasional pinch. She remained youthful at heart by wearing her notorious holiday hats and creating her humorous homemade cards. She volunteered at more places than she could count, including at Thayer Hospital within the lab. She always spoke so highly of the people there and fully enjoyed what she did and who she met in her days while volunteering.

She was predeceased by her husband of 45 years Donald Charles Barry, and her son Donald Charles “Skip”.

Diddie is survived by her sister Charlotte, daughter Tammy, and grandson Ridge Barry with his wife Kate.

A celebration of life was held on Saturday, November 23, 2024, at the United Methodist Church, in Fairfield Center.

Please visit Diddie’s memorial page at where condolences, photos, and special memories may be shared.

In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to your local humane society in memory of Diddie Barry.


AUGUSTA – Elbridge H. Snow, Jr., 82, long time resident of Somerville, passed away unexpectedly at home on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. He was born in Oakland on March 31, 1942, a son of the late Elbridge H. Snow, Sr. and Elsie L. (French) Snow Dority.

He enjoyed hunting, and fishing and spending time with his family.

Elbridge had been employed as a self employed long haul truck driver, E & A Enterprises, and later Crowe Rope, in Winslow.

He was predeceased by his wife, Ann L. (Cutler) Snow; two sisters, Patricia Wood and Sharon Staples; and a son-in-law, Daryn Dyer.

Elbridge is survived by his five children, Susan Sawyer and her partner, Peggy White, Michael Tesseo, Sr. and his wife, Kathy, Rae Murphy, Leslie Dyer, and John Snow and his wife, Kim; 14 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.

A graveside service was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, in Sand Hill Cemetery, Sand Hill Road, Somerville.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Plummer Funeral Home, 16 Pleasant St., Augusta.

Condolences, stories and photos may be shared at


WATERVILLE – Ernest Albert Munro, 66, died Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at MaineGeneral Medical Center, in Augusta. Ernie was born May 7, 1958, in Waterville, the son of Daniel and Irma Munro. He graduated from Waterville Senior High School in 1976 and had recently retired from Core-Mark, in Gardiner, where he was greatly respected by his co-workers and customers.

Ernie will be remembered as a very talented musician, playing drums in a band with some of his closest friends for over 40 years. He had a great sense of humor and could make just about anybody laugh. Known as “Papa Smurf” to his coworkers, Ernie got along with just about everyone, always had a positive outlook and a smile on his face. Ernie was a loving husband and father who cared deeply for his family and pets. He will be missed and remembered by many.

He was predeceased by his father Daniel and mother Irma.

Ernie is survived by his wife, Lori; son, Alex; daughter, Samantha with her fiancé Trevor Luong; three sisters, Diane with husband Jim Plourde, Cheryl Munro, and Kelly Madore; nephews Daniel Couture, Joshua Plourde, Myles Madore, Ethan Madore, and Eric Tarr; and niece, Dareth Plourde.

A celebration of Ernie’s life will be held at a later date.

Please visit Ernie’s memorial page at w here condolences, photos, and special memories may be shared.


SKOWHEGAN – Barbara A. (Jones) McGowan, 85, died peacefully Saturday, November 16, 2024, at MGMC Comfort Care Unit at Glenridge, following a short illness. Barbara was born March 15, 1939, in Norridgewock, the daughter of Walter E. and Helen B. (Dickinson) Jones.

She attended Norridgewock schools and graduated in 1957 from Skowhegan Area High School.

After graduation she was employed at F.W. Woolworth, in Skowhegan, until the store closed in 1997. On November 23, 1963, she married Brian L. McGowan, and they were married for nearly 60 years until his death on June 9, 2023.

Barbara loved spending time with her family. Her grandchildren and great-grandchild were very special to her. Her favorite pastime was working in her flower gardens, which were the envy of the neighborhood.

She was preceded in death by both her parents, her husband Brian, and her three brothers: twins Robert and Roland Jones, as well as Leon Jones.

Barbara is survived by her three children, Karyn (Eric) Sylvain of Norridgewock; Terri (Dave) Goodridge of Cornville; and Darren (Karen) McGowan of Enfield, N.H.; three grandchildren, Lauren (Erik) Heitman, Jacob Sylvain, and Ashlyn McGowan; one great-granddaughter Sienna Sylvain; and her twin sister Bernice Chase of Skowhegan.

At Barbara’s request, there will be no visiting hours or service.

Please visit Barbara’s memorial page at where condolences, photos, and special memories may be shared.


CLINTON – Myron “Butch” Rex Whittaker, 82, passed away at Northern Light Inland Hospital, in Waterville, on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Butch was born in Hartford, Connecticut, on October 20, 1942, the son of Harry and Charlene (Cookson) Whittaker.

Over the years, Butch worked for DeCosta, C&D Builders, Ski Land Woolen Mill, in Clinton, and Keyes Fibre Company (now Huhtamaki), in Waterville, from which he retired after 27 years of dedicated service. He also served as a volunteer firefighter for the Clinton Fire Department in the past.

He was a member of the Town and Country Trail Riders Snowmobile Club, in Clinton, and enjoyed many outdoor activities including snowmobile, hunting, ice fishing, golfing, and camping. Butch was also a big fan of old westerns and could be seen outside the garage on a nice day watching “Bang, Bang, Shoot ‘em up” movies.

Butch’s love of the outdoors was evident in the fact that he could always be seen outside his home working on one project or another or sitting having conversations with family or friends. If he was not in his dooryard, Butch was likely being dragged around by his best friend and the love of his life, his late wife Theresa, to yard sales while she searched for deals. He was willing to go with her at all hours, day, or night. He also spent a lot of time helping Theresa maintain their beautifully decorated yard and waving to the many friends who would blow their horns on the way by. Together, they were town icons, and going to the post office will never be the same for many Clinton residents.

He was predeceased by his wife Theresa (Proctor) Whittaker; son, Allen Rex Whittaker; parents Harry and Charlene (Cookson) Whittaker; and sisters, Cindy Preble, Myrtle Snowman, and Nancy Locke.

Butch is survived by his son Kevine and wife Kelly, of Clinton; daughter Kim Holt, of Clinton; his grandson John T. Holt, Jr. and companion Sam Vanhout, of Fairfield.

A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, December 21, 2004, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., upstairs at the Elks Lodge, 76 Industrial St., in Waterville.

Please visit Butch’s memorial page at where condolences, photos, and special memories may be shared.


VASSALBORO – Joshua C. Breton, “Captain Josh”, 40, of Vassalboro, passed away peacefully, at Andwell Hospice House, in Auburn on Saturday, November 16, 2024, of cancer. He was born on December 1, 1983, in Waterville, the son of Carol Axtell and Raymond Breton.

Josh’s passion through life was the Titanic, drawing and dreams of building and traveling the world. He enjoyed making candles and selling them at the craft fairs. Josh loved the opportunity to dress up and celebrate holidays at the Haunted House at the Mill: Captain Smith, the Grim Reaper, the Phantom of the Opera, or a pirate for Halloween; Santa for Christmas; and the Easter Bunny for Easter.

Josh loved his trips to Hollywood Slots, in Bangor, where he would play the penny slots and spend time with family and friends. Another love of his was Thai food and over the years became friends with Daniel and Sourasay, owners of the Asian Café, in Winslow. He loved to cook, eat lobster and dance.

He had great faith which sustained him thru life. He enjoyed Christian music and attended concerts by Mercy Me, Toby Mac, Austin French, and Meaghan Wood. He loved going to Ogunquit and Popham beaches to build sandcastles. He recently was able to join the Captain Sean of the Islesboro Ferry for a voyage in Lincolnville. Josh had a big heart, great smile and strong will.

Joshua is survived by his parents, Carol Axtell and her partner Thomas Hilton, of Oakland, and Raymond Breton, of Vassalboro; his brother Isaac, his wife Mari and their children Luna and Frank, of Sidney; grandparents, Frank and Gabrielle Axtell, of Vassalboro; his maternal aunt Evelyn, her husband Willie Hornberger; aunt Ruth and her children Eliot and Gabriel; cousins Andrew and Edward Gillie; Thomas Hilton’s children Shannon and Ben Hilton; his paternal uncle Donald and his wife Lisa Breton and their children Justin and Jessica; uncle Richard and his son Anthony; aunt Yvette and her husband Paul LaChance and their children Nicole, Ryan, Nikki, and Lyndsey; uncle Paul and his daughter Amy; and great aunt Marie Beth Hutchinson.

He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Jean and Lucille Breton and Aunt Mona Axtell Gillie.

A celebration of Joshua’s life was held on September 22, 2024. He touched many hearts thru his life and was able to connect with many of those he loved and who loved him before he passed.

There will be no visiting hours. A private graveside service to be determined at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made in Joshua’s name to: Andwell Hospice House at 236 Stetson Rd, Auburn, ME 04210, Maine Behavioral Health at 165 Lancaster St, Portland, ME 04101, or Kennebec Behavioral Health, at 67 Eustis Parkway, Waterville, ME 04901.


MADISON – Lorraine Rose (Gatti) Almeida, 72, of Madison, passed away peacefully in Skowhegan, on Saturday, November 16, 2024. Lorraine was born on February 6, 1952, in Waltham, Massachusetts, the daughter to Daniel and Teresa (colobuffalo) Gatti.

She received her education in Waltham public schools, earning her GED. She was a homemaker and also worked at Hartland Tannery, along with challenged adults at various group homes and Tissues Nursing Home, in St. Albans.

Lorraine will be remembered for being feisty, kind-hearted, and devoted to her loved ones, who would always go out of her way to help family members and friends in need, always putting her son and daughter before herself. She loved listening to Elvis, cooking Italian food, ceramics and various arts and crafts, relaxing in her recliner watching her favorite shows and doing word searches, and most of all spending time with her grandchildren and making memories with her family.

Down memory lane, Lorraine and Edward were members of UBM and Lorraine loved to ride on the back of her husband’s Harley-Davidson, attend UBM parties, and being part of UBM charities, and made some lifelong friends along the way. She loved taking trips to Massachusetts to visit family and friends.

She is survived by her son Edward Almeida Jr and wife, Jody, of Vassalboro; and daughter Jessica Almeida-Daubenberger and husband, Scott, of Madison; her grandchildren Derek Cookson and wife, Megan, of Madison, Sara Cookson, of Madison, Emily Almeida, of Vassalboro, great-granddaughter Emma Johnson, of Madison; brother-in-law Robert Dansereau, of Massachusett; sister-in-law Bernadine Hewins, and her partner Ralph, of Fairfield; several nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Lorraine was predeceased by her husband of 44 years, Edward “Buffalo” Almeida, Sr., parents Daniel and Teresa; sisters, Helen (Gatti) Dansereau, MaryAnn Gatti, Donata (Gatti) Szavotsky; brothers Daniel and wife Jean Gatti, Joseph and wife Ellie Gatti, Louis and wife Phyllis Gatti, Lawrence and wife Lynn Gatti. The interment will be held in the Spring of 2025. Specifics to be determined and announced at a later time.

Arrangements are under the care and direction of Giberson Funeral Home and Cremation Services. To leave a condolence for the family and to view the online obituary, please visit

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her name to the Alzheimer’s Association.


SKOWHEGAN – Pamela C. Wilder, 72, passed away on Thursday, October 24, 2024. She was born on April 9, 1952, to Frances and Harold Pottl,e of Skowhegan.

After schooling in Skowhegan she married her best friend, Alan B. Wilder in November 1974. Shortly after marrying Pam and Alan created a beautiful family with the addition of Alison and Brock Wilder.

Pam devoted her early adult years to managing the family – working at home as a seamstress, selling Tupperware and when the children were school aged, she worked for the Colby Art Department for 15-plus years. She was an avid learner always looking to learn new hobbies from music to stained glass to knitting and many more.

Pam was kind, compassionate, loving, thoughtful, strong and accommodating to friends and family and strangers as well. Her colleagues knew her as a hard worker, dedicated to her staff and students by going above and beyond the call of duty. She most cherished title and role was as Mémère to Jaxson O’Boyle, Grayson Wilder, Luke VanDerburgh and Evelyn Wilder. She was the whole world to them and they are so grateful to have had her loving them.

Pam was predeceased by her parents Harold/Fred and Frances Pottle.

She is survived by her husband and best friend of 50-plus years, Alan; her daughter Alison and her son Luke (Luke’s dad, Chuck); her son Brock, and wife Heather; her brothers Harold (sister-in-law Rhonda) and Bill Pottle.

Pam lived with stage four ovarian cancer for a courageous 3.5 years and fought hard to stay earthside as long as she could. The end came faster than anticipated, after celebrating 50 years of marriage with Alan on October 20, 2024.

A celebration of her life will be announced in the spring of 2025.


WHITEFIELD – David Thomas Roper, 77, passed away recently. David was born May 7, 1947, at Maud Boyd’s place, in Pittston, to Thomas and Ruth Graffam Roper.

After graduating from Gardiner Area High School, David met his future bride, Karen, at a Baptist Youth Fellowship meeting. Their fast friendship led to a 55-year marriage. David and Karen raised three daughters in the house he built in Whitefield.

David dedicated 32 years of service to the Maine Department of Transportation while also actively contributing to his community. He served on the board of selectmen, budget committee, and as a member of the Whitefield Lions Club. Dave also impacted the lives of the many children he coached in basketball and softball.

A man of many talents, David had a gift for building and creating. Whether it was toyboxes for his grandchildren or a family camp on West Grand Lake, his craftsmanship left lasting impressions.

David also shared a special bond with his cousin George Hall, whom he considered a younger brother. The two formed lifelong memories through their many shared projects and adventures. David was also a talented storyteller, always ready to share wisdom and humor with his family and friends.

After retiring, David and Karen pursued their love of travel, exploring destinations near and far. A meticulously planned trip out west and annual escapes to Anna Maria Island, Florida, were among their favorites. They also enjoyed several trips with their favorite travel buddies, Daniel and Betty Bailey.

David was predeceased by his parents, Thomas and Ruth Graffam Roper.

He is survived by his wife, Karen; three daughters and their husbands, Becky and Brent Hallowell, Amy and Peter Bourgeois, and Shelly and Thomas Folsom; eight grandchildren, Sam True, Nathan True, Mark Folsom, Carson Hallowell, Adam Folsom, David Bourgeois, Julia Bourgeois and Elizabeth Folsom; his brother Robert Roper (Ellen Krasney); sister-in-law, Sue Markatine (Michael “Jim” Bilinsky); sister-in-law Jo-Ann Fortin (Daniel); niece Megan Berman (Brian); great-nieces Lily and Elyse Berman; and godchildren Douglas and Susan Bailey.

Visiting hours will be held at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Ave., Gardiner, Maine on Friday, November 29, 2024, from 3 – 5 p.m.

A celebration of David’s life will be held at The First Baptist Church, 47 Church Street, Gardiner, ME on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at 11 a.m. Memories, condolences and photos may be shared with the family on the Staples Funeral Home website

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the First Baptist Church Stained Glass Window Fund, at 47 Church Street, Gardiner ME, 04345, or at



BERWICK – Charlene Elizabeth Poulin, 87, passed away on Friday, November 1, 2024, in Sanford. She was born on October 13, 1937, in Waterville, the daughter of Gerald and Ruth (Kilgore) Dostie and was one of eight children.

Charlene worked for Hillman’s Bakery, in Fairfield, and at Marden’s Discount Retail stores, in Waterville and Sanford.

She is survived by her children, Michael Poulin (wife Erica), Christine Oliver (husband Chris) John Poulin (wife Cindy), Margaret Blood, Robert Poulin (wife Sandra), Paul Poulin (husband Jay Cummings); her sister, Geraldine Turner.

Visiting hours will be held on Saturday November 16, 2024, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Bibber Memorial Chapel, 62 Cemetery Road, Berwick, immediately followed by a memorial service at the fneral home. A private interment will be held at St. Francis Catholic Cemetery, in Waterville, at a later date to be determined.

To share a memory or leave a message of condolence, please visit Charlene’s Book of Memories Page at Arrangements are in care of Bibber Memorial Chapel, 62 Cemetery Road, Berwick, ME 03901.

In lieu of flowers, friends and family may send donations to the Alzheimer’s Association (Maine Chapter) Home Office, 225 N. Michigan Ave. Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601 or via their website at

Local artist gifts piece to China Community Food Pantry

The photo of a gift to the China Food Pantry. The gift is a large painting (approximately 8 feet long) by Chris Fields, a resident of South China. The painting depicts Fields’ concept of the Pantry’s 32-year contribution to the town of China, painted on local lumber. (contributed photo)

PHOTO: Blazing sunset

Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, captured this blazing sunset recently.

Vassalboro Legion gathering personal care products for VA Veterans Home

St. Bridget’s Communtity Center. (photos courtesy of Victor Esposito)

During the holiday season for the last three years, members of American Legion Post #126, Vassalboro, gathered personal care products, puzzle books, and snacks for veterans at Togus Veterans Home, in Augusta. With the support of various organizations and individuals this has been an amazing display of generosity and thanks to our veterans.

The members of American Legion Post #126, Vassalboro, are inviting you to join them as they collect personal care products, snacks, puzzle books, etc., for this project. Once again, the Sew for a Cause group at St. Bridget Center has made and donated more than 250 Christmas stocking for this project. They will fill the stockings on December 9, 2024, at St. Bridget Center, 864 Main St., North Vassalboro. All are welcome to sort and fill the stockings. The filled stockings will be delivered to Togus Veterans Home by December 12, 2024.

Your support and donation are needed to meet the goal. For more information, to volunteer and/or make a donation, call 207-616-3148.

EVENTS: VHS to conduct Christmas through the Ages

What a great opportunity to celebrate Christmas through the Ages. This wonderful fundraiser has been used by a variety of Maine historical societies and now the Vassalboro Historical Society is hosting, along with three local homes and two other organizations. Learn about the different times and how they celebrated Christmas.

Each ticket is only $20 and promises to be a wonderful experience. Purchase at the Vassalboro Historical Society or follow the Find Tickets link to purchase online (exact start time will be provided once ticket is purchased). Each tour will begin at the VHS Museum, 327 Main Street, and progress at 25 minute intervals. A complete tour will last about two and a half hours. The first tour begins at 10:00 a.m. and the final begins at 12:50 p.m.

Contact the Vassalboro Historical Society at (207) 923-3505 or to purchase tickets or for more information.

State Rep. LaRochelle withdraws recount request for Senate District 15

Raegan LaRochelle

by Lauren McCauley
Maine Morning Star

Richard Bradstreet

On Saturday, the Office of the Maine Secretary of State confirmed that the recount for Senate District #15, initially scheduled for Monday, had been officially withdrawn.

Election night tallies had Demo­cratic outgoing state Rep. Raegan LaRochelle trailing Republican Richard Bradstreet 10,621 to 10,820 votes. The seat, previously held by Repub­lican state Sen. Matt Pouliot, who announced in January that he wouldn’t seek reelection, was among those that Democrats had tried aggressively to flip.

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the national party’s arm that focuses on winning state legislatures across the country, contributed roughly $95,000 to Maine’s Senate Democratic Campaign Committee and spotlighted LaRochelle’s bid. Senate District #15 covers Augusta, Belgrade and China, in Kennebec County.


