LETTERS: Business owner supports Farrin

To the editor:

As a small business owner, I know how exciting – and challenging – it can be to start up and keep your dream alive.

That’s why I am enthusiastically voting for Wayne Farrin as Maine’s State House Representative of District #47 (Alna, Jefferson, Whitefield, and Wiscasset).

Having spoken to him personally about the importance of our local businesses, our small town main streets, and our incredible community here in Maine, I am confident that Wayne is the candidate who will best support our business owners and local economy.

Wayne’s policy proposals are smart and practical. As a business owner himself, he deeply understands what’s working as well as what’s needed. And he truly cares about lifting up and supporting all folks in our community.

No matter your political party, I hope you join me in investing in Maine’s vibrant businesses and communities by voting for Wayne Farrin in November.

Lucy Flores

LETTERS: Elect Labranche and Soucy

To the editor:

As election day nears, Winslow voters in Districts 2 and 4 will have the opportunity to select their next Town Councilors.

Winslow is a great community but faces significant challenges.

To meet those challenges, the people of Winslow will need council leaders who will do the work to ensure that objective informed decisions are made. They will need to work together to find solutions not excuses, communicate with and listen to the people they represent.

Fortunately, there are two people running for the Town Council who have the will and ability to achieve balanced solutions both in the short term and the long term. Doris Labranche and Steve Soucy have the experience and ability to ensure the best solutions for the people are realized. Please vote for Doris and Steve on election day.

Ken Fletcher

LETTERS: Wayne Farrin listens to your worries

To the editor:

Forty years ago, I moved to Wiscasset from “away,” and ever since, my husband’s been explaining to me what it means to be a real Mainer. He’s talked about honesty, resourcefulness, and independence. He’s mentioned optimism and the willingness to lend a hand. Wayne Farrin, candidate for state representative in District #47 (Alna, Jefferson, Whitefield, and Wiscasset), has these qualities. Wayne, who has worked hard since he was a little boy in South Bristol, now balances two jobs: real estate agent and co-owner, with his wife, of the Jefferson Market. In both, he meets all kinds of people. He listens to their worries and their joys. He wants to tackle problems that affect our whole community, including the lack of affordable housing and the difficulty of running a small business. Wayne is the genuine article. (My husband agrees!) Regardless of your political party, give Wayne your vote on November 5.

Anne Leslie

LETTERS: Waldo County needs Elise Brown’s skills and experience

To the editor:

I am excited that Elise Brown is running for the position of Waldo County Commissioner!

As a former Montville Select Board member, I have had the opportunity to work with Elise directly on many issues. Her extraordinary efforts to improve and collaborate on emergency management and fire safety standout. During the pandemic, Elise was instrumental in organizing a successful Liberty/Montville “Neighbor to Neighbor” program, coordinating volunteer efforts and reaching out to neighbors who may be in need of food and/or medical services. Her actions as a fiscal responsible leader have been evident in her years as Chair of the Liberty Budget Committee. You can also often find her moderating public meetings, as her approach to facilitation can bring even heated discussions to meaningful conclusions.

Elise has a special talent for listening well and engaging all parties to discover solutions that reflect their voices. She is a dedicated and well-respected community member. Her collaborative and all-inclusive ideals could benefit all Waldo County residents.

We need Elise’s experience and commitment as our new Waldo County Commissioner. Please vote for Elise in November. Support her efforts to work together to keep Waldo County safe, secure, healthy, and productive while maintaining a fiscally responsible approach so we can all continue to enjoy and be proud to live in our communities.

Cathy Roberts

LETTERS: Will vote for Elise Brown

To the editor:

We are so fortunate to have Elise Brown as a member of the Liberty Community. She has served our community as a firefighter and an EMT and as our appointed Emergency Management Director for many years. She is also part of our newly-formed committee to decide on the future of our Walker Elementary School. Elise is the calm, competent, knowledgeable, kind, and steadfast person you want working along with you in any area. I know she will bring all of that and more to the job of County Commissioner.

When faced with a family emergency myself several years ago, she met me at the door to the emergency room as I got out of the ambulance with a strong hug and a whispered “you’ve got this”. We have raised our children together in this community and I am proud to call her my friend. I will proudly cast my vote for her in November for County Commissioner.

Joanne Pease

LETTERS: Join me in voting for Laura Jones

To the editor:

I am voting for Laura Jones for State Representative for the district covering Vassalboro and Sidney. I’m supporting Laura not just because she grew up in Vassalboro in a family with deep roots in the community. Not just because she has been instrumental in bringing video of town meetings to the community. And not just because she served 25 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring as a lieutenant colonel, while being recognized for meritorious service.

None of these is the reason I will vote for Laura but all of these put together prove that she has the knowledge, experience, and ability to work through complex issues that will benefit her district in the State House. I hope you will join me in voting for Laura Jones for House District #61.

Marianne Stevens

LETTERS: Elise Brown has proven experience

To the editor:

I am a voter from Freedom and wholly support Elise Brown who is running for Western Waldo County’s District #3 County Commissioner.

I first met Elise at an event held in Thorndike. She spoke to the group about why she was running and why her life and background were a good fit. I immediately liked her. She is easy to listen to and understand – she has grace.

Being a County Commissioner is about managing communication and facilitating coordination between the groups that serve Waldo County, such as the Sheriff’s office, 911 call center, and our towns’ fire and rescue services. She knows what is needed, having been a first responder (fire, EMS, emergency management) for many years.

County Commissioners also handle budgets, ensuring groups have what they need, and generating policy to go with fiscal decisions.

Elise is a successful business owner and has been involved in town budget committees. She has the skill and experience needed for this job. I have been her driver recently as she knocks on doors. She speaks clearly, has patience, and cares about our county. This is not a partisan race. It is about electing a person with proven experience and commitment to public safety and health.

Meredith Coffin

LETTERS: Holly Stover has commitment

To the editor:

My wife and I have been married for over 40 years. That’s commitment (four kids, four states, 12 moves, 14 jobs between us). We’ve finally settled in South Bristol and have never been happier.

That’s one kind of commitment.

Holly Stover exemplifies another, more public sort of commitment. During her years at Health and Human Services, in Augusta, she fought to deliver basic elements of care to the people of Maine – and when I say “people of Maine” I mean ALL-OVER Maine: Fort Kent to Fryeburg, Acadia to York; and for any person, rich, poor, housed, un-housed, young, old, male/female/ungendered – and she wept when [then-governor] Paul LePage cut healthcare benefits to 70,000 Mainers.

In her “day-jobs” (and, by the way, that’s plural: jobS), she continues to work for the benefit of the Boothbay peninsula through the Director of Operations for the Community Resource Council and as the Development Director of Lincoln County Dental, helping everyday folks who need a hand-up, not a hand-out, and providing essential oral care to those who cannot otherwise afford it.

As our representative in Augusta, Holly has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our small businesses – and in Maine, that means traditional brick and mortar, as well as marine: lobstermen and women, fishing boats of every description, the suppliers to support them, and the consumers who enjoy their harvests – she has stood with them and up for them in Augusta to help deliver critical funding for renovation and repair after the catastrophic twin storms of last January.

Holly is committed to public service. It’s why she gets up every morning. If you need her, contact her: she’ll be there for you. Let’s keep Holly Stover as our Representative for District #48, in Augusta. Vote for Holly Stover November 5.

Geoff Bates
South Bristol

LETTERS: Ray brings a wealth of experience

To the editor:

As our election draws closer, I wanted to take the time to write a letter on behalf of Mike Ray, candidate for State Representative for Appleton, Islesboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Montville, Morrill, and Searsmont. I believe Mike will the best person to serve our communities as our District #40 representative in Augusta.

For the past several years Paige Zeigler has worked for our district as a concerned and active legislator. Often out in these communities, Paige was present for his constituents, listening and learning and then responding to our expressed needs. I am sorry that he will retire but am heartened there is someone running for this seat who will represent our communities with the same kind of commitment that Representative Zeigler has. Mike Ray has been actively running for this office with the commitment, accessibility and vigor that I had come to value so much in Paige’s service.

I believe Mike Ray will be an exemplary legislator who will work earnestly on behalf of the people he represents. He brings a wealth of valuable and varied experience to this post including years as an elected Selectman for the town of Lincolnville, membership on a variety of boards, councils, committees and commissions, both local and state, working on behalf of residents in this district, and a wide and diverse work experience, all serving to inform his ability to legislate effectively for our district. He is familiar with the state and knows the unique challenges that this district in mid-coast Maine, coastal, inland and island areas, face.

Mike has a caring heart and the patience to actively listen to the needs and desires of his community. I hope he will be elected to this post of State Representative because it will continue District #40’s strong representation in Augusta.

Cheryl Wienges

LETTERS: Laura Jones is a positive go-getter

To the editor:

When Laura returned to her home town she returned with a mission to help. She reached out to the community and jumped in to help many of us improve our communication and technology skills. She worked to get some of the town’s meetings online, which helps many of us be able to stay informed. She spent time and her own money to get things done! When we had questions she patiently explained and then created how-to manuals. She provided flyers for community events and posted them. She is a thoughtful, positive go-getter who makes things happen.

She has volunteered, shared, supported, and encouraged many of the residents and organizations in town. Using the skills she learned in the military she has already improved the Town of Vassalboro, let’s help her to improve our state by electing Laura as our House Representative #61! She’s the best person for the job!

Janice Clowes