China’s Lydia Gilman takes home a Young Stars of Maine award

Lydia Gilman

Lydia Gilman, 16, and a junior at Erskine Academy, in South China, was one of only six students selected as $1,000 cash prize winners for the 2019 Young Stars of Maine competition, sponsored by the Bay Chamber Concerts and Music School, in Rockport.

Lydia, accompanied on the piano by Chiharu Naruse, performed two vocal pieces: L’Ultima Notte (in the style of Josh Groban) and If I Ain’t Got You in the style of Alicia Keys, for a panel of three highly-esteemed judges on Sunday, June 2, 2019. Lydia was chosen by the judges as this year’s Young Stars of Maine winner of the Nathan Corning Jazz Prize Award. The performance of all prize winners of the Young Stars of Maine will be held on Sunday, June 23, at 4 p.m., at the Rockport Opera House and is free and open to the public.

Lydia Gilman is the daughter of Lance and April Gilman, and granddaughter of Judi Gilman, all of China

Week of June 6, 2019

Week of June 6, 2019

Celebrating 31 years of local news

Erskine Academy announces top 10 seniors for 2019

Erskine Academy has announced the Class of 2019 Top Ten Seniors. Valedictorian is Braden Soule, son of Amanda and Jamie Soule, of Fairfield. Throughout his four years at Erskine, Braden has participated in such activities as National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, the EA Leadership Team, Basketball, and Baseball and he has completed nearly 300 hours of community service projects

Your Local News

Selectmen review bids for outdoor summer work

CHINA — China selectmen spent most of their May 28 meeting reviewing bids for outdoor summer work, with mixed results. Their decisions annoyed a resident with a personal interest in the matter…

China survey on town office hours

CHINA — This survey seeks input from the residents of the town of China about the operating hours for the town office. Your participation is critical to ensuring the needs of community are being adequately met in the schedule of operating hours…

OPINION: China firemen do not endorse town’s plans for new emergency services building

from China fire chiefs — China’s three fire departments have stated unequivocally that they neither need nor want such a building and feel that it would be a waste of the $25,000 to contract for the study since there is absolutely no demonstrated need for an emergency services building…

OPINION: An opinion on emergency building

from Wayne Chadwick (China) — Where is the justification for such an expense? There appears to be a “build it and they will come” mentality with our present town leadership…

OPINION: Appraisal needed on property

from John Glowa (China) — The portion of the property consists of five acres with frontage on China Lake…Offering the owner of the property up to $150,000 may be a great deal for the town, but it may be a bad deal for the property owner…

Take our weekly survey!

[democracy id=”144″]

Gov. Mills visits Webber Pond dam fish ladder

VASSALBORO — Governor Janet Mills visited the Webber Pond alewife fish ladder on Thursday, May 30. It was an historic event. She is the first governor to visit an alewife fish ladder at all…

Nichole Lee promoted at BHBT

CHINA — Bar Harbor Bank & Trust has announced the promotion of Nichole Lee to Branch Relationship Manager II. With this promotion comes the added responsibility of managing two branch locations…

Local athlete gathers more accolades

CHINA — After being presented with the prestigious male sportsmanship award at Newbury College, in Brookline, Massachusetts, Dylan Presby, of China, was recognized by being named to the Malloy All Sportsmanship team for the entire conference…

China students at state house

CHINA — China Middle School students pose for a picture with Senator Matthew Pouliot after participating in the Honorary Page Program…

Winslow Boys and Girls State delegates

WINSLOW — Winslow High School juniors will be attending the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State at Husson Uni­versity, in Bangor, and American Legion Boys State, at Thomas College, in Waterville, from June 16-26, 2019…

Celebrating high school graduation

CHINA — Reagan C. Biediger, granddaughter of James McGrath, of South China, and the daughter of Dwight and Eva Biediger (Mc­Grath), will graduate summa cum laude in the top six percent of her high school at Medina Valley High School, in Castro­ville, Texas…

The Town Line reporter Mary Grow receives Spirit of America award

VASSALBORO — At the annual town meeting held at the Vassalboro Community School on Monday, June 3, Lauchlin Titus presented the 2019 Annual Spirit of America Award to Mary Grow to honor her for her commitment to exemplary local journalism…

BHBT donates to Junior Achievement program

CHINA — In early May, Bar Harbor Bank and Trust presented a gift of $4500 to Junior Achievement of Maine as part of BHBT’s Casual for a Cause…


CHINA’S OWN, KahunaKAM band will perform blues, rock, new country and original music, Sun., June 9, 2 p.m., Albert Church Brown Memorial Library, Main St. Admission is free and refreshments will be served…


WINSLOW – Juliette M. (Michaud) Potelle, 87, passed away Tuesday, April 14, 2019, at Inland Hospital, in Waterville. She was born November 18, 1931, in Frenchville, the daughter of Wilfred and Delia (Caron) Michaud… and remembering 9 others…

Common Ground – Round 5: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Friday, June 20, 2019

Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy boutique, 11 KMD Plaza, Kennedy Memorial Dr., Waterville, next to the Dairy Queen!* Email your answer to or through our Contact page.

You may also mail your answer to The Town Line, PO Box 89, South China, ME 04358. (To be eligible for the drawing, you must email or snail mail your answer to us.)

* Should there be more than one correct answer, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner.

Previous winner: Diana Gardner, Windsor

Town Line Original Columnists


by Roland D. Hallee | The hermit thrush’s song has been described as “the finest sound in nature.” It is flute-like, consisting of a beginning note, then several descending musical phrases in a minor key, repeated at different pitches…


by Peter Cates | Edvard Grieg forged a musical style that was compounded of his life experiences amidst the beauties of the Norwegian landscape; health issues and one major loss; and the tunes and folk songs he heard and made part of his very soul…


by Debbie Walker | Being from Maine we are accustomed to some hard to pronounce names of towns, rivers, etc., due to the Native American historical names as are many other states residents. Yesterday we came across some other ‘uncommon’ names…


by Jac M. Arbour | When you pass, who will inherit your assets? Will your assets be distributed via the probate process? (And will information about your estate therefore become public record?) What if someone should challenge your Last Will and Testament?…

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & PercySOLON & BEYOND

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | On May 22, 2019, Alice Heald was honored with the presentation of the Boston Post Cane as she is the oldest resident of Solon…


(NAPSI)—A stroke can happen to anyone, of any age, at any time, so it’s important for everyone to learn and understand the signs and symptoms of stroke…

SOLON & BEYOND: Alice Heald presented with cane as Solon’s oldest citizen

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

On May 22, 2019, Alice Heald was honored with the presentation of the Boston Post Cane as she is the oldest resident of Solon. Also present were her son David Heald, daughter Betty Price, grandsons William Price, Charles Price with wife Amy and great-grandchildren Seth and Leah Price, Lief and Marilyn Bull. Presenting the award were Elaine Aloes and Sarah Davis.

Alice Heald was born on December 1, 1922, daughter of Isaac and Arra Davis with siblings Harrison Davis, Arlene Meader, Richard Davis Beverly Shaughnessy, and Isaac “Bunky Davis, Jr. Alice lived in Solon all her life. She helped with the chores on the Isaac Davis farm across from the present Solon Elementary School for many years. Alice attended Solon schools and graduated in 1940. She attended Skowhegan Commercial School graduating in 1942. She worked at Depositor’s Trust Bank for four years, 1942-1946.

On July 11, 1946, she married the love of her life Roger A. Heald. They were married for almost 56 years until Roger passed away in 2002. After discharging from the Navy, Roger and Alice purchased a farm on what is now known as the Meader Road, in Solon, working on it from 1946 to 1958. The main part of their house still exists on the Meader Road. In the fall of 1958, Roger, Alice, David and Betty moved to the house on North Main Street where she presently resides.

Alice also worked with her husband at the D & B Store which was on the corner of Pleasant and Maine streets in Solon beside the Solon Hotel for about five years. Alice was secretary-treasurer of the Solon Village Cemetery for several years. In 1984 Roger and Alice bought the building where the Solon Post Office is, selling it a few years ago. She has been involved in the Solon High School reunion in which she still participates.

Alice spent most of her life as a homemaker taking care of her family. She has done many crafts throughout her lifetime being a member of the Solon Extension for over 50 years. She enjoys cooking to this very day.

Alice enjoys spending time with family and friends over her 96-plus years with many anniversaries and get-togethers.

I also wanted to add that Alice was a member of the Solon Chapter of the Chowder Eating, Beer Drinking, Marching and Singing Society, and we have walked miles, and miles together over the years. She is a dear friend! ( I checked with Alice as to whether she would mind if I added that information, and she had a good laugh remembering. ( Just wanted all of you to know there was never any beer drinking on our early morning walks!)

The Waugh family received a letter of sympathy from the George Washington University after the death of Carolyn Waugh. It states: Dear family members: We have learned of your loss and would like to express our deepest sympathy to you and your family. As a tribute to Carolyn’s relationship to the George Washington University, we have arranged to dedicate a book in the Gelman Library’s permanent collection in her memory. Library staff will select a book compatible with Carolyn’s field of study at GW and a memorial bookplate will be created. They will contact you with the book’s title, author, and call number after the bookplate has been created. Those who study at GW in the years to come will find they share a common legacy with Carolyn.

And now for Percy’s memoir: Entitled, When Blue Skies Are Gray:

Help me to think of springtime flowers, The exuberance in the message they convey – The dogwood bloom, violet’s perfume – Whenever blue skies are gray. Help me remember the summertime with the peaceful serenity of each day Gentle rains, so warm, butterflies that swarm – Whenever blue skies are gray. Let me recall a loved one’s smile and the joy that it brings my way – Just to know they care and are always there – Whenever blue skies are gray. May I ever be mindful of God’s great love and the blessings He sends, I pray; He surely will renew hope in me and you – Although today’s skies are gray! (words by Mary S. Chevalier.)

From what I hear, everyone is very sick of the gray skies, hope these words will help!

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Unusual names of U.S. cities

by Debbie Walker

Being from Maine we are accustomed to some hard to pronounce names of towns, rivers, etc., due to the Native American historical names as are many other states residents. Yesterday we came across some other ‘uncommon’ names. What follows are ones I found last night on the internet:

The name that started my search is the little town of Two Egg, Florida. It has about 1,100 two-person households. Two Egg had a store where folks would come and trade farm products for other foods such as “two eggs worth of sugar” could make the difference of surviving or not.

The history is on the computer as will be the others you will see here.

How about Soda Springs, Idaho? The name comes from having many carbonated springs in the area. Just imagine, you get to go to the creek to get your soda fix for the day! Wonder if Pepsi or Coke ever investigated this.

Cut and Shoot, Texas – The name refers to a confrontation that took place in 1912 and almost came to violence.

Hooker, Oklahoma, was named for the man, a ranch foreman named John “Hooker” Threlkeld. Some residents like to say, “It is a location, not a vocation.”

Screamer, Alabama. One version of the name is they could have been referring to the sounds of the wood’s animals at night.

No Name, Colorado. It was meant to be a temporary solution but became a thing of pride. It’s population of about 200 people opted to keep the name. It is located near No Name tunnels, No Name Creek and the No Name hiking trail.

Corner Ketch, Delaware. It appears to have been named for a local rough and tumble bar. The drinkers were so quarrelsome that the residents would warn strangers, “They’ll ketch ye at the corner.”

Slickpoo, Idaho. It barely qualifies as a town but was once a bustling village. It was gifted to the folks by landowner Josiah Slickpoo.

Bugtussle, Kentucky. This one surprised me. I had heard of it but thought it was just someone’s funny idea of a name. Maybe it really was but there is a story. They say years ago when someone brought in workers for the harvest they would sleep in the barn – on hay that was infested with Doodlebugs. It is said the workers stayed so long that the bugs grew big enough to “tussle” for the prime napping spots.

Maine even has a spot in the long list of funny names. Burnt Porcupine is the name of a sister island to Bald Porcupine, Long Porcupine and Sheep Porcupine. They are near Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.

Hell, Michigan. I had a client (my real estate years) once who came from there! Some rude woman didn’t want us on ‘HER’ road, (it wasn’t hers). She hollered to tell us something about “When Hell Freezes Over.” He quietly told me that ‘Hell, does indeed freeze over but this is the wrong time of the year.’

I am just curious if you will search out some of the funny and bizarre names, there are many more. If you want to share a story with me or have comments just send them to Thanks for reading!

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Sir John Barbirolli conducting the Halle Orchestra

Edvard Grieg

Peter Catesby Peter Cates


Peer Gynt Suite No. 1; Symphonic Dances; Two Elegiac Melodies
Sir John Barbirolli conducting the Halle Orchestra; Mercury MG 50164, LP, recorded August 9, 1957.

Peer Gynt 5-act play

Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) forged a musical style that was compounded of his life experiences amidst the beauties of the Norwegian landscape; health issues and one major loss; and the tunes and folk songs he heard and made part of his very soul. The fjords, mountains, lakes, meadows were distilled in the justly famed A Minor Piano Concerto, not on this record, and the three works that are contained here.

When he was 17 years old, in 1860, he came down with both pleurisy and tuberculosis but survived them, left in frail health for the remainder of his life. He married his first cousin, Nina Hagerup (1845-1935), in 1867, and they had a baby girl in 1868, only to lose her at one year old because of meningitis.

With respect to the music of Grieg’s formative years, as with such titans as Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms and Mahler, the bottom line is the quality of sheer genius they and select other composers brought to their own creations. The Peer Gynt 1st Suite has four numbers – the ever-majestic Morning, the haunting tragic Asa’s Death which is my favorite, the rhythmic mystery of Anitra’s Dance and the nasty savagery of In the Hall of the Mountain King. Its endless listenability through piles of different recordings since the early 1900s, every one at least good, has sustained a position among the 10 most well known classical standards.

Sir John Barbirolli

His four Symphonic Dances are a vivacious series of what some have labeled “free fantasias;” the high spirits of countryside festivities – whether in Grieg’s Norway or the Bohemian world of Bedrich Smetana’s opera, The Bartered Bride, and Antonin Dvorak’s Slavonic Dances. The 2nd Dance has the solo oboe, and gently caressing harp and strings in one very well-sustained moment of lyricism that is unfortunately seldom heard.

Two Elegiac Melodies, for strings only, have the titles of Heart’s Wounds and The Last Spring, conveying the sadness and loss of irretrievable memories of happiness.

Sir John Barbirolli (1899-1970) lavished his complete soul on this music as he so often did with other composers. The Mercury record has the most vivid sense of immediacy to be heard on very few records from the 1950s. It too has been transferred to CD and streaming.



FOR YOUR HEALTH: Suspect Stroke? Call 911

(NAPSI)—A stroke can happen to anyone, of any age, at any time, so it’s important for everyone to learn and understand the signs and symptoms of stroke. The condition, also known as a “brain attack,” is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and affects more than 795,000 people each year.

Stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen to the brain is blocked by plaque (acute ischemic stroke) or ruptures and bleeds (hemorrhagic stroke). When it comes to treating stroke, every 10 minutes can save up to 20 million brain cells. That’s why it is crucial to recognize the signs of stroke and act with urgency. If you suspect stroke, call 911 immediately and seek medical attention.

Learn the signs to help make a difference

In more than 60 percent of stroke cases, someone other than the patient made the decision to seek immediate treatment. The signs of stroke can be subtle and hard to recognize, so educating yourself and others is key to noticing and responding quickly to the sudden onset of one or more of them. You might know the BE FAST signs of stroke but would you or your loved ones be able to identify all 10 signs and symptoms?

  1. Confusion
  2. Difficulty Understanding
  3. Dizziness
  4. Loss of Balance
  5. Numbness
  6. Severe Headache
  7. Trouble Speaking
  8. Trouble Walking
  9. Vision Changes
  10. Weakness

More than 6.5 million people in the United States are stroke survivors. If you experience a sudden onset of any of these symptoms or recognize the signs in someone else, don’t wait to seek help. It’s okay to overreact because when it comes to stroke, the right care—right away—has the potential to save lives.

Who’s at risk?

While certain risk factors of stroke, including age, race, gender or family history, are out of your control, there are many factors that you can manage to help reduce the chances of having a stroke.

Manageable risk factors of stroke include high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation (AFib), high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, poor circulation, lack of physical activity, and obesity. Choosing healthy lifestyle choices, not smoking or using tobacco products, limiting alcohol consumption and exercising regularly can help greatly reduce your stroke risk.

Educating yourself on the signs, symptoms and risk factors of stroke, and empowering others to do the same, can make all the difference for someone experiencing a stroke. Trust your instincts and take action. Your quick action can help improve treatment and recovery from stroke.

To learn more about stroke and how to recognize all 10 signs and symptoms, visit

BE FAST was developed by Intermountain Healthcare, as an adaptation of the FAST model implemented by the American Stroke Association. Reproduced with permission from Intermountain Healthcare. © 2011 Intermountain Healthcare. All rights reserved.

Celebrating high school graduation

Reagan C. Biediger

Reagan C. Biediger, granddaughter of James McGrath, of South China, and the daughter of Dwight and Eva Biediger (Mc­Grath), will graduate summa cum laude in the top six percent of her high school at Medina Valley High School, in Castro­ville, Texas. Reagan has studied piano privately for 10 years, was active in the high school band and color guard team, spending her senior year as a captain for the Medina Valley Color Guard, and studied martial arts at a local martial arts studio. Reagan will attend Texas A&M University, in College Station, Texas, in the fall as a visualization major through the college of architecture, joining her sister, Allison, who will be a senior at Texas A&M University this fall, who is majoring in biology and minoring in both bioinformatics and computer science.



BHBT donates to Junior Achievement program

From left to right, Nichole Lee, BHBT China Branch Relationship Manager and JA volunteer, Bob Bennett, JA volunteer, Sarah Sachs VP Residential Lending BHBT, Lisa Veazie SVP Regional Market Manager BHBT, Jill Jamison – Director of Operations JA, Michelle Anderson – President JA, Lilly Fredette China Middle School eighth grade student. (contributed photo)

In early May, Bar Harbor Bank and Trust presented a gift of $4,500 to Junior Achievement of Maine as part of BHBT’s Casual for a Cause. BHBT employees selected JA based on the passion and dedication JA commits to inspiring Maine students to build strong financial futures through mentor led programming. JMG at China Middle School gets great benefit from partnerships with JA and BHBT. JA offers valuable programming that provides students the necessary foundation to plan for long term academic and financial success. Through activities and projects, facilitated by a community volunteer, students learn critical employability and financial skills. JMG students in grades 7/8 at China Middle School have experienced JA programs, “It’s My Future, Economics for Success and It’s My Business.”

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Appraisal needed on property

To the editor:

On June 11, the voters of China will vote on whether or not to authorize the select board “to purchase a portion of the property at Map 38, Lot 15, including all costs, not to exceed $150,000….” The portion of the property consists of five acres with frontage on China Lake.

I am a strong proponent of preserving open space and public ownership of land to preserve it for current and future generations. As a 30-plus-year resident of China, and as a voter and taxpayer, this sounds like a great deal and one which I would normally support.

In this case, however, offering the owner of the property up to $150,000 may be a great deal for the town, but it may be a bad deal for the property owner. It’s important for the voters to know that the $150,000 figure came from a tax assessment of the property. There has been no property appraisal. The property may be worth less or it may be worth much more. I suspect it is the latter.

I believe that the town of China should have bought and paid for a property appraisal before putting this to voters. Only in this way would we know what the property is really worth and what we should pay for it. If the voters of China vote the purchase down, this is all a moot point. If the voters of China vote YES, I hope that the town pays for an appraisal and has another vote in November if value of the property exceeds $150,000. I also hope and expect the town of China to not pay the owner more or less than the property is worth.

John M. Glowa, Sr.
South China

Local athlete gathers more accolades

Dylan Presby

After being presented with the prestigious male sportsmanship award at Newbury College, in Brookline, Massachusetts, Dylan Presby, of China, was recognized by being named to the Malloy All Sportsmanship team for the entire conference. The Nighthawks sophomore will transfer to LaSalle College, in Newton, Massachusetts, next season after Newbury closed at the end of the current school year. He is the son of David and Michelle Presby, of China.