SOLON & BEYOND: Awards presented to bookmark contest winners
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, my friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
On an assembly at Solon Elementary School on March 20, town librarian Megan Myers and library trustee Rich Roberts presented awards to the winners of the sixth annual Bookmark Contest that the school holds in conjunction with the Coolidge Public Library. Each winner received a certificate and a book from the library, and their bookmarks have been duplicated to pass out to library patrons. Bookmark winners are Charlotte Hamilton, Nevaeh Palmer, Katelyn DeLeonardis, Karen Baker, Olive Macdonald, Layla Andrews, and Lillianna McCoy.
Kindergarten screening for students entering kindergarten in the fall of 2019 will be held on Tuesday, May 7, at Carrabec Community School. Please call Heidi Atwood at 696-3100 to make an appointment for your child to be screened.
Third Quarter Honor Roll: All A’s; Katelyn Deleonardis, Kaitlin Dellarma, Lane Frost, Cody James, Madyson Mckenney, Macie Plourde, Jillian Robinson and William Rogers. All A,s B’s: Isabella Atwood, Karen Baker, Kaylynn Clark, Amelia Cooper, David Dixon, Veronica Hoffman, Jayden McKenny, Ella Mckinnon, Aiden McLaughlin, Joseph McLaughlin, Riley Pelkey, Annabell Roderick, Thomas Roderick, Asron Soosman, Kaitlyn Soucie and Fisher Tewksbury.
Dates to remember: Public Hearing on the budget on April 25, at 6 p.m., at Carrabec High School. Budget referendum vote Tuesday, May 7.
Career Days Scheduled: RSU #74 will be holding three Career Days for K-5 students in May. Each Career Day will be held at the Garret Schenck School for students from all three elementary schools. Each student will hear three speakers talk about their jobs so that students begin to learn about career options when they’re young.
Career Days will be May 2 for grades K-1, May 16 for grades 2-3, and May 23 for grades 4-5. The timeframe will be 8:30 – 10:15 each day. Parents are welcome to join them for Career Day activities.
The following e-mail was sent to me about the April meeting of the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club by the secretary. “Last meeting we had 14 members and four leaders. We had Cooper as president and Sarah did this report. Craig did lice spray, Devon and Mat did string art. Katelyn and Autumn made ambrosia.
April 27 has been set up for two members to give their demonstrations at Bingham Grange. There will be a supper at 6 p.m. for everyone.
After we had refreshments.
On May 4 we will have the Luck of the Draw. The kids will help by being runners. Hailey Dellarma will be making a basket for that.
Next meeting will be on May 11. We will be doing stepping stones.
Received the following e-mail with the words, “Support Local Yarn Store Day,” on April 27, 2019. Dear Yarn Friends, Next Saturday is LYS (Local Yarn Store) Day, an occasion for folks worldwide to step out and show support for their local brick and mortar yarn stores.
We think it’s a perfect opportunity for us to let you know how much we appreciate all of you. You truly are what puts the “Happy” in Happknits!
Any yarn purchase on that day will get your name entered into a drawing for a $25 Happyknits gift certificate. We will also be offering a free download of the yet-unpublished Magical Thinking shawl pattern from Ravelry designer Casapinka to anyone who purchases the yarn to make it.
We hope you can stop by between 9 a,m. and 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 27.
Saturday, April 27: “Earth Day” Kennebec Banks Picnic Area Clean-up (April 28 rain date) from 1 to 4 p.m. Will you help us clean up our popular Kennebec Banks Picnic Area? Every year many wonderful volunteers help us get this beautiful river park ready for the summer. Please join us! With your help we hope to be even more ambitious by picking up litter from the east side of the Eddy to the picnic area and boat launch.
And now for Percy’s memoir:
Be glad that your life has been full and complete,
Be glad that you’ve tasted the bitter and sweet,
Be glad that you’ve walked in sunshine and rain,
Be glad that you’ve felt both pleasure and pain,
Be glad for the comfort that you’ve found in prayer…
Be glad of God’s blessings …His love and His care.
(words by Helen Steiner Rice)