REVIEW POTPOURRI – Novelist: John MacDonald; Music: Mozart

Peter Catesby Peter Cates

John D. MacDonald

A Deadly Shade of Gold.
Fawcett paperback, 1965, 287 pages.

John D, MacDonald

Novelist John MacDonald (1916-1986) produced over 70 pulsating examples of the suspense genre. They included the classic thriller Cape Fear which was transformed into the 1962 film starring Robert Mitchum as the villain Max Cady and the 1991 remake with Robert DeNiro portraying the same psychotic fiend. Both actors outdid themselves in one of the most persuasive depictions of evil on the big screen, maybe at the same level as Lee Marvin, Clu Gulager and Ronald Reagan in 1961’s The Killers.

Deadly Shade is one of the 22 novels in MacDonald’s Travis McGee series; McGee is the riveting combination of beachcomber/salvage expert whose particular salvaging involves too many up close and personal encounters with the most dangerous people. Its plot centers on an old friend of McGee’s dropping in one day with a problem and very quickly later found cold-bloodedly murdered. The story is off and running in MacDonald’s unique manner, the only consistent annoyance being his insipid handling of love scenes. A very recommended reading experience!


Duo for solo violin and viola, K423; Sinfonia Concertante K364- David Oistrakh, violist and son Igor, violinist, with Kyril Kondrashin conducting the Moscow Philharmonic in K364, London stereo LP, CS 6377, recorded during the 1960s.

David Oistrakh

Igor Oistrakh

Two of Mozart’s beautiful compositions involving viola and violin are performed by father and son Oistrakh in a very fine collaboration with Kyril Kondrashin and the Moscow Philharm­onic with interesting liner notes by the late record producer Erik Smith. Also available on a CD.



FOR YOUR HEALTH: Saying Boo to cavities this Halloween

(NAPSI)—Halloween can be a scary holiday for families. Not because of the haunted houses, ghosts and goblins, but because of tooth decay.

On average, between parties and trick-or-treating, kids consume three cups of sugar on October 31 alone, but even before that, the battle has already begun. Parents trick themselves into thinking that this sweet holiday is just one day, but the treats begin early in the month and continue long after the costumes are put away, and the sugar-laden Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays loom ahead.

That’s one reason October is National Dental Hygiene Month. Another is that while people generally have a brushing “routine,” most don’t really know how to take optimal care of their teeth. Now, that is frightening.

It’s time to correct some myths about mouths:

Myth #1—Brush After Every Meal

Brushing right after meals, or after consuming sugar-sweetened drinks, can do more harm than good. Surprised? After you eat or drink sugars and starches, acids may be present on your teeth, attacking the enamel and causing them to soften. If you brush them before the enamel has time to reharden, the polishing compounds in your toothpaste can act as abrasives and actually damage your teeth. Tiny amounts of precious enamel are being sanded away forever if you brush too soon.

To make things worse, the primary function of toothpaste is to deliver minerals to repair your enamel, and this remineralization is inhibited if your mouth is still acidic right after a meal or sweet beverage.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends waiting an hour before brushing to lower the risk of harming your enamel. Experts also recommend brushing with fluoride toothpaste 30 minutes before eating. This ensures that your enamel is strong and ready for the acid challenge of typical foods and sweetened drinks.

Myth #2—Fillings Are the Only Way to Treat Tooth Decay

The traditional approach is to “drill it and fill it.” You’re born with a limited amount of enamel and when it’s lost, it’s gone forever. Thankfully, new science-based research says preventive dental care can avoid painful fillings, crowns and root canals. Weakened enamel can repair itself with the right products and protocols, such as those found at, a new, prescription-based dental care system that helps remineralize teeth to reverse early decay and lower the risk of future decay, when used correctly.

Myth #3—Sensitive Teeth Cannot Be Cured

Tooth sensitivity can be a sign of early tooth decay. Millions of Americans suffer from sensitive, painful teeth, purchasing various over-the-counter toothpastes seeking relief. These products often lack sufficient levels of necessary active ingredients and only mask the sensitivity. Prescription-strength dental care products, containing the optimal amounts of key minerals (calcium, phosphate and fluoride), can more effectively remineralize teeth, greatly reducing sensitivity.

“It’s important to follow validated best practices to prevent tooth decay, and keep your enamel strong and healthy,” advises Dr. Anthony T. Fernandez, DDS. NewEnamel is designed to reduce the risk factors that promote decay, and increase the protective factors that enhance repair to the surface of the tooth. The newly repaired enamel surface is often stronger than it was before treatment.

With some simple precautions and changes to your dental routine, you can help your teeth last a lifetime—and save yourself a lot of money and unnecessary visits to the dentist.

Learn More

For further facts about preventing, reducing and even reversing tooth decay, visit

SOLON & BEYOND: Ronald Brown returns home following another reunion with fellow veterans

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Ronald Brown recently returned home after attending a reunion of those he served in the Navy with. He served his country from 1962 until 1966. He went to Boot Camp in Great Lakes, Illinois. His first duty station was in Maryland. His second duty station was school in San Diago, California. His third duty station was in Bremerton, Washington; UUS Reeves D L G -24. He went to Long Beach, California, which was also his home port for awhile. While he was in the service he earned his GED.

In 1965, he was sent to Vietnam where he served until he came home to Maine in 1966.

Ronnie has attended four of the Navy reunions at this time, but says he intends to try and go to them every time in the future. I asked if he meets any of those that he knew before, and he said he has met some.

Ronnie attended the first one in 2012. His brother Roger Brown went with him to Charleston, South Carolina, for that one. In 2014 Ronnie attended the ship reunion in Portland, Oregon. He went to the 2016 ship reunion in San Antonio, Texas. In 2018 Ronnie’s friend, Lester Chick, from Glouchester, Massachusetts. attended the ship reunion at Warwick, Rhode Island, with him this year.

The Selectmen have hired Linda Holloway, from Bingham, to be the new Town Deputy Treasurer. Linda started on October 19. Christie will remain Tax Collector/Clerk/Treasurer until January 1, 2019. Linda will take over as Treasurer on January 1, 2019, and Christie will be the Tax Collector/Clerk starting on January 1, 2019.

Also the Town Office will not be open on Tuesdays until the week of December 3. Between now and December 3, Christie and Linda will use the Tuesdays to better learn their jobs and how to use the various computer programs. The above e-mail was sent by Elaine Aloes, Solon selectman.

The Solon Pine Tree 4 – H Club reorganized for the new year on Saturday, October 13, with Cooper Dellarma presiding. Seventeen members signed up for the coming year.

Several members are planning to attend Somerset County Achievement night on Friday, October 26, at the Madison Grange Hall.

The Somerset County Leaders Association is planning a Holiday Swag work shop at the Extension office on Saturday, November 10, in the afternoon. Several members are planning to attend.

A 4-H family luncheon is being planned for Sunday, November 4 at the Solon Masonic Hall. This is potluck for the members and their families.

For a fun activity the members enjoyed painting white pumpkins which were donated by the Seavy Farm in North Anson.

Fresh cider and donuts were enjoyed by all.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, November 10, at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Station with election of officers.

The Solon Congregational Church will be having its Annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, November 10, at the Solon Elementary School, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. There will be a bake sale, basket raffles, crafts, and the kitchen will be open with breakfast and lunch items. The gym will be full of vendors, holiday goodies and much more! There will be a kids room where only kids are allowed. Children can buy gently used items as Christmas presents for parents and family. Wrapping and name tags included.

This event is hosted by the Solon Congregational Church. For anyone whishing to rent a space you may call 643-2180.

And now for Percy’s memoir:

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can. (words by Wesley.)

Sew for a Cause

The interior of the newly renovated community center. (Photo by Eric Austin)

St. Bridget Center, 864 Main St., North Vassalboro, will be hosting charity sewing on November 1, 15, 29 and December 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers can come for part of the day or the whole day. The group will focus on making lap quilts and pillow cases to give to area charities. You don’t need to know how to sew to participate. If you can cut, iron, sort and/or make phone calls, you are welcome to participate. Future projects will be pajama pants, fleece hats and mittens, quilted shawls and newborn items.

For more information email or check St. Bridget Center Facebook page. If you would like to donate cotton, fleece, flannel, velcro or thread, contact St. Bridget Center at 616-3148.

Windsor Veterans’ Memorial fundraiser

Efforts are underway to raise money for a new Windsor Veterans Memorial to list the names of Windsor residents who have served our nation.

A Veterans Memorial committee is hard at work on the details that are necessary to find out what the costs will be for this project. A rough estimate of approximately $45,000 will be needed to erect the monument and landscaping.

They are in the beginning stages of raising funds for this project. It is anticipated that there will be many fundraising opportunities in the future and the group is looking for anyone interested in volunteering. Interested persons may contact Joyce Perry at 445-2998 or

The new monument will be placed at the existing site of the corner of Ridge and Reed roads. The existing monument will be incorporated into the new one.

A benefit spaghetti supper is planned for Saturday, October 27, at the Windsor Elementary School, from 5 – 7 p.m. Donations will be accepted at the door.

Windsor Food Bank Fundraiser

Members of the Windsor Food Bank, a nonprofit sponsored by the North Windsor Baptist Church, are organizing a calendar raffle for the month of December. The drawings will begin on December 3 and run until December 28, during the week only, Monday through Friday.

Many of the prizes are being donated by area restaurants, banks, grocery stores, and hair salons, among with other local businesses. There are over $1,200 worth of prizes.

Tickets are $5 or 5 for $20, and are being sold at the Windsor Town Office, or from any food bank representative. Copies of the calendar may be obtained at the town office or from the food bank. For more information, contact Debbie at 445-4930 or Brenda at 445-2737. Winners will be posted on the town of Windsor website,

Sheriff to speak on scams

On Friday, October 26, Waldo County Sheriff Jeff Trafton will speak at the Palermo Community Center about protecting your household from scams and fraud as the number of scam phone calls reaches epidemic proportions. AARP has estimated that by the end of next year, almost half of all cell phone calls will be scam calls.

Sheriff Trafton, is an ex-Marine and retired Maine State Police Lieutenant with 21 years of experience, not counting another stint as Belfast Chief of Police and a term as County Sheriff. In his spare time, Sheriff Trafton works with Aging Well, in Waldo County, as its Outreach Director. His experience in working against senior scams and elder abuse makes him a valuable resource for the more vulnerable sectors of our population.

Sheriff Trafton will speak and answer questions following a potluck supper at 6 p.m. on October 26 at the Palermo Community Center, just off Turner Ridge Rd. at Veterans Way. All are welcome – just bring a favorite dish to share with friends and neighbors. There is no charge, though donations are gratefully accepted. For additional directions or other questions, please call Connie Bellet at 993-2294.

Question on Bailey property purchase put to rest

by Mary Grow

At their Oct. 22 meeting, China Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Committee members finally put to rest the question of whether to recommend that voters buy Susan Bailey’s property near the head of China Lake’s east basin. Their decision: no.

The property consists of a small parcel across Causeway Street from the boat landing, where landing users habitually park, and a larger piece across Routes 202 and 9. In November 2016 China voters appropriated up to $10,000 to buy the smaller piece to provide additional town-owned parking close to the boat launch.

Since then, TIF Committee members have learned that the two parcels are indivisible, and that the state would not approve using any part of the larger one for boat launch parking because users would have to cross the busy highway. Left with the alternatives of no purchase or asking voters to spend $120,000 for the entire property, committee members voted 7-2 to advise selectmen to abandon the idea (Tom Michaud and Jim Wilkens were opposed).

Wilkens said if Bailey were to sell the whole property to someone else and the new owner wanted to reopen negotiations with the town over the smaller piece, the question could be revived.

The unused $10,000 will go into China’s undesignated fund balance (also known as the general fund or surplus).

In other business Oct. 22, Michaud and Town Manager Dennis Heath updated the rest of the committee on replacement of the old causeway bridge just west of the boat landing. Arrival of the concrete culvert has been delayed to Oct. 26, Heath said, with installation now scheduled for Oct. 29.

The timber mat at the bottom of the old structure was in good shape, he said. Rocks were added to extend and slightly raise the base for the new culvert.

“All in all it looks like things are going pretty well,” he summarized.

Michaud said the second phase of the causeway project will consist of a walkway along the head of the lake. For the present, he recommended against the proposed floating “fishing bridge,” saying it would be one more thing to maintain; boaters and swimmers would be tempted to use it; and the walkway will offer ample room for fishermen.

Committee members heard two requests for TIF funds. They agreed to recommend that selectmen put a request for $52,000 for continued work in Thurston Park on the March 2019 town business meeting warrant. Thurston Park Committee Chairman Jeannette Smith said if voters approve, the money would be used to continue improving what is now Trail One and work on Trail Two, the former roads looping off the main road that runs north-south through the park. Smith said Aislinn Sarnacki intends to include Thurston Park in her new guide to dog-friendly hikes, scheduled to be published next spring. Already, Smith and TIF Committee members said, out-of-towners are using – and praising – the park.

The second request was from Landis Hudson of Maine Rivers, seeking funding for the Alewife Restoration Project (ARI) that is intended to let alewives swim from the Atlantic Ocean into China Lake. The money would be combined with other funding sources to install fishways at three dams on Outlet Stream in Vassalboro.

Committee members agreed that China’s TIF program and state law limit TIF expenditures to within town boundaries. They therefore rejected Hudson’s request and encouraged her to ask selectmen to ask voters in March 2019 for non-TIF town funds. By consensus, committee members accepted H. David Cotta’s suggestion that they send selectmen a letter of support for ARI funding. Chairman Frank Soares volunteered to write the letter.

They also agreed that the subcommittee overseeing the causeway project should have the additional responsibility of reviewing TIF-funded projects, like Thurston Park, during and after the work. Soares suggested a 30-day notice before a funding application is submitted would be useful, to give time for a pre-inspection if desired.

Heath gave committee members a financial update, showing a balance of more than $626,000 as of June 30, 2018. He estimated that incoming revenue of almost $348,000, less obligations during the 2018-19 fiscal year, would leave a little more than $311,000 in the TIF account as of June 30, 2019.

The next TIF Committee meeting is currently scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15.

Shrader installed as new pastor in Winslow

Rev. Kim Shrader (contributed photo)

The Rev. Kim Shrader was installed as Settled Pastor at Winslow Congregational Church on Sunday, October 14.

The church is noted for its passionate commitment to extending Christ’s welcome to everyone seeking a loving family, no matter their church background, political beliefs, race, sexual orientation, or family structure.

Formerly of Washington State and Colorado, Rev. Shrader also serves as pastor of Benton Falls Congregational Church, and is a meteorologist and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farmer, in Vassalboro, where her Pastor’s Produce farm supports a sustainable future.
Contributed photo

ROTARY CLUB NEWS: Head lice (Scabies), a world problem to fight

Lice in the hair of an infected child in the Philippines. (Photo by Gary Kennedy)

Gary Kennedyby Gary Kennedy

Hello to my previous readers. I left last August 28, 2017, for Southeast Asia for a literacy mission and ended up returning August 14, 2018. My project there evolved from one of educational supplies to a medical mission. I decided to write this article after reading the September 6, 2018, issue of The Town Line, For Your Health. The article was a good article which made people aware that this situation involving lice is real and everywhere.

My project in the mountains of the Cagayan Valley, Philippines, turned out to be a Scabies epidemic of massive proportions. I am not an epidemiologist but after reading the article in The Town Line, on lice, I decided to expand on it so the impact might be more significant and visualized. It is an extremely important subject and I applaud the person who wrote the article, especially at the beginning of the school year.

Scabies is an infestation of the skin with the mite Sorcoptes Scabiei Hominis, human parasites that burrow in tunnels just under the skin and is easily transmitted. This vicious parasite loves crowded places such as schools and barracks. There is no clear association with poor hygiene but that could be a factor in the parasite’s rapid proliferation, increase in number. There are some persons more prone than others. The Australian Aborigines are a good example of a race of people very prone to this critter.

The primary symptom is the intense itching, classically worse at night. “Lice” by itself, Pediculosis, infests the scalp, body, pubis and eyelashes. Lice are transmitted by close contact; (sharing combs and such) treatments can differ by location. (Some ethnic strains are more resistant to common treatments.) Lice are blood sucking insects that generally infect the head and can cause serious infections if left untreated. We have had cases where antibiotics were essential to administer.

There are basically three kinds of lice, head, pubic and body lice. There are some differences in configuration, but for the most part they are identical with different preferences. Body lice live in clothing and the two others live on/in the body, burrowing under the skin. Although most are quite small some are big enough to be seen with the naked eye. Hygiene has nothing to do with the acquisition of lice nor does socioeconomic status. So that being said, the stigma of lice in relationship with poor hygiene or social order shouldn’t be a factor to the educated family. Lice are found in every country of the world; on every level of social status. Shame should never be a factor here.

Eventually, with fine tooth combs, magnifying glasses, good cameras, consent forms from the parents we were able to examine and catalog our findings. We proved our case with the examination of 400 individuals, especially children under eight years of age. I and my team of volunteers were able to successfully treat all of the children and had a better than 90 percent cure rate, after a one-week re-examination. The other 10 percent required a second treatment. All was documented and sent to the Department of Health.

Permethrin and Lindane were the treatments of choice mostly because they are fast and effective on most all louse infestations. From start to finish it takes only one half hour, where leave-on creams and ointments take 12 or more hours. Our studies made these treatment choices the best for us. We had many patients and very little time to accomplish our mission. Our medical source material suggested these as first line of defense as well.

Ivermectin is used in the case of tough strains of lice. It has been found that lice are becoming more resistant to most natural forms of treatment. Doctor’s instruction and instructional inserts are a must when dealing with these situations. In some countries the products needed can be purchased over the counter, but not in the USA. Pyrethri are natural by products of chrysanthemum flowers. Piperonyl butoxide is used in some to enhance efficacy. Last, but not least, when those evil critters are discovered everything possible should be washed, especially all bed garments, covers and clothing. Recommended chemicals should be used to wash the entire areas. Bleach is always good along with washing and drying at high temperatures. So, in conclusion, don’t be ashamed, be aware.