Three arrested in China car burglaries

From right-to-left, Manuel O’Shea, Ashlee Suzor, Willie Golston

State Police charged three people from Massachusetts in connection with a number of car burglaries off the Neck Road, in China, over the weekend. Taken from the vehicles were a credit card, change and sunglasses. At least six vehicles, all unlocked, were entered late Saturday night and early Sunday morning along fire roads 15, 16 and 17.

Arrested Sunday were Manuel O’Shea, 25, of Methuen, Willie Golston, 21, of South Boston, and 25-year-old Ashlee Suzor, of Methuen. All were taken to the Kennebec County Jail, in Augusta.

O’Shea is charged with burglary, forgery and theft. Suzor was charged with forgery and Golston was charged with conspiracy. Troopers found the group had used the stolen credit card at the China Dinah and at the Circle K store, both in China. The trio was in the area over the weekend visiting a friend, who was not identified

Erskine announces calendar change 2018

(photo credit: Erskine Academy)

Parents and students should be advised that Friday, September 14, will now be a teacher and staff workshop day with an early dismissal for all Erskine Academy students. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Please contact the school with any questions.

Notice of Webber Pond draw down

Webber Pond

Photo courtesy of Frank Richards, president of Webber Pond Association.

Frank Richards, president of the Webber Pond Association, has announced that as a result of the unanimous vote at the Webber Pond Association annual meeting on August 18, the 2018 drawdown is set to begin on Monday, September 17, at 8 a.m.

“It is advised to pull docks and boats on the weekend of September 15-16. The pool may go down faster than usual because of the drought conditions,” said Richards

Vassalboro planners approve lone applicant

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Planning Board members took about 10 minutes to approve the only application on their Sept. 4 agenda, commend the applicant for well-done paperwork and congratulate themselves on a record short meeting.

David Tyrol has permission to tear down a two-story barn in the shoreland zone on his Dore Road property and use the material to build a one-story barn. The present barn, which Tyrol said is leaning enough so he fears it will collapse, is 24-by-24 feet and about 120 feet from Seven Mile Stream. The new one will be 24-by-36 feet and about 224 feet from the stream.

Tyrol plans a pole barn on concrete footings with a crushed-stone floor, to be used for storage. He does not intend to install plumbing or electricity or create a new driveway, he said.

SOLON & BEYOND: Apologies for a short column this week

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The next supper at the Embden Community Center will be September 8, at 5 p.m. This is a really fun supper to attend, and with great food also, I think you would enjoy it.

The Embden Thrift Shop will be closed for cleaning and seasonal turn­over from Sep­tember 5 to September 11. They will re-open on Wed­nesday, Sep­tember 12.

One day this week when I was talking with a friend that I don’t see very often, (he has been driving a big truck for years.) I asked him if he had kept track of all the states he had passed through. He said it is quite different on the roads these days, with so much more traffic. He said he doesn’t worry about himself, but so many of the other drivers are involved with their phones and not paying attention, and he does worry about them.

My apologies for such a short column this week. Lief received sad news that one of his nephews had been killed in a motorcycle accident. He was only 28 years old. Very disturbing.

Percy’s memoir is entitled: The Gift of Living in a Way That is Rewarding to You: One of the secrets of happiness is to take time to accomplish what you have to do, then to make time to achieve what you want to do.

Remember that life is short. Its golden moments need hopes and memories and dreams. When it seems like those things are lost in the shuffle, you owe it to yourself to find them again. The days are too precious to let them slip away. If you’re working too hard, make sure it’s because it’s a sacrifice for a time when you’re going to pay yourself back with something more important than money could ever be. If you’re losing the battle do what it takes to win the war over who is in control of your destiny. Find time, make time, take time… to love, to smile, to do something rewarding and deeply personal and completely worthwhile. Time is your fortune, and you can spend it to bring more joy to yourself and to others your whole life through. Time is your treasure. And instead of working so hard for it, do what it takes to make it work… for you. (words by Douglas Pagels. I used these words back on September 4, 2008.)

Marie Deeb invested to Order of St. Gregory

Marie Fefa Deeb, center, of Waterville, is bestowed into the Order of St. Gregory the Great by Maronite Bishop Gregory, bishop of the Archdiocese of Brooklyn. (Contributed photo)

Dame Marie Fefa Deeb, of St. Joseph Maronite Church, in Waterville, was recently invested into the Order of St. Gregory the Great by Maronite Bishop Gregory of the Archdiocese of Brooklyn. This Papal Honor was bestowed upon the nomination of the Apostolic See. The order of St. Gregory the Great is one of five Pontifical Orders of Knighthood in the Catholic Church. It is bestowed on Catholic men and women in recognition of their service to the church, their community and country. A celebratory luncheon will be held on Sun., Sept. 16, following the 10 a.m. Liturgy at St. Joseph Parish Hall, 3 Appleton St., Waterville.

Road Warriors

Tom Lefferts (left) and Richard Dillenbeck (right)

China native and currently summer resident Richard Dillenbeck, has been spearheading an effort to clean up the roadside along Lakeview Drive, in China, along with side roads.

He and Tom Lefferts, Killdeer Point resident, were out along the road on August 26, picking up trash. Dillenbeck also wants to recognize and thank all who are already picking up trash in front of their respective homes. This will allow the volunteer teams to focus on the areas in between where most of the litter is tossed. He is still recruiting teams of people who are interested in helping where they can focus on the open distances between where most of the litter is found. His goal is to have teams on most of the roads in China.

Teams will be heading out again on Saturday, September 15. Those interested in taking part in the project can reach Dillenbeck at 445-8345. Also, with adult supervision, the school has offered to support the program along school property.

Photo by Roland Hallee

Local couple takes trip to Alaska

up close with an Alaskan grizzly bear

by Pat Clark


As fellow travelers, Pat and Clair Clark, of Palermo, certainly enjoyed the Alaska trip along with Ron Brown and Jim Proctor, in Marilyn Rogers’ recent article (Solon and Beyond, August 30, 2018 issue of The Town Line) from Skowhegan. In addition to things Ron described, they were fortunate to see visit Native Alaskan historical sites, the AlCan highway, the Alyeska pipeline, a gold dredge, the Iditarod museum and several racing huskies.

Denali Park was good to them with many wildlife sightings and Denali the mountain appeared briefly but enough for a picture. It is apparently visible only 25-30 percent of the time.

(all photos by Pat Clark)

the peak of Mt. Denali, which is usually covered with clouds 75 percent of the time and not visible

Alaska’s glaciers

Vassalboro Days 2018 schedule of events

Vassalboro Days 2018!

Double Dam Ducky Derby at High Noon 9/8!

KV Cap will provide free transportation to anyone wanting rides from North to East Vassalboro and back for the days activities! Simply flag the van down!

Gary Coull will serve as DJ from 10 – 3!

Double Dam Ducky Derby tickets will be for sale from 10-11:30. Blocks of tickets will be auctioned off from 11:30-11:45!

Craft Fair at the Mill from 10 – 3 FMI call Linda Ellis @ 649-3697

Yard Sale in and out of the Mill all day. FMI call Bill Whitman @ 416-4346

Scavenger Hunt 10 – 4 with prizes! Sign up at the VBA tent

Kora Karts Demonstration at 1:00 beside the former Doctor’s office

 *Face Painting from 11 to 1 pm

 From 10 AM to 3 PM:

*Speed Pitch & Challenge Course Inflatables
*Play pools of grain for the kiddies
*Touch a Truck
*Bubbles Galore
*Meet Our Local Policeman Mark Brown!
*Child Identification Program (Mason’s)


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Food Vendors from 10-3:

Hot Dogs/ Hamburgers/ Drinks by JMG

Build Your Own S’Mores by Cub Scouts

Cotton Candy & Waters by Masonic Lodge

The Library Book & Food Sale will be held at the Grange on 9/7 for members from 7-8 PM and from 9-3 on 9/8 and from 10-1 on 9/9 (Buck a Bag on Sunday!)

Cruise into Freddie’s Ride at the Town Office from 9-2. Great cars and raffles galore!

Historical Society Open Houses on 9/8 and 9/9 from 9-3. Concert featuring the Gawler Family Sunday at 4 PM at the Grange $5.

Coffee House at the Grange 9/8 at 7 PM. Free and bring an instrument– join in!

Sponsored by the Vassalboro Business Association, Maine Savings FCU, and the Town of Vassalboro!

Week of August 30, 2018

Week of August 30, 2018

Celebrating 30 years of local news

Getting to know the China town manager

An exclusive interview

“God and country” is a phrase that neatly sums up Dennis Heath, China’s new town manager. In an extensive three-hour interview on Friday, August 3, he told me of his life before Maine, including his family, a storied military career spanning nearly three decades, a 14-year stint as the full-time pastor of a small Baptist church, and his previous position as part-time city administrator for the town of Stonewall, Oklahoma (more)

Your Local News

Three selectmen attend workshop with town manager

CHINA — China Town Manager Dennis Heath and the three selectmen who attended the Aug. 24 workshop meeting came up with five local referendum questions the board might put to voters on Nov. 6…

TIF committee continues discussion on purchase of Bailey property

CHINA — Members of China’s Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Committee spent half their Aug. 27 meeting discussing again whether to recommend the town buy Susan Bailey’s land at the head of China Lake’s east basin…Without more parking, the state will not make improvements to the landing…

Selectmen answer questions about recycling

VASSALBORO — Vassalboro trash hauler Tom Richards attended the Aug. 23 Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting to ask what he should tell his customers about the future of recycling as the town waits for the new Fiberight trash facility, in Hampden, to open…

NOTICE! Change in upcoming issues!

Because The Town Line editor will be away for 10-days in September, the issue of September 13 will be a small one. Advertising deadline for that issue is Tuesday, September 4. The issue of September 20 will be distributed one day late, on Friday, September 21, instead of the usual Thursday. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Augusta’s Lincoln School benefits from Eagle Scout project

AUGUSTA — Alex Stewart, of Troop #479, in China, used his Eagle Project to give something back to his elementary school. He collaborated with the director of buildings and grounds for the Augusta School Department to build a covered outdoor area in an under-utilized space near the school…

Sen. Collins visits Winslow in support of local schools

WINSLOW — Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins stopped by the McDonald’s restaurant in Winslow on Friday, August 24, to show support for that location’s “Back to School Supplies Drive,” which aims to help Winslow Elementary School teachers and students by collecting donations of school supplies…

Thanks for China Lake water quality

CHINA — The fishing this year has been the best I have seen in my 20-plus years on the lake. The lake is super healthy and the stocked game fish have been catchable in the hot summer months for the first time ever…

How to take great pictures on your cell phone

PALERMO — Be sure and bring it with you to the Palermo Community Center, on Turner Ridge Rd., on Friday, August 31, at 6 p.m.,, when Ray Sheely will share his expertise in cell phone photography…

Vassalboro Days 2018 Schedule of Events

Find out all that’s going on at Vassalboro Days 2018!

Windsor Fair – Schedule of Events

WINDSOR — What’s going on at the Windsor Fair? Find out here!

School News

Dakota Bragg named Presidential Scholar at Clarkson University

Dakota Rae Bragg, of Skowhegan, a junior majoring in civil engineering, was named a Presidential Scholar for the spring 201, in Potsdam, New York…

Elizabeth Jones named to Emory & Henry College’s dean’s list

Elizabeth Jones, of Skowhegan, was named to the Emory & Henry College Spring 2018 dean’s list, in Emory, Virginia…

Kenan Estes named to dean’s list at Cedarville Univ.

Cedarville University student Kenan Estes, of Sidney, achieved the dean’s list for the 2018 spring semester, in Cedarville, Ohio. Estes maintained a 3.5 GPA while taking at least 12 credit hours from Cedarville University…

Take our weekly survey!

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AUGUSTA — On Saturday, September 15, Ducks Unlimited’s Kennebec Valley Chapter will host its annual fundraiser. The festivities will kick off at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m., at Le Club Calumet, on West River Road. Tickets are available by contacting Barry Mower at 623-2758 or Bill Brown at 685-4239…

Obituaries – Week of August 30, 2018

FAIRFIELD – Terri L. Boynton, 54, died on Wednesday, August 15, 2018, at her home. She was born April 7, 1964, in Belfast, the second daughter of Peter R. Perry and Rowena Young Perry. The family resided in Massachusetts until the late 1970s… and remembering 4 others…

Town Line Original Columnists


by Roland D. Hallee | I’ve always been interested in folklore. It is intriguing how older generations and cultures came up with them, with most dealing with nature. While sitting around a campfire with friends last Saturday, we heard a cricket chirp in the distance..

Dan CassidyINside the OUTside

by Dan Cassidy | It’s been quite a warm summer overall and I was just reading a couple articles from our local ski areas in western Maine. Now I’m sure you remember how really hot and humid it has been over the past couple of months … but you may have forgotten the winter we endured last season….


by Peter Cates | Zino Francescatti had a style of playing that was elegant, vibrantly alive and communicative and recorded an early ‘50s Columbia mono LP with Dimitri Mitropoulos and the New York Philharmonic in which this style truly shined…

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & PercySOLON & BEYOND

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Was very pleased to get the following news about a wonderful trip to Alaska from our neighbor Ronald Brown. He and his friend, Jim Provost, of Skowhegan, went on a 13-day trip to Alaska recently….


by Debbie Walker | Time passes and with that Christmas will arrive on December 25 in about 117 days. My thought is just to give you a heads up and with that some ideas…


(NAPSI) — A new national poll conducted by YouGov found that 91 percent of Americans believe insurance companies should not be allowed to deny coverage for people with chronic diseases whose premiums are paid by charitable organizations…

Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Insurers’ Efforts To Deny Patients Coverage