Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
The next supper at the Embden Community Center will be September 8, at 5 p.m. This is a really fun supper to attend, and with great food also, I think you would enjoy it.
The Embden Thrift Shop will be closed for cleaning and seasonal turnover from September 5 to September 11. They will re-open on Wednesday, September 12.
One day this week when I was talking with a friend that I don’t see very often, (he has been driving a big truck for years.) I asked him if he had kept track of all the states he had passed through. He said it is quite different on the roads these days, with so much more traffic. He said he doesn’t worry about himself, but so many of the other drivers are involved with their phones and not paying attention, and he does worry about them.
My apologies for such a short column this week. Lief received sad news that one of his nephews had been killed in a motorcycle accident. He was only 28 years old. Very disturbing.
Percy’s memoir is entitled: The Gift of Living in a Way That is Rewarding to You: One of the secrets of happiness is to take time to accomplish what you have to do, then to make time to achieve what you want to do.
Remember that life is short. Its golden moments need hopes and memories and dreams. When it seems like those things are lost in the shuffle, you owe it to yourself to find them again. The days are too precious to let them slip away. If you’re working too hard, make sure it’s because it’s a sacrifice for a time when you’re going to pay yourself back with something more important than money could ever be. If you’re losing the battle do what it takes to win the war over who is in control of your destiny. Find time, make time, take time… to love, to smile, to do something rewarding and deeply personal and completely worthwhile. Time is your fortune, and you can spend it to bring more joy to yourself and to others your whole life through. Time is your treasure. And instead of working so hard for it, do what it takes to make it work… for you. (words by Douglas Pagels. I used these words back on September 4, 2008.)