Titus receives Spirit of America award

Lauchlin Titus, center, outgoing Vassalboro selectman, was presented the Spirit of America award during the June 22 annual town meeting. Presenting the award were town selectmen Rob Browne, left, and John Melrose. (photo courtesy of Mary Sabins)

At the June 22 annual town meeting, Vassalboro Selectmen Rob Browne and John Melrose presented fellow Selectman Lauchlin Titus with the 2020 Spirit of America Award. After 12 years of service to the Town as a Selectman (and also serving many years before that as a school committee member and a budget committee member), Lauchlin chose not to run for re-election this year. The certificate presented to Lauchlin read as follows:

“This 2020 Spirit of America Foundation Award, of Vassalboro, ME, honors Lauchlin Titus. Vassalboro’s 2020 Spirit of America Award recognizes and honors Lauchlin Titus for his years of public service hallmarked by thoughtfulness, kindness and a healthy dose of humor. Vassalboro is the grateful beneficiary of his many contributions.”

Vassalboro TIF program tops selectmen’s agenda

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program was the selectmen’s main topic at their June 11 meeting, held in-person in the town office meeting room with appropriate social distancing and very few masks.

Selectmen received recommendations for interpreting, using or considering updates to Vassalboro’s current TIF program, and, after a public hearing, approved TIF funds for the Vassalboro Sanitary District (VSD).

A TIF is a state-approved plan that lets a municipality exclude part of its tax base from its state valuation, thus increasing state aid in some areas, provided it uses the tax money from the excluded portion for economic development as outlined in a local plan. Vassalboro voters put tax revenue from the Summit natural gas pipeline into a TIF. Selectmen have used the money to help the VSD connect to Winslow’s sewer system and to support the Alewife Restoration Project (ARI).

Earlier this year selectmen asked Garvan Donegan, of the Central Maine Growth Council, to review Vassalboro’s TIF document to make sure funds were being used properly and to consider other possible uses, either as the document stands or if they were to propose amendments.

Donovan said current uses are appropriate. He added that using TIF funds on the Gray Road culvert replacement project would be legal, because a better culvert is part of the fish habitat improvement that is ARI’s goal.

Both he and, Town Manager Mary Sabins said, VSD’s legal advisor said the VSD cannot use TIF money to pay individual homeowners’ costs for connecting to the expanded public sewer system.

VSD spokesman Ray Breton said the current plan is to use TIF money to make loan payments. The expansion project has been expensive, he said, and the VSD has had to raise user fees significantly.

After the public hearing and a wide-ranging discussion, selectmen approved an immediate $72, 265 grant to the VSD to cover a July 1 debt payment and promised to appropriate the rest of the $166,000 requested as 2020 taxes from Summit come in.

At their April 2 meeting, after a Feb. 11 public hearing, they appropriated $83,000 to ARI and promised another $60,000 in August or September.

In other business June 11, selectmen:

  • Unanimously awarded 2020 paving work to Pike Industries, as recommended by Road Commissioner Eugene Field.
  • Voted unanimously to sell the 2007 Chevrolet Impala police cruiser by advertising for bids.
  • Approved closing the town office all day Tuesday, July 14, because office staff will be Vassalboro Community School, where the day’s voting will be held. Voters will act on state ballot questions and two local issues, endorsing or rejecting the 2020-21 school budget approved at the June 22 town meeting and electing municipal officers.
  • Scheduled the next three selectmen’s meeting for Thursday evening, June 25; Thursday evening, July 23; and Thursday evening, Aug. 20.

Selectman John Melrose reported on continuing grounds work at the former East Vassalboro school and adjoining park, and plans for improved access to the town forest trail west of East Vassalboro.

Vassalboro town meeting, voting to go ahead, with adaptations

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro officials are going ahead with a Monday evening open town meeting and Tuesday written-ballot voting as in past years – but with adaptations.

The 2020 town meeting warrant calls voters to assemble at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 22, at Vassalboro Community School. The written ballot questions will not be decided the next day, however, but three weeks later, on Tuesday, July 14.

On June 22, voters will find the auditorium and the cafeteria arranged with chairs six feet apart and other social distancing accommodations. Masks will be required. Entrances and exits will be monitored to avoid crowding. No more than 50 people will be allowed in either room. Those in the cafeteria with be able to listen via a loudspeaker; plans are being made to let them notify the moderator when they want to speak.

If more than 100 people show up, as of the June 11 selectmen’s meeting there was no policy. Town Manager Mary Sabins and retiring Selectman Lauchlin Titus consider only the request to buy a fire truck controversial, so they hope for a low voter turnout – another unusual feature.

After those present act on 56 warrant articles, the meeting will adjourn until 8 a.m. Tuesday, July 14, when polls will open for written-ballot voting, again at Vassalboro Community School, not at the town office as usual. Sabins said masks will be required at the polls. There are two articles for July 14: approval or rejection of the 2020-21 school budget approved June 22, and election of local officers.

On July 14, voters will elect one selectman to succeed Titus; Barbara Redmond is the only candidate on the ballot. For the school board, Susan Tuthill’s term ends this year and she is not a candidate for re-election. Erin Loiko is running for another term; Zachary Smith is the only other person on the ballot.

Budget committee members will be elected, as usual, during the June 22 open meeting (Art. 2, immediately after election of a moderator; Sabins said Richard Thompson has agreed to serve again, if elected under Art. 1).

Budget committee members whose two-year terms end this year are K. Peter Allen, Rick Denico, Jr., Douglas Phillips, Barbara Redmond and Joe Suga. Redmond will not seek re-election, Sabins said. Vassalboro residents interested in being nominated to serve on the committee are advised to make their interest known to current committee members.

Except for the fire truck, the warrant articles should be familiar. As in past years, they deal with the municipal and school budgets for the fiscal year that will begin July 1 and related issues, like tax due dates, authority to apply for grants and the alewife fishery and authority to spend alewife revenues.

The fire truck is in Art. 22, which asks voters to authorize spending up to $334,000 for a five-year lease-purchase agreement, with estimated interest bringing the total cost to over $360,000. Firefighters would act on the authorization only if the department does not receive a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Act) grant for a vehicle. Estimated annual payments would be slightly more than $72,000; the payment due in July 2022 would come from the town’s fire truck reserve fund, the remaining four payments (July 2023 through July 2026) from taxation.

Selectmen and budget committee members recommend voters approve all requested expenditures, except the fire truck purchase. Neither board recommends buying a new truck this year.

If voters approve all fund requests, as of June 15 Sabins expects the tax rate will remain the same or go down slightly. A decision on the fire truck purchase will not affect 2021 taxes.

Town warrant has been posted

The warrant for Vassalboro’s June 22 and July 14 annual town meeting is posted in public places in town, as in past years. It is also at the end of the town report for 2019, on pages 51 through 55.

Printed copies of the report were expected at the town office by Monday, June 15, and will be available at the June 22 town meeting. Because of Covid-19 precautions about printed materials, Town Manager Mary Sabins does not know where else in town they will be distributed.

The complete town report is on the Vassalboro website. Go to www.vassalboro.net; click on “Town of Vassalboro” to get to the home page; scroll down the page until you find and click on “Town Report” on the Navigation bar on the left side; click on the red fire truck and begin reading (or click here!).

China TIF committee tackles four topics

by Mary Grow

China Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee members had four topics on their minds as they met June 15: money, the second phase of the causeway project at the head of China Lake’s east basin, the impending change in town managers and needed amendments to China’s TIF plan.

The money issue was covered by retiring Town Manager Dennis Heath, whose financial update showed TIF books are in decent shape. A fund redistribution will be needed, however, to finish paying for the causeway project.

The second phase, installing a retaining wall and a walkway along most of the shoreline from west of the new bridge to the boat landing and improving the landing, is scheduled for this summer and fall.

Committee members approved by consensus the plan Mark McCluskey, of A. E. Hodsdon Consulting Engineers, described to the planning board on June 9. It involves seeking bids soon and, after the selectmen approve a contractor, having the work start as late in the summer as possible, to avoid disruptions during the height of boating season.

Incoming Town Manager Becky Hapgood attended the meeting and was asked if she was prepared to take over jobs Heath did during the previous construction, which included financial management and supervision of the work.

Hapgood replied that Heath has been bringing her up to speed, and with help from the committee she is ready. At Heath’s suggestion, committee member Tom Michaud was designated the official representative of the town to oversee the contractor’s work, with the understanding he and Hapgood will collaborate.

Heath said China’s TIF document needs two changes, one to allow TIF funds to be used to promote broadband service and a second to authorize funds for the China Lake Association and the China Region Lakes Alliance to support their water quality protection work.

The changes require committee, selectmen’s, state and voter approval. Committee members would like to have them on the Nov. 3 ballot, which selectmen will be approving late in August. Heath and Hapgood expect the deadline can be met, with assistance from committee members and from Tina Mullins of the state Department of Economic and Community Development, whom Heath commended as very helpful.

The June 5 meeting was the TIF Committee’s first since November 2019, due to early-2020 snowstorm cancellations and then Covid-19. Four members attended, two in person and two via Zoom. The meeting was livestreamed and is available on the town’s website for those wishing to view it.

The next TIF Committee meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 7.

Town meeting to be by written ballot; absentee voting encouraged

by Mary Grow

Outgoing China Town Manager Dennis Heath explained some of the main questions on the July 14 town business meeting warrant and their financial effects at a June 14 public hearing.

The July 14 meeting will be by written ballot, with polls open at the town office complex on Lakeview Drive from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. After a moderator is elected, voters will check the yes or no box on 23 questions, the majority dealing with the proposed 2020-21 budget. The final question asks them to make approved expenditures retroactive to July 1, 2020, the beginning of the fiscal year.

Those who do not want to come to the polls July 14 may request an absentee ballot from the town office.

The warrant is printed in the 2019 town report, with the snowman on the cover, available at the town office and other places in town. A copy of the warrant and information on absentee ballots are on the China website under Elections.

At the hearing, Heath explained that an original set of proposed expenditures prepared in expectation of an April meeting has been revised downward, because he expects China’s revenues will decline.

The warrant proposes reducing the initial 2020-21 paving budget by more than $260,000, cutting repaving from 6.77 miles to 3.76 miles. Planned repaving that will be postponed is about a third of a mile on Upper Deer Hill Road, about two-thirds of a mile on Back Deer Hill Road and about a mile each on Wing and Dirigo roads.

Almost another $130,000 has been cut from other accounts, Heath said. He expects the recommended reductions will more than offset currently-expected revenue declines.

The warrant articles do not include the 2020-21 school budget. Heath said the proposed increase in school spending from the current year to 2020-21 is about $5,600, very small.

If voters approve all requested spending, as of June 14 Heath expects they will increase their tax rate from 16.3 mils ($16.30 for each $1,000 of valuation) to 16.5 mils.

He and Ronald Breton, chairman of the Selectboard, said that China has surplus funds amounting to more than $1 million. “This town is solvent,” Breton said emphatically.

Heath added that China also has upgraded telephone and computer systems that residents should find helpful. He praised the selectboard for letting him do the work in the current fiscal year.

Final hearing set for June 30

China’s second and final hearing on the July 14 town business meeting warrant is scheduled for 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 30, in the town office meeting room.

The July 14 voting will be by written ballot; there will be no opportunity to discuss or question proposed expenditures. Absentee ballots are available through the town office for those who do not want to go to the polls in person.

The first hearing on the warrant, held June 14 at Erskine Academy, was attended by the town manager and two selectmen; two town office employees (non-residents who cannot vote in China); one budget committee member; and one representative of The Town Line newspaper. Video of the session can be found here.

China planners seek to place revised comprehensive plan on November ballot

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members acted on two important issues at their June 9 meeting, setting the schedule for moving the revised comprehensive plan to a November vote and approving Phase Two of the causeway project at the head of China Lake’s east basin.

Planners intend to ask selectmen to review the revised plan at their June 22 meeting. If selectmen are satisfied, they are asked to forward it to the appropriate state reviewing agency. If they make substantive changes, planning board members want to see them before the document goes to the state.

Planning Board Chairman Tom Miragliuolo said he is the state employee usually responsible for reviewing comprehensive plans. He thinks it appropriate for him to delegate review of China’s to a colleague.

Miragliuolo said the state reviewer is allowed up to 35 days, and after the plan receives state approval it needs a public hearing before it goes on a Nov. 3 local ballot. The schedule is “kinda tight,” he commented.

Those who want to read the revised plan can find it on the Town of China website. Under “Officials, Boards & Committees,” go to “Comprehensive Plan – Implementation Committee” and scroll to the bottom of the list, to TOC 2020 COMP PLAN- Final Version May 2020.pdf (<–or click here!).

Engineer Mark McCluskey, of A. E. Hodsdon Consulting Engineers, and Pastor Ronald Morrell, speaking on behalf of the China Baptist Church, joined the virtual planning board meeting for the discussion of the causeway project.

The project, started with construction of the new causeway bridge, is funded by China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund. That fund is supported by taxes paid by Central Maine Power Company on its transmission line through China and its South China substation. China’s TIF Committee makes recommendations to selectmen on use of TIF money; voters have the final say.

McCluskey explained Phase Two involves building a retaining wall along the north end of the lake, with a walkway between it and the road. The wall will line the shore from 100 feet or more west of the new bridge to the boat landing east of the bridge. The boat landing and the parking area across the road will be improved.

Benefits are twofold, McCluskey said: shoreline erosion will be prevented, and pedestrians will have a safe place to walk out of the roadway.

He told Morrell some work will be done on the north side of the causeway toward the church parking lot, but it should not impinge on church property. Any arrangement to use church property, for example to stockpile construction materials, would be between the contractor and church management, he said.

McCluskey said he has the required state and federal permits and, with Planning Board approval, thinks it is time to seek bids for the work. At town officials’ request, he said, work will be postponed as late in the season as possible to allow maximum use of the boat landing.

Whether Causeway Street is closed during construction is also a town decision, McCluskey said. Closing it would probably save money, he said; he predicted bidders would raise their prices if they had to add traffic control to the job.

Planning board members found the project meets all criteria in town ordinances and approved it unanimously. After the board’s action, Miragliuolo issued the usual reminder that abutters and other interested parties have 30 days to file an appeal of the decision.

When the TIF Committee met June 15, members present agreed that McCluskey should prepare bid requests and have committee members review them before he distributes them to contractors and the public. He will also review and tabulate bids received. TIF Committee members would then do their review and submit a recommendation to selectmen.

The next regular planning board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 23.

China transfer station accepting recycling

Recycling is now open at China Transfer Station. (photo: Town of China Facebook page)

In a press release from China Town Manager Dennis Heath, “If you didn’t see it on the town’s Facebook page and website, the Transfer Station resumed recycling on June 16. We plead with the public to be patient during the transition and to please comply with directions of the Transfer Station attendants. We anticipate there will be a mad rush to empty our storage locations at home, but hope folks will practice moderation and bring a little each day, rather than all at once.”

Palermo woman elected to board of trustees at library

(Photo courtesy of Palermo Community Library)

At a recent meeting, Christine Diesch was elected to the Palermo Community Library Board of Trustees. Prior to retiring in Maine, she had a career ranging from running a crisis hotline to providing leadership coaching to world-class scientists and operations teams at one of the seventeen U.S. Department of Energy’s premier national laboratories.

Diesch brings 20 years of experience on the board of directors for a 58-unit homeowners association, including over 10 years as treasurer, and four years of experience on the board of directors for a Midwest crisis line. The trustees look forward to having her bring her technical expertise, policy development experience, handbook and instructional manual development skills, and communication and leadership skills to the Palermo Community Library Board of Trustees.

She said as a child and young adult, her fondest wish was to get permanently locked in a library so she could read forever! And, of course, Diesch loves greeting her fellow villagers when she is volunteering at the library! She hopes to see more people come in to see all that is offered. The library, besides having books, is a welcoming gathering place and a great community resource.

Vassalboro board approves solar energy project

by Mary Grow

Four Vassalboro Planning Board members present at the June 2 meeting unanimously approved a solar energy project at 515 Main Street (Route 32) almost opposite Ron’s Auto Parts. (For more information, see The Town Line, May 14)

ReVision Energy, represented by Senior Project Developer, Nate Niles, and Construction Project Manager, Al Copping, plans a community solar farm on Bernie Welch’s land. The solar panels will be surrounded by a seven-foot chain-link fence; residents in Central Maine Power Company’s service area will buy shares in the output.

Planning board members found that the project meets all criteria in Vassalboro’s land use and shoreland ordinances. They added two conditions to their approval:

  • Although the state transportation department has allowed two entrances onto the highway, after construction is complete only the north one is to be used. Niles said there will be almost no traffic in and out of the area.
  • Trees to be cleared between Main Street and the fence will be replaced with shrubbery that will provide visual screening from the highway, without blocking sunlight from the solar panels.

Niles expects work on the development to begin this summer. When he and Copping made their initial presentation May 5, he said work should take two to three months, will be done during daylight hours and should not be very noisy.

Turning to the only other item on the June 2 agenda, board members decided unanimously that Lorilee Dumont can enlarge her Dunham Road building from which she runs her catering and restaurant business without board review. However, should she later want to expand the business, she would need to appear before the board.

Codes Officer Paul Mitnik explained that Dumont wants to add a deck so she can continue to seat six tables of diners while maintaining social distancing. She does not plan to add tables, he said.

The June 2 planning board meeting was in person, not virtual. It was held in the Vassalboro Community School cafeteria so that board and audience members – all masked – could sit at least six feet apart.

The next meeting should be scheduled for Tuesday evening, July 7, the first Tuesday of the month.

Becky Hapgood appointed to succeed Heath as China town manager

New town manager Becky Hapgood. (Photo by Roland D. Hallee)

by Mary Grow

At a short June 8 meeting, China selectmen approved public notices of two informational hearings that will precede the July 14 written-ballot town business meeting, and appointed Rebecca “Becky” Hapgood to succeed Dennis Heath as town manager and to fill Heath’s other positions.

[See also: Becky Hapgood honored for 25 years service to China]

The hearings will be at 7 p.m. Sunday, June 14, in the cafeteria at Erskine Academy, on Windsor Road (Route 32 South), in South China, and at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 30, in the town office meeting room on Lakeview Drive. Heath and selectmen will explain the warrant articles, which mostly ask voters to approve the recommended 2020-21 budget, and answer questions.

Heath said no more than 50 people will be allowed at each meeting, and they will be expected to practice social distancing. The meetings will also be available as zoom webinars in which people can participate on line and will be broadcast on the town office livestream system.

The June 8 selectmen’s meeting was an example of combining personal presence with distance participation and viewing. Heath and four of the five selectmen, all masked, sat on either side of a long table, separated by plexiglass screens down the middle. A fifth selectman joined via Zoom; and the meeting was live-streamed. Hapgood, also masked, participated from the audience.

Hapgood will become town manager on July 19, when Heath’s resignation is effective. The manager and his wife plan to return to Oklahoma to be near Heath’s mother.

Hapgood also becomes China’s treasurer and tax collector, beginning July 1 with the new fiscal year. The other positions to which she succeeds are ex officio member of all boards and committees; road commissioner; overseer of the poor; Civil Emergency Preparedness director; and public access officer. (State law requires each municipality to designate a public access officer to respond to requests for public records.)

In other business June 8:

  • Selectmen unanimously approved continuing with Purdy Powers & Company, of Portland, as China’s auditors. Heath said company employees planned to begin work in July.
  • Heath reviewed revenues and expenditures for the first 11 months of the 2019-20 fiscal years and concluded China is in good shape. Revenues have not fallen dangerously, and expenditures are where they should be with the fiscal year almost over. Property tax payments are on the same level as this time last year, the manager said, and a dramatic April decline in vehicle excise taxes was reversed in May.

The next regular China selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 22.