York County CC announces fall honors (2023)

York County Community College students are recognized each semester for their outstanding academic achievements, in York.

Stacy Bettencourt, of Jefferson,, part-time dean’s list;
Michaela Bisson, of Winslow, dean’s list;
Lucas Wallace, of Skowhegan, part-time dean’s list;

SNHU announces fall dean’s list (2023)

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampsire, congratulates the following students on being named to the Fall 2023 dean’slist. The fall terms run from September to December.

Nicholas Stutler, of Sidney; Justin Drescher, and Kristina Wilbur, both of Augusta; Carrielee Harvey, of Waterville; Emily Hernandez, of Embden; and Javyn Greenlaw, of Oakland.

Moments of Pride at RSU #18 schools: Belgrade Central School

Belgrade Central School

Student Council: Belgrade Central School recently started a student council organized and led by Wendy Randall and Meredyth Browning. Students in third through fifth grade were invited to complete an application explaining why they wanted to be part of the group. The school was excited to receive more than 40 applications from students interested in being leaders in the building. At this time, 14 students with big ideas on how to make BCS a better place to grow and learn were selected to represent all of the third through fifth grade classrooms. Their first project was a huge success. They organized a collection of more than 200 Christmas cards to deliver to patients at a local nursing home and rehabilitation center to brighten their holiday. The group is highly motivated and engaged in planning many fun, school-wide community building activities. They are looking forward to sharing their Friendship Gram project in February.

Moments of Pride at RSU #18 schools: Atwood Primary School

Atwood Primary School

Dress Like an Elf, Bring Food for the Shelf: At Atwood Primary School, in Oakland, adorned in creative elf attire, staff and students came together to generously contribute to Atwood’s Dress Like an Elf, Bring Food for the Shelf weekend food backpack program. This year, all donations made their way into the backpacks that the elementary school sends home on weekends, providing essential nourishment for families in need.

Moments of Pride at RSU #18 schools: China Primary School

China Primary School

No Power, No Problem: On Wednesday, December 20, China Primary School welcomed students from China Middle School to join them in their building even with a power outage! Each middle school class paired with an elementary school class for the day. Students helped each other out, played, had a hot meal, and had a warm place to spend the day!

Snow Globe Wishes: The third grade team at China Primary School read the book Snow Globe Wishes to their students. After reading the mentor text, students were asked to write a response to the prompt: If I was trapped inside a snowglobe, what would happen? Students were then able to make a snowglobe of their own! This activity was a part of their holiday celebration at CPS.

Sarah Rodrigue named to Husson University Online’s President’s List (Term 1 of the 2023-2024)

Sarah Rodrigue, of Cornville, has been named to Husson University Online’s President’s List for Term 1 of the 2023-2024 academic year, in Bangor.

Rodrigue is enrolled in Husson’s online Accounting program.

Courses for full-time online undergraduate students are offered over the course of seven weeks. This accelerated timeframe provides adult learners with an opportunity to balance existing personal and professional commitments as they complete their studies.

Matthew Parent on Clarkson University dean’s list (Fall 2023)

Matthew G. Parent, of Oakland, a junior majoring in software engineering, was named to the dean’s list for the Fall 2023 semester at Clarkson University, in Potsdam, New York.

SNHU Announces fall president’s list (2023)

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire, congratulates the following students on being named to the Fall 2023 president’s list. The fall terms run from September to December.

Ivette Hernandez Cortez, of Augusta; Sarah Neumann, and Matthew Bandyk, both of Jefferson; Sierra Winson, Quincy Giustra, and Talon Mosher, all of Winslow; Candice Eaton, and Grace Marshall, both of Waterville; Ashley Parks, of Anson; Stormy Wentworth, of Fairfield; Misty Ray, of Montville; Matthew Clements, of Rome; and Kassandra Grant, of Vassalboro.

Brianna Paine named to dean’s list (Fall 2023)

Brianna Paine, of Madison, was named to the Fall 2023 dean’s list at Berry College, in Rome, Georgia. The dean’s list honors students who posted an academic average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale while carrying a class load of at least 12 hours during the semester.

Rachel Turi set to graduate from University of Georgia

Rachel Faith Turi, of Waterville, is among the more than 2,900 candidates for graduation in the University of Georgia’s Class of 2023 was be celebrated during commencement exercises. Rachel is a candidate for an AB Advertising.