Sam Voter named to St. Lawrence University’s Spring 2023 dean’s list

Sam Voter, from Cornville, has been named to St. Lawrence University’s dean’s list for achieving academic excellence during the Spring 2023 semester., in Canton, New York.

Voter is a member of the Class of 2025 and is majoring in digital media and film. Voter attended Skowhegan Area High School.

Central Maine Eagles seeks players

The Central Maine Eagles football team that plays out of China at the rec fields, is seeking players. The JV team which host kids from sixth to eighth grades needs more players. Numbers usually increase during the start of school, but the team has its first game coming up in three weeks and they are a few players short. They also offer it for pre K to second grade in flag football, and also has a high school team. The would like to add more teams if we can get players in other age groups. For more information, contact Steven Hamel at

Victoria Butler, of Jefferson, graduates from RIT

Victoria Butler, of Jefferson, graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology, in Rochester, New York, with a degree in astrophysical sciences and technology (Ph.D.).

Maggie Pono named to Champlain College dean’s list

Maggie Pono, of Skowhegan, has been named to the Champlain College dean’s list, in Burlington, Vermont,  for the Spring 2023 semester.

PHOTO: Central Maine Senior Football Camp (2023)

2023 Central Maine Youth Senior Football Camp directed by Lawrence High School Coach John Hersom with assistance of his Lawrence Bulldogs players. The senior camp ran from July 24-26 for grades 5-8, with players from Central Maine. (photo by Ramey Stevens, Central Maine Photography)

Conor Mccarthy earns degree from University of Maryland Global Campus

Conor Andrew Mccarthy, of Vassalboro, earned an associate of arts from University of Maryland Global Campus, in Adelphia, Maryland, in spring 2023.
Mccarthy was one of nearly 3,400 students who earned degrees from UMGC in the spring semester. Graduates came from all 50 states, four U.S. territories, and 22 countries. The average age of a UMGC graduate in the spring class of 2023 is 35 years old.

Local student graduates from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

On May 20, 2023, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), in Troy, New York,  awarded a bachelor of science degree in business and management to Drake Zimba, of Benton.

Catherine Gibbs awarded degree from University of Alabama

Catherine Gibbs, of Winslow,  received a bachelor of arts degree in communications and information sciences  from the University of Alabama, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

PHOTO: Central Mainers attend football camp

The Lawrence Bulldogs Junior football camp was held July 17-19 (grades 2-4) with players from Central Maine. (photo by Ramey Stevens, Central Maine Photography)

Matthew Parent named to Clarkson University’s dean’s list

Matthew G. Parent, of Oakland, a sophomore majoring in software engineering, was named to the dean’s list for the Spring 2023 semester, at Clarkson University, in Potsdam, New York. .