Central Maine Photography-sponsored Fairfield PAL soccer team

The Central Maine Photography-sponsored Fairfield PAL youth soccer team members include, front, from left to right, Samantha Hamilton, Dawson Chapman, Dylan Frugal, Dylan Dennison, Dylan Languet and Hailey Knowles. Back, Domanic Golder, Landon Letourneau, Zoe Hutchins, Drake Johnson, Seth Gallant and Ryan Lea, coach. (Photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography staff)

Lawrence boys soccer team shows support during National Breast Cancer Awareness month

(Photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography staff)

The Lawrence High School boys soccer team took to the fields this week wearing pink and black jerseys to show their support during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.

Kaitlynn Pelletier graduates from Lebanon Valley College

Kaitlynn Pelletier, of Waterville, was among nearly 500 students who received degrees as part of Lebanon Valley College’s 149th Commencement Exercises on Saturday, May 13, in Annville, Pennsylvania. This year 382 undergraduate students were eligible to participate in Commencement.

Pelletier received a bachelor of science and bachelor of arts in music education and music.

Pelletier is a graduate of Messalonskee High School.

Trying to get away

Winslow’s Colby Pomeroy (3), tries for a yardage gain as Lawrence’s Nathan Regalado (34), goes for the tackle during a game between the two rival high schools on Sept. 29, in Winslow. Lawrence won the game, 17-14. (Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff)

Winslow Youth Football (Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff)

Winslow Youth Football (Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff)

Gaining some ground

Waterville Youth Football third and fourth grade team member Ethan Sirois breaks for a sizable gain in a game against Skow­hegan on Sep­tember 23, in Waterville. (Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff)

Gordon graduates at the University of Minnesota Crookston

The Office of the Registrar at the University of Minnesota Crookston, in Crookston, Minnesota, recently announced its list of spring semester 2018 graduates. Summer session graduates include Cailyn Marie Gordon, of Rome, graduating with a bachelor of science in animal science.

Fall 2018 Erskine Academy Parent/Teacher Conferences

(photo credit: Erskine Academy)

All parents of Erskine Academy students are invited to attend fall Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 3rd & 4th from 3:30 to 7 p.m. Progress reports will be emailed to parents by October 2. For those parents who have not yet submitted a primary email address, please stop by the Guidance Office for a printed copy of your student’s progress report. No appointments are necessary as teachers will be available to speak with parents in their respective classrooms. However, to avoid long waiting lines, two separate evenings have been scheduled: Wednesday, October 3 for students whose last names begin with A through I; and Thursday, October 4 for students whose last names begin with J through Z. The Sports Boosters will also have items available to purchase on both evenings.

Please feel free to contact the Guidance Office at 445-2964 with any questions or concerns regarding this information.

Cony graduate completes basic training

Lilianne Nichols

Liliane Nichols, a 2018 graduate of Cony High School, in Augusta, recently graduated in the top 10 percent from B Battery, 1st Battalion, Third Platoon, U. S. Army Training Center, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

She is the daughter of Sara and Seth Nichols of Augusta and Dawn and Jason Bryant, of Fairfield.

On family day, Seth Nichols was invited to promote Soldier Nichols to Private Second Class (PV2) Nichols as Sharon Nichols, her grandmother, of Palermo, joined other families honoring the 20 soldiers receiving this honor. PV2 Nichols is the granddaughter of Gary Nichols, of South China.

PV2 Nichols is assigned to Sam Houston Joint Base, San Antonio, Texas, studying to be a combat medic.

Erskine 5K Run/Walk 2018

(photo credit: Erskine Academy)

The 10th Fly Like an Eagle 5K Run/Walk will be held on Sunday, October 14, at 9 a.m., at Erskine Academy. Proceeds will benefit the class of 2019 as well as Erskine’s 2018 School Spirit Challenge. Participants who register by Sunday, October 7, will be guaranteed an official race T-shirt. In addition to runners and walkers of all ages, this is a dog friendly event so well-behaved and leashed dogs are welcome. Interested participants can register online at runreg.com (for a small additional fee) or by contacting Betsy Benner at bbenner@erskine247.com.

Ducker graduates magna cum laude

Pierce Ducker, of Waterville, was among more than 1,700 candidates for graduation from Adelphi University, in Garden City, in New York. Commencement ceremonies took place in NYCB Live’s Nassau Coliseum on May 18, 2018. Pierce graduated magna cum laude earning a bachelor of fine arts in theatre arts.