Local girls participate in last year’s ShineOn Saturday. The 9th annual event connects youth girls with Messalonskee girls soccer players for a fun day of skills, games and positive youth mentoring. ShineOn Saturday is held annually to honor and remember former Eagle midfielder and youth mentor Cassidy Charette. The event is free to all interested girls, Pre-K to Grade 5, on Saturday, September 28, from noon to 2 p.m., at the Messalonskee High School Turf Field, in Oakland. To pre-register, visit shineoncass.org. (contributed photo)
by Monica Charette

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Cassidy Charette (contributed photo)
Messalonskee High School Girls Soccer and the ShineOnCass Foundation will host its 9th annual girls’ youth mentoring day “ShineOn Saturday”, September 28, from noon to 2 p.m., on the Messalonskee High School Turf Field, in Oakland. The event is held to honor former Messalonskee soccer player and youth mentor Cassidy Charette, who died in a hayride accident October 11, 2014.
Area girls, ages pre-kindergarten to fifth grade, are invited to attend this free event. Soccer skills are not required. In addition to participating in skill building and fun field games, attendees will receive an autographed team poster and a ShineOnCass wristband that earns them Cassidy’s favorite candy, Skittles, at home games and recognition at the Lady Eagles’ Homecoming game. Healthy snacks will be provided at the event.
To assist in planning, please pre-register at shineoncass.org. Walk-ins are welcome.
The ShineOnCass Foundation was created to educate, inspire and empower youth to shine their own light through kindness and volunteer charitable activities. For more information about the ShineOn Saturday event or the Foundation, visit shineoncass.org or email shineoncass@gmail.com.

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