SNHU announces winter 2023 president’s list

The following central Maine students have achieved president’s list status at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire.  Kristina Canedo, of Skowhegan, Heather Hall, of Canaan, Ashley Parks, of Anson, Jessica Keay, of Albion, Philip Densmore, Carrielee Harvey, and Alyson Cass, all of Waterville, and Matthew Bandyk, of Jefferson.

EVENTS: All Saints ten mile yard sale

On May 19 and 20, the annual 10-mile yard sale winds its way from Skowhegan to Cornville. At All Saints Episcopal Church on, 169 Malbons Mills Road, Skowhegan, you will find free activities, big bargins and, of course, food.

All Saints has many vendors to check out. From baby items to household items and jewelry. Under the tent you will find free make and take fairy garden demonstrations with Billie Sherman at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., on Saturday. The Climate Change Lobby will help anyone with Efficiency Maine information on heat pumps, new windows and insulation. Geeze Louise, That’s a Wrap, has her hand cut fries, muffins, coffee and wraps. All Saints Grill will have breakfast sandwiches and hot dogs.

All profit from the yard sale will help facilitate All Saints Contemplation Garden that will be open to the public. Call 207-431-2118 for vending spaces.

PHOTO: LaCroix captures first place at national competition

Huard’s Sport Karate team member Lucia LaCroix, 12, of Skowhegan, captured first place in forms at the Ocean State Grand Nationals Martial Arts Tournament, in Warwick, Rhode Island, on Sunday, April 2. She also captured third place in weapons competition. (photo by Mark Huard)

Pono selected for dean’s list at Champlain

Maggie Pono, of Skowhegan, has been named to the Champlain College dean’s list, in Burlington, Vermont, for the fall 2022 semester.

Area residents named to dean’s list at UNE

Photo credit: University of New England Facebook page

The following students have been named to the dean’s list for the 2022 fall semester at the University of New England, in Biddeford.

Albion: Emma McPherson and Olivia McPherson.

Augusta: Valerie Capeless, Zinaida Gregor, Jessica Guerrette, Brooklynn Merrill, Daraun White and Julia White.

Benton: Jessica Andrews.

Fairfield: Caitlyn Mayo.

Jefferson: Mallory Audette.

Oakland: Kierra Bumford and Francesca Caccamo.

Palermo: Peyton Sammons.

Sidney: Sarah Kohl.

Skowhegan: Wylie Bedard, Elizabeth Connelly, Ashley Mason and Dawson Turcotte.

South China: Richard Winn.

Vassalboro: Adam Ochs.

Waterville: Mohammad Atif-Sheikh, Elias Nawfel, Grace Petley and Evan Watts.

Winslow: Juliann Lapierre, Kristopher Loubier and Justice Picard.

Emerson College student Ella Conway earns dean’s list

Emerson College, in Boston, Massachusetts, has announced that student Ella Conway, of Skowhegan, earned dean’s list honors for the Fall 2022 Semester. Ella is majoring in Media Arts Production and is a member of the class of 2026.

Emerson College student Conway earns dean’s list

Emerson College, in Boston, Massachusetts, has announced that student Ella Conway, of Skowhegan, earned dean’s list honors for the Fall 2022 Semester. Ella is majoring in Media Arts Production and is a member of the class of 2026.

Cub scouts complete building projects

Marci and Joshua Gilpin, of Skowhegan, work on the bird house. Joshua is in the second year of the Webelo program. (photo by Yvonne Brown)

Cub Scouts, in Skowhegan Pack #485, recently built birdhouses during their meeting which gives Cubs and parents a chance to work together on a project while teaching the Cub Scout about safe use of woodworking tools and the importance of being kind to animals. “It was a lot of fun,” said Cub Master Shanna Brown. The projects were built on January 15 at the Centenary United Methodist Church, in Skowhegan. Scouts in first grade completed requirement five of the My Tiger Jungle Adventure. Youth in the third grade completed requirement three in the Baloo the Builder Adventure and youth in fourth and fifth grades completed the second requirement of the Build It elective.

Kurtis Brown, of Norridgewock, is a Wolf Cub Scout. His family cut out all the bird house kits for the Scouts to build. (photo by Yvonne Brown)

Philo and his dad Zack work on a bird house together. Philo recently joined Pack #485. (photo by Yvonne Brown)

Logan Corson, of Madison, is in the Webelo program. (photo by Ashley Corson)

Colby Carrier receives outstanding academic score

Bethel University, in McKenzie, Tennessee, recognizes undergraduates for their outstanding academic work. Dr. Walter Butler, president of Bethel University, announced that Colby Carrier, of Skowhegan, was named to the College of Arts and Sciences fall semester 2022 Honor Roll.

To qualify for the Honor Roll, undergraduates must have completed 12 or more hours of academic work with an average GPA of 3.7 or above and no grade lower than a “C.”

Bethel University, founded in 1842, is a private, not-for-profit university affiliated with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, offering both on-campus and online courses.

Colby Carrier named to honor roll at Bethel University

Bethel University, in McKenzie, Tennessee, recognizes undergraduates for their outstanding academic work. Dr. Walter Butler, president of Bethel University, announced that Colby Carrier, of Skowhegan, was named to the College of Arts and Sciences fall semester 2022 Honor Roll.

To qualify for the Honor Roll, undergraduates must have completed 12 or more hours of academic work with an average GPA of 3.7 or above and no grade lower than a “C.”

Bethel University, founded in 1842, is a private, not-for-profit university affiliated with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, offering both on-campus and online courses.