Covers towns roughly within 50 miles of Augusta.

Maine delegation announces $38M in LIHEAP funding for Maine

Susan Collins

U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and U.S. Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden announced that Maine has been awarded more than $38 million in funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program (LIHEAP) in 2024.

Angus King

“Over 45,000 Maine households rely on LIHEAP to stay safe and warm during the winter,” said the Maine Delegation. “With home heating prices set to remain at near record levels in the coming months, it’s essential that this assistance continues to get to the families that need it most. Securing these resources has been a shared priority, and we remain committed to that mission so hard-working Maine families have one less thing to worry about as temperatures drop.”

Alongside $36 million in regular block grant appropriations, over $600,000 of the FY 2024 funding will come from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that the delegation championed and that Senator Collins negotiated with 9 of her colleagues.

Last year, Senator Collins and Representative Golden successfully led efforts to secure a total of $6.1 billion for LIHEAP in FY 2023.

Nationwide, an estimated 6 million households receive assistance with heating and cooling costs through LIHEAP, including over 45,000 Maine households. LIHEAP is administered by states and accessed through local Community Action Agencies. Eligibility for LIHEAP is based on income, family size, and the availability of resources.

Mid-Maine Chamber names new community engagement specialist

Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce welcomes Michael Guarino as its new Community Engagement Specialist.

Michael Guarino

Guarino, who was the associate director for the Maine Sports Commission and former community relations director at Snow Pond Center for the Arts, in Sidney, has 25 years of tourism, community relations, and event experience in Maine. He currently chairs the Kennebec Valley Tourism Council and has operated Maine Wilderness Tours since 1996.

Guarino is a graduate of Thomas College, in Waterville, with a master’s degree in business administration and a bachelor’s degree in marketing/management.

This new position will work with event organizers to secure the Mid-Maine region as their destination for a variety of events and conferences while developing and implementing strategies to engage local businesses.

Mid-Maine Chamber President and CEO Kimberly Lindlof said of Guarino, “Mike brings a vast knowledge of event and tourism expertise, destination management experience, and business connectivity to our team. We are excited to have a point person here at the Chamber to roll out the red carpet for event organizers interested in bringing their activities to our region. Staff and volunteers alike are pleased to welcome him onboard.”

HealthReach welcomes new Mental Health Clinician

Kristina Mont

This October, Sheepscot Valley Health Center staff is happy to welcome Kristina Mont, LCPC, to their professional healthcare team.

Mont earned her master’s degree in Professional Counseling from Monmouth University, in New Jersey. She previously earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Northern Arizona University. Mont’s wealth of professional counseling experience includes substance use counseling, group therapy, and family therapy. She will apply this diverse skillset to her work at Sheepscot.

Mont shares, “I love the saying, ‘We don’t grow when things are easy – we grow when challenged’. Every one of us can use help navigating life’s challenges. I’m a firm believer in maintaining our emotional and physical wellness to avoid ‘dis-ease’, so I’m excited to be joining the HealthReach team. HealthReach uses a holistic approach to treatment and is dedicated to improving the lives of community members. It is very fulfilling to meet someone where they are and watch them gain confidence and courage to become the person they want to be. When a person is feeling stuck or is ready to make changes, I offer my support.”

Mont joins the existing Sheepscot clinical team in Coopers Mills: doctors, Ann Schwink, Daniel Keane, and Kathryn Wistar; physician assistants, Brooke Perez, Anna Simmler, Craig Urwin, and Zachary Wissman; and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Melanie.

Real ID deadline is 2025

The REAL ID deadline is now May 2025, yet the multiple extensions have caused confusion among the general public. When Maine residents were asked what they believe the deadline to be, the average answer given is on October 5, 2023.
If you still haven’t made the switch, you’re not alone: 76 percent of residents in Maine still haven’t gotten their new card, according to a poll from Upgraded Points.
Additionally, 18 percent report not even knowing what a REAL ID is and 30 percent say they don’t know how to get it. Thirty-eight percent do not plan to get one at all.

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Agriculture – Part 5

Spectators line the trotting park in the 19th century. (The Town Line file photo)

by Mary Grow

Race horses and work horses

Some of the central Kennebec Valley agricultural pioneers chose to breed racehorses, specifically trotters, instead of, or in addition to, the cattle discussed last week. For example, Kingsbury mentioned in the chapter on Waterville in his Kennebec County history that George Eaton Shores, of Waterville, who bred Hereford cattle, “also handled some horses, selling in 1879 the race horse Somerset Knox for $2,700.”

The April 2016 lead article in a publication called Fishermen’s Voice: News and Comment for and by the Fishermen of Maine, written by Tom Seymour and found on line, offers historical information on Maine horse racing.

Seymour gave three reasons for the interest in breeding and racing horses in the latter half of the 19th century.

First, he said, by then “technological innovation made farming more efficient,” giving farm families time for recreation. Second, since many farms had horses, “it was only natural to employ these animals in something other than work-related activities.”

The third factor Seymour cited was “the new and hopeful attitude of Americans coming out of the dark days of our Civil War. Returning soldiers and their families needed something to belong to, to feel good about.”

Simultaneously, he wrote, farmers’ organizations began putting on agricultural fairs in late summer and early fall. Therefore, “Maine’s fairgrounds included not only buildings where people exhibited new, perfectly-shaped and sometimes giant vegetables and flowers, but also raceways.”

An on-line source says horses in the first trotting races were “under saddle,” but soon they were “in harness,” pulling first a wagon, then a two-wheeled sulky and as the sport developed, a bike sulky, the light-weight, two-wheeled single-seat cart still used today.

Seymour wrote that there were more than 100 Maine trotting parks during the post-Civil War decades, enough so that “horse owners were able to go from one trotting park event to another, with little time left in between.” With prizes for winning races and publicity that led to stud fees, owning a good trotting horse became financially rewarding, as well as a source of pride and prestige for breeder and owner.

Your writer was unable to learn more about the horse named Somerset Knox mentioned above, except that he was one of many descendants of General Knox, described in an 1895 issue of the Eastern Argus (Portland) as Maine’s most famous horse. General Knox was owned for 14 years by Col. Thomas Stackpole Lang, of Vassalboro, another area farmer who bred both cattle and horses.

A register of American Morgan horses found on line says that General Knox, also known as Slasher, was born in June 1855, in Bridport, Vermont (a town at the south end of Lake Champlain), and died July 29, 1887, in Trenton, New Jersey. He is described as “black with star and snip, nose, flanks and stifles brownish, 15 ½ hands and weighed 1050 pounds.”

(The world-wide web says a star is a white mark on a horse’s forehead between the eyes; a snip is a white patch on a horse’s nose; a stifle is a hip joint; and a hand equals four inches.)

Lang bought General Knox in January 1859, for $1,000. He was used primarily for breeding, as Lang showed in an August 1870 Maine Farmer article he wrote (quoted in the Morgan register).

Lang said of General Knox: “His temper is always good, always cheerful and full of spirits and ambition, and never nervous at the most exciting sights and noises. Strike him in anger or abruptly, and it must be a strong man to hold him even when tired with trotting, yet entirely under control of the voice; attaches himself readily to those who pet him, and when away from home on the boat or on the cars, lies down to rest readily if his groom lies down with him.”

Lang described two trotting races General Knox won in the early 1860s, the first when the horse was seven years old.

The General was supposed to compete in Skowhegan against General McClellan, in response to a challenge from McLellan’s then-owner, G. M. Robinson, Esquire, of Augusta. However, Lang wrote, Robinson withdrew McClellan, because a few days earlier a horse named Hiram Drew had beaten him in Portland and Hiram Drew was running in Skowhegan.

General Knox had 22 days to relax from his stud duties and prepare for the race, “having served 136 different mares since April.” (Lang did not say what month the race was; your writer guesses September.) He “beat Hiram easily in three straight heats, without a break.”

(E. P. Mayo, in his chapter on agriculture in Edwin Whittemore’s history of Waterville, said General Knox outpaced Hiram Drew on Oct. 22, 1863, in Waterville. He wrote that supporters of both horses came from all over Maine to watch the race, “which is recalled even to this day by the oldest lovers of racing as one of the great events of their lives.”)

Lang wrote that he intended to stop racing General Knox, but was persuaded to enter him to uphold Maine’s honor in the Springfield fair (presumably, the fair in Springfield, Massachusetts, now the Big E [for Exposition], dubbed the only multi-state fair in the world and held this year Sept. 15 and 16).

That year (1863 or 1864) General Knox had served 112 mares since April and had 15 waiting. Lang and the General left home on a Thursday morning and reached Springfield Sunday morning. General Knox raced on Thursday and won easily.

They came back as far as Boston Thursday night, “making,” Lang wrote, “in all 21 days from the time he was drawn from service until he had traveled upon cars and boat three days without rest, won his race and was bound home.”

After the race, Lang wrote, four other New England horsemen offered to buy General Knox, bidding up to $30,000. Lang declined. He wrote that Knox had raced only once since, in 1866, and in 1870 was anticipating the most mares he had ever served in one year.

In 1872, the on-line Morgan register says, Lang sold General Knox, for $10,000. The register includes a list of some of his descendants, with remarks about two or three.

Mayo wrote in the Waterville history that Waterville’s trotting park was initiated by the North Kennebec Agricultural Society, legislatively incorporated July 31, 1847 (and mentioned last week in connection with early officers Joseph and Sumner Percival).

In January 1854 the society appointed a committee to find land for a racetrack. A site was chosen in southern Waterville and a half-mile track was built, perhaps the same year.

On Aug. 22, 1863, Mayo found, the track “was leased to the Waterville Horse Association for their annual exhibition.” T. S. Lang was one of the signatories to the lease.

Mayo also found in the society’s records an Oct. 4, 1859, vote of thanks to Lang for donating his horses’ prize money to the society. He quoted: “He ever strove to win all the prizes that he could in order that the society might be the more benefited thereby.”

The North Kennebec Agricultural Society gave annual exhibitions into the 1880s, until increasing competition from nearby towns’ fairs caused members to give up. They leased the track for a while and finally sold it “for the enlargement of our present beautiful [Pine Grove] cemetery.”

* * * * * *

Alice Hammond, whose history of Sidney was published in 1992, did not mention any Sidney horse-breeders, but she gave more detail than many other historians about horses as work animals.

In her chapter on agriculture, she summarized sequential methods of harvesting hay: men mowing with scythes gave way to “horse-drawn mowing and raking machines,” which in turn were displaced by “mechanical reapers and balers.”

On-line sites say the first horse-drawn mowers date from the 1840s or 1850s. The machines became popular after the Civil War, and, one source says, are still used in this century in special areas like nature preserves and organic farms.

But it was in her chapter on transportation that Hammond expanded on the important role horses played on early Sidney. The Kennebec River was important, and she mentioned oxen, for example used to build the first roads.

Most of these roads succeeded bridle paths, which followed earlier Native American trails. In the late 1700s, the “bridle paths were widened to allow pack horses and even carts and sleds in season.”

Through the 19th century and into the 20th, Sidney residents rode horseback or in horse-drawn carts or wagons. Road maintenance depended partly on horse labor; Hammond wrote that between 1860 and 1870, horses pulled the “road scrapers with metal blades” that “were used to shape and smooth the roads.”

“Later,” she continued, “mechanical road machines pulled by horses were used,” until trucks replaced the horses.

Hammond quoted an article written by an earlier Sidney resident, Russell M. Bailey, on winter travel and road maintenance early in the 20th century, with horses still a major power source. She gave no dates for events he described; one of the genealogies in her history says he was born in 1901.

Bailey wrote that there were three kinds of personal winter vehicles. The fastest and fanciest was the single-seat sleigh, “with a sweeping high curved dashboard and luxuriously upholstered seat.” One horse, “a light driving horse if available,” pulled the sleigh.

The pung was “a lower slung, long runnered, single horse utility winter vehicle, suitable for hauling light loads or the family.” For heavy loads, a farmer would use the double sled drawn by a pair of work horses.

To keep roads passable, Sidney and other Maine towns used snow rollers, large wooden and metal contraptions that packed down the snow. On-line sources say horse-drawn rollers were used from the late 1880s into the 1930s.

Hammond wrote that in 1895, Sidney “raised money to build snow rollers.” Bailey described a Sidney roller as pulled by eight horses, in two sets of two teams.

Hammond included a story of a winter storm Bailey remembered that covered roads with more than a foot of new snow under a thick icy crust. When the horses’ hooves broke though the crust, the sharp edges cut their legs.

After protective padding failed, Bailey wrote, “additional men were hired to proceed the lead team to break the crust with their feet and shovels.”

Main sources

Hammond, Alice, History of Sidney Maine 1792-1992 (1992).
Kingsbury, Henry D., ed., Illustrated History of Kennebec County Maine 1625-1892 (1892).
Whittemore, Rev. Edwin Carey, Centennial History of Waterville 1802-1902 (1902).

Websites, miscellaneous.

Waterville Railroad Station

CORRECTION: In last week’s article, the location of Waterville Railroad Station was incorrect. It should have said, the Waterville railroad station was located on what is now an empty lot, on the west side of College Ave., to make room for Colby St. circle where it intersects with Chaplin St., near Burger King. The railroad tracks that cross Chaplin St. are an indication of where the train terminal was located. The locomotive pictured in this 1920s photo, is located where the train tracks cross Chaplin St.

Timmins joins CMGC staff

Nicole Timmins

The Central Maine Growth Council (CMGC), a public-private collaborative economic development partnership, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicole Timmins as Grant and Finance Manager. Nicole is responsible for overseeing CMGC’s granting efforts, which include optimizing the grant administration process, preparing financial reports, and ensuring compliance with grant regulations.

Nicole’s work will directly support CMGC’s existing funding landscape in addition to being responsible for overseeing CMGC’s Economic Recovery Implementation Hub activities throughout Kennebec and Somerset Counties.

“I am excited for the opportunity to collaborate with an organization that champions business interests across all sectors, offering tailored solutions to support operational growth,” remarked Timmins. “The prospect of spearheading impactful initiatives that empower entrepreneurs and reduce obstacles they face is deeply motivating. I am committed to driving ongoing advancement in this space.”

Nicole brings previous experience as the Director of Finance at Care & Comfort, where she oversaw all aspects of the finance department, including managing staff, billing, accounts receivable and payable, payroll, and reconciling the general ledger. Her experience monitoring fee schedules to ensure compliance with various provider contracts and funding sources demonstrates Nikki’s familiarity with financial management.

Nicole holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine at Orono in Mass Communications.

Scouts hold uniform distribution day

Photo by Chuck Mahaleris

by Chuck Mahaleris

Dozens of youth from across central Maine came to the Goodwill Store, in Waterville, on September 27, for the Scout Uniform Bank. The annual event is a way to assist families during these difficult financial times. Scouts who attended the event left with a gently-used uniform shirt, pants, neckerchief, hat and even patches. Youth who had outgrown their uniform could trade theirs in for another. Sabrina Garfield, of Winslow, is the Cubmaster of Winslow Pack #445.

Winslow Cub Scout Pack #445 Cubmaster Sabrina Garfield explained that this uniform bank is truly needed during these challenging economic times. (photos by Chuck Mahaleris)

“Scouting is a great experience,” she said. “I do a lot of activities with my kids but it is nice to do these activities with other people as well. They have made a lot of friends in Scouting.” Garfield said that there were several families in her pack that would benefit from the uniform bank. “It is really helpful,” she said. “The prices of everything is going up and this is a tremendous help to a lot of people.”

Throughout the year, Goodwill Industries of Northern New England collects Scouting uniform items that are donated at its various locations. Chris Bernier, a member of the Kennebec Valley District Scouting Committee from Winslow, receives these items, sorts them and prepares them for the annual uniform bank. Areli Watkins, of Palmyra, he is a third grader who is homeschooled. Areli said he liked this uniform event and received a new hat, shirt, neckerchief and other items.

“This is great,” he said. He recently joined Cub Scout Pack #428, in Pittsfield, but had a fun time at that first meeting where he learned how to cook a hamburger and was happy to have a uniform to wear for the rest of the meetings. Cyndi Davis, of Oakland, has been volunteering at several of these uniform banks. “We are helping Scouts get fitted out so they fit in,” Davis said. “This makes it a level playing field. Every scout has the same uniform. We like to treat every kid the same.”

Wyatt Collins is a Scout from Fairfield and volunteered to help at the uniform bank. He appreciated all the food people gave to help support the Scouting for Food drive. (photos by Chuck Mahaleris)

There were several volunteers from Winslow, Oakland, Belgrade, Sidney, Augusta, and Fairfield. Wyatt Collins of Fairfield is a Tenderfoot Scout in Troop 433. As people came in to look at uniforms, they turned in food for the Scouting for Food Drive. Wyatt helped with the collection of those food items. “It is important to help other people,” Wyatt said. “It is important for Scouts to help in their community.”

Bernier praised the relationship Scouting has built with Goodwill Industries. “There is a lot of good that happens in one night but it is thanks to a year-long effort by Goodwill Industries and we are very grateful for their partnership.”

Cyndi Davis is a Scouting volunteer from Oakland and enjoys giving her time in Scouting and in the Order of the Arrow to help improve the lives of others. (photos by Chuck Mahaleris)










Research sessions effort to collect data on PFAS

by Jonathan Strieff

Doctors from Redington-Fairview General Hospital, in Skowhegan, and the MaineHealth Institute for Research, in Portland, hosted six research session over three weeks in Waterville and Thorndike in an effort to collect data regarding PFAS exposure in central Maine.

PFAS refers to a family more than 4,000 chemicals present in a wide variety of consumer products, from non-stick cook wear and food packaging to water resistant clothing and stain resistant home goods. Since the 1970s, evidence of negative health outcomes associated with increased PFAS exposure has steadily grown, including decreased antibody response in adults and children, thyroid disease and dysfunction in adults, and increased risks of kidney, breast, and testicular cancers, but the evidence has primarily targeted water pollution associated with close proximity to chemical manufacturing plants and sites with heavy use of fire retardant foam, like military training bases. The high level exposure identified in central Maine in recent years is unique as the contamination has come from the application of sewage and industrial waste as fertilizer on farm fields, entering the food chain and watershed less directly.

When Dr. Rachel Criswell and Dr. Abby Fleish began seeing the impacts of PFAS exposure in their clinical patients, they sought to understand what ways this form of exposure differed from those that have been better researched. Criswell and Fleish applied for grant funding from the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences to conduct a Time-Sensitive Environmental Health Study. Time-Sensitive Studies are typically carried out following natural disasters and other anomalous events, but the doctors convincingly argued that the degree of PFAS exposure in central Maine constituted a “slow-moving environmental disaster.”

The study they designed holds three distinct goals: to describe the extent and impacts of PFAS contamination among the diverse cohort; to clearly identify all possible exposure pathways (food, water, soil dust, other); and to quantify the mental health affects resulting from the stress of mitigating the contamination. To do this, Criswell and Fleish contacted by mail every individual in the three surrounding counties who had well water tested for PFAS by the Department of Environmental Protection, asking for participants to take part in their study.

At the September 19 event, held at the Waterville Elks lodge, more than two dozen respondents attended to participate. Following a brief overview of the study by Dr. Criswell, each participant was individually walked through an informed consent form and then asked to complete a short questionnaire that asked about personal diet and lifestyle habits before and after learning of PFAS exposure. Participants were then asked to provide a blood sample and those willing also had the option to provide hair samples, human milk samples, and stool samples.

Prior to the two events scheduled in Thorndike the following week, Dr. Criswell anticipated falling far short of the 300 participants they hoped to enlist, but was already making arrangements to extend enrollment in the study. Anyone interested in participating can contact Skowhegan Family Medicine at 207-474-6201.

Jonathan Strieff is a freelance contributor to The Town Line.

EVENTS: UVD event rescheduled

photo credit: United Valley Democrats Facebook page

The United Valley Democratic (UVD) Committee ‘End-of Summer’ Event will instead celebrate Autumn on Saturday, October 7, at 327 Stevens Shore Road, in Palermo. It was originally scheduled the day the hurricane passed close to Maine’s coast, when many residents lost their power.

United Valley Democratic Committee (formerly the China Democratic Committee) was recently organized by combining Democratic committees from the adjacent towns in the Sheepscot River Valley including China, Vassalboro, Palermo and Windsor. While continuing to grow with other towns, the UVD committee meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., and welcomes new members. Their facebook page has the most current event details.

Mark Brunton, chairman of the UVD Committee, explained the need for the reorganization, “UVD brings people together to make our communities stronger, healthier and improve the lives of all our neighbors. It made sense to combine our committees to raise our visibility and let people know they are welcomed to join us.”

To show your support, join the United Valley Democratic Committee’s Fall Celebration on October 7, from 2 – 8 p.m.

For more information, contact the UVD Committee at

Golf Fore Kids’ Sake raises $31K (2023)

First place gross: Huhtamaki

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine’s 2023 Golf Fore Kids’ Sake, at Belgrade Lakes, presented by Kennebec Savings Bank, raised over $31,000 on September 1, to support one-to-one youth mentoring in Kennebec Valley.

Belgrade Golf Fore Kids’ Sake 2023 Tournament winners:

First Place Gross: Huhtamaki (Jerrod Bentley, Connor Dayton, Christopher Farrar, Ricky Kennedy).

First Place Net: MaineGeneral Health (Jason Brown, Rick Polkinghorn, John Smith, Andy Dionne).

Additional team winners included Goose River Golf Club (Second Place Gross) and Bank of New Hampshire (Second Place Net). Individual awards were presented to: Joyce Sachi (Ladies Longest Drive); Corey Gillespie (Men’s Longest Drive); Seth Doughty (Chipping Contest).

To learn more about becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, or to get involved as a supporting partner or volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine, visit

First place net: MaineGeneral Health. (contributed photos)