Young man shows that one person can help save lives

Photo by Gary Mazoki

by Roberta Barnes

The ribbon cutting ceremony held on September 23, 2023, in Palermo, was for a lifesaving resource added into the Recreational Field, on the Turner Ridge Rd. Family, friends, fellow scouts, first responders and law enforcement officers from Palermo and neighboring towns were present to celebrate this vital resource.

This resource that is beneficial for all surrounding communities is the result of the completion of an Eagle Scout project. An Eagle Scout Project is a community service effort that comes at the end of a scout’s career and must be completed to attain scouting’s highest rank.

The Eagle Scout project Kaleb Brown completed is evidence that one person’s idea can result in creating a resource that can save lives. The project that Brown, senior Patrol Leader of Palermo Boy Scout Troop #222, and high school senior, presented to the Scout Council was for a permanent LifeFlight helicopter pad to be built in an area where it is needed.

Transportation and time are essential factors when critical care is needed. In Maine over 37,000 patients have been airlifted to receive critical medical care by LifeFlight since it was founded in 1998. Just in the past year over 2,000 patients were airlifted. Each airlift requires a safe landing site.

What inspired Brown to take on this project was an event that happened when he and his best friend were each 15 years old. His friend was critically injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver and died on route to the hospital. The only permanent concrete pads for airlifting close to Palermo were in Augusta and Belfast. His mother, Barbara Files-Lucier, assistant scoutmaster who had been a paramedic for 14 years, also served as an inspiration for his project.

When Brown met a woman at a hospital whose daughter had died, it let him know he had chosen the right project. At the ribbon cutting ceremony instead of him cutting the ribbon he asked the woman whose daughter had died if she would like to cut it. She lives close by and had enjoyed watching as the pad was being built.

As with all Eagle Scout projects, Brown’s project required determination, discipline, and hours of hard work to coordinate everything required to complete the project. His first step after the Sount council had approved his project was to get permission to use a sizable portion of the field from the youth association owning that field. After that he went door to door asking businesses for donations.

Brown going door to door resulted in generous donations by local businesses, and individuals that covered the entire $20,000 cost. Once enough donations had been received, he still had to be available to keep the construction of the pad smoothly on track. Eagle Scouts are allowed mentors and community support, but the responsibility of the completion of their project is on their shoulders.

An example of the community coming together and people volunteering time was Brown and family members painting the pad. The painting was after all the steps required for the pad’s construction pad had been completed by businesses and individuals donating their time and materials.

Brown’s project required 500 hours of his time and dedicated work to complete a resource that can save lives. Now first responders in all areas surrounding Palermo have this site keyed into their systems to use when needed. If other landing areas used in the past are not available at a needed time, this pad can now be used.

Prior to the ribbon cutting along with speakers from associations and various levels of government, Kaleb Brown, and his mother each spoke.

While Bown and his mother outlined all that had gone into the project they each gave a heartfelt thank you to all the people who had donated funds, materials, and their time at various stages of the project. They expressed how each person’s donation was important in making this life saving resource a reality.

As Brown’s mother spoke, stepping stones for the commitment required to complete his Eagle scout project were explained, including the discipline required for school grades and his martial arts training.

Kaleb Brown’ s words that summed up this project were, “Hard things are right things.”

PHOTO: Sheepscot Lake Courtesy Boat Inspectors

Sheepscot Lake’s Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI) program was very successful again this year. The 2023 Courtesy Boat Inspectors, Addison Turner, Olivia Childs, Alex Reitchel. Sheepscot Lake remains healthy and free from invasive plants. (contributed photo)

Eagle Scout completes LifeFlight helipad

Kaleb Brown, the Senior Patrol Leader of Palermo Boy Scout Troop #222, recently finished his Eagle Scout project by installing a helicopter pad for LifeFlight. This is the only permanent, concrete pad between Augusta, Waterville and Belfast. This is a multi-community asset as the First Responders of Palermo, China, Somerville, and Liberty will have access to the pad.

Kaleb noted, “There is a need and I can help. People shouldn’t worry about access to higher care if they or someone they know is critically injured in a remote area. Having a designated, permanent helicopter pad for LifeFlight (not just a field or a road that is shut down) saves precious minutes. Those minutes are critical to a patient’s survival.”

They are holding a public ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, September 23. The pad is located at the ball fields, at 645 Turner Ridge Rd., in Palermo. There will be guest speakers, emergency vehicles, the media, and LifeFlight will be on the pad!

This project was a huge undertaking and required a myriad of volunteers, materials, and funds to be a success. With generous donations by local businesses all $20K was covered!

Auburn Concrete, Belfast Chamber of Commerce, Bob Bruso, Darryl Heroux. Don Salvatore, Hancock Lumber, Haskell & Sons Dusty Haskell, McGee Construction
Modern Woodman of America, Nathan O. Northrup Forest Products and Earthworks, Palermo Youth Athletics, Paul Keller State Farm, and Wooly & Grunts Farm.

Palermo selectmen schedule two public meetings

by Mary Grow

Palermo select board members have scheduled two public meetings to discuss and act on a proposed moratorium on high-impact electric transmission lines through the town, in response to the proposed LS power line from Aroostook County to Coopers Mills.

Select board chairman Robert Kurek said a public hearing is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 15, in the town office to discuss the issue. A special town meeting to vote on a moratorium is set for a week later, 5:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 22, also in the town office.

The proposed 180-day moratorium and additional information are on the town website,

LETTERS: A warm thank you

To the editor:

The family of Alia Coombs Singh would like to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and generosity after Alia’s unexpected passing.

The benefit supper put on by the American Legion post #163, the Branch Mills Grange #336, the Palermo Community Library, Tobey’s Grocery and the efforts of Kathy Neenan, Mary Haskell and many, many others, was a resounding success. The attendance was great, the pie auction was fantastic (never bid against a four-year-old), the winner of the 50/50 generously donated the money back, and to cap it all Robert Potter announced his company, Modern Woodmen of America, was putting up a very nice matching fund. WOW!

It was one of those nights that helps you realize how special our town is. We cannot express how appreciative we are by this outpouring from so many, All we can say is thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The family of Alia Coombs Singh:
parents Michael and Sheila McCarty
husband Dheeraj Singh and sisters Maygen Hardy and Paula Doucette

EVENTS: Palermo Planning Board to hold meeting

The Palermo Planning Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., in the Town Office conference room.

OPINIONS: No more property tax stabilization program


by Katrina Smith
State Represenative
District #62
China, Palermo, Somerville & Windsor

What can our Seniors do now?

The popular state tax assistance for seniors entitled the “Property Tax Stabilization Program”, which allowed those over the age of 65 to freeze their property taxes, has been eliminated during this past legislative session. (A vote for the budget was a vote for this program to be eliminated. Personally, I voted against the budget for this and other reasons.) Many seniors are asking, “What now?” The good news is that several State of Maine programs have been expanded that will hopefully assist our Seniors with their finances.

The first program to be expanded is the Property Tax Fairness Credit. The property tax fairness credit provides that Eligible Maine taxpayers may receive a portion of the property tax or rent paid during the tax year on the Maine individual income tax return whether they owe Maine income tax or not. If the credit exceeds the amount of your individual income tax due for the tax year, the excess amount of credit will be refunded to you. The program increased the credit from $1,500 to $2,000 for individuals 65 or older. To take advantage of this program you need to file a ME1040 and a Property Tax Fairness tax form.

The second program is the Deferred Collection of Homestead Property Taxes. The State Property Tax Deferral Program is a loan program that can cover the annual property tax bills of Maine people who are ages 65 and older or are permanently disabled and who cannot afford to pay them on their own. The loan program allows Maine’s most vulnerable community members to age in place and ensures that property taxes are still delivered to municipalities, requiring repayment of the loan once the property is sold or becomes part of an estate. The program was updated to double the income threshold to $80,000 a year and also the liquid asset threshold limit to $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for couples. There are a few other guidelines for this program, but to see if you qualify you must file an application with your local municipal assessor between January 1 and April 1.

I hope this information is useful to our Seniors and helps them to afford to live out their golden years by relieving some of the stress involved with property taxes. I am happy to help direct anyone to other resources and can be reached at

PALERMO: Hager Ent. chosen to pave two town roads

by Jonathan Strieff

Palermo town council members, Bob Kurek, Ilene McKenny, and Pam Swift met July 27 to vote on bids for three 2023 paving projects, gather comments from community members concerned about the proposed LS Power transmission line , and offer updates on several ongoing municipal projects.

Thursday’s meeting began with the reading of bids from four contractors responding to the towns request for paving two sections of Banton Road and one section of Level Hill Road. Hager Enterprises Inc. was chosen unanimously without discussion. The council also voted unanimously without discussion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting and to accept warrant #15 to pay the municipal bills.

The majority of the meeting was spent gathering comments from the nine community members in attendance concerning the high-voltage transmission proposed by Missouri based LS Power to cross several Waldo County towns, connecting King Pine Wind in Aroostook County to the existing substation in Coopers Mills. Many expressed fears about how the electricity would interact with the aging Buckeye Petroleum distilled gas pipeline already present along the proposed route, as well as the risks posed by the blasting and drilling of ledge that would be necessary to complete the project. Others expressed concern about the impact of trucks and heavy machinery to posted and dirt roads along the route. One attendee encouraged those present to voice
their opposition at the Public Utilities Commission public meeting on September 23, while another participant claimed the PUC had already, “released all management authority,” of the project over to LS Power.

The council agreed to consider circulating a petition for a special town meeting to vote on new land use ordinances that could make the proposed route less cost effective to pursue.

The ongoing municipal business discussed included procedural changes to selling tax-acquired property. A new legislative package passed in Augusta stipulates towns must now contact the previous owner and list the property with a realtor for six months before putting it out to bid. Towns must also repay the previous owner any amount over the assessed value when the property sells.
The council also shared updates to the status of Waldo County Broadband Corporation. The 501c3 corporation was formed to act as a public utility to bring high speed internet to the towns of Palermo, Liberty, Montville, Searsmont, and Freedom without affecting the tax base and without going into debt. Unfortunately, promised funding from the state never materialized, leaving the corporation to act in an advisory role, negotiating an Internet Service Provider owned solution
with either Great Works Internet or Unitel.

The council also spoke to the draw down of Branch Mills pond ahead of dam work expected to start on July 31, changes to mooring guidelines in Sheepscot Lake and the creation of a Harbor Master position, delayed reimbursement from FEMA for road damage from rain storms this summer, and the need to obtain an FCC license for the fire and rescue radio operating at the town office.

Harbor master keynote speaker at Sheepscot Lake annual meeting

Submitted by Carol Viens

The Sheepscot Lake Association held their annual meeting on Thursday, July 20, at the Fish and Game Club, on Rte. 3, in Palermo. The meeting was very successful and well attended, with Shawn Herbert, Harbor Master and Chief of Marine Safety for Maine, as keynote speaker. Shawn has been instrumental in protecting lakes in his jurisdiction through the implementation and governance of safety policies, as well as mooring ordinances. He runs a group responsible for training and certification of Harbor Masters for Maine. The lake association also recognized the Reynolds family for certifying their lakefront home as part of the Maine Lake Smart program.

If you were not able to attend and would like additional information about the Sheepscot Lake Association, would like to renew your membership, or become a member, please visit their website: You can also reach them via email: You can also purchase Sheepscot Lake merchandise at the SLA online store:

Benefit spaghetti supper in Palermo

photo by jeffreyw:

A fundraising event is being held by community organizations, on Saturday, August 5, at 5 p.m., for the family of Michael and Sheila McCarty to help with the final expenses incurred by the sudden passing of their daughter, Alia. It will be held at the American Legion, 33 Veterans Way, in Palermo. The cost will be $10 per plate, $5 for children under 10.

Following the dinner, there will be a pie auction and 50/50 drawing. Please feel free to donate a pie or other baked goods to help with the event. Contact Commander Paul Hunter, 207-993-5049; Auxiliary Mary Haskell, 207-485-6605; or Kathy Neenan at the Palermo Town Office, 207-640-8100, ext. 103.