Veteran columnist Marilyn Rogers dies at 95

Marilyn Rogers

SKOWHEGAN – Marilyn Houston Rogers-Bull, 95, passed away on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at the Cedar Ridge Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, in Skow­hegan. Marilyn was born April 29, 1929, in the village of Flagstaff, the daughter of Doro­thy Steven Jones and Benjamin Houston and step-father Clarence Jones.

She graduated from Flagstaff High School soon to marry Frank Rogers. In 1949 Marilyn, Frank and son Mark moved to Solon when the residents of Flagstaff, Dead River and Bigelow towns were displaced by CMP as the Dead River Dam was built. Their family grew to include David, Peter and Mary.

Marilyn was very active in community affairs and organizations. She was a member of the Solon Congregational Church serving in numerous capacities for many years. Over the years, she wrote articles for The Somerset Gazette, The Somerset Reporter, The Morning Sentinel and The Town Line. She was well known for her opening line “Don’t worry be happy.” and closing with a bit of wisdom from her beloved cat Percy.

She was a 4-H leader, Extension member, Registrar of Voters for Solon. She was a barber and waitress, and became an expert in wallpaper hanging for many homes in town. Marilyn was a teacher’s aide for the Solon School. She was instrumental in forming what became the Solon Summer Recreation for all the children in town. Her future son-in-law remembers the sandwiches she made for the crew cleaning out the chicken barn at Lewis Adams farm every summer. She was a gifted and naturally taught artist and had won many awards for her paintings, and became the art teacher for the Skowhegan School of Adult Education. Over the decades she was the Solon Coolidge Library librarian. In her 50s and 60s Marilyn operated her own shop called Grams selling much of her knitting and crafts, but most of all she loved meeting people.

In 1995 her husband Frank died. In 2011, she married Leif Bull, of South Solon. They enjoyed traveling all around the state and eating in many of their favorite restaurants. In the last few years of her life dementia progressed to where she needed 24-hour care. The staff at Woodlands Memory Center, of Madison, and eventually Cedar Ridge did just that for Marilyn. From a remarkable family and village Marilyn grew up with strong and steadfast values that embraced community and faith. She was gifted to know and understand right from wrong, and good from bad. Her faith caused her to live bravely and courageously throughout her life. She was a blessing for all who knew and loved her.

Marilyn is survived by her husband Lief Bull; sons Mark Rogers and wife Karen, of Dunedin, Florida, David Rogers and wife Eleanor, of Falmouth, Peter Rogers and wife Sherry, of Solon; daughter Mary Walz and husband David, of North Anson; stepson Dean Bull and wife Cheryl, of Jasper, Georgia; stepdaughter Cindy Fitzmaurice and husband Allan, of Anson; and brothers Steven and Larry; 13 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren, and one great-great- grandson.

She was predeceased by her brother Tom.

There will be a graveside service in the spring at the Flagstaff Cemetery, in Eustis.

Plymouth State University announces fall dean’s list (2023)

The following area student have been named to the dean’s list at Plymouth State University, in Plymouth, New Hampshire.
Joscelyn Gagnon, of Benton, and Courtney Peabody, of Solon.

Kaitlin Dixon Named to D&E president’s list

Kaitlin Dixon, of Solon, a student at Davis & Elkins College, in Elkins West Virginia, has been named to the president’s list for the spring 2022 semester. The president’s list includes all full-time students with a 4.0 GPA for the semester.

Kaitlin Dixon named to D&E president’s list

Kaitlin Dixon, of Solon, a student at Davis & Elkins College, in Elkins, West Virginia, has been named to the president’s list for the fall 2021 semester. The president’s list includes all full-time students with a 4.0 GPA for the semester.

Related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Davis & Elkins College is located in Elkins, West Virginia, and offers 45 academic programs. For more information, visit the College website at

Kaitlin Dixon named to D&E President’s list

Kaitlin Dixon, of Solon, a student at Davis & Elkins College, in Elkins, West Virginia, has been named to the president’s list for the fall 2021 semester. The president’s list includes all full-time students with a 4.0 GPA for the semester.

Related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Davis & Elkins College is located in Elkins, West Virginia, and offers 45 academic programs. For more information, visit the College website at



SOLON & BEYOND: News from Solon Elementary School

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull
Solon, Maine 04979

We were not able to hold our outdoor Fall Open House because at the time half of our students and some staff members were quarantining. Please check out our open house webpage created by our new Title I ed tech Samantha Taylor. You can see our classrooms and read about each teacher’s goals for 2021-22 school year. You can find the webpage at We hope to have a big outdoor open house in the spring.

Parents and teachers have been busy meeting for fall conferences during October and November. Together they have set goals for each student for the school year. Thank you for participating in this process. Your involvement in your child’s education means so much.

Our school board has instituted a mask mandate through the holidays to be reassessed at their January 5 meeting as a way to curb the spread of COVID in our schools and reduce the number of students and staff who have to quarantine. Keeping students healthy and safe is our top priority. This year students have the whole week of Thanksgiving off as vacation time. I hope that even though we all have to follow COVID safety protocols, you will be able to enjoy time with family and friends over the holiday week. And Christmas is right around the corner!

The First Quarter Honor Roll : All A’s ­ – Maxxwell Caplin, Lydia Dixon, Hunter Ingersoll, Hunter Poulior, and Spencer Rogers. All A’s & B’s – Keirra Brooks, Kabella Chretien, Ehren Hill, Allyssa Hutchins, Landen Jacobs, Olive MacDonald, Kira Medwick, Ryan Medwick , Martin Plourde, Emma Pooler, Dylan Priest, Wilder Taylor Braelin Vaughn, Ally Williams, and Madison Wyman.

Solon Students Win District Awards : Solon Elementary School is proud to have three award winners in the 2020-21 school year. Each year one student in third grade, one in fourth grade, and one in fifth grade, win an award for scoring the highest in the district on the Maine Educational Assessment in reading or math. A science award is usually given to a fifth grader, but since the test was new last year and just given as a field test, the next winner in science will be for 2021-22.

Award winners each received a certificate and a check for $50, and their names are displayed on a plaque in the lobby at Carrabec Community School. The monetary prizes for this program are donated by Mr. & Mrs. Chet Hickox and the three elementary school PTO’s.

Halloween Fun: On October 29, we held a Halloween Parade, and students enjoyed treats donated by families at a Halloween buffet. Thanks to the Solon Fire Department for providing a fire truck to escort us around town. Halloween Dime Raffle winners were Ellie Smith, Anthony Sandoval and Hunter Pouliot.

We want to recognize our top sellers in the fundraiser. Kindergartner Paul Yocum sold 37 items for a total of $426. Fifth grader Spenser Rogers sold 30 items for a total of $464. Great job, Paul and Spencer.

Solon HOLDS WALKING SCHOOL BUS ACTIVITY: On October 20, we held a Walking School Bus activity as part of our wellness action plan. Students and staff met at the Solon Thrift Shop and walked to school. Once they arrived , they enjoyed a breakfast prepared by our cook Mrs. Lawrence. We are planning a second Walking School Bus activity on December 1. NOTES FROM THE NURSE. School-BASED DENTAL CLINIC: We will soon offer this program, which accepts all insurances and offers services for students who do not have a regular dentist and would like to receive dental care. They do oral exams, oral hygiene instructions, dental cleanings fluoride treatments, sealants on molars and premolars and temporary fillings. The second dental program offers oral exams and fluoride treatment. This is free to all children in grades K-6. Please send in your permission forms to participate in any of these programs.

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Students ages 19 Vaccine Clinic. Students ages 5 and up December 21, 2021. Immunizations. It is important to have your child up to date on higher on his /her immunizations before November 29, 2021. After this date, if your child’s immunizations are not up to date, he/she will be excluded from attending school until these immunizing are up to date.

Will finish the rest of this news next week, but now it’s time for Percy’s memoir entitled, “My Earnest Prayer: Today, I pray for others, Lord, Who seem less blessed than I. That in your love and mercy, You’ll heed their desperate cry. For those depressed and lonely, Please be their constant guide… And show them they are not alone, For You are by their side! For those in pain of body… Dear Lord, Please make them whole, And those who doubt….increase their faith, Reveal their glorious soul! Feed those who live in hunger, House those who have no home, And free this world from hatred; Show us we all are one Dear Lord, thank you for listening, And answering this prayer, This world seems much less frightening, Just knowing that you care.”

Courtney Peabody earns MPA award

Courtney Peabody

Courtney Peabody, daughter of Robert and Carrie Peabody, of Solon, a senior at Carrabec High School, has been selected to receive the 2021 Principal’s Award, according to Principal Timothy Richards. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic achievement, citizenship and leadership.

According to Richards, Ms. Peabody has distinguished herself in the classroom, on the court, in track and field, and as a leader in the school. She always has a smile on her face and has a positive attitude. Courtney is hard-working, kind, and humble, all of which will ensure her future success.

Academically, Courtney has challenged herself throughout her high school years, where she has taken six dual enrollment classes, as well as three AP courses. Her hard work, perseverance and enthusiasm have made her a role model in our school.

Strong and focused, Peabody has not only thrived in the sports world, but is also a member of the National Honor Society, has been a member of the Willpower Weightlifting Team, Youth in Maine Government, and was February 2021 Student of the Month.

For all of these reasons, Richards has announced that Courtney Peabody is the Carrabec High School MPA Award recipient for 2021. Courtney can attend a live, virtual event on May 14, 2021, where she will be eligible to be selected for one of ten scholarships.

Local Town Meetings Schedule 2020

Town meetings 2020


Town Meeting
Sat., June 27, 10:00 am
Albion Fire Station

Those attending the Town Meeting should park in the field behind the Besse Building or in the Besse Building parking lot. No one will be allowed to park at the Fire Station. Attendees should also practice social distancing and we ask that you wear a face mask.

Copy of the Town Meeting Warrant is on the Town web page under Government – Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes


Tues., June 9, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Chelsea Elementary School
Town Meeting
Thurs., June 11, 6:30 p.m.
Chelsea Elementary School


Town meeting
Tuesday, July 14, 9 a.m.
Written ballot only
Former portable classroom near town office.
7 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Annual town budget meeting
Mon., June 15, 7 p.m.
Fairfield Community Ctr.
61 Water St.


Town Meeting
Saturday, March 7, 1:30 p.m.
Solon Elementary School.


Town Meeting
Mon., June 22, 6:30 p.m.
Vassalboro Community School
1116 Webber Pond Road
Municipal Election
Tues., June 23, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Town Office
682 Main St.

*   *   *

To be included in this list, visit our Contact Us page or send an email to The Town Line at

Students named to dean’s list at Bates College

The following students have been named to the dean’s list at Bates College, in Lewiston, for the winter semester ending in April 2019.

Emma Foss, of Solon, is a 2015 graduate of Carrabec High School, in North Anson. She is a senior majoring in mathematics at Bates.

Mackenzie Winslow, of Winslow. Winslow, the daughter of Mr. and Ms. Kelly J. Winslow, of Winslow, is a 2015 graduate of Winslow High School. She is a senior majoring in neuroscience at Bates.

Local Town Meetings Schedule 2019

Town meetings 2019


Town meeting, Mon., June 3, 6:30 p.m.
Vassalboro Community School
Voting: Tuesday, June 11
Polls open 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Vassalboro Town Office


Voting: Tues., June 11, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Town meeting: Wed., June 12, 6:30 p.m.
Upstairs at Town Hall
If more than 75 attend, it will be moved to the school.

To be included in this list, visit our Contact Us page or send an email to The Town Line at