SCOUTING NEWS: Area Scouts make a difference with clean-up activities

Vassalboro Cubs, front, from left to right, Kasen Maroon (Tiger), Lux Reynolds (Wolf), Finn Arsenault (Wolf), and Declan McLaughlin (Wolf). Second row, John Gray (Wolf), Boone McLaughlin (Lion), Beckett Metcalf (Wolf), Alex Madison (Lion), Samuel Madison (Wolf), Walter (Pack #410 Recruit), Henry Gray (Webelos I). Back Tiger Den Leader Shane Maroon, Cubmaster Chris Reynolds, and Asst. Cubmaster Ben Metcalf. All are from Vassalboro. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Winslow Cubs, from left to right, Wolf Ryder Johnston, Arrow of Light Ashish Dabas, Wolf Easton Vigue, Bear Freddie Pullen (behind Easton), on the right side Lion Lorelei Pullen, Webelos Colton Vigue, Wolf CJ Mihalovits, Arrow of Light Alex Parsons, Wolf Simon Giroux. Not pictured are Wolf Abel Byroade, Lion Stevie Hodgdon, and Bear Peter Small who also took part in the clean-up. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

Earth Day has a special place in Scouting’s culture. Cubs and Scouts know that responsible stewardship of the planet is key to being a good Scout. Since Boy Scouts of America’s early beginnings, Scouts have been caring for the planet. The organization’s “Leave No Trace” principles demonstrate how Scouts show respect for the great outdoors.

BSA makes a point to recognize other friends of the planet with the Hornaday Awards, which honor not only Scouting units, Scouts, Venturers, adult Scouting volunteers, but also other individuals, corporations, and institutions that contribute to natural resource conservation and environmental protection.

Caring for the environment is considered one of the core values of Scouting, which is why BSA and its members are constantly taking action to champion sustainability and conservation. Area Scouts were busy putting into practice what they had been learning in Scouting this Earth Day.

On April 21, Skowehgan Pack #485 Cubmaster Shanna Brown said their Cubs Scouts and leaders picked up litter, raked and removed debris around the Federated Church near the Kennebec River filling three contractor bags with trash and a pencil box filled with needles that was given to the Skowhegan Police Department. Scouts had received instructions prior to the start of the clean up to leave any items that looked like medical equipment alone and alert an adult. Scouts and leaders from Troop #485 also assisted in the clean up effort. Shanna said, “Doing our best to clean up the earth one location at a time.”

Cub Scouts in Gardiner Pack #672 gave up some of their Saturday on April 13 cleaning along the rail trail near the Kennebec River. Cubmaster Scott St. Amand said, “They collected ten bags of trash as well as some miscellaneous car parts. It was a beautiful day for a clean-up and the folks on the rail trail weren’t shy about expressing gratitude for the Scouts getting out there and tidying up.”

In Vassalboro, members of Pack and Troop #410 took part in a clean up of the storytime trail at the Vassalboro Community School. “It was a wonderful day to bring both Troop #410 and Pack #410 together to work on a service project in honor of Earth Day, but to also say thank you to Vassalboro Community School for their partnership. It was a perfect collaboration cleaning up storm damage on the story walk created by Eagle Scout Nathan Polley,” said Scoutmaster Christopher Santiago.

Sabrina Garfield, Cubmaster in Winslow said, “Cub Scout Pack #445 spent the day (April 21) walking around Winslow cleaning up litter making the town cleaner and greener. They went to Norton Park, Halifax Park, Winslow Elementary, High School, Jr High, Town Office and Halifax hill cemetery just to name a few of the places. One of our Lion Cubs did 3.2 miles of walking and cleaning up litter. The bottle drive was also a huge success. And a big thank you to Winslow Town Councilman Adam Lint and his wife for their support with their bottle donations and coming out to say hi and thanking the cubs for their work.” Garfield said that many people stopped by, dropped off bottles, beeped, waved and shared encouragement for what the Scouts were doing. Cheryl’s Pizza provided pizza after the work was done. “It’s not too late to help out! Grab a bag, some gloves and an adult and clean up your street. The Earth will thank you.”

Skowhegan Cubs, from left to right, Bear Cub Jaxson Lewis, of Norridgewock, Bear Cub Ian Dickey, of Anson, Tiger Cub Dylan Dickey, of Anson, Tiger Cub Philo Augustus, of Smithfield, and Tiger Cub Casey Barden, of Norridgewock, took part in an Earth Day Clean Up near the Skowhegan Federated Church and the Kennebec River. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

EVENTS: Open Mic at Vassalboro coffee house

East Vassalboro Grange

Vassalboro Open Mic and Coffeehouse at the East Vassalboro Grange Hall Saturday, May 11, 7 – 9 p.m. Everyone is welcome to perform or to enjoy. Might you be a musician who might enjoy a place to share your talent? This could be the perfect place to try out the neighborhood stage. Bring your friends and family. $3 – $5 suggested donation. Coffee, tea, and goodies for sale. FMI:

VASSALBORO: After long meeting, committee agrees to recommend school budget

by Mary Grow

By the end of an almost-three-hour April 16 meeting, Vassalboro Budget Committee members had agreed to recommend the 2024-25 school budget as presented by the school board, and to recommend rearrangements and reductions in the almost-final municipal budget.

The vote on the school budget was four in favor to three opposed, with two members absent. The decision was preceded by renewed discussion of issues reviewed the previous week (see the April 18 issue of The Town Line, p. 2).

Committee members’ goals as they debated the municipal budget were to provide needed services and to limit the expected tax increase. They considered using money from reserve funds and Vassalboro’s undesignated fund balance (informally called surplus) instead of from 2024-25 taxation, and eliminating or postponing some expenditures select board members proposed.

The $629,826 administration account was recommended with one change: by a six to one vote, budget committee members recommended against select board members’ proposed cost of living increase ($240), leaving a $500 increase intended for the incoming board chairman (see the Feb. 15 issue of The Town Line, p. 2).

Proposed road paving, and costs, were rearranged after public works employee Brian Lajoie presented suggestions. Lajoie reported the lowest paving bid was $93.25 per ton. Committee members unanimously recommended $510,000 for 2024-25 paving.

Other expenditures discussed included the proposed new skidstreer to plow the expected new North Vassalboro sidewalks (and for other uses year-round) and the proposed replacement loader.

Committee members voted six to one not to recommend buying a replacement loader in 2024-25. By the same margin, they voted to set aside $26,436 for the first payment on the skidsteer.

Future projects include putting up a new building to shelter equipment at the public works department lot on Bog Road, replacing the Mill Hill bridge and buying a new plow truck. Committee members discussed how much money should be set aside in what type of account; they voted unanimously to recommend a $100,000 plow truck reserve fund.

Committee chairman Peggy Schaffer tried to calculate recommended savings and the effect on the tax rate. Results were estimates, because the Kennebec County budget was undetermined as of April 16, and Vassalboro’s total valuation had not been set by the town’s assessor.

Valuation helps determine tax rate; the greater the total valuation, the lower the rate required to raise needed funds from taxation.

Select board members will prepare the warrant – list of articles to be submitted to voters – for the Monday, June 3, annual town meeting, where voters will approve the 2024-25 budget. The warrant includes recommendations from the two boards on municipal monetary articles, and from the school board and budget committee on school funding requests.

Vassalboro select board discusses road work, sanitary district

Town attorney rules protest letter does not meet requirement for petition

by Mary Grow

The April 18 Vassalboro select board meeting was in sections. After an hour and a half discussing road work, Vassalboro Sanitary District customers’ communication and other matters, board members recessed for an executive session with the town attorney.

They then spent another half hour in open meeting talking about the draft warrant for the June 3 and 11 town meeting, before another short executive session.

The only action taken after either executive session was a prompt adjournment after the second one.

Proposed road repaving has been discussed repeatedly among select board and budget committee members, with information and recommendations from Brian Lajoie of the public works department. After the April 16 budget committee meeting, attendees thought they had agreed that the big project for the summer of 2024 would be repaving the Church Hill Road to the Augusta line.

At the April 18 select board meeting, Lajoie advised reconsidering. Central Maine Power Company plans to replace lines along that road, he said, and the company’s heavy machinery would chew up the new pavement.

Although, he said, CMP is supposed to pay for any damage, he still preferred to postpone the repaving.

Select board members therefore tentatively added back into the 2024 paving schedule several shorter stretches of town road. As of April 18, Art. 5 in the draft town meeting warrant allocates $570,000 for road paving.

The other road issue discussed was the state Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) planned replacement of the Meadow Brook bridge on Bog Road, about seven-tenths of a mile west of the four-way intersection in East Vassalboro.

MDOT Project Manager Gary Libby said the current schedule calls for the work to be bid out in December 2024 and done in the summer of 2025.

The plan is to replace the bridge with a box culvert. Libby described the culvert and the roadway above, which he said will have 11-foot travel lanes and three-foot shoulders, making it a bit wider than the current bridge.

Work will include installing a dry hydrant for the Vassalboro Fire Department. The department is to provide materials and oversee the contractor’s installation.

An on-line public forum in May, dates to be announced, will let residents ask questions and offer comments.

Libby expects work to start after June 15 and to take about six weeks.

MDOT’s proposed detour uses Taber Hill and Gray roads. Gray Road runs west from Route 32 to its intersection with Taber Hill, where traffic would make a sharp left turn to go south to Bog Road on the west side of the detour.

Board and audience members questioned whether trucks would have trouble with the sharp turn at the intersection, and whether increased traffic would be hard on Gray Road. Lajoie and others said Gray Road is scheduled for repaving this summer, and it does not have a very strong base.

Libby was willing to investigate a truck route following Taber Hill Road north to Oak Grove Road, where traffic could turn east and join Route 32 in North Vassalboro. The sight lines where Taber Hill Road joins Oak Grove Road would be one factor to consider, he said.

The Vassalboro Sanitary District discussion was sparked by what Town Manager Aaron Miller called a letter of protest from residents served by the District, who have repeatedly asked for help with high user fees. The document was intended as a petition, Miller said, but the town attorney said it did not meet requirements, and it lacked the needed 219 signatures.

Miller said he had advised the senders what to do if they wanted to submit an article for the warrant for the June 3 town meeting.

During the first part of their meeting, select board members:

Appointed Albion resident Cindy Spaulding to the Vassalboro Cemetery Committee. Miller summarized her credentials and said current cemetery committee members were satisfied.
Approved $15,000 in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds for the volunteer fire department for turnout gear (see the April 18 issue of The Town Line, p. 3).
Agreed by consensus to postpone buying a new backhoe.

After the first executive session, they reviewed Miller’s preliminary draft of the town meeting warrant. As of April 18, the warrant had 41 articles to be acted on at the open meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Monday, June 3, in the Vassalboro Community School gymnasium.

Another three articles are to be voted by written ballot on Tuesday, June 11, at the town office, with polls open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Local elections will be held at the same time and place.

Town Clerk Cathy Coyne reported two incumbents submitted nomination papers for two positions on local boards: Christopher French for a three-year term on the select board, and Jolene Clark Gamage for a three-year term on the school board.

Miller said veteran moderator Richard Thompson has agreed to moderate the town meeting, for the last time; he plans to retire after this year.

John Melrose is Vassalboro’s 2024 Spirit of America choice

John Melrose

John Melrose will be honored with Vassalboro’s annual Spirit of America award at the June 3 town meeting, in recognition of his many volunteer activities in the town.

Select board member Michael Poulin announced the board’s choice, “appreciative of the depth and length of selfless service rendered to our community.”

Melrose’s service, “so far,” Poulin wrote, includes several terms on the select board; serving on the budget committee; serving as a scoutmaster and baseball coach; and membership (often leadership) on the Vassalboro Cemetery Committee, Kennebec Land Trust, Vassalboro Grange, Vassalboro Historical Society, Vassalboro Trails Committee and Maine Woodland Owners.

Melrose and his wife Molly have been Vassalboro residents since 1976. Melrose worked for the Maine Municipal Association for seven years; served as commissioner of the Maine Department of Transportation from 1995 to 2001; and worked as a private consultant, including running his company, Maine Tomorrow, for 20 years.

The Spirit of America Foundation was established in Augusta in 1990 to recognize and honor volunteers in Maine municipalities.

Sarina LaCroix has top state of Maine Americanism essay

Sarina LaCroix

Vassalboro Community School (VCS) student Sarina LaCroix is the sixth-grade State of Maine winner of the annual Americanism Essay Contest sponsored by the Elks Club.

Becky Fisher, sixth-grade English and social studies teacher at VCS, said the theme of this year’s contest is “What the Bill of Rights Means to Me.”

VCS students entered through the Waterville Elks Lodge in December 2023. Fisher was notified in February that four VCS students’ essays were chosen for the state-level contest. Later, she learned that LaCroix had written what was judged the best sixth-grader’s essay in Maine.

The contest is divided into four levels, for grades five, six, seven and eight. Contest rules say each essay must be no longer than 300 words and must be “typed or legibly printed in ink” by the student.

Each local lodge sends its 12 winning essays, three from each grade level, to a District Americanism Chairman. The district chairman forwards 12 winning essays to the State Americanism Chairman, who chooses 12 state winners.

In addition, by March 31 the state chairman forwards the first-place essay from each grade level to the Grand Lodge Essay Contest Administrator, in Cullman, Alabama. National winners will be announced at the end of June.

LaCroix will attend the Maine Elks Club state convention in Augusta, on Saturday, May 4, where she will read her essay and be presented with a plaque, Fisher said.

Local scout leader receives training award

Scouting Training Chairman for Kennebec Valley District Walter Fails, left, presents Christopher Santiago, of Vassalboro, with the Scouter’s Key. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Since kids don’t grow up overnight, it can sometimes be hard to tell from week to week how much of a difference you’re making as a scouting volunteer. Scouting leaders who complete training programs deliver stronger programs that reach each youth where they are every single week. On Sunday, March 24, four area leaders were recognized for completing all requirements for specific training awards as well as the more challenging to earn Scouter’s Key.

A training award is a position-specific recognition earned by scouters who meet certain tenure, training and performance requirements.The tenure requirement is one year for den leaders and two years for all other positions. Basic training for your position, plus specified supplemental training depending on their scouting position. Additionally, the scouter must do four or five things, which vary by position, such as participating in an annual unit-planning meeting or giving primary leadership in meeting a Journey to Excellence objective.

A Scouter’s Key is a more advanced award earned by the top leader in a unit (i.e., Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Advisor or Skipper). They must have three years as the top unit leader within a five-year period. As with the training awards, a Scouter’s Key requires basic training for the position they held plus specified supplemental training. Additionally, their Scouting unit must achieve at least the Silver level of Journey to Excellence for at least two years, they must participate in at least one additional supplemental or advanced training event, and they must complete one or two other program-specific requirements.

Christopher Santiago, of Vassalboro, earned the Den Leader Training Award, Scouter’s Training Award for the Cub Level and Scouter’s Training Award for the Troop level. Jamie Russell and Drew Riddle, both of Randolph, earned the Scouter’s Training Award for the Troop Level.

Christopher Santiago earned the Scouter’s Key for his work in the Cub Scout level of the program. The awards were presented by Kennebec Valley District Training Chairman Walter Fails, of New Sharon. The event was held at the Winslow Parks and Recreation Hall. Kennebec Valley District Scouters deliver the programs of Scouting in Kennebec, Lincoln, Knox, Somerset, and Franklin counties.

Vassalboro school board reviews proposed 2024-25 budget

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro School Board members continued review of the proposed 2024-25 budget at an April 3 special meeting. At their regular meeting April 9, they discussed non-budgetary and budgetary issues, before joining the Vassalboro Budget Committee for a joint review of the proposed 2024-25 school budget.

The April 3 meeting, held despite an impending snowstorm, featured virtual participation by special education director Tanya Thibeau, director of maintenance and grounds Shelley Phillips, Vassalboro Community School principal Ira Michaud and assistant principal Tabitha Brewer.

The administrators explained their sections of the budget and answered board members’ questions.

At the April 9 meeting, Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer presented a draft 2024-25 school calendar, which he said is very similar to the current year’s calendar except that there are fewer early release days – nine instead of 14.

School calendar very similar to last year’s except there are fewer early release days – nine instead of 14.

Michaud said teachers need time to discuss educational issues among themselves, but he realizes having students come home early inconveniences many parents.

Board members considered late start days instead of early release days, but doubted that plan would be any less inconvenient. They also discussed having early releases other than Thursday afternoons; Michaud said consistency seemed to help families plan.

Two budget issues were the addition of a second school counselor, and the reductions made from the initial proposed budget to the revised version approved unanimously April 9.

Michaud and Pfeiffer defended the need for a second counselor. Pfeiffer distributed a paper administrators prepared supporting the addition.

VCS currently has 410 students enrolled, and one counselor. The American School Counselor Association recommends a ratio of at least one counselor for every 250 students, for adequate service.

Data from the 2023 Maine integrated health survey shows an increase over 2021 results in the percentages of middle school students who reported they had “felt sad or hopeless” for longer than two consecutive weeks or who had “serious thoughts of harming or killing themselves.”

A second counselor would allow more time for classroom work, building social and emotional skills, and for work with small groups and individual students in need of extra support.

Before 2022, VCS lost three school counselors in a fairly short time, the paper said. “All three cited the high student ratio” as a major challenge that discouraged them from staying.

Items deleted from the initial budget proposal included one teacher (by attrition); one educational technician; one bus driver and bus run (Pfeiffer said the change was in effect, after a driver resigned, and students were not getting home significantly later); new tables in the library; and new tile flooring in the lower-level classrooms.

Another move to save taxpayer dollars was allocation of $185,000, instead of the initially-proposed $135,000, from the school’s undesignated fund balance.

In other business April 9, Pfeiffer commented that some of the newly-installed ceiling fans were already being used as the weather warmed.

Michaud reported that Vassalboro cub scouts hosted the Kennebec Valley District Pinewood Derby at Vassalboro Community School the previous weekend, with “an excellent turnout.”

For the April 8 eclipse, glasses were distributed to all students and staff for safe viewing from VCS, on the buses or at their homes, Michaud said.

The next regular Vassalboro School Board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 21.

Protecting water quality in local lakes theme of Vassalboro planning board meeting

by Mary Grow

Protecting water quality in Vassalboro lakes, especially Webber Pond, was the theme running through most of the discussion at the April 2 Vassalboro Planning Board meeting.

The issue was presented by representatives of the Conservation Commission and the Webber Pond Association; was the purpose of board member Paul Mitnik’s suggested amendments to the town’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance; and was discussed during review of Ron Blaisdell’s application to replace a storm-destroyed shed on Norton Road, in the Webber Pond shoreland.

The only exception was a brief discussion with Raymond Breton about an application for a new business at 913 Main Street, in North Vassalboro. His small building has housed a series of commercial tenants.

Breton said he has filed six applications on behalf of potential business owners in the last few years. The agenda says the latest is Paula Stratton, doing business as Passion Photography Maine; Breton said the building would become a photography studio.

Board members tabled the application Breton filed at the March meeting because instead of repeating information for the seventh time, he answered most questions “N/A” (not applicable) – the simplest application he ever filed, he said indignantly, and the board tabled it.

Chairman Virginia Brackett explained that “N/A” is not an adequate response. Breton could have written “No change” instead, she suggested. The board again tabled the application.

Webber Pond Association (WPA) President John Reuthe, Conservation Commission spokesman Holly Weidner and others presented information about the need for a watershed management plan for Webber Pond and Three-Mile Pond.

Blaisdell’s application was to replace a shed on Christopher Kew’s lot that was destroyed by a fallen tree. He planned the replacement to be 64-square-feet, instead of the original 54-square-feet. Because the shed is less than 100 feet from Webber Pond’s high-water mark, board members said it cannot be expanded, but can be rebuilt the same size.

Such a non-conforming structure should also be moved farther from the water, if possible. Blaisdell convinced the board majority that because of the slope of the lot, moving the shed is not feasible.

Much of the hour-long discussion was about relocating the building and about requiring other changes, like replacing storm-toppled trees or installing run-off control measures. Board members decided for a replacement, they have no authority to add requirements.

Blaisdell’s application was approved 4-1. Mitnik dissented, because without seeing the property, he was not convinced the shed could not be rebuilt farther from the water.

At their March 12 meeting, the rest of the board encouraged Mitnik to draft proposed ordinance amendments to strengthen water quality protection. Mitnik distributed a document that focused on requiring trees be planted on shorefront lots in connection with most applications for building work.

The topic will be continued at future meetings. Board members do not intend to ask voters’ action at the June 3 annual town meeting.

Webber Pond Association (WPA) President John Reuthe, Conservation Commission spokesman Holly Weidner and others presented information (also shared with the select board; see the March 28 issue of The Town Line, p. 3) about the need for a watershed management plan for Webber Pond and Three-Mile Pond.

Weidner said including the planning board is part of creating a communications network to support a coordinated effort.

Brackett replied that the planning board’s job is to implement policies, not to make them. She suggested it is time to review and update Vassalboro’s entire comprehensive plan (named a strategic plan when it was adopted in 2006, she said, because state regulations then required a comprehensive plan to include zoning and Vassalboro’s plan has no zoning).

A watershed management plan would be a useful part of a comprehensive plan, Rebecca Lamey and Peggy Horner suggested.

Reuthe and others said about one-third of the over-abundant phosphorus in Webber Pond comes from Three-Mile Pond, one-third from the surrounding land and one-third from the sediment in the bottom of Webber Pond.

In other business April 2, Codes Officer Jason Lorrain said Tim Dutton applied for a six-month extension to his permit to re-open the former East Vassalboro corner store, as board members suggested last month. The extension was approved unanimously.

Lorrain expects representatives of Sidereal Farm Brewery, on Cross Hill Road, to attend the May 7 planning board meeting to talk about changes made since the business was approved more than four years ago.

Vassalboro budget committee reviews select board’s draft

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro budget committee members reviewed the select board’s draft 2024-25 municipal budget at two lengthy meetings March 19 and March 26.

Both boards’ members are aware that many taxpayers cannot afford a large local property tax increase. They are also aware that the town is facing unavoidable higher costs in many areas. A theme of the meetings was what should be done immediately, what can be postponed and what can be considered unnecessary.

Town Manager Aaron Miller summarized major budget aspects in a hand-out at the March 19 meeting. At that time, he wrote, the select board’s proposed budget of just over $3.9 million was $358,393 higher than the current year’s. At the March 26 meeting, Miller said that increase would raise local property taxes by under one mil ($1 for each $1,000 of valuation).

However, the draft did not include the Kennebec County budget; Miller’s estimated figure represented a 10 percent increase. When the budget was presented at a March 27 county meeting in Augusta, the proposed overall increase in taxes to municipalities was 44 percent (varying by municipality).

County officials did not approve the budget March 27. Another meeting is scheduled for April 9, according to the report in the Central Maine newspapers.

Vassalboro discussions have not yet included the 2024-25 school budget. Local taxpayers funded almost $1.4 million of the current year’s $9 million school budget.

Miller’s summary named four areas with the largest proposed increases: the request from Delta Ambulance; setting aside funds in the assessing account to prepare for a town-wide revaluation; adding to the capital improvements budget; and adding one new employee, to be shared between the public works department and the transfer station.

The last two were discussed at length. Budget committee members made no final recommendations, but straw polls indicated a lack of support for either, as presented.

The substantially increased Delta Ambulance bill for 2024-25 drew brief comments at both meetings. The 2024-25 request is for $110,475. For the current year, the service requested and voters approved $66,285.

Select board chairman Chris French sees no reasonable alternative to Delta. Neither the Augusta nor the Waterville-Winslow ambulance service will add Vassalboro, and a town service would cost $700,000 just for labor costs, he said.

Miller does not expect a revaluation for another four or five years, but recommends setting aside money in preparation.

Proposed capital additions include new and replacement equipment, building maintenance and a new building.

Equipment that select board members recommend includes a new skid-steer, with bucket and snowblower attachments and a trailer to move it, and a replacement loader.

Select board members recommend the skid-steer in 2024-25 because they expect the state will build the promised new North Vassalboro sidewalks this summer; the town is obligated to plow the sidewalks; the loader now used for plowing sidewalks does a poor job and is too big to work on the new walkways without damaging them; and hiring someone to do the work would cost more than buying a machine.

Phillips is concerned that in much of North Vassalboro, houses are so close to the sidewalk that snow would need to be blown into the roadway.

The skid-steer would be used year-round, Miller and select board members said. It would help with town recreational trail maintenance and with shoulder work on roads, for example.

The loader would replace a machine that is almost 25 years old with more than 12,000 hours on it, French said at the March 26 meeting. Miller explained why it is needed and why the proposed skid-steer could not do its work.

Miller’s introductory letter said the town has been offered “a three-year zero percent interest rate plan for both pieces of equipment.” Select board members have discussed asking voters for $79,000 a year for three years.

The new trailer is estimated to cost $12,000.

Also needing more discussion is how soon the town needs a replacement truck for public works and what size it should be.

The two boards continued the discussion select board members have conducted for months about heating and other equipment at the town office. French’s goal is to have the office continue to function through a major storm.

Heat pumps are installed, and generators have been purchased but not installed. Questions remaining include whether to replace the 23-year-old boiler (as a back-up), whether to add another fuel tank and related issues.

Proposed building reserves include adding to the fund for an additional equipment storage building at the public works lot, and starting a maintenance fund for the town-owned former East Vassalboro schoolhouse, which the town leases to the Vassalboro Historical Society.

Schaffer asked whether the “huge” sand and salt building could be used for storage, since Vassalboro uses less road sand than in the past. Discussion included whether a building that contains salt is suitable for machinery and whether better ventilation would help.

Two other pending projects are major transfer station renovations and replacing the culvert on Mill Hill Road, tentatively with a bridge. The transfer station work has a reserve fund; select board members propose starting one for the road. They hope grants will help pay for both.

The main reason for considering adding an employee is safety, French said. An additional plow-truck driver would let road crew members work shorter, less exhausting shifts in snowstorms; and when one of the two transfer station staffers was out, the other would not work alone.

To French’s additional suggestion that taxpayers would save money if winter overtime were reduced, budget committee member Dallas Smedberg suggested plow drivers might appreciate their overtime pay.

Earlier in the year, select board members considered adding a part-time town office employee. They have scrapped that idea, at least for 2024-25.

Discussion of pay increases for town employees was inconclusive. Miller and the select board recommend a 3.2 percent cost of living (COLA) adjustment, plus two percent merit increases (except for two employees who have been with the town so long they are at the top of the pay scale; for them, an equivalent stipend is proposed).

Smedberg commented March 26 that in his experience, it is unusual for people at the top of a pay scale to get anything more than an annual COLA.

On another pay issue, Smedberg asked why the fire chief gets a $10,000 annual stipend, more than any of the select board members, even if French’s proposed $500 extra for the chairman is approved.

Board member Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., replied, “We don’t get called out at night or weekends much.”

A Fortin Road resident came to the March 26 meeting to ask that her dirt road be paved, as a safety measure. It has been impassable in recent storms, she said, leaving three households without emergency access.

Budget committee members discussed whether and, if so, when the town could pave all remaining dirt roads, another issue select board members have considered.

The next Vassalboro budget committee meeting was scheduled for Wednesday evening, April 3, unless the forecasted snowstorm led to a change.