Tag Archive for: Scouts

Owen Riddle achieves Eagle Scout

Eagle Scout Owen Riddle, 14, of Sidney shows off the more than 70 merit badges he has earned in Scouting since joining in 2019. During Covid-19, many Scouting programs stopped meeting but many met virtually and Owen was able to meet with Merit Badge Counselors not only from around the country but as far away as Germany to complete some of the badges. To earn Eagle, a Scout must have earned 22 Merit Badges including 13 required for Eagle.

by Chuck Mahaleris

Owen Riddle, 14, of Sidney, received Scouting’s highest honor, the Eagle Scout rank, after earning more than 70 merit badges and completing a project for the Messalonskee Middle School where he attends school.

Family and friends from as far away as Pennsylvania gathered at the Augusta Elks Lodge on Saturday, November 12, to witness the ceremony. “I like challenges,” Owen said before receiving the Eagle rank. “Scouting is a lot of fun and I enjoy the program a lot.”

“By the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my privilege and pleasure to pronounce you an Eagle Scout,” announced Pittsfield Troop #428 Scoutmaster Shelley Connolly. Owen’s mother, Sarah Riddle, then pinned the Eagle Scout medal on his uniform shirt pocket flap. His father, David Riddle, swapped off Owen’s old neckerchief for the new Eagle Scout neckerchief.

Owen received his first rank in his Scout Troop, the Scout Rank, on May 17, 2019. During his Eagle ceremony, he was presented 10 Eagle Scout Palms – one for every five merit badges he has earned above the 22 necessary to attain the rank of Eagle. Other awards he has received in Scouting include the Messenger of Peace Award, the National Outdoor Achieve­ment Award for Camp­ing, the Tho­mas Edison Super Nova recognition, the National Outdoor Achieve­ment Award for Conser­vation, the World Conser­vation Award, and the 50th Anniversary Environ­mental Protection Award.

Eagle Scout Dr. Paul Buckthal, Owen’s grandfather, led his grandson and the other Eagle Scouts in the room in the Eagle Scout Charge. “When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, using the same words which are found at the end of the Declaration of Independence, you seal your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout.” Paul earned his Eagle in 1962 but said that the skills he learned in Scouting and the life lessons of the Eagle Scout rank have been prominent in his life ever since.

“The Eagle soars high and seeks to rest only upon the lofty peaks,” Scoutmaster Connelly said. “As an Eagle Scout, you too must soar high. You must not swerve from the path of duty. You must strive to obtain that which is highest and noblest in life.” His Eagle Scout project saw the construction of eight handicap accessible picnic tables at Messalonskee MIddle School.

After high school, Owen plans to attend medical school and become a doctor. “My life vision is to become an individual that can help others,” he said. “I always feel great about myself when I am helping others in need.”

Three brothers complete Eagle Scout hat trick

The Pettengill family, from left to right, Lee, Aiden, Bryson, Rémy, and Danielle Pettengill. All three of Lee and Danielle’s sons attained the rank of Eagle Scout. (photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

CHINA, ME — Bryson Lee Pettengill, of Troop #479, received his Eagle Scout rank during a ceremony held on October 30, at the China Masonic Lodge. He isn’t the first in his family, however, to attain the rank of Eagle. Both of his brothers have also earned scouting’s highest honor. Aiden earned his Eagle on October 25, 2017, and Rémy, who is currently serving as Senior Patrol leader for Troop #479, earned his Eagle on August 28, 2019. Since the inception of the Eagle Scout award in 1912, 2.01 percent of eligible scouts have earned scouting’s highest honor but the Pettengill family has seen 100 percent of their children earn the award.

Danielle Pettengill pins the Eagle Scout medal on the uniform of her son Bryson. (photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

Lee Pettengill, their father, praised scouting: “It means a safe place for boys to turn into young men. A place of friendship and tolerance. A place that teaches it’s OK to stumble and educates how to get back up gracefully and move forward with dignity. I don’t know about other troops but ours is an extended family of people going out of their way to help others both in the troop and the community.” Lee is an assistant scoutmaster with the troop and his wife Danielle is the troop advancement chairman.

More than 50 people attended Bryson’s ceremony including State Senator Matt Pouliot and State Representative Tim Theriault, who presented the 13-year-old China Middle School student with a Legislative Sentiment acknowledging his accomplishment, and a United States flag that flew over the State capitol building. “This is a tremendous accomplishment,” Pouliot said, admitting that he never got beyond Cub Scouts but appreciated the leadership development and service scouting provides. “It is a great program for our young people and it is a great benefit to our communities.”

Not only did Bryson receive his Eagle, but he also earned a Bronze Palm for his Eagle Scout ribbon in recognition of his having earned nine badges above those required for Eagle. As he is only 13, he could earn many more palms before he turns 18.

Scouts fill kayak for Feed-A-Neighbor program

From left to right, Arrow of light Lizzy Blais, Arrow of Light Willow Mudie, youngest brother future scout Sullivan Mudie, and cleverly holding the door Bear Cub Scout Scarlett Mudie stand in front of a kayak they filled with contributions from friends and neighbors at the Western Avenue Shaw’s, in Augusta. The photo was taken at the start of the collection effort but the Cubs were able to fill the kayak and also received monetary donations to help those in need. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Scouts from Augusta Cub Scout Pack 603 took part in their annual “Scouting for Food” Drive with a twist. This year they sought to collect enough canned and other non-perishable foods for the Feed-A-Neighbor program. Shaw’s Supermarket, in Augusta, hosted the event on Saturday, October 15, and shoppers were eager to generously help those in need during these difficult times. Scout leader Jeffrey Morton said, “After filling the kayak, it was a pleasure to present the Augusta Food Bank’s Executive Director, Bob Moore, with a check for $155 and the food contributions to continue Augusta’s effort to feed our hungry. In Scouting, we teach each Cub that they have a responsibility to “Help Other People at All Times” and to “Do a Good Turn Daily.” These aren’t just words they recite. It is how they live their lives.”

Scouts enjoy Halloween at Camp Bomazeen

Mario: Six-year-old Liam Casey, of Palmyra, was ready to set off on the hayride dressed as Mario. (contributed photo)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Dr. Brody: Five-year-old Brody Dyer-Dolley was dressed like a doctor for the event and attended with his dad Jacob Dolley. Brody is a Cub Scout, in Augusta. (contributed photo)

The public is advised that ghouls and skeletons were spotted skulking through the woods of Belgrade on Saturday, October 1. The public is further warned that aliens and Imperial Storm Troopers were also spotted in the vicinity of Great Pond at that same time. Reports have also come in of princesses, cartoon characters and dinosaurs at the same location. There is no cause for alarm. They were all gathered for the annual Haunted Woods program at Camp Bomazeen.

“Haunted Woods is a lot of fun,” said Bomazeen Camp Director Julie McKenney of Belgrade. McKenney runs the summer programs at the camp and is also the Program Chair for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting that puts on the costumed-event for both the Scouts and the general public. “It is a great way to show off the camp and the programs of Scouting,” she said. “Kids love to get into costumes and spend a day here at camp running the obstacle course through the graveyard (ball field decorated with fake headstones and body parts), going through the haunted house at the dining hall and trying their hand at BB gun shooting. Lots of parents came dressed in costumes too this year. I am not sure if they had more fun or if their kiddos did.”

Violet LeBlanc, aged 4, was dressed as a dinosaur. She said that her favorite activity was decorating the pumpkins. She came to the event with her father, Brett LeBlanc, of Winthrop. Brett is the assistant leader of the Scout program in Manchester and his daughter will be joining next year when she will be old enough to be a Lion.

Campion Poulin and his dad Joe Poulin, of Oakland, ran the archery range. Campion dressed as a creepy skeleton. Joe Poulin serves as the Pine Tree Council training chairman and enjoys teaching adults, but also teaching youth such as Princess Ella Poulin, of Sidney, how to use a bow and arrow safely. Ella is joining Cub Scouts this year as a Lion. Lion is the youngest level of Scouting and a youth – boy or girl – has to be in at least kindergarten to join. Ella is the Princess of the Great Realm but she and Joe are not related. Too bad for Joe.

Dad and Dinosaur: Brett LeBlanc and his daughter Violet, of Winthrop, on the hayride tour of Camp Bomazeen. (contributed photo)

Mario is the star of more than 200 video games and some movies and visited Camp Bomazeen from Palmyra. “I’m Liam Casey,” said the young man dressed as Mario. Liam is a Cub Scout from Pittsfield Pack #428 where he is a Tiger Cub. “The haunted house was a lot of fun,” he said. Just like in the game, our Mario had no trouble finding his way through the spooky happenings in the Bomazeen haunted house.

In all, approximately 100 youth and adults attended the event and medical professionals and those who like to pretend to be medical professionals were on hand. Brody Dyer-Dolley was dressed like a doctor for the event and attended with his dad Jacob Dolley. “I didn’t get scared,” Brody said after leaving the haunted house. Brody is a Cub Scout, in Augusta. Augusta Cub Scout Pack #684 had a family camping weekend at Bomazeen and used the Haunted Woods as the Saturday portion of their activities. Scouts and leaders from Augusta Troop #603 dressed up as evil creatures inside the haunted house and served as guides through the darkened interior.

Princess at the Archery Range: Princesses do not just wave anymore. They have to learn to protect their realm. Princess Ella Poulin, of Sidney, received archery lessons from Joe Poulin, of Oakland. There are many Poulins in her kingdom and she and Joe are not related. (contributed photo)

Vassalboro Cubs help with fight against cancer

Pictured are, front row, from left to right, Tiger Cubs Wesley Danielson, John Gray, Beckett Metcalf, and Lux Reynolds. Second row, Bear Cubs Henry Gray and Eli Richmond. Third row, Webelos Elliot Rafuse, Christopher Santiago, Hunter Brown, and Desmond Landreth. Back row, Cubmaster Christopher Santiago and Tiger Den Leader Christopher Reynolds. (photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

On Tuesday October 11, 2022, the Vassalboro Community School PTO held a Food Truck Night at Vassalboro Community School as a fundraiser for the Michaud family. Ira Michaud is the principal of the Vassalboro Community School and his son is battling a very rare cancer. Ira Michaud is himself a Cubmaster and his son Ian is a Cub Scout. So Vassalboro Pack #410 provided desserts for the food truck event in the form of a bake sale. The community came together in support of the family. Pack #410 was able to contribute $516.54 towards the $2,649.54 raised for the Michaud family.

Monument Trail at Thurston Park improved by Eagle service project

A photo of the Scouts, leaders, family and friends at the monument that worked on the trail, from left to right, front row, Jennefier Boynton, Scout Samuel Boynton (in front of the stone), Leader Sean Boynton. Second row, Leader Mike Choate, Scouts Nick Choate, Nathan Choate, Brady Newell, Kameron Rossignol, Leader Derek Rossignol, Scouts Bryson Pettingill, Isaac Audette, Kaiden Kelley, Leader Kern Kelley. Third row, Leader Scott Adams, Ross and Genevieve Hall, Scoutmaster Christian Hunter, Leaders Lee and Danielle Pettengill.

by Chuck Mahaleris

Samuel Boynton, from Boy Scout Troop #479, recently completed his Eagle Service Project. The goal was to recover a poorly kept trail in Thurston Park, in China. Thurston Park is nearly 400 acres of forest with streams and waterfalls, diverse wildlife, and cultural and historical landmarks with 5.2 miles of trails in the northeast corner of the town of China.

The trail’s name is the Monument Trail and his project included clearing the trail, removing a large fallen oak tree, and painting new (red) blazes to make the trail safer and more accessible for the public. The Monument Trail (0.24 mile long) is a ridge top trail that provides access to an 1838 monument stone marking the China-Albion-Palermo town borders. This also marks the boundary between Kennebec and Waldo Counties.

Family, friends and other Scouts helped Samuel to complete his project on August 6, 2022. China residents as well as others will benefit as they will be able to locate the monument. Stop by Thurston Park and take a look at this worthy Eagle project and view the historical monument.

Photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris

The monument trail is well marked with a red blaze on trees to keep hikers from getting off the trail.

The three town monument stone: C – for China – the back side has 1838 and P for Palermo – the left side has A for Albion.

Central Maine scouts attend camporee in Cobscook/Moosehorn

Christopher Bernier, Camp Director of the Camporee, leading the opening ceremonies, at Cobscook, for the camporee. (photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Scouts from all over Maine – with the largest contingent from Kennebec Valley District – garbed as brave knights, powerful wizards, elven maidens and stealthy rogues descended upon Cobscook Bay State Park, in Edmunds, for the 60th anniversary Cobscook/Moosehorn International Camporee on the weekend of September 16-18.

The event, organized by Christopher Bernier, of Winslow, and his staff, saw more than 100 Scouts and leaders competing in such themed events as Shield Decorating, Pennant Competition, Axe throwing, Catapult, “‘Tis Merely a Flesh Wound” (First Aid), Tug-o-War, Archery, mounted obstacle course to rescue the Princess, and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch (Shot put throw to destroy the evil stuffed rabbit).

Bernier said, “The Cobscook camporee has been in the works for a year and could not have happened without all of the staff who came together to pull it off. The weather cooperated and everyone had a blast.” Some traveled three hours or more to attend the highly-anticipated program that has become the longest, continuously-run annual Scouting event in the nation.

Declan Noyes, of West Gardiner, is a Cub Scout in Gardiner Pack #672. He said that his favorite part of the weekend was the Scavenger Hunt where each troop scoured the woods and the edge of Cobscook Bay looking for magic items of tremendous power or weapons to help them in their battles against evil. “I also liked looking out at the ocean,” he said.

Daniel Deprez, of Gorham, recently joined Troop #73 and this was one of his first Scouting events. “There was a lot of fun stuff to do,” Daniel said. “I’m having fun.” He dressed as a brave knight for the weekend’s challenges.

Isa Russell, of Randolph, is a member of Troop #2019. “I think dressing up in costume and being in character is my favorite part,” said the maiden of Scouting.

Other activities included cooking challenges and costume competitions.

Connor Files earns Eagle Scout rank

Eagle Scout Connor Files at the Skowhegan Federated Church.

by Chuck Mahaleris

Skowhegan has one new Eagle Scout after Connor Files received Scouting’s highest rank during a ceremony at the Skowhegan Federated Church, on Sunday, September 25.

Connor pinning the Eagle Scout Mother’s Pin on his mom Margaux Files after she had pinned the Eagle Scout medal on her son’s uniform.

“My Eagle Scout project,” Connor said, “included mapping trails in the Coburn Woods and installing an informational kiosk for the Somerset Woods Trustees.” Connor, son of Darren and Margaux Files, of Skowhegan, is 16 years old and attends Skowhegan Area High School.

State Senator Brad Farrin, of Norridgewock, was one of the 70-plus who attended the ceremony and praised Eagle Scout Files for his “excellence in skills development, leadership, personal growth, and community service” while presenting him with U.S. flag that had flown over the State of Maine Capitol Building, along with a legislative sentiment.

Connor loves to be outdoors. Besides Scouting, he enjoys downhill skiing, mountain biking, hunting and fishing. “Connor is an extremely hard worker,” said his father and former Scout Master Darren Files. “He is always eager to help. His mother and I never have to ask him to do something twice. He makes parenting easy. Sometimes teens find it difficult to balance everything they do. Connor does a great job finding the balance between work, Scouts, soccer, skiing while also maintaining high honors in school. We couldn’t be prouder.”

Eagle Scout Gage Morgan provided the Eagle Scout Charge to Connor and reminded him, “The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of all character.”

Rev. Mark Tanner provided the invocation and benediction and praised Connor not only for his Scouting work but also for the care and nurturing way he interacts with both the younger scouts in the troop as well as his own brother, Nolan.

Connor said, “Scouting is a great opportunity not only to get kids out into the wilderness but also teach them fantastic life skills that will take you far in life.”

Photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris

Brothers Nolan and Connor Files show off some of Connor’s Pinewood Derby cars.

Scout leaders complete training

Nine scouting leaders completed the Youth Protection Training on Wednesday, September 19, at the American Legion Post, on Eastern Avenue, in Augusta. As stated in The Boy Scout Handbook, “Child abuse is a serious problem in our society, and unfortunately, it can occur anywhere, even in Scouting. Youth safety is Scouting’s No. 1 concern.”

Child abusers are out there and come in all shapes and sizes, and too often are people youth know and trust. Scouting has the tools and information Scout leaders need to help them keep youth safe so they can enjoy the program. Youth Protection training is required annually for all registered volunteers of Pine Tree Council. It is valid for one year, after which you must take the training again to remain eligible to serve as an adult in Scouting.

Why does Scouting ask its adult members to retake YPT every year? Because it’s important that this topic remain top of mind for every adult registered with Scouting. Karen Norton of Harpswell, a member of the Council Training Team, led the course.

Those completing the course were: Becky Blais, Philippe Blais, Josh Demers, and Douglas Mason, who are leaders in Augusta Cub Scout Pack #603; Charles Fergusson, of Troop #609, in Windsor; Jeffrey Morton and Michael Fortin, of Augusta Troop #603; Kennebec Valley District Vice Chairman Chuck Mahaleris, of Augusta, and Kennebec Valley District Executive Michael Perry, of Livermore.

The training, which is also offered online, will be provided in person several times this Fall to ensure all leaders have an opportunity to learn how to recognize the signs of abuse, how to react, and to whom should they report. Scouting leaders are mandatory reporters in the state of Maine.

China schools benefit from local boy scouts

Bryson giving the safety inspection and assigning tasks to the scouts, left to right, Scouts Isaac Audette, Brady Newell, Sam Boynton, Bryson Pettengill, Nathan Choate and Assistant Scoutmaster Aiden Pettengill. (photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Bryson Pettengill’s Eagle Project was to create Zen Spaces at both the China’s Primary and Middle schools. He wanted to give back to the school and after discussions with his parents it was clear that children with special needs or social anxiety needed a safe environment. He realized the schools didn’t have one on the playgrounds. In researching online, he made the spaces as natural as he could because things found in nature provide calming stimuli.

Scouts Sam Boynton, left, and Remy Pettengill were assigned to put the picnic table together for the Middle school location. (photo courtesy
of Chuck Mahaleris)

The purpose of an Eagle project, which is a capstone assignment at the end of the Boy Scout advancement ladder, is to demonstrate leadership. There is no quantity of hours required for an Eagle project. The Scout need only demonstrate leadership in the task; therefore, it must be complicated enough to require the assistance of other Scouts.

A good Eagle project is one that gives the Scout an opportunity to organize his fellow Scouts into action. Most Scouts find this to be a challenging task, as it is unlike anything they have ever done in Scouting – and for many, unlike anything they’ve done outside of scouting as well.

These spaces would include “Buddy Stumps”, a Zen sand garden, picnic tables, calming plants, checker/Tic-Tac-Toe boards and building blocks/logs made with natural elements. Studies show that nature benefits children’s mental health because it is a natural calming stimulus. Spaces were built at both schools.

Bryson had to work with the principals from both schools to obtain approval for the project and for the location for Zen spaces at each school. He then had to get the approval for this project from the Troop #479 committee by scheduling a time to present his project. He had to schedule a meeting with the project coach for Kennebec Valley District of Pine Tree Council for the final approval before he could start the project.

He asked for help from his fellow Scouts in Troop #479 and other volunteers and scheduled a work date of July 9, 2022.

Bryson is the son of Lee and Danielle Pettengill, of South China and will be entering the eighth grade this year.

Scout Bryson Pettengill with the completed Zen space at the Middle School. (photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)