Entries by Mary Grow

China planners endorse proposed ordinance changes

by Mary Grow At their March 26 meeting, China planning board members unanimously endorsed three proposed ordinance changes that select board members are considering presenting to voters at the June 11 annual town business meeting. They are: — A new Planning Board Ordinance; — Amendments to chapters 2, 3 and 11 of China’s Land Development […]

China board of appeals grants site size variance for apartments

by Mary Grow The China Board of Appeals has granted Carrol White’s application for a variance from lot size requirements to allow him to seek planning board approval to convert the former Silver Lake Grange Hall in China Village to apartments. The action still needs two more steps: under China’s Appeals Ordinance (Chapter 9 of […]

Vassalboro budget committee reviews select board’s draft

by Mary Grow Vassalboro budget committee members reviewed the select board’s draft 2024-25 municipal budget at two lengthy meetings March 19 and March 26. Both boards’ members are aware that many taxpayers cannot afford a large local property tax increase. They are also aware that the town is facing unavoidable higher costs in many areas. […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Some early Maine poets

by Mary Grow As promised last week, no more ponds for a while. Instead, your writer turned to Thomas Addison’s chapter on Literature and Literary People, in Henry Kingsbury’s Kennebec County history. She hopes you will enjoy meeting a few of the writers mentioned. Addison’s definition of literature covers almost anyone who wrote: newspaper people, […]