Entries by Mary Grow

CHINA: People’s Park group dealt major disappointment

by Mary Grow [There has been an update to this story: CHINA: Follow-up on land sale story from last week] Lindsey Harwath, President of the The People’s Park group hoping to create a public park off Lakeview Drive on land that town officials just sold, has reported a major disappointment. At the Aug. 30 selectmen’s […]

China Broadband Committee (CBC) drafts printed publicity material

by Mary Grow At their Sept. 16 meeting, China Broadband Committee (CBC) members continued planning publicity for the bond issue they are sponsoring on China’s Nov. 2 local ballot. They focused on drafting printed materials, and briefly discussed the next scheduled public presentation. That presentation will be at 2 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 26, at the […]

CHINA: Four candidates vie for two selectmen’s seats

by Mary Grow With the deadline for returning nomination papers passed, China Town Clerk Angela Nelson reported only one contest on the Nov. 2 election ballot, four candidates for two seats on the Board of Selectmen. There are four town positions for which no name will appear on the ballot. Candidates for selectman are incumbent […]

China selectmen approve funding for community ice rink

by Mary Grow At their Sept. 13 meeting, China selectmen unanimously approved the Recreation Committee’s plan to spend about $5,000 from the recreation reserve account for an ice rink this winter, and commended Chairman Martha Wentworth and the rest of the committee for their activity. Wentworth explained plans and answered numerous questions from board members. […]

Vasssalboro planners approve three applications

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Planning Board members unanimously approved all three applications on their Sept. 7 agenda, including what board Chairman Virginia Brackett said was the fourth application presented for a solar array in town. The board previously approved a solar farm on Route 32 between North and East Vassalboro, which has been built. An […]