Entries by Website Editor

Lions Clubs hold serving kindness celebration

Lions Club members from around the state came together on Sunday, June 12, at the Buker Community Center, in Augusta, to celebrate their clubs and members’ achievements. Lions Clubs International (LCI) was formed in 1917 by Melvin Jones, a businessman who believed that by developing clubs with caring people they could serve the needs of […]

EVENTS: Sheepscot Lake Assn. annual membership meeting Thurs., July 21, 7 p.m. Palermo Consolidated School (2022)

Sheepscot Lake Association will be hosting its Annual General Membership meeting on Thursday, July 21, at 7 p.m., at the Palermo Consolidated School, on Rte 3. Please attend that evening to renew your membership, meet your neighbors, and discuss the programs that help keep the lake healthy. The Courtesy Boast Inspection Program, LakeSmart, Water Quality […]

EVENTS: Unity Parkinson’s Support Group

Unity Area Parkinson’s Support Group now meets 3rd Monday of the month from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., at Unity Barn Raisers Community Building at 32 School St., in Unity. Come for education, support and free info. Call Eleanor at 948-1474 or email: dogisland52@gmail.com for more info.

EVENTS: Palermo library 2022 annual meeting slated

Learn about Palermo Soldiers’ role in the Battle of Gettysburg at the Palermo Community Library’s Annual Meeting. The Palermo Community Library will celebrate its 20th anniversary at the annual meeting on Sunday, July 10, 2022, at 2 p.m. The Palermo Historical Society joins the library in co-hosting our featured speaker, Captain Sulin, a member of […]

Erskine Renaissance awards 2022

On Friday, June 10, 2022, Erskine Academy students and staff attended the final Renaissance Assembly of the year to honor their peers with Renaissance Awards. Recognition Awards were presented to the following students: Aydan Desjardins, Kenneth Fredette, Morgan Miller, Austin Nicholas, Lilly Fredette, Zuriah Smith, Emma Jefferson, Isavel Lux Soc, Gabriella Berto-Blagdon, Sarah Praul, and […]

LETTERS: Announces candidacy

To the editor: My name is Stephen J. Hemenway, a retired Deputy Sheriff of 32 years, currently living in Northport, producing a national family educational public access tv show called The Children’s Corner, which is also on Youtube. I decided a few months back to leave my little retirement “safe zone,” and run for State […]