Entries by Website Editor

OBITUARIES for Thursday, June 17, 2021

JOHN R. ROY WATERVILLE – John R. Roy, 70, passed away Saturday, May 29, 2021, at Lakewood Center, in Waterville. He was born October 26, 1950, in Waterville, the son of Richard H. and Irene G. (Gogan) Roy. He was educated in Waterville schools and graduated from Waterville High School with the class of 1969. […]

FOR YOUR HEALTH – COVID Testing In Schools: What You Should Know

(NAPSI)—Enabling K-12 schools to reopen for in-person learning is a high priority for parents, communities and governments. In fact, President Biden’s National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness was launched to fund COVID testing for teachers, staff and students in an effort to create a safer return-to-school environment. Getting kids back to in-person […]

LETTERS: Urges support of affordable drugs

To the editor: Right now, the legislature is considering a package of vital and common sense bills that will work to reign in rising drug prices and assure that all Mainers have access to affordable prescription drugs. Now is the right time to help Maine families afford their necessary prescription drugs. Being able to afford […]

SCHOOL NEWS: Corkum graduates from Bowdoin College

During Bowdoin College’s 216th Commencement ceremony, held May 29, 2021, in Brunswick, bachelor of arts degrees were awarded to the Class of 2021, comprising approximately 467 students from 41 states and 21 other countries and territories. Sarah Avery Corkum, of Chelsea, graduated with a major in environmental studies-government and legal.

OBITUARIES for Thursday, June 10, 2021

PHYLLIS SHIRO WATERVILLE – Phyllis Shiro, 92, passed away on Saturday, May 22, 2021, following a period of declining health, at MaineGeneral Center for Health, Thayer Campus, in Waterville. She was born Phyllis Ann Kovner, in Brockton, Massachusetts, on November 9, 1928, to Jeanne and Sam Kovner. Phyllis was first and foremost a devoted wife, […]