Entries by Website Editor

MaineGeneral Health opens new practice

MaineGeneral Health has announced the opening of a new medical practice, MaineGeneral Addiction Medicine on Feb. 1, 2021. Addiction Medicine will provide comprehensive services to patients seeking treatment for substance use disorder, opiate use disorder and the treatment of other addictive substances. Services are offered at two locations, 9 Green Street in Augusta and Thayer […]

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Keep Your Air Clean

(NAPSI)—People are increasingly concerned about dirt and germs these pandemic days, but many are neglecting an unseen area where airborne contaminants can lurk: the air ducts. Even in the cleanest house, the indoor air system can recirculate dust, dirt, and particles from renovation and remodeling projects. Why It’s Important Your home’s heating and cooling system […]

POETRY CORNER: Eat, Sleep, Repeat

by Mary R. Freeman Of course, I like to eat – I have three meals square – Then I usually take naps – “Like a hibernating bear!” In spite of afternoon siestas – I sleep soundly at night – Before I even realize it – The morning sun shines bright! “This too shall pass” ­ […]

Rep. Nadeau appointed to DIF&W committee

Charged with Reviewing Bills About Hunting, Fishing, Boating, and Snowmobiling Representative Cathy Nadeau has been appointed to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, where she has already started briefings with department heads. Reached for comment this week, Representative Nadeau was looking forward to bringing her perspective to this high-profile legislative panel charged […]

Sheepscot Lake association launches new website

The Sheepscot Lake Association (SLA) has recently launched a new website to update members and the community of the SLA’s programs and activities, as well as general information about the lake and the association. Please check it out, bookmark it and pass it along to neighbors, family and friends who may be interested: www.sheepscotlakeassociation.com You […]