Entries by Website Editor

China Middle School honor roll

GRADE 8 High honors: Carter Brockway, Ashlee Carrillo, Keenan Clark, Lauren Cowing, Lillian Crommett, Kali Duvall, Clara French, Serena Hotham, Parker Hunter, Abigail McDonough, Colin Oliphant, Justin Reed, Laney Robitaille, Avery Ross, Carlee Sanborn, Aislynn Savage and Parker Studholme. Honors: Haileigh Allen, Jayda Bickford, Dylan Cooley, Lucas Farrington, Chloe French, Jacison Levesque, Adrian Mayo, Kieran […]

Drive thru sock hop in Madison

Madison American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a Drive Thru Sock Hop, at Madison American Legion at the back entrance facing Reny’s, on Saturday, February 27, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Donate new socks for homeless veterans, homeless shelters and others in need. Men’s, women’s, teenagers, children – warm socks and every day socks. Members […]

OBITUARIES for Thursday, February 11, 2021

DOREEN L. SCOTT FAIRFIELD – Doreen Lyn Scott, 60, passed away suddenly on Friday, January 8, 2021. Doreen was born in Waterville on September 23, 1960. She was the daughter of Norman and Gwendolyn Scott. She attended Fairfield schools and graduated from Lawrence High School in 1978. Doreen loved to shop and was on a […]

Conservation district offers backyard composting equipment

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), in cooperation with Maine Resource and Recovery Association, is again offering local residents the opportunity to improve soil and conserve water right in their own backyards at deep discount prices! It’s easy with the tried-and-true 80-gallon Earth Machine backyard composter and the 55-gallon Systern rain barrel. Both are […]

Area students give to those in need

Part of the mission of Maine Catholic schools is to accentuate the importance of service with the hope of building a lifelong commitment and appreciation in each student to give back to those in need. Last week, that lesson was on full display at schools across Maine during Maine Catholic Schools Week as students designed […]