Local residents named to RIT dean’s list

The following students were named to the dean’s list at Rochester Institute of Technology, in Rochester, New York, for the fall semester of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Lunden Dinkel, of Augusta, who is in the industrial design program.

Tyler Dow, of China, who is in the computer science program.

Vassalboro budget committee works on school, municipal budgets

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro budget committee members met the evenings of April 9 and 10, the first time for a presentation on the school budget and the second time for review of the municipal budget.

The April 9 meeting followed that evening’s school board meeting. [See accompanying story in this issue.] Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer had given budget committee members the amended proposed 2024-25 school budget beforehand.

Of the $9.5 million 2024-25 budget, more than $6 million will cover salaries and benefits.

Another $3 million pays fixed or obligated costs.

At the meeting, Pfeiffer shared a summary sheet showing that of the $9.5 million 2024-25 budget, more than $6 million will cover salaries and benefits. Another $3 million pays fixed or obligated costs like secondary tuition, supplies and maintenance and insurance.

Less than $400,000 fell into an “other costs” category that could be considered adjustable, like copy paper, printing, athletics and staff development.

An additional challenge, Pfeiffer said, is that the state school funding formula does not keep pace with rising costs. A lower proportion of state funding means a larger burden for local taxpayers.

Pfeiffer proposes two new expenditures next year: a second guidance counselor, and one new school bus, to resume the bus-a-year rotation that was temporarily abandoned when the department used federal Covid money to buy five buses in one year. State funds will reimburse the cost of the bus.

The guidance counselor is the only staff member hired with federal funds whose position will continue as part of the regular budget. Pfeiffer said most of the one-time money was spent on things like the buses and building renovations that did not create on-going expenses.

Budget committee members had questions about the school’s undesignated fund balance, about the relationship between Vassalboro’s property valuation and its state school funding and similar fiscal issues. They postponed a decision on their recommendations on the school budget.

The next night, they met with Town Manager Aaron Miller and the three select board members to review the municipal budget, following up on two March meetings (see the April 4 issue of The Town Line, p. 2). They again postponed recommendations.

Major topics at the two-and-a-half hour meeting included:

Town employees, including select board members’ proposed pay increases. Budget committee members are mostly not in favor of the additional public works department member recommended by the select board. Miller said a new uncertainty is that transfer station manager George Hamar is leaving; his successor’s salary is to be determined.
Town funding for recreation, a town program headed by a town employee, and the Vassalboro Public Library, a separate entity from the town. Comments on both were generally favorable, with references to expanded programs that benefited residents.
Road paving and repaving and pending road and bridge projects.
Allocation of money among the town’s undesignated surplus, reserve funds for specific uses and 2024-25 expenditures. Budget committee member William Browne said that saving too much for the future is unpopular with older residents.

By the time the meeting ended, committee chairman Peggy Schaffer estimated the committee was leaning toward disagreeing with the select board on three or four major items, including expanding the public works staff and buying a new loader.

Budget committee members planned to make recommendations at a Tuesday, April 16, meeting. Select board members are to prepare the warrant for the June 4 and June 11 town meeting at their Thursday, April 18, meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the town office.

China woman places second in the Women’s Master’s Division of USA Powerlifting Maine State Championship

Toni Wall

Toni Wall, of China, attended the USA Powerlifting Maine State Championship on March 23, 2024, at Casco Bay CrossFit Undaunted, in Augusta. Competitors from all over Maine came, despite the winter storm, to show their strength in the squat, bench press and deadlift.

According to the USA Powerlifting, the sport consists of three lifts: the back squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. Competitors are categorized by gender, age, and bodyweight. Athletes are allowed three attempts at each of the lifts, the best lift is added to the total weight lifted.

Toni competed against three other women in the Master’s Division, ranging in weight and age.

• Taryn Turcotte, (211 lbs., age 44) squat 226 lbs., bench press 154.3 lbs., deadlift 281.1 lbs. for a total of 661.4 lbs.
• Tina Elliot, (178 lbs., age 58) squat 209.4 lbs., bench press 99.2 lbs., deadlift 264.6 lbs. for a total of 573.2 lbs.
• Toni Wall, (129 lbs., age 64) back squat 154.25 lbs., bench press 121.25 lbs., deadlift 209.25 lbs. for a total of 485 lbs.

According to socialpowerlifting.net, scoring is based on the Dots Score or the ratio between a lifter’s body weight and the weight they are lifting.

Toni has been powerlifting since 2017 and has previously competed in the Women’s Masters Division. She competed in the 2019 State Championship where she placed third and most recently in the 2023 State Championship again placing third in the Women’s Masters Division. Toni trains at Casco Bay Undaunted, a CrossFit and Powerlifting gym. She is coached by Lyn Gagnon-Kelley.

Toni will be heading to the USA Powerlifting Northeast Regional Championship, in Portland, in June 2024, where she hopes to have a total of 500 lbs. or more.

China Primary School observes 100th day of school

Mrs. Eaton’s first grade class, at China Primary School, celebrated the 100th day of school. They rotated through stations such as making 100 gumball machines, stacking and ordering 100 cups in number order, making the number 100 with 100 Legos, following pattern block templates with 100 pattern blocks, and so on! The class enjoyed celebrating being one hundred days smarter in first grade!

China select board members sign warrant for the annual town meeting

“Taxpayers in the Town of China are not gonna be happy this year.”
– Selectman Brent Chesley

by Mary Grow

At their April 8 meeting, China select board members signed the warrant for the June 11 annual town business meeting, at which voters act on the 2024-25 municipal budget (and other items), and heard a presentation on the 2024-25 school budget, which will be voted on separately the same day.

Board member Brent Chesley’s summary: “Taxpayers in the Town of China are not gonna be happy this year.”

Because the Kennebec County budget is not yet final, China taxpayers don’t yet know exactly how unhappy they will be. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood and several select board members planned to attend the April 9 Kennebec County budget meeting that will move toward determining whether a preliminary $238,000 increase will hold.

The municipal budget increase, if voters approve recommended spending, will be $374,495, according to Hapgood.

China is in Regional School Unit (RSU) #18, which also includes Belgrade, Oakland, Rome and Sidney. Superintendent Carl Gartley said the RSU budget will increase by $1,459,447.19, or 3.4 percent.

China’s share of the RSU #18 budget is in two parts, the EPS (Essential Programs and Services) component and additional local funds. The approved budget posted on the RSU #18 website shows the former up by $216,273 and the latter by 228,274 for a total increase of $444,547.

Gartley began his presentation with a comparison of RSU #18 with other central Maine school units. RSU #18 students consistently rank at the top of the list on national language and math tests, he said, and in the bottom half in per-pupil spending.

Select board schedules public hearing on warrant articles for May 6

China select board members have scheduled a public hearing on the articles to be voted on at the June 11 annual town business meeting for 5:45 p.m. Monday, May 6, in the town office meeting room.

Board member Janet Preston’s suggested the hearing be made more prominent – “an event,” she recommended – to attract more voters was modified to a proposal to serve light refreshments.

Because the June 11 town business meeting will be by written ballot, the May 6 hearing will be voters’ only chance to ask questions and get answers from board members and Hapgood about what they are voting on.

Board members acknowledged that some residents want to go back to the pre-Covid open town meetings. No one spoke in favor of doing so. Chairman Wayne Chadwick has repeatedly said that in his opinion, too few people attended the open meetings to fairly represent residents’ preferences.

In reply to select board members’ questions, Gartley explained several of the specific increases. RSU #18, he said, is not facing the “fiscal cliff” that some other school districts are with the end of federal covid funding: the unexpected money was mostly spent for lasting improvements, like re-siding China Middle School, not to hire personnel whose wages and benefits now become local responsibilities.

Select board member Brent Chesley asked about policies on controversial issues like critical race theory and gender. Gartley replied that the RSU board – whose two China members he praised – and he agreed on accepting state-required policies, but not looking for more.

“We don’t get into teaching political opinions,” the superintendent said. The philosophy is to teach students how to think, not what to think, and he believes most teachers adhere to it most of the time.

Gartley said while school expenditures have gone up, RSU #18’s state subsidy has been reduced by $500,000. Subsidies are calculated based on local valuations.

The issue of state changes increasing local taxes had come up earlier in the meeting, when Hapgood told board members most of the legal bill they approved paying was for integrating the 2021 state affordable housing law, still called LD 2003, into China’s Land Use Ordinance.

In other business April 8, select board members unanimously approved the request from Four Seasons Club President Thomas Rumpf to extend approval for ATVs to use about two miles on Bog and Peasant View Ridge roads for another year.

When Rumpf presented the proposal at a May 22, 2023, public hearing, he explained that the roads would substitute for the unusable Beaver or Bog Trail to create a loop trail between southeastern and northeastern China.

Rebuilding the Bog Trail to state standards might cost as much as $700,000, Rumpf said. Because there was so much storm damage to trails throughout Maine this winter, state funds are unlikely to be available this year.

Rumpf and Hapgood said using the roads had generated maybe half a dozen complaints in a year, about issues like late-night traffic and speeding. Rumpf said all complaints he knew of had been settled within a day.

In other business April 8, board members unanimously appointed Rachel Anderson a member of the Transfer Station Committee. The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday, April 16.

Speaking for Director of Public Services Shawn Reed, Hapgood said the high water level in China Lake is delaying putting in the docks at the boat landing by the causeway.

From the transfer station, Hapgood said the annual drug take-back day is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and a paper shredding machine will be available Saturday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Items postponed to a future meeting included:

A proposal from the Kennebec County Sheriff’s Office to share the antenna at the China town office, pending legal review.
Discussion of buying a new public works truck, while awaiting a second price quote as requested by the budget committee. [See budget committee meeting story also in this issue.]

The next regular China select board meeting will be Monday evening, April 22.

China budget committee endorses select board proposal

by Mary Grow

China Budget Committee members have endorsed the select board’s proposed 2024-25 budget, to be presented to voters at the June 11 annual town business meeting.

At their April 3 meeting, committee members also supported buying a new town truck, at a cost not to exceed $296,715, with a condition and a suggestion.

Twenty-one of the 32 articles on the June 11 warrant need, and have, budget committee recommendations. There were no dissenting votes; on some of the articles, a member abstained, for example to avoid a conflict of interest.

There was almost no discussion except over the truck purchase.

Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said Director of Public Services Shawn Reed recommends buying a Western Star truck from O’Connor Motors, in Augusta. The recommendation is for a wheeler, rather than a single-axle truck, because the wheeler is more versatile – two budget committee members agreed ­– and costs only $16,000 more.

The purchase price is to come from the equipment reserve and from the 2024-25 budget, if voters approve it on June 11. An older truck will be traded in or sold to make up for a small part of the expenditure.

Commenting on the truck body, the plow gear, the extended warranty, the delivery delay (December 2024 or later) and other factors, Hapgood observed, “It’s hard to believe it’s this hard to buy a vehicle.”

Budget committee members had no objection to the choice; but they made their endorsement conditional on the select board getting at least one more price quote, “just to see what the number might be,” as committee member Timothy Basham said.

Taryn Hotham suggested town officials try negotiating with O’Connor for a better price.

Activities abound at RSU #18 schools

National Pancake Day


Top, Mr. Moody and Mrs. Ridgeway treated China Primary School staff to a yummy pancake breakfast for National Pancake Day! What are your favorite toppings?

Surfrider Foundation Donation

Above, China Primary School’s fourth graders were recently engaging in a persuasive writing unit, and during the unit one student passionately wrote about how their school should have a fundraiser to raise money to help support a cleaner ocean. Mrs. Jacobs’ class organized a popcorn fundraiser with the support from the China PTO. They raised over $400 to donate to the Surfrider Foundation in Maine.

March Making a Difference Award

Congratulations to Maren O’Connell, left, and Christine Meader for receiving the March Making a Difference Award at Williams Elementary School’s recent Be the Light Assembly, in Oakland. The school appreciates all they do each day to support the students at Williams Elementary School.

Sharing Nonfiction Writing

Mrs. Couture’s second grade student, Eli, at the Atwood School, in Oakland, read his nonfiction writing piece about wolves to Superintendent of Schools, Carl Gartley. Eli shared, “I felt a little bit nervous but mostly honored to read to Mr. Gartley.” Gartley enjoyed Eli’s sophisticated word choice and fun facts. After Eli left central office, he said, “This was the best afternoon ever!” Eli’s work was definitely Atwood awesome.

Mobile Science Lab

China Middle School’s fifth through eighth grade students had the opportunity to work in the Mobile Science Lab! Two different programs were offered to students. Some students learned about balancing ecosystems with invasive species. They developed tools to mitigate the effects of the invasive species. Other students participated in the Micropipette Challenge where they practiced measuring and transferring liquids using a pipette. CMS was the first school the new Mobile BioLab visited. Sixth graders at China Middle then attended the kick-off event for Educate Maine and the Maine Mobile BioLab, at the State House, in Augusta!

Local residents named to Clark Univ.’s dean’s list

The following local residents were named to Clark University’s Fall 2023 dean’s list, in Worcester, Massachusetts:

Sam N. Golden, of South China, was named to second honors.

Maya L. Patten, of Mercer, was named to second honors.

Frankie D. Roberts, of Unity, was named to second honors.

China select board approves 32-article warrant at special meeting

by Mary Grow

At a short special meeting April 1, China select board members approved the 32-article warrant for the June 11 annual town business meeting.

Budget committee members were scheduled to meet April 3 to make their recommendations on proposed expenditures. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood plans to have the official warrant ready for signing at the next regular select board meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, April 8.

Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood intends to propose dates for a public hearing at which she and board members will answer residents’ questions about the articles.

At that meeting, Hapgood intends to propose dates for a public hearing at which she and board members will answer residents’ questions about the articles.

The June 11 business meeting will be by written ballot. Polls will be in the former portable classroom behind the town office. The meeting moderator will be elected at 6:55 a.m., and polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Articles include proposed municipal expenditures for the 2024-25 fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2024; procedural issues, like setting the 2024-25 tax due dates and authorizing the select board to accept grants, negotiate contracts, buy equipment and conduct other town business; and approval or rejection of three ordinances.

Art. 29 asks if voters want to replace the 2008 Planning Board Ordinance with a new one. Art. 30 asks acceptance of Land Development Code amendments, needed to make China compliant with state law. Art. 31 asks acceptance of a new ordinance to regulate commercial solar development in town.

Copies of the ordinances are on the website, china.govoffice.com, under the Elections heading on the left side of the home page.

Select board votes to approve the articles were unanimous, except that one board member abstained on one article.

The municipal warrant does not include the 2024-25 school budget, which will be presented to voters separately.

China road committee prepares list of roads to be repaved

by Mary Grow

China road committee members met March 26 and prepared a preliminary list of roads to be repaved in 2024, money permitting. The proposed work, according to committee member and China deputy clerk Jennifer Chamberlain, totals 5.27 miles.

The three longest stretches are 1.3 miles on Deer Hill Rd., from South Road to Lane Road; the 0.89-mile-long Kidder Road, between Route 32 (Windsor Road) and Weeks Mills Road; and 0.79 miles on Dirigo Road, approximately from McClellan Road to Tobey Road.

The rest of the list includes Achorn Lane, Morrill Drive, Shuman Road, West Tobey Road, Mayflower Lane, Pond Hill Road, Smith Road, Bradford Lane, Chadwick Hill Drive, Golfers Xing and Horseback Road.

Director of Public Services Shawn Reed said some of the short, dead-end roads are in such poor condition that they are difficult to plow.

Committee members discussed trying to reclaim some of the worst areas, a process that involves digging up the road and redoing it. Reed was doubtful; not many companies do the work, he said, and it is expensive.

Reed has no firm figure yet on 2024 paving mix prices. The prices will determine how many miles China can afford to do this year.

Committee members discussed paving options – where, if anywhere, less expensive chip-seal can be used, and what depth of material will be needed on different roads.

They did not disagree with Reed’s proposal to resume the crack sealing program for older paved roads, to prolong the life of the paving. He recommended inspecting roads last paved in 2021 and deciding which most need the treatment.

Reed explained to committee members that the speed limit signs the public works crew has been removing were posted by local order, before the present town manager took the position. However, he said, speed limits are set by the state Department of Transportation (MDOT), not by local officials.

Legislation is pending that might change the state’s procedure, Reed said.

Road committee members set no date for an inspection tour or next meeting.