EVENTS: Reps. to provide update to Lincoln County Dems

The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) will hold its next meeting at 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, March 23, via Zoom. The agenda will feature State Sen. Cameron Reny (SD #13) and State Rep. Lydia Crafts (HD #46), who will provide updates on their priority bills and how people can get involved in helping to pass the legislation.

All Lincoln County Democrats and unenrolled progressives are welcome to attend LCDC meetings.

Pre-registration is required for non-voting members to receive Zoom log on and/or phone in details. Register at before noon the day of the meeting to ensure access.

Legislative Report as of Friday, March 10, 2023

(photo by Eric W. Austin)

Legislative bills submitted by area senators & representatives as of Friday, March 10, 2023.

L.D. 1013, H.P. 649

An Act to Provide Training, Professional Development and Wellness Supports for Child Protective Services Workers. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 1015, H.P. 651

Resolve, Establishing the Commission to Study the Foreclosure Process. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)

L.D. 1021, H.P. 657

An Act to Enhance Awareness of Laboratory Testing of Ticks for Lyme Disease. (Presented by Representative SMITH of Palermo)

L.D. 1031, H.P. 667

Resolve, to Improve Access to Child Care by Expanding Eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy Program. (Presented by Representative LaROCHELLE of Augusta)

L.D. 1034, H.P. 670

An Act to Require That Service of a Temporary Protection Order Be Attempted Within 48 Hours from the Issuance of the Order. (Presented by Representative SMITH of Palermo)

L.D. 1038, H.P. 674

An Act to Reinstate Plurality Voting by Repealing the Ranked-choice Voting Laws. (Presented by Representative POLEWARCZYK of Wiscasset)

L.D. 1039, H.P. 675

An Act to Provide Restitution for Victims of Shoplifting for Time Spent Dealing with the Offense. (Presented by Representative POLEWARCZYK of Wiscasset)

L.D. 1057, S.P. 426

An Act to Promote Consumer Protections in the Residential Building Sector by Requiring Contractors and Subcontractors to Supply Evidence of Insurance. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 1058, S.P. 427

An Act to Advance Greenhouse Gas Removal as an Economic Development Strategy in Maine. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 1066, S.P. 435

An Act to Allow a Restaurant to Serve a Bottle of Wine to the Person Who Brought the Bottle. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec

L.D. 1079, S.P. 448

An Act Regarding Visitation Rights of Grandparents. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 1080, S.P. 449

An Act to Require the Termination of Private Mortgage Insurance. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 1081, S.P. 450

An Act to Impose a Fee on Commercial Water Withdrawn from Lakes and Ponds to Fund Conservation Efforts and Prohibit a Fee on the Sale of Water Withdrawn from a Lake or Pond. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 1087, H.P. 682

An Act to Remove Restrictions in the Provisions of Law Relating to No-knock Warrants. (Presented by Representative CYRWAY of Albion)

L.D. 1088, H.P. 683

An Act to Update the Gambling Laws to Allow Once-annual Casino Nights for Charitable Purposes or Registered Political Committees. (Presented by Representative RUDNICKI of Fairfield)

L.D. 1097, H.P. 692

An Act to Replace Participation Thresholds in Municipal Referenda with Lower Approval Thresholds. (Presented by Representative BRIDGEO of Augusta)

L.D. 1106, H.P. 702

An Act to Improve the Transition to Adult Services for Children with Intellectual Disabilities. (Presented by Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan)

L.D. 1109, H.P. 705

RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Create Consistent Election Dates for Citizen-initiated Referenda in Even-numbered Election Years. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)

L.D. 1120, S.P. 454

Resolve, to Install a Suicide Barrier on the Penobscot Narrows Bridge. (EMERGENCY) (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 1126, S.P. 463

Resolve, to Increase Community Action Grants. (Presented by Senator RENY of Lincoln)

L.D. 1127, S.P. 464

Resolve, Directing the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to Create a Process for Real-time Confirmation of Live Bait Retailer’s Licenses by Electronic Means. (Presented by Senator RENY of Lincoln)

(Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at under the “Documents” tab.).

Legislative Report as of Friday, March 3, 2023

(photo by Eric W. Austin)

Legislative bills submitted by area senator & representatives as of Friday, March 3, 2023.

L.D. 899, H.P. 555

An Act to Authorize Vaccine Administration by Pharmacy Technicians and Reduce Vaccine Administration Training Requirements for Pharmacists. (EMERGENCY) (Presented by Representative NUTTING of Oakland)

L.D. 900, H.P. 556

An Act to Modernize the State Motor Vehicle Inspection Program. (Presented by Representative WHITE of Waterville)

L.D. 902, H.P. 558

An Act to Repeal So-called MaineCare Expansion. (Presented by Representative LEMELIN of Chelsea)

L.D. 906, H.P. 562

An Act to Ensure Physicians Receive Full Diagnostic Test Data Concerning Tick-borne Diseases. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 915, H.P. 571

Resolve, to Establish the Blue Ribbon Commission to Study the Organization of and Service Delivery by the Department of Health and Human Services. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 948, H.P. 595

An Act to Create a Liaison Position Between the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services on Early Childhood Education Matters. (Presented by Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield)

L.D. 950, H.P. 597

An Act to Define “Kickboxing” and “Muay Thai” in the Laws Governing Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing. (Presented by Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield)

L.D. 960, H.P. 607

An Act Regarding the Limits on Civil Remedies Available Under the Maine Human Rights Act. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)

L.D. 985, S.P. 404

Resolve, to Require the Department of Health and Human Services to Provide Additional Reimbursement to Maine Veterans’ Homes. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 986, S.P. 405

An Act to Ensure Safer Communities by Increasing the Punishment for Crimes Involving Fentanyl. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

(Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at under the “Documents” tab.)

Local Town Meetings Schedule for 2023

Town meetings 2023


Municipal Election
Friday, March 17, 2 p.m.
Besse Building
Town meeting
Sat., March 18, 10 a.m.
Albion Elementary School


Town meeting (election format)
Tues., June 13
Use Alder Park entrance


Mon., May 8
Fairfield Community Center


Town meeting Fri., March 11, 9:00 a.m.
Palermo Consolidated School


Town meeting
Mon., June 5, 6:30 p.m.
Tues., June 13
Vassalboro Community School


Municipal Election
Tues., June 13, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Town meeting
Wed., June 14, 6:30 p.m.
Windsor School gym

*   *   *

To be included in this list, visit our Contact Us page or send an email to The Town Line at

LEGISLATIVE REPORT as of Friday, February 10, 2023

(photo by Eric W. Austin)

Legislative bills submitted by area senators & representatives as of Friday, Feb. 10, 2023

L.D. 313, S.P. 134

An Act to Ensure Consistency in Retirement Plans for Certain Law Enforcement Officers. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 314, S.P. 135

An Act to Establish the Permanent Commission on the Status of Housing in Maine. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 331, S.P. 152

Resolve, to Name a Bridge in the Town of Canaan After Staff Sergeant Richard Gerald Salsbury. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 332, S.P. 153

An Act to Amend the State’s Election Laws. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 336, H.P. 210

An Act Regarding State Recognition of Native American Tribes. (Presented by Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan)

L.D. 340, H.P. 214

An Act Regarding the Purpose and Responsibilities of the State Regulatory System for Public Utilities. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)

L.D. 341, H.P. 215

An Act to Amend the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law to Encourage Housing Construction. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)

L.D. 342, H.P. 216

An Act to Streamline Licensing by Matching Federal Licensing Requirements for Occupations Licensed Federally. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)

L.D. 347, H.P. 221

An Act Regarding In-court Appearance Requirements for Persons Authorized to Serve Eviction Notices and the Process for Serving a Writ of Possession. (Presented by Representative CYRWAY of Albion)

L.D. 353, S.P. 160

An Act Concerning Substance Use Disorder, Treatment, Recovery, Prevention and Education. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 354, S.P. 161

An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding the Use of Engineers on Public Works Projects over $100,000. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 355, S.P. 162

An Act to Refocus the Purpose and Duties of the Cannabis Advisory Commission. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 356, S.P. 163

An Act to Invest in Construction Industry Workforce Development. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 366, S.P. 173

An Act to Promote Workforce Development. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 367, S.P. 174

An Act to Authorize General Fund Bond Issues to Improve Highways, Bridges and Nonhighway Modes of Transportation. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 376, H.P. 227

An Act to Repeal the Law Regarding the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)

L.D. 389, H.P. 240

An Act to Improve Rural Transportation and Access to Mental Health Care and Physical Health Care. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 410, S.P. 191

An Act Regarding the Nuisance of Cannabis Plants and Smoke in Residential Areas. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 415, S.P. 196

An Act to Allow Nonalcoholic Sparkling Cider to Be Sold in Maine. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 422, H.P. 255

An Act to Eliminate the Requirement That Municipalities Provide Public Notice in Newspapers. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)

L.D. 430, H.P. 263

An Act to Provide Translation Services for Hospital Patients. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 432, H.P. 265

An Act to Clarify MaineCare Program Requirements Regarding Certain High-risk Health Care Providers. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 442, H.P. 275

An Act Regarding Renewable Energy Projects. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)

L.D. 462, H.P. 279

An Act to Assist Persons Experiencing Homelessness in Areas of High Rent by Seeking a Waiver from the Federal Government. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 463, H.P. 280

Resolve, to Ensure Continued MaineCare Coverage for Persons Formerly in Foster Care Until They Attain 27 Years of Age. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 472, H.P. 289

An Act to Support Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Projects. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 480, H.P. 297

An Act to Clarify Laws Regarding the Placement of Signs on Public Ways. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)

L.D. 485, H.P. 302

Resolve, to Amend the Rules Regarding Athletic Director Qualifications. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)

L.D. 507, S.P. 224

An Act to Improve Outcomes for Youth Transitioning from State Care by Reducing Barriers to Maintaining Health Care Coverage. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 509, S.P. 226

An Act to Amend the Net Energy Billing Laws to Require Net Energy Billing Credits to be Nonlapsing. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 510, S.P. 227

An Act to Protect the Public Health by Allowing the Appointment of Associate Health Officers. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 522, H.P. 327

An Act to Require That Motor Vehicles Be Clear of Snow When Operated on Public Ways. (Presented by Representative WHITE of Waterville)

L.D. 528, H.P. 333

An Act to Improve Road Safety for Waste and Recycling Collection Employees. (Presented by Representative WHITE of Waterville)

L.D. 529, H.P. 334

An Act to Remove the Annual Filing Requirement in the Property Tax Stabilization Laws. (Presented by Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan)

L.D. 530, H.P. 335

An Act to Facilitate the Installation of Safe Haven Baby Boxes at Hospitals, Law Enforcement Facilities and Fire Departments. (Presented by Representative WHITE of Waterville)

L.D. 531, H.P. 336

An Act to Add Gray Squirrels to the Species List for the Open Training Season for Hunting Dogs. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)

L.D. 554, H.P. 359

An Act to Continue the Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 568, S.P. 239

An Act to Provide Funding for the Fund to Address Food Insecurity and Provide Nutrition Incentives. (EMERGENCY) (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at under the “Documents” tab.

Legislative Report for Thursday, February 2, 2023

(photo by Eric W. Austin)

Legislative bills submitted by area senators & representatives as of Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, and two others that might be of interest:

L.D. 200, H.P. 124

An Act to Require Medicaid Coverage for Certain Children Under 7 Years of Age. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 201, S.P. 101

An Act to Make Permanent the Ability of Certain Retailers and Distilleries to Sell Liquor for Off-premises Consumption and Cocktails for On-premises Consumption. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 218, H.P. 139

An Act to Clarify Maine Law Regarding Background Checks for the Office of Child and Family Services. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 219, H.P. 140

An Act to Promote Equity in the Permitting Appeals Process. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)

L.D. 228, H.P. 149

An Act to Require Substance Use Disorder to Be Disclosed as a Cause of Death on Death Certificates. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 230, H.P. 151

Resolve, to Require the Maine National Guard to Sell Certain Property in Hallowell. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 231, H.P. 152

An Act to Support the Maine Pediatric and Behavioral Health Partnership Program. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 244, S.P. 110

Resolve, Directing Maine Emergency Medical Services to Convene a Stakeholder Group to Explore Emergency Medical Services Career Pathways and Educational Opportunities in the State. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 246, S.P. 112

An Act to Amend the Campaign Finance Laws. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 247, S.P. 113

An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Elections. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 248, S.P. 114

An Act to Amend the State’s Liquor Laws. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 249, S.P. 115

An Act to Amend the Campaign Finance Laws Regarding Political Action Committees. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 250, S.P. 116

An Act to Improve Housing by Increasing Housing Options. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 271, S.P. 130

An Act Requiring the University of Maine System and the Maine Community College System to Offer a For-credit Course on Hunting, Fishing, Recreational Shooting and Trapping. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 272, S.P. 131

An Act Regarding the Issuance of Driver’s Licenses to Persons with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 291, H.P. 189

An Act to Support Young People Affected by Substance Use Disorder. (Presented by Representative LaROCHELLE of Augusta)

L.D. 296, H.P. 194

An Act to Ensure Municipalities Receive a Higher Percentage of All-terrain Vehicle Registration Fees to Cover Increased Expenses. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)

L.D. 302, H.P. 200

An Act to Ensure Sufficient Rates for Behavioral Health Services. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 304, H.P. 202

An Act to Establish Statewide Standards for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. (Presented by Representative HYMES of Waldo)

L.D. 305, H.P. 203

An Act to Provide Youth Lifetime Hunting Licenses to Eligible Dependents of Veterans Who Are 100 Percent Disabled. (Presented by Representative HYMES of Waldo)

L.D. 309, H.P. 207

An Act to Ensure Equitable Access to All Higher Education Institutions. (Presented by Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield)

L.D. 310, H.P. 208

An Act to Increase the Workforce in the State. (Presented by Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield)

NOTE: Rep. Amanda Collamore, of Pittsfield, is not Rep. Clinton Collamore, of Waldo, who, according to press reports, was indicted for fraud in December 2022.

And two more bills that will no doubt be hotly debated:

L.D. 239, H.P. 160

An Act to Establish the Hessel’s Hairstreak as the Maine State Butterfly. (Presented by Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach)

L.D. 269, S.P. 128

An Act to Designate Granitic Pegmatite as the Maine State Rock. (Presented by Senator KEIM of Oxford)

Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at

The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at under the “Documents” tab.

Legislative Report as of Friday, January 13, 2023

(photo by Eric W. Austin)

Legislative bills submitted by area senators & representatives as of Friday, January 13, 2023.

L.D. 93, H.P. 61

An Act to Ensure Access for All Caregivers to Diaper Changing Stations in Public Restrooms. (Presented by Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield)

L.D. 95, H.P. 63

An Act Concerning the Membership of the State Emergency Response Commission and Fees for Registering Facilities Required to Report to That Commission. Presented by Representative CYRWAY of Albion)

L.D. 96, H.P. 64

An Act to Ensure Release of Relevant Background Investigation Material to Current Employers of Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers. (Presented by Representative CYRWAY of Albion)

L.D. 111, H.P. 79

An Act Requiring the State to Pay a Share of a Retired State Employee’s or Retired Teacher’s Premium for Medicare Part B Under Medicare Advantage. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 119, S.P. 58

An Act to Clarify the Boundary Between Waldo and Knox Counties in Penobscot Bay. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 121, S.P. 60

An Act to Expand Health Insurance Coverage to Certain State Employees. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 125, S.P. 64

An Act to Allow Driver Education Instructors to Administer Driver’s License Road Tests. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 126, S.P. 65

An Act to Improve the Fairness of Adaptive Management Study Moose Hunt Permits by Exempting Those Permittees from the 4-year Limitation on Receiving Another Permit. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 139, H.P. 85

An Act to Increase the Liability of Parents and Legal Guardians for Damage by Children. (Presented by Representative RUDNICKI of Fairfield)

L.D. 140, H.P. 86

An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Right to Counsel for Juveniles and Due Process for Juveniles. (Presented by Representative RUDNICKI of Fairfield)

L.D. 147, S.P. 76

An Act to Increase the Amount of Money Allowed to Be Raised for a Charitable Purpose by Certain Raffles. (Presented by Senator LaFOUNTAIN of Kennebec)

L.D. 148, S.P. 77

An Act to Allow Detention of Juveniles for Certain Acts. (Presented by Senator LaFOUNTAIN of Kennebec)

L.D. 162, H.P. 103

An Act to Establish a Substance Use Disorder Hotline and Consultation and Clinical Supervision Program. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 164, H.P. 105

An Act to Fund the Lake Restoration and Protection Fund. (Presented by Representative BRIDGEO of Augusta)

L.D. 165, H.P. 106

An Act to Increase the Governor’s Salary. (Presented by Representative BRIDGEO of Augusta)

L.D. 176, H.P. 117

An Act to Increase the Safety of Patients and Staff at the Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center and the Riverview Psychiatric Center. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 189, S.P. 93

An Act to Include an Expanded Archery Permit in the Super Pack License Issued by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at

The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at under the “Documents” tab.

Local candidates present their respective position on issues (November 2022)

China School Board

(One Seat)


Why are you running for school board?

I am running for the school board because I believe in contributing to the community in the best way I am able at this time.

I think what best qualifies me to participate on the school board for the next three years are the following; consistency, the ability to make informed, unbiased decisions based on strong background knowledge, and a genuine interest and concern that each and every student in District 18 receive the best possible education.

  1. Consistency as demonstrated by successful positive participation for the past six years on the RSU#18 school board
  2. Background Knowledge: My prior experience in the field of education as a highly qualified educator spans 5 uninterrupted decades. My Educational background includes 36 Graduate credits beyond a Masters in Education.
  3. Each and every student deserves the best possible education to support their development and growth. Over the years I have observed the dedication of the RSU#18 employees and it is formidable. This observation has spanned many years.

Four of our grandchildren have or are attending RSU#18, each unique in their own right, and each has had their educational needs more than met. Two are currently seniors, having started in PreK. One is a Sophomore in college who started at the primary level. One is currently in fourth grade.

I have seen firsthand that RSU#18 students are recipients of caring, nurturing environments where academic expectations reflect high standards, where social and emotional needs are addressed, and the importance of being respectful and responsible for one’s behavior is a basic learning expectation.

I think the biggest challenge facing China schools today may be different than the biggest challenge faced by the China schools yesterday and again different, albeit possibly the same as the biggest challenge facing the China schools tomorrow.

Without a crystal ball, a way to analyze challenges, big or small may be to identify the areas of greatest need, perhaps based on surveys, gather data, analyze and act.

I think it is a process that is fluid, gathering input, drawing conclusions, acting on those areas that can be addressed, and planning for future actions as need be within a collaborative and collegial forum.


Why are you running for school board?

My wife and I have three children in school, two of whom attend China Middle School. For the first time in years, my career offers me the flexibility to become more involved within the community. What better place to begin than with the school board? The school board is where I can best represent the interests of my own children, their classmates, and our entire community.

What do you think best qualifies you?

I have many years of experience volunteering on various boards and committees. It is often an exhausting and thankless role, but it is one I am familiar with. I believe my experience working in healthcare administration, an industry arguably as divisive as education, has prepared me for the many challenges our RSU, and greater society, is faced with.

What is the biggest challenge facing the China schools and how would you seek to remedy that?

COVID-19 threw a wrench into an already faltering industry. I believe our district navigated the complexities and ever-changing guidelines better than most, however our children and educators didn’t avoid the challenges altogether. This past year, China Middle School experienced tremendous turnover, even amongst younger, less experienced teachers. We need our schools to become employers of choice for the best and the brightest, so our children can realize equal or greater opportunities than their peers throughout the state, and beyond. These challenges can be addressed by developing the RSU organizational culture, prioritizing employee engagement and accountability, and by doing a better job of listening to our constituents.


Why are you running for school board?

My interest in running for a position on the board is purely one of service. I believe we need to put the focus on educating all of the children in our district in order to set them up for future success. While I have never served on a school board, I bring almost 40 years of experience from my military career in many different positions, as well as my college education in business. I have the ability to communicate and work as a team member, and have the integrity required to take full responsibility for my actions if elected.

My wife and I moved to China 11 years ago with our two children. Both have since graduated from Erskine Academy and attended college. Our daughter is a speech-language pathologist, and our son works full-time in sales Verizon.  My wife and I have both retired after fulfilling careers. She spent hers as a cardiac nurse and I spent mine in the military as aircraft mechanic, pilot, adviser/manager.

What do you think best qualifies you?

During my last 10 years in the military, I served as the Senior Warrant Officer Advisor for the Maine Army National Guard. Overseeing the professional development and management of highly technical officers. I have a willingness to work with others to develop and establish effective solutions that will benefit our students and believe in listening to all points of view in order to develop the best solutions for the community.

In my past leadership positions, I have served on state, regional and national boards.

2013-2017: Warrant Officer Senior Advisory Council (WOSAC) National Chairmanman.
2012-2013: WOSAC National Vice Chairman.
2010-2012: New England, WOSAC Chairman.

The WOSAC represented over 10K Warrant Officers across the Army National Guard, in which the committee was responsible for programs and policies in the area of education and training.

What is the biggest challenge facing the China schools and how would you seek to remedy that?

I believe the most important issue we can address as a community is one of good schools. Upon graduation, whether our children decide to go directly into the workforce, to college, or to trade school, I believe education is the solid foundation necessary to continue building a productive society.  Whether you are a long-time resident or a family in search of a new community to call home, I want you to be confident that our schools can provide your children with that foundation necessary for limitless possibilities. If elected, I would use data and communication to ensure our schools continue striving for excellence while engaging the community. I would always advocate for our district and collaborate with stakeholders to develop effective solutions.

House of Representatives

District #62


How would you improve or reform educational opportunities for residents of Maine?

Public Education should be just that. Public. Recently Maine’s public college/universities have been made free for recent graduates. It should remain free for all Maine residents. Many of the needed jobs in our state require certification. Whether that is a trade job or in healthcare. Opening up these training programs without cost to students will more quickly fill needed positions. There are plenty of college graduates who never found employment in their field and are looking to make a switch, but in this economic climate, the burden of paying for another training is not possible. Open up these programs and the benefit to society in quick employment into desired sectors far outweighs the cost. There are other avenues such as paid apprenticeships, which I desire to see expanded, but the burden for change in those areas falls to private businesses and not the Legislature as they are not publicly owned.

If you are elected, what will be your top three priorities in the Maine legislature?

Create a housing crisis task force. Identifying where housing shortages are around the state, hire qualified architects, contractors, tradespeople etc and make a plan to create affordable housing in those areas.

Deploy the National Guard as the extra labor needed to get buildings up in a timely manner to meet this crisis head on. At the current rate of building it will take 20+ years to build enough housing for the number of people currently seeking a home. One of the largest shortcomings in meeting the demands of the housing crisis is the workforce needed to build on schedule. This is a task perfectly suited to the National Guard, to help the state in a crisis. Outside of this task force build project, 75 percent of all new construction should be affordable housing until the need is met. Provide incentives for any rent-to-own apartments or single family homes.

Fund Education at higher levels on the state side to provide relief for local municipality budgets. Ensure educators and staff are supported in their wages and in their safety to be who they are and have control of curriculum in the classroom. Remove the burden of standardized testing to free more time for learning. Our teachers understand the needs of their students and we should trust the people we’ve hired to do this much needed job.

Equality for all. Codify the right to bodily autonomy into the state constitution. The right to choose the healthcare that’s right for you and your children? That’s bodily autonomy. You want control of when you wear a mask? That’s bodily autonomy as well!

How would you improve broadband access for underserved communities in Maine?

Currently there are tens of millions of dollars from federal and state funds being allocated to Maine towns to expand access, especially in rural areas. I would be in favor of expanding that fund if we see it is not going to fully cover the need. I would also give priority to any projects in which the public utility would be consumer owned. Please note that consumer owned utilities are not government owned, but are owned by the people that use the services. This brings cost down by not paying shareholders or foreign entities who have invested in them.

How would you work to alleviate the labor shortage in Maine and attract younger families to the state?

I am so very tired of this question being formed as a labor shortage. That puts all the onus onto workers. What we really have are a shortage of jobs that pay a living wage, especially now with record high inflation. Childcare services are hard to find, and when they are, the cost is out of balance with wages for parents, making the balancing act of working parents nearly impossible. I will never say that childcare is “too expensive” because it’s not.

Education is key when trying to attract young people to return, remain, or relocate to Maine. Public education at the University/specialty certification level like I discussed above will be a huge driver. For young families, having a strong public school system pre-k through 12th grade is a top deciding factor when moving. I have four children in the public middle and elementary schools, and I’m the only candidate in this election that will have children in public school during their entire term as legislator. Our education staff needs more support. This fiscal year Maine will finally be holding up it’s agreement for funding to our public schools. But we already know it’s not enough. By shifting most of school budgets to the state level it will create more equitable funding across the board for schools and lessen/remove the burden from local municipalities. The minimum wage for teachers and staff is not enough and doesn’t compete with other states. Lastly, having public schools that are a safe environment for children and educators to be exactly who they are, to teach and learn the truth of history and the world we live in, and have their creativity nurtured so that educators remain and students grow in knowledge and empathy for others, values sorely lacking in adults these days.

How would you provide for Maine’s aging population?

In the long-term the only way to take care of the generation before us is to strengthen the younger generation who no longer has the ability to care for parents and grandparents. Generations who will probably never see a return on the social security they’ve spent their life paying into or an ability to retire. In the short-term I would love to invest in mobile clinics which allow seniors to receive healthcare in their area. I would love to see Maine shift from mills and factories to manufacture needed medications, such as insulin, and bypass the greed of the pharmaceutical industry. Cost of medication is astronomical for everyone, but especially for seniors. Housing and safe living facilities for seniors is needed, which would be part of the Housing Crisis Taskforce I proposed earlier.

What are Maine’s strengths and how could we leverage them to position Maine for the future?

Maine is one of the most independent states in the country. One of two with independent members in both state and federal government. That is a key strength which flows to all sectors of life in Maine. Independence breeds leaders, not followers. We’ve seen this with our scientists at UMaine getting ahead of research and solutions to PFAS chemicals and aquaculture solutions to climate change, something I was proud to see at many farms and facilities as the only candidate on the AGCOM event for future legislators. Mainers need to lean in to that Independence. Our district’s largest voting group is third-party/non-party voters. We know the two party system is not the solution and will not save us from the battles we face. Lean in! Continue to break out of the constraints placed on us that stifle growth, education, empathy, compassion, revolution. Lean in! Give yourself and your children, our future, the space to grow, become who they are, and find lasting solutions to the devastating crises we find ourselves in with corporate greed, climate change, and systemic racism and bigotry. Be who you are. Be different. Lean in to your Independence!


How would you improve or reform educational opportunities for residents of Maine?

A simple return to classical education will solve many of the problems we now face within our schools. Focusing on Reading, writing, science and Math and away from cultural issues and political ideologies will allow our children (and our teachers) to again concentrate on what is important and will take the rhetoric and disagreements out of the current equation. I would like to see Standardized testing greatly reduced to give time to the students to learn and teachers to teach. With a solid focus on education our children should continue to have the opportunities they seek in life. Increasing the Vocational Education track for students starting in Middle school also will increase the likelihood that all children can seek a career in the field that they feel most drawn to.

If you are elected, what will be your top three priorities in the Maine legislature?

  1. INFLATION: Mainers are struggling to stay in their homes, and provide food for their families and we must think fast and outside of the box to assist the people of Maine during this time. Immediately suspending the fuel tax to allow people to keep money in their pocket should be implemented, suspend tolls on trucks delivering food and fuel to Maine and implement an energy saving plan for people who have homes that are not efficient are a few avenues to start to address this problem. We must act NOW and not rely on further federal funds to get us through.
  2. Taxes: Maine ranks 4 within the nation for the highest tax burden and this is totally unacceptable. The Maine government has been funding pet projects with our hard earned tax money and we must refocus on what is important to Mainers and leave the special interest groups and private industry to fund their own way. We can eliminate and reduce the Maine people’s taxes with frugality and concern for people at the forefront of our minds.
  3. Lack of Industry. Maine is the 3rd worst state in the country to do business. Over regulation, taxes and a hostile legislative environment keep businesses away from Maine. This must change and we must do everything we can to ensure businesses want to come to Maine and want to stay here. Almost every problem in Maine (childcare, housing, health insurance) can be solved by our residents having high quality and good paying jobs.

How would you improve broadband access for underserved communities in Maine?

Mainers need to be connected, but government provided services are never the way. We must continue to research ways to bring internet access to our towns, but in a way that isn’t behind the times or overly cumbersome. I myself had 1.8mps service for 8 years and believe me it was horrible, but I believe the government should be pursuing private industry to upgrade and advance options. As a state we should be relentless in trying to solve this issue and if we have to provide incentives for private industry to continue to grow their products we must look at that as well.

How would you work to alleviate the labor shortage in Maine and attract younger families to the state?

The labor shortage in Maine is present due to many factors; the shuttering of numerous businesses during the extended lockdown during covid, continued funding of unemployment for able bodied workers and the lack of industry to provide good jobs. Overregulation, lack of license reciprocity and red tape keeps industry from setting up shop in Maine and working people see that and choose to leave the state to pursue a career. Prior to a Mills administration the sign leading into Maine used to say “Open for Business” and it will again after November 8.

How would you provide for Maine’s aging population?

Maine’s aging population absolutely needs to be watched over and cared for. I would like to see the Maine Council on Aging become even more prevalent and well run to ensure our Seniors and their needs do not get forgotten. The recent Property tax stabilization program was a bi-partisan bill passed to benefit seniors and their ability to freeze their property taxes, however this bill was federally funded and had no income cut off so I do worry about its long term ability to continue. We need to make sure that when we commit to helping our Seniors it is for the long term and truly gives them what they need.

What are Maine’s strengths and how could we leverage them to position Maine for the future?

Maine has a strong reputation for honest, hard workers and I believe any business would be happy to employ Maine workers and provide opportunities to live in a state in which the work life balance is unmatched. When we attract strong businesses to Maine we build a solid foundation for our people and our state. Higher paying jobs allow us to grow our tax base naturally which fixes infrastructure problems, funds schools and gives people quality healthcare, housing and childcare. We have to be laser focused on getting business to buy into Maine and we must elect a government that is fiscally responsible and focused on deregulation and growth. When business flourishes, all Maine people will flourish.


How would you improve or reform educational opportunities for residents of Maine?

The quality of a child’s education should not be determined by their zip code. Municipal funding of local schools is a huge portion of a town’s tax burden in rural Maine. I support the state continuing to fully fund their portion of educational costs at 55 percent. Perhaps it’s time to increase federal funding of schools in a manner that provides for quality education that is equitable for all.

I support making community college part of our nation’s publicly-funded education system. I also support programs that would make four-year College debt-free by a variety of options such as scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and service-oriented tuition forgiveness programs. I would also include more educational opportunities through vocational schools and apprenticeships.

If you are elected, what will be your top three priorities in the Maine legislature?

One of my top three priorities in the Maine Legislature would be to ensure access to affordable healthcare. I am a big proponent of universal healthcare. Without adequate healthcare, none of us can be our best, most productive selves. My vision of healthcare also includes dental, hearing, and eye care, lowering the cost of prescription medications, preventing and treating opioid addiction, providing care for mental health, and protecting reproductive rights.

Another top priority would be to address climate change. Our state’s average temperatures have already increased and this has created observable real-world concerns. On our farm, due to drought, there have been years where I’ve had to start feeding our sheep hay in August instead of December because the grass didn’t grow back after the first round of grazing. This dramatically increases the cost of production. Also, milder winters mean more ticks in the spring and fall resulting in a higher risk of contracting tick-borne diseases—not just for people, but for horses, cattle, and dogs as well. And Brown-tailed moths, the new scourge, are negatively impacting both quality of life and businesses—especially those involving tourism.

Addressing PFAS contamination would be my other top priority. Our understanding of the problem is only in its infancy and Maine is already a national leader in addressing this problem. Decades ago, farmers were encouraged to spread sludge and septage on their fields as “free fertilizer.” Now, as these forever chemicals have leached into the groundwater, contaminating people’s wells, their devastating health effects have become evident.

The state has launched a massive testing effort and is providing filtration systems for resident’s whose wells have been contaminated. My understanding is that the State is also offering to purchase contaminated farmland to provide relief for farmers whose livelihood has been destroyed. It is obvious, however, that we need to find a long-term solution to this problem, and the corporations responsible for the contamination need to be held accountable.

How would you improve broadband access for underserved communities in Maine?

The pandemic made it abundantly clear how important broadband internet is for all of our Maine residents. Access to affordable, reliable high-speed internet helps attract and keep young families and businesses in the area—this is crucial for sustaining rural Maine communities. High-speed internet’s top benefit is in providing greater opportunities for economic development. I see bringing broadband to all of our underserved communities as important as was the Rural Electrification Act of 1936.

Palermo, along with four neighboring towns have joined together to form a Broadband Utility District to build out a municipally-owned fiber-optic network. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of a visionary team of volunteers, the newly formed corporation is in perfect position to take advantage of federal and state grants to make broadband for all our residents a reality. This model could be replicated all over the state of Maine.

How would you work to alleviate the labor shortage in Maine and attract younger families to the state?

First, the underlying problems pushing workers to leave Maine must be addressed. Employers will be unable to hire labor if potential workers cannot find affordable housing or adequate childcare. Once these barriers to employment are removed, the focus can be on how to attract younger families to the state and incentivize them to stay.
Many incentives could be employed such as signing bonuses, health insurance, flexible schedules, remote work options, or other benefits. Offering public community college, vocational school, and apprentice opportunities would create a homegrown well-educated, well-trained, and highly-skilled workforce. Another good long-term incentive would be to forgive student debt if the employee works for a predetermined number of years.

How would you provide for Maine’s aging population?

Most of our elders would like to age in place. The best way to assist in achieving this goal is to remove the preventing barriers. Transportation is often a major limiting factor to independence for the elderly. Seniors, especially in rural areas, would benefit greatly from a small, affordable, reservation-based public transportation system. Access to healthcare is another crucial element. Attracting more healthcare providers to rural Maine, as well as increasing access to telemedicine would be a big help. Lowering the costs of prescription medications is of paramount importance and can be achieved through legislative means. Providing heating oil assistance and real estate tax relief would also provide security for Maine’s aging population. Implementing these measures would go far in keeping our elderly independent and able to age well in their homes.

What are Maine’s strengths and how could we leverage them to position Maine for the future?

Maine’s greatest strength is its natural beauty. The great outdoors is what attracts people to our state and what entices them to stay. Yankee ingenuity is another strength that allows Mainers to flourish. We can leverage that strength by bringing broadband to rural areas which will allow for greater entrepreneurship. Natural resources are another strength; harnessing them to advance clean energy such as solar, wind, hydropower, and tidal energy will enable Maine to become energy independent while using homegrown, renewable sources.

I see Maine finding the sweet spot in life—balancing the necessity of industry with preserving the beauty of the natural world, understanding the importance of meaningful work and the value of recreation and time with family. The future of Maine will be what it is today—the way life should be.

House of Representatives

District #65


How would you improve or reform educational opportunities for residents of Maine?

I believe we need to prioritize getting back to basics. As a result of COVID, kids lost too much time in the classroom and test scores are declining. I believe our schools need to get back to the basics and focus on math, reading, writing, history and civics. Parents need to be empowered to engage in education and deserve a voice if they have concerns about what is being taught in the classroom. I would advocate for more transparency in our schools as well as more opportunities for after-school care for working parents.

If you are elected, what will be your top three priorities in the Maine legislature?

The most immediate thing we can do as a state is focus on reducing the overall cost-of-living by addressing the high cost of home heating oil, groceries, and electricity. Our elected officials need to stop bickering about partisan politics and roll up their sleeves and get to work. Too many Maine families are facing tough choices this winter, and I am. committed to doing everything Maine can to ease the burden of inflation.

How would you improve broadband access for underserved communities in Maine?

Broadband is critical for a state like Maine, especially after the pandemic. During the pandemic we saw people moving to Maine with the shift to remote work. I believe that is likely to continue and the workplace is changing. I believe state government should be a partner to the private sector to expand broadband to those areas that both want and need it. Government has a role in the effort, but the private sector must lead the charge.

How would you work to alleviate the labor shortage in Maine and attract younger families to the state?

First and foremost, if you are able to work – you need to work. I am a small business owner. I know firsthand how damaging the long-term impacts of the pandemic have been on the workforce. We need to stop promoting policies that pay people to stay home. For example, this administration removed work requirements for welfare benefits for able-bodied individuals. I support reinstituting those requirements. I also support investing and promoting career and technical education to younger ages to ensure those kids who don’t go to college have ample opportunity to learn a skill and build a good paying career.

How would you provide for Maine’s aging population?

I am very worried about Maine’s elderly population, especially those on fixed incomes this winter. We must address the high-cost of living including providing resources for those who need them most. For example, I support efforts at the state level to ensure we have robust resources for heating oil assistance. I also support efforts to increase the public assistance resources we have to ensure that those on fixed incomes have access to quality food. Lastly, we need to be neighborly. Check on your elderly neighbors this winter and donate to food pantries, if you can. We can get through this together.

What are Maine’s strengths and how could we leverage them to position Maine for the future?

One of Maine’s greatest strengths is its people. For example, Maine fishermen represent an iconic industry here in Maine. Our lobster industry is under attack by the federal government. We must push back on these burdensome regulations to protect our lobster industry. Our lobster industry is a critical component of Maine’s economy, and right now faces the biggest threat. We must do everything in our power to protect it.



Richard Bradstreet (R)
Amy Davidoff (D)


Scott Cyrway (R)


Colleen Madison (D)
Ruth Malcolm (R)


Bruce White (D)
Tammy Brown (R)


Alicia Barnes (D)
Robert Nutting (R)


Storme St. Valle (D)
Matthew Pouliot (R)


David LaFountain (D)
Michael Perkins (R)

CHINA: Six referendum questions on ballot deal with ARPA funds

by Mary Grow

At the polls on Nov. 8, China voters will express their opinions on state elections, including choice of town representatives to the state legislature; local elections for select board, planning board, budget committee and Regional School Unit #18 director; and eight local referendum questions.

Six of the referenda ask approval to spend federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for specified projects. Two are proposed amendments to town ordinances.

With one exception, members of the town select board and budget committee recommended unanimously that voters approve all proposed expenditures.

The exception is the first question, asking for $70,000 in ARPA funds to help create a privately-owned fiberoptic broadband system that would initially extend broadband service to parts of China that are unserved or underserved.

China Broadband Committee (CBC) members have repeatedly discussed expanding and improving service and have explored various approaches. The current plan would add the $70,000 to $300,000 from the Tax Increment Financing Fund (TIF) for the town’s share of a privately-owned and privately-run broadband service, comparable to and competitive with Spectrum and other providers serving China residents.

China voters already approved a schedule of TIF expenditures that includes $30,000 a year for 10 years for broadband.

The remaining cost of the expansion and improvements would be paid by Direct Communications, of Idaho, and its Unity-based subsidiary, UniTel, who would own and operate the service, and by a state grant aimed at extending broadband service to unserved and underserved areas.

Select board members unanimously recommend approval of the funding, even though some have opposed past CBC recommendations. When the budget committee reviewed the question, after a brief discussion five members voted to recommend the expenditure and Michael Sullivan voted against recommending it.

The other question that generated discussion on the select board and the budget committee is No. 5 on the ballot, the request for no more than $75,000 in ARPA money for a new, one-year, senior fuel assistance program. Select board member Wayne Chadwick suggested the program as he looked at high prices residents are likely to face to keep warm this winter.

Discussion was not over the merits of the program, but over how it would work. Select board members adopted a set of standards, found on the town website,, under the elections tab, with the title “Senior Citizens Fuel Support Fund.”

The questions that have generated little or no discussion during board and committee meetings ask voters to approve the following ARPA expenditures.

  • No more than $21,590, to reimburse China Rescue for an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
  • No more than $7,000 for improvements to the radio tower at the town office complex on Lakeview Drive.
  • No more than $22,000 to buy three heat pumps, for the town office and at the transfer station office building and the scale shack.
  • No more than $30,000 to repair cemetery fences.

The first proposed ordinance change is an amendment to China’s Quorum Ordinance. The ordinance currently says that every town meeting, regular or special, requires having a quorum assembled before business can begin. The quorum consists of “four percent of the residents registered to vote as of the first business day of January in the year in which the meeting is held.”

This requirement has translated to between 120 and 130 voters in recent past years, before town officials changed to a written ballot in 2020 because the covid pandemic led to a ban on large gatherings.

At the Aug. 22 select board meeting, Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood proposed changing the requirement to 100 registered voters.

She explained that Maine law now automatically registers as a voter anyone who applies for a state driver’s license. Consequently, she said, China adds a handful of new voters almost every week, with no indication that any of them intend to vote; and therefore the quorum requirement steadily increases.

Three select board members recommend voters approve the change. Chadwick and board chairman Ronald Breton think 100 voters too few.

The second proposed ordinance change is a series of amendments to two sections of China’s Land Use Ordinance, recommended by planning board members after long discussion. Many are required to bring China’s ordinance into conformity with state regulations.

Copies of the Land Use Ordinance amendments are on the website, under two left-hand tabs: Elections, above the fuel assistance fund standards, and the separate tab titled “**Ordinance Updates – Public Comments**.”

The long-discussed new ordinance that would govern future commercial solar development in China is not on the Nov. 8 ballot, as planning board members have not yet agreed on a final version.

Lincoln County Dems volunteers picnic kicks off fall campaign

Leaders of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) marked the kick off of the fall campaign with a Volunteer Appreciation Picnic on September 10, at the Sheepscot Community Center, in Newcastle.

More than 60 volunteers attended the event, which included activities for kids and food prepared by LCDC leaders and volunteers.

“Our volunteers have been working for months to support Democratic candidates and with activity picking up as we head into fall, we wanted to take some time to thank them for all of their efforts,” said Kelli Whitlock Burton, LCDC vice chair and the 2022 campaign leader. “They are determined to do everything they can to elect people who will work hard to improve the lives of all Mainers. Their commitment to our community and state is just so inspiring.”

More than 120 people have signed up to volunteer with LCDC this campaign season, with more joining every day.