Dreaming of a Christmas of good health and world peace

Photo by Central Maine Photography

by Mark Huard

Merry Christmas in July! A message from the North Pole to the joyful people of Kringleville, Maine USA! We cherish our visits with the welcoming folks in the booming City of Waterville. There is tremendous continued growth in your beautiful city. Castonguay Square is the heartbeat of your downtown and we are honored to be at your square during the holidays.

Santa is always watching you grow and to see if you have been naughty or nice. Mrs. Claus was tickled to learn about how much you have all grown from reading your letters aloud to Santa that you sent during your time at home through the COVID-19 pandemic. Santa and Mrs. Claus encourage all of you to continue to grow and learn. Whether you are learning how to play an instrument, taking voice lessons, building extreme Lego structures, following instructions, or following a recipe, maybe you’re trying to be a better listener, we are proud of you. Keep learning, keep listening and keep trying. All we ask is that you try your best. You have been brave…Continue to be brave! You have been strong through all of the changes that this year has brought to the world. Always remember to be part of solutions, rather than adding to problems. Be good…Be nice…Be kind…Be respectful of all others!

People of all ages from around the globe visit the cabin. There are Christmas lovers from Poland, Hawaii, China, Korea, Virginia, Arkansas, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Seattle, the Philippines and all over Maine and New England. We love that you all continue to be part of the Kringleville story season after season and keep the tradition in such a wonderful city. We understand that there could potentially be travel limitations this upcoming 2020 season. Santa and Mrs. Claus are staying connected with the Children’s Discovery Museum to ensure that Christmas will go on for Kringleville followers. Though there might be alternative ways to connect with Santa, we are working to ensure that all can connect with Santa even if the conversation of sharing your Christmas wishes with Santa is a remote visit this season.

Year after year, Kringleville has more visitors at the Kringleville Christmas cabin to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. The Kringleville “reach” of “followers” grew during the 2019 season from hundreds to thousands: 3,284 to be exact. There was a growth of 275% of our connection with Kringleville followers this past season and an increase of 1850% in engagements while Santa and Mrs. Claus were in town. Since this past Kringleville season, followers have remained engaged with Kringleville via the Kringleville Facebook page. During COVID-19, an additional 64 Christmas spirited folks joined Kringleville’s fabulous followers bringing the total to 3,348.

Kringleville continues with the support of The Children’s Discovery Museum led by Executive Director, Amarinda Keys. Thank you again to the generous 2019 Kringleville sponsors: The Children’s Discovery Museum, Central Maine Chevy, Selah Tea Café, Day’s Jewelers and Bangor Savings Bank. Additional supporters are GHM Insurance, Marden’s, the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce, Central Maine Photography, Fabian Oil, U.S. Cellular, Pine Tree Cellular, REZ Life Church, Waterville High School Key Club and others who share in the Kringleville Christmas spirit.

Santa and Mrs. Claus would like to recognize and especially thank volunteer Scott McAdoo for his commitment to the love of Christmas at Kringleville. We thank Central Maine Photography’s head elf Cinnamon. We celebrate Cinnamon for her 11-year Kringleville loyalty.

All of us at the North Pole, appreciate the generosity of Central Maine Chevy being Kringleville’s major sponsor. If you or your business would like to contribute to the success of this timeless Waterville tradition, please contact Amarinda Keys at The Children’s Discovery Museum at (207) 622-2209 or email amarinda@childrensdiscoverymuseum.org to ask how you too can be a part of the magic of Christmas at Kringleville for the 2020 season.

We are half-way to Christmas! Happy Christmas in July everyone! Where there’s a will there’s a way and our will here in the North Pole is unstoppable. Santa wants everyone to keep in mind that Christmas isn’t something you should have in your heart only once a year. The spirit of Christmas should live in your heart year-round. So, take Santa’s advice and be kind to all others! Mrs. Claus sends COVID-FREE hugs from our North Pole home to your home. Wishing you a summer full of joy and happiness!

Literacy Volunteers announces winners of scholarship contest

Adam Bonenfant

Literacy Volunteers Waterville Area has announced the two winners of their Literacy Volunteers Waterville Area Essay Scholarship Awards. Issac Violette, a resident of Oakland, and a 2020 graduate from Messalonskee High School, in Oakland, won the $500 scholarship award and plans to attend classes at the Orono campus of the University of Maine. Adam Bonenfant, a resident of Vassalboro, and a 2020 graduate from Erskine Academy, in South China, won the $150 award. Adam plans to pursue his studies at Kennebec Valley Community College, in Fairfield, in the fall.

Issac Violette

Camp Tracy alumni scholarships available

Photo source: Camp Tracy website (camptracy.org)

Camp Tracy Alumni are ready to help you afford camp this summer!

Apply for a partial or full scholarship for weeks 6-10 of Camp Tracy by the deadline of June 30, 2020.

Send Completed Applications to CampTracyAlumni@gmail.com, or mail to Will Barlock, 267 Concord St West, Portland, ME 04103. Applications are available on the Camp Tracy website.

An open letter to Sheepscot Lake Association members and potential new members

Karen Spehler, a summer resident on Sheepscot Lake, found this loon posing for her in August.

by Slater Claudel, President
Sheepscot Lake Association

In lieu of our normal annual meeting and get together we will be updating you all via this letter.  Hopefully next year we’ll all be together again and enjoy another great potluck dinner!  There are several items we’re focusing on this year:

  •  The Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI) program will be operating again this year. We  have two trained inspectors who will be working at the launch every Saturday morning through Sunday late afternoon to inspect boats prior to launch. Please be sure to support their critical efforts and let them know how much you appreciate what they’re doing. This is our best tool for controlling introduction of invasive species to the watershed.
  •  LakeSmart on-site inspections this year have been curtailed due to Covid-19. Please watch for updates on the Sheepscot Lake Association Facebook page or the LakeSmart website, mainelakessociety.org.
  •  The Audubon Annual Loon Count will be held July 18th, organized by Joe Burke. We will share the results on the Facebook page. Please continue to be respectful of our loons and give them a wide berth when you see them on the lake or near a nesting site. This is a courtesy and also the law. Visit the Audubon website: www.maineaudubon.org.
  •  There are new signs as a reminder that the river is a no wake zone. Please drive slowly whenever in the river to prevent erosion and promote safety. Maine law requires a no wake zone within 200 feet of any shoreline.
  •  The second annual boat parade will be held July 4th at noon. Please meet in the boat launch cove or join as we pass by your camp. Feel free to decorate your boat. This annual event is an opportunity to show our appreciation of our lake and to build community support.
  •  Water Testing results over past years have been excellent. We will continue our testing this year and will post results on our Facebook page. Many thanks to Ursula & Joe Burke for their continued efforts over many years. However, SLA is looking for someone to continue the water testing program next year. If you are interested, feel free to join them this year. Contact Ursula at upburke@yahoo.com.
  •  A HUGE thanks to Gary Miller, co-founder of SLA in 2012, president for many years, and an active board member for 8 years. The Lake Association Board will miss his dedication and hard work. The Sheepscot Lake Association currently has three openings on the board. If you are interested in being a member of our board please contact our president, Slater Claudel, at Sheepscot_Lake@yahoo.com.  Nominations need to be submitted by July 3rd. A slate of nominees will be sent out to our membership via email along with details as to how to vote in July.

We will miss our opportunities to gather this year at our annual meeting and the Palermo Day Parade. We will also miss the beautiful raffle basket Lynda Pound creates each year. The funds from your membership and the proceeds from this important raffle help to fund the critical programs summarized above. We also rely on and appreciate the contribution from the town of Palermo each year supported by the taxpayers of Palermo. The lake needs your continued support.  You can renew your membership this year by sending a check payable to Sheepscot Lake Association to:

Sheepscot Lake Association
P.O. Box 300
Palermo, ME 04354 

Or via PayPal at our website: https://sheepscotlakeassociation.webs.com. The dues are $20/person, $30/household, or $50/patron. Please share this article with any neighbors or friends who would like to join and support the lake. We need to grow our membership!

Thank you all for your continued support, we look forward to another beautiful summer on our spectacular Sheepscot Lake!

Local libraries begin to re-open with limitations

Waiting for curbside pickup in Palermo. (photo by Andy Pottle)

Palermo Community Library curbside pick-up service begins

As we navigate through the Covid-19 pandemic, the first phase of reopening the Palermo Community Library is to offer curbside pickup beginning Saturday, June 20, 2020. To protect the safety of our staff and patrons, the library will be following the guidelines of the Maine State Library and Maine CDC. Staff will wear masks and gloves while preparing your bags for check-out. Patrons and staff are expected to respect social distancing recommendations.

Procedure for pickup (see detailed description under ‘policies’ on website):

  1.  Visit the library website at www.palermo.lib.me.us to search the library’s catalog for the books, DVDs, and other materials you’d like to check out.
  2.  Email your request to palermo@palermo.lib.me.us by Wednesday for a Saturday pickup.
  3.  Come to the library between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday to pick up the items you are checking out. When you arrive, call 993-6088 and they’ll bring out your bag of books and place it on the front stoop for you to pick up.
  4.  Return library items to outdoor book drop when you are finished. All returned library materials will be quarantined for 72 hours and then sanitized.

In the meantime, the trustees are working hard to prepare for the next phase of reopening by installing plexiglass hygiene barriers, providing a deep thorough cleaning of the library’s interior, and writing policies that will protect the health and safety of our staff and patrons. Hope to see you soon!

Vassalboro public library re-opens

photo: vassalboro.net

The Vassalboro Public Library is reopened to the public during their regular hours. Monday and Friday noon – 6 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. They have a new ongoing book sale room that is open to the public. They will also host a partially virtual summer reading program for all ages. Please check their website for the Covid-19 policies.

Oakland public librarry is open

The Oakland Public Library is now open. You may check out books, magazines and movies. There is a 30-minute time limit on visits, with a five item limit on loans. Computers are available.

Hand sanitizers are available upon entering and also at the service desks. Masks that cover the nose and mouth must be worn, and patrons must observe 6 foot physical distancing.

Hours are: Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

For more information, call 465-7533.

Albion library will fill book orders

Albion Public Library

The Albion Public Library will fill orders for books, audio books and DVDs. Simply go online to the Town of Albion website: townofalbionmaine.com, click on local links, Albion library, online, display.

Or, log-in: first initial and last name, patron #. Ex.: rmorin,123.

You can browse the materials they have in the library.

To order, they will need the author and title of the book, audio book or DVD.

Send this to bertajanc@roadrunner.com.

Be sure to include your telephone number. They will fill your order and make an appointment with you for pick up.

Winslow Community Cupboard Food Bank seeks donations for much-needed cooler

Submitted by Dave Carew

Due to the pandemic and the economic crisis it has triggered, Winslow Community Cupboard, the food bank at Winslow Congregational Church, is experiencing record-level demand for its food bank services. To be able to store enough quality food to assist food-insecure children, seniors, and other adults, the food bank is in serious need of a walk-in cooler. The all-volunteer staff is hoping to raise $4,000 to pay for the cooler and installation.

“We’ve experienced much higher demand than we anticipated—and on a regular basis. We’ve had generous food donations from Good Shepherd, USDA, Hannaford, and others in the local community, but have struggled to house it all before serving days. Purchasing a cooler unit will allow us to accept all cold and frozen food donations going forward,” said Bruce Bottiglierie, Operations Manager, and Anna Quattrucci, Assistant Operations Manager, in a joint statement.

Donations from individuals and businesses in the local community would be enormously appreciated. PayPal or credit card donations may be made at the following link, by clicking the “Donate” button:


Checks payable to “Winslow Community Cupboard” may be mailed to: Winslow Community Cupboard / 12 Lithgow St. / Winslow, ME 04901.

For more information, please email Bruce Bottiglierie or Anna Quattrucci at WinslowCupboard@gmail.com.

Palermo Community Library annual meeting going virtual

(Photo courtesy of Palermo Community Library)

The Palermo Community Library will broadcast its 18th annual meeting on Facebook Live Sunday, July 12, at 2 p.m. Trustee Andy Pottle will be filming/producing the online event.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the library had planned to host Captain David Sulin, a 20th Maine civil war re-enactor, to speak about Palermo residents in the civil war, specifically, the Battle of Gettysburg. He looks forward to giving this presentation in the future. The library will not have a speaker at this year’s event; it will be a customary business meeting including the election of officers. The public is invited to join the meeting virtually—check out Palermo Community Library on Facebook for details of how to participate.

Also, please note that the library has curbside pickup available for library materials. See the website for details: www.palermo.lib.me.us.

For more information call 993-6088 or email palermo@palermo.lib.me.us or visit www.palermo.lib.me.us.

Vassalboro’s Cates Family Farm celebrates 50 years

A view of the Cates Family Farm outbuildings to the west of the fields. (contributed photo)

Submitted by Margaret Cates

The big, three-story house at Cates Family Farm was completed in 1809. Its many staircases and doors tell of a time when farm families were huge — when the easiest way for a farmer to get cheap labor was to make it themselves. Ownership of the farmhouse and its surrounding lands has changed hands a few times. Built originally by a retired sea captain, the farm passed into the hands of the Cates family in the early 1900s. Benjamin Harold Cates Sr. and his wife, Annabel Ingraham Cates, had a growing family (they eventually ended up with a dozen children!) and were running out of space. The purchase of a big, rambling farmhouse, surrounded by a few dozen acres of pasture and forest, which was conveniently within walking distance of the village schoolhouse where Annabel taught, the local dairy and general store that Harold operated, and the Quaker Meetinghouse the Cateses regularly attended, was the perfect solution for a growing family.

Annabel and Harold had six sons and six daughters, but of them, perhaps a third were interested in farming. Of that third, some had moved far enough away (including son Paul, who had hightailed it off to Germany) that when it came time to finalizing their will, the farm passed into the hands of their son George, who lived with two sisters in the big house. At that time, the farm was known as “Outlet Farm” — due to its abutting China Lake and the Outlet Stream that winds its way out of the lake, through Vassalboro, toward broader rivers. George was a forestry man, though he knew his way around a tractor and a dairy barn. He’d spent several years out west in the ‘40s, working in the national forests, and knew his way around the woods of the farm like the back of his hand.

Paul Cates holding sons Martin and Christopher in the summer of 1970, with the family’s Jersey heifers grazing in the pasture above them. (contributed photo)

When Paul Cates came back to Maine in 1969, accompanied by his young wife, Elisabeth, and their son Martin, they settled into another family home in the village of East Vassalboro and, in 1970, began raising gladiolus on the farm in one of the fields that had lately been reserved by George for dairy cattle feed crops. At first, Paul was known simply as The Glad Man, selling gladiolus out of his VW bus. This moniker helped him to establish the Cates Glads brand — though in truth, the farm grew numerous types of cut-flowers — which lasted through the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Paul and Elisabeth continued using the lands, though they were in George’s name, until George’s death — when ownership of the farm passed to them. Around the same time that the first Cates heirloom glad bulb price list was published (this would later become a print catalog, and finally evolve into the web store that exists today), the most important word was added to the Cates Glads brand — Family.

Cates Family Glads, as the farm was now called, lasted as a company name until the 2010s. By this point, Paul was well beyond retirement age, though in truth it took running himself over with the farm truck, which required several months of rest and leg elevation to heal, to force him to retire. Paul and Elisabeth’s son Chris was now the driving force on the farm — both figuratively and literally, since he’d not only taken on the lion’s share of farm operational work, but had also become the farm’s primary wholesale flower delivery driver. He had other projects on the farm besides flowers, though — he started raising a small herd of beef cows to feed himself, and he’d taken over George’s forestry and hay work. And so we made one last tweak to the brand in 2019: Cates Family Glads was now called Cates Family Farm.

The Cates family want you to help them celebrate 50 years in business.

On Saturday, July 11, 2020, they are celebrating Cates Family Farm’s 50th year in business! The work started earlier in 1970 than on July 11, of course, but that’s right around the time the first glads always start blooming, and isn’t that something to celebrate by itself?

Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, they’re unable to invite everyone to come visit them, both because there are restrictions on the number of people at gatherings in Maine, and also because they have no intention of their little farm on China Lake becoming the epicenter of the next coronavirus infection spike. So, instead, they’re going to throw a bit of a socially-distanced party, calling it a global, weed-pulling hootenanny!

They invite you all, in your own gardens, to go out on Saturday, July 11, 2020, find at least one weed, and joyfully rend it from the ground. Bonus points if you can come up with some sort of terrible but brilliant pun to describe the moment, and make the late Paul Cates proud. (Fastidious gardeners, you’ll have to leave a weed in the ground prior to the July 11 date if you want to participate with them on the day of the hootenanny.)

In the absence of your own garden, they suggest you plan to find and remove weeds in your family’s or friends’ yards instead. Please note: they do not condone guerrilla weeding tactics such as leaping over hedges or garden fences in the middle of the night to steal dandelions from your neighbors’ flower beds, or pulling weeds on public land without a permit — they encourage everyone to party within the bounds of local ordinances.

After the festivities in the garden come to a close, those on the farm in Maine will likely end the day with a lobster feed. They hope that you all, as most honored guests of their first (and, to be honest, hopefully last!) socially-distanced global weed-pulling hootenanny, get to eat something delicious!

Of course, they would’ve loved to invite all of you to come and pull their weeds (with blanket permission!), but… perhaps after the pandemic?

If you take photos of your participation in the socially-distanced party, and you’d like them to include the photos in a gallery on their farm’s website, please email them to Margaret Cates, at margaret@catesfamily.farm, with the name of the photographer and location of the photo. They won’t post photos to which we can’t apply proper credit!

Really, though: pull only with permission.

They mean it about the guerrilla weeding tactics. They hold no responsibility for anyone who gets arrested for pulling weeds.

In the meantime, with best wishes on behalf of the rest of the Cates family, and with hope that you continue to find joy in your (or your neighbors’ (within legal bounds)) gardens.

Erskine Academy holds virtual 2020 Renaissance awards

On Wednesday, May 13, Erskine Academy, in South China, held a virtual Renaissance assembly to recognize second and third trimester Senior of the Trimester recipients.

Four seniors received Senior of the Trimester Awards for second trimester: James Berto, son of Catherine and Jonathan Berto, of China; Stephanie Libby, daughter of Megan Morrell and Paul Libby, of Windsor; Tori Grasse, daughter of Kristin and Tim Grasse, of Windsor; and Sarah Jarosz, daughter of Karen and James Jarosz, of Fairfield.

In addition, six seniors received Senior of the Trimester Awards for third trimester: Miina Raag-Schmidt, daughter of Tarja Raag and Michael Schmidt, of Vassalboro; Clara Grady, daughter of Sarah and Jason Cobb, of China; Hunter Praul, son of Erika and Darryl Praul, of China; Andrew Robinson, son of Nina Robinson, of Jefferson, and Michael Robinson, of Thomaston; Richard Winn, son of Jamie and Jason Winn, of China; and Lyndsie Pelotte, daughter of Shasta and Jerad Pelotte, of China.

Seniors of the Trimester are recognized as individuals who have gone above and beyond in all aspects of their high school careers.

What to expect at the polls in China on July 14

by Becky Hapgood
China Town Clerk

Welcome to 2020! The year of everything being different than what we are accustomed. On July 14, the town of China has a major election not because of the size but because of what you will be voting on and how things surrounding the election have changed.

First, if you are 17 and will turn 18 on or before the November 3 election, and you are enrolled in a party, you can vote. You will only receive a state candidate ballot.

If you are over 18 and, in a party, you will receive a candidate ballot, state referendum ballot, two RSU ballots (budget and revolving renovation fund) and two town of China ballots containing the municipal budget. If you are unenrolled, you would receive all ballots except for the candidate ballot.

Because China requires a quorum of 118 voters to hold an open meeting, we could not convene our annual town business meeting and follow the CDC guidelines. We were forced to go to a written ballot vote to approve the town’s budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

I expect if a voter receives all ballots, it will take the voter up to 10 minutes in the voting booth. We sent out a mailer earlier to help the voters see the municipal ballot questions before they enter the voting booth. We will also be posting all sample ballots to our website under elections as soon as they are received.

Please note the Lakeview Drive entrance will again be closed to traffic. We kindly request you access the municipal complex from the road off the Alder Park Road. We will have signs to remind everyone where the entrance is located. I expect long lines while the polls are open. To avoid the lines, you are welcome to request an absentee ballot up to and including Election Day. This is a change to election law for this election due to the pandemic.

We cannot plan for the weather, but we will have a 20-foot x 40-foot tent in case of rain or heat. You will notice that we will have to adjust how we wait to enter the voting area. We will be limiting the number of voters in the building to maintain the 6-foot physical distance between persons. Everything in the polling place from the booths to the voting machines must be set up as to maintain the 6-foot social distancing. Voters are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings but cannot be turned away from voting for not doing so. If you cannot stand for a long period of time, you should request an absentee ballot.

The absentee ballot request process is very easy. You can go online to www.china.govoffice.com under the Election tab, you can call the office (207) 445-2014 to request a ballot or you can stop by the office and pick one up for you and/or an immediate family member. Ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election night. No reason is required to vote absentee. Once you receive the ballots, you vote and then seal all ballots in the envelope provided. Please make sure to sign on the return ballot envelope where highlighted. The ballots can then be returned by mail or dropped off at the town office by the voter or the voter’s immediate family. We are working on a secure drop box for ballots but as of this writing, we have not found one that meets the criteria set forth by the state.

If you have any questions leading up to the election, please reach out. We have provided background information for the town’s budget vote on www.china.govoffice.com under the Elections tab. Sample ballots will also be posted as soon as they are available.