Dinner and a movie returns to Palermo Community Center

Palermo Community Center (Photo by Connie Bellet)
Over the last 10 years, the Living Communities Foundation has earnestly striven to bring people together to learn about various aspects of sustainability, food and health, climate change, and empowerment through the documentaries it’s presented at the Palermo Community Center. As a result, the feedback has ranged from: “It’s depressing,” to “We know all that.” Can you imagine how hard it is to find intentionally funny documentaries? Well, we found some.
On Friday, January 25, following the delicious potluck dinner at 6 p.m., the Community Center will show If You’re Not in the Obits EAT BREAKFAST, hosted by Carl Reiner and starring Mel Brooks, Norman Lear, Stan Lee, Jerry Seinfeld, and Betty White. These nonagenarians don’t retire. They inspire! Come and find out what their secret for enjoying every minute of life.
Here’s a “blast from the past” that will have you howling with laughter, horror, and disbelief: The Atomic Cafe is a compendium of re-colored government propaganda clips from the ’50s, when we were all blissfully ignorant and thought “Duck and Cover” would save our lives. Fake news is not a new phenomenon, and it’s a good thing we can look back on it and laugh. This film will be shown on Friday, February 22, following the lovely potluck meal at 6 p.m. at the Palermo Community Center.
The Kids Menu isn’t as funny as the previous two, but it does have a happy ending. Filmmaker Joe Cross, who brought us Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, discovered that childhood obesity is only the symptom of a much larger issue that affects all of us. This film will help you keep your New Year’s Resolutions when we all need a bit of a boost. The Kids Menu will be presented on Friday, March 29, following a healthy and delicious potluck meal at 6 p.m.
All presentations are free and open to the public. Bring a favorite dish to share and join the discussion and laughter. For more info, please call Connie at 993-2294.