Winslow town manager to hold coffee and conversation

Town of Winslow Manager Erica LaCroix is hosting a series of events entitled “Coffee with the Manager” to discuss issues and ideas that are important to residents and community members during an exciting time of new business growth, development opportunities, and regional entrepreneurship activities. Providing a forum for feedback and supporting future area planning initiatives, with the backdrop of current and forthcoming historical federal funding opportunities, Winslow is poised to continue its trend of resilience and growth.

Within a casual yet collegial setting, the overarching goal of the series is to evaluate how the Town of Winslow can more effectively support local businesses and community members to enact meaningful municipal change and prepare for current and forthcoming federal funding opportunities. Discussion topics will include but are not limited to: education, workforce development, business development, waterfront planning, infrastructure, and general municipal efforts.

“Hearing their stories and building relationships with the community will provide the Town of Winslow with the opportunity to continue to get to know its residents, learn what the community is passionate about, and breathe life into new and existing strategic projects,” LaCroix explains. “I look forward to having the opportunity to engage thoughtfully with residents to create tangible and positive change.”

Winslow town manager Erica LaCroix (contributed photo)

LaCroix looks to promote intentional engagement with the community and local businesses, producing short- and long-term goals aligned with the needs of the municipality. Giving residents the opportunity to talk about placemaking initiatives and growing the urban core along the waterfront, “Coffee with the Manager” will provide a forum for open discussion and ideation, empowering community members to impart feedback on the issues that matter most.

“Public participation and input lay the groundwork for impactful municipal projects and sustainable economic development initiatives,” states Sabrina Jandreau, development coordinator at Central Maine Growth Council (CMGC). “Winslow’s businesses and residents understand the importance of stimulating local economic growth and cultivating the conditions for positive change, and “Coffee with the Manager” invites residents and interested parties to invest in the future of the town.”

“Coffee with the Manager” kicked off its first gathering on Wednesday, October 20, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., at the Winslow Parks and Recreation Office, located at 114 Benton Avenue in Winslow.

Waterville StoryWalk to launch on North Street Community Connector Trail: Daniel Finds a Poem

The Waterville Public Library and partners are delighted to announce the launch of a StoryWalk® at the North Street Community Connector Trail, in Waterville. Beginning Saturday, October 23, 2021, please visit and enjoy reading the book Daniel Finds a Poem, by Micha Archer, as you walk along the trail behind the North Street playground and alongside the Messalonskee Stream. Daniel Finds a Poem celebrates the poetry that is in and for everyone and everything. What is poetry? If you look and listen, it is all around you!

StoryWalk® promotes reading, movement, relationships, outside time, and exploration. “A StoryWalk® is a lovely way for children and adults to wander in discovery and delight with great children’s books immersed in nature,” said Liz Davis, Children’s Librarian. A StoryWalk® offers laminated pages of children’s books along a walking trail. As you stroll down the trail, discover the unfolding of a story with engaging prompts. The North Street Community Connector Trail StoryWalk® starts at the trailhead across the street from Quarry Road, in Waterville. New stories will keep coming along. While supplies last, copies of current StoryWalk® books will be available for pick-up for free at the Waterville Public Library, located at 73 Elm St. ­

“The Waterville StoryWalk® launch is a marvelous demonstration of positive outcomes made possible through partners coming together to empower people and strengthen community,” said Tammy Rabideau, Library Director. Waterville StoryWalk® organizers invite you to participate in the upcoming FREE fall programs for all at the North Street Community Connector StoryWalk®.

  • Grand Opening Event for the North Street Community Connector StoryWalk®
    Saturday, October 23 @ 1p-2p. (Rain date: 10/24). Guided tours led by staff of the Children’s Discovery Museum, Waterville Creates, and Waterville Public Library! Cider, donuts, and apples! Free copies of “Daniel Finds a Poem” available while supplies last. Free for all ages – adults welcome!
  • Outdoor Adventure, Tuesday, October 26 @ 10 – 11 a.m. (Weather permitting). The Children’s Discovery Museum’s weekly Outdoor Adventure program will take place on the StoryWalk® trail this week. Collect leaves during the walk to use to create leaf rubbings. Free for youth and their caregivers!
  • Art and Nature Walk, Saturday, November 6 @ 1 -2 p.m. (Weather permitting). They will walk and create a mini art journal using collage methods as seen in the book, Daniel Finds a Poem. Led by Serena Sanborn, Waterville Creates. Free for all ages – adults welcome!
  • Homeschool Hub, Thursday, November 18, from 1 – 2 p.m. (Weather permitting). Meet Mrs. Liz to walk the StoryWalk® trail followed by writing gratitude poems. Feel free to bring a snack to enjoy with each other after the program. Free for youth and their caregivers!
    Questions? Please email or call the library at 207.872.5433.

PHOTOS: Scouts at Camp Bomazeen

Tristan Morton, of Augusta, Pack #603, and his mother. (photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

Tyler Fisher, of Oakland Cub Scout Pack #454, spent time at the archery range getting ready in case zombies attack. (photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

Eric Handley, Scoutmaster of Troop #401, in Sidney, was the largest lawn gnome in the world and welcomed people at the registration table for Haunted Woods. (photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

Cross Country Journey – Conclusion: The final leg to Edmonds, Washington

Steve reaching the top of Sherman Pass, highest point in Washington.

by Steve Ball

[Read part 1 here, and part 2 here.]

There was something about riding into Montana that gave me a sense that we were really making progress. Montana was our 13th state and I had completed over 2,500 miles on the bike. My bike was holding up well and I was feeling good – strong with no aches. The idea of finally getting into Montana, “Big Sky Country,” as it’s affectionately referred to, just sounded uplifting.

Allane and I left Medora, North Dakota, on a clear, hot day with a sense of accomplishment. The heat was increasing and I was now in the habit of getting up at around 4 a.m. and heading out on my ride. I had to get in a day’s ride before the afternoon heat set in. There weren’t many roads between Medora and Glendive, Montana. I rode the flat prairie with views of the Black Hills along either side of the road. Towns and settlements were fewer and farther between. I headed into Beach, North Dakota, a heck of a name for a town in the middle of the prairie. After a nice lunch with Allane in Beach I was about to embark on a new adventure, riding the Interstate.

A view of the Rocky Mountains at sunrise.

The only road running East-West was I-90 and I was going to try my luck riding along side streams of cars, RV’s, and semi trucks with tandem trailers all going 80 mph! Thank goodness the shoulder was clean and wide. After roughly 40 miles I was able to get off the highway in Glendive. I came to learn that in the West it is not at all uncommon for cyclist to ride on the interstate. It was new for me, and I was more than a little cautious. I hugged the far right side of the shoulder, put my head down and made some of the best speeds I would attain over the whole trip.

I carried on with the early mornings just to avoid problems with heat and it worked for me. There generally aren’t a lot of vehicles on the road at 4 a.m. and the views of sunrise and animals out for an early forage were stunning. From a distance the prairie can seem dull, empty and lifeless. I never appreciated the beauty of this type of terrain until I was able to spend hour after hour riding at 12 mph through it. I came to find the Montana prairie full of life, color and activity once I experienced it up close.

I rode through very small towns in Eastern Montana. I rode through the towns of Circle, Jordan, Winnett, and Stanford making our way Westward. We were met with cautionary news of grizzly bear sitings almost as soon as we entered Montana, but when we got to Stanford a nice gentleman in a diner showed us an article in the local newspaper about a cyclist who had been dragged from her tent and killed by a grizzly. This happened not far from where we were planning to ride. The warnings were all of sudden much more real. That evening, in our motel, Allane let me know that our days of tenting had come to a halt.

Probably the toughest day of riding on the trip came between Jordan and Winnett. The night before the ride I noticed that on the map it stated “No services for 74 miles.” I assumed it meant there were no gas stations, hotels or restaurants. But, in fact, it meant there was no sign of human life in this stretch between Jordan and Winnett. I left at approximately 4:30 a.m. and started out with a stiff headwind. If there’s anything that will demoralize a cyclist it’s riding into a headwind. Climbing hills or riding in the rain can be challenging, but fighting a headwind seems like you’re working constantly, making little progress and there’s no end in sight. On this day, Day 57 on the trip, I fought against a 20-27 mph headwind for 76 miles over eight hours. I averaged a whopping 9.5 mph and, when I finally made it to our stop, I was exhausted.

Thank God Allane was at the end. She had our accommodations and an iced coffee for me to recover and relax with.

I left Winnett without much regret. It was a desolate town with empty, dilapidated buildings and many abandoned houses. It really was a sad place. However, within 20 miles we came upon another tiny town called Grass Range. It was the polar opposite of Winnett, with nice houses, flower pots and green lawns. What a contrast! Our pancake at breakfast got our vote for the best on the trip.

The wind was now much more a factor than it had been on the trip thus far. The prevailing wind direction for the United States is from west to east. I knew this was the case before I left on my ride, but had not really appreciated just how much wind can impact a cyclist’s journey. I thought my biggest challenge would be the hills and mountains I would have to scale. I was mistaken.

I rode through the prairies of Montana for over a week getting to know this unique and, I would argue, mostly misunderstood, part of our country. We enjoyed the hospitality of very warm and generous people. In Great Falls, Montana, we met Brianne, a young woman who was so taken with the idea that someone would ride their bike across the country that she gave us a tour of “her” city and called her previous boss to get us a personal tour of the CM Russell Museum. CM Russell, a renowned artist whose works depicting ranch and cowboy life in Montana, sit in the Oval Office, the National Museum of Art and many other places. Great Falls was a memorable stop made all the more special because of the people.

We were both getting excited because we were getting close to Glacier National Park and the famed Rocky Mountains of Montana. The anticipation of the scenery and the postcard worthy views was real. I rode from Cut Bank, a small prairie town bordering the foothills of the Rockies. I saw the Rocky Mountain range from almost 50 miles away and it was amazing. Big, tall and vast, the range ran from north to south covering the span of my view. It would be my guiding feature for the next day.

Allane and Steve enjoying huckleberry ice cream in East Glacier, Montana.

We entered the Rockies at East Glacier Village, on the southern border of the national park. I anticipated hard riding, but after fighting the wind on the prairie, the mountains seemed pretty easy. I saw wildlife and enjoyed breathtaking views. I was frustrated that I couldn’t capture it all in photos. Every time I stopped to pull out my camera to take a photo, the scene changed or the animals ran away.

We loved the new taste of huckleberry in everything from ice cream, to tea, to syrup. There were more people and we really appreciated the new sense of community that seemed to exist amongst travelers, hikers, and cyclists.

I scaled Mariah’s Pass outside of Summit, Montana, with an elevation of 5,216 feet, crossed the Continental Divide, and glided down into Kalispell, a lovely city nestled in the mountains and atop Flathead Lake. It seemed everywhere we looked we would catch our breath and say, “Wow!” The Rocky Mountain Range is a uniquely special place.

I finally had come through Montana just beyond the town of Libby after over 700 miles of cycling! I thought New York was long. Montana is nearly 1.5 times as long as New York!

From the Rockies I rode on through that part of Idaho that sticks up between Montana and Washington. It was mountainous and wild and very much worth the ride. We spent one day in Idaho, stopping in Sandpoint, a lakeside city near the border between Idaho and Washington. Idaho was our 14th state!

I entered Washington State on our 70th day on the road. Our goal of crossing the United States was getting closer and we knew it. We had some spectacular cycling ahead of us in the Northern Cascades, so we weren’t necessarily looking to hurry it up.

Our first real taste of the Northern Cascade Mountains was to scale Sherman Pass, the highest paved mountain pass in Washington at 5,575 feet. On this climb of Sherman Pass I rode 23 miles up to the peak and then glided down while enjoying breathtaking views.

We were looking forward to visiting with an old Army buddy, Hank Cramer, from Winthrop, and had his lovely town that sits nestled in the Cascade range in our sights. But forest fires were beginning to rage and people who lived in these parts were either fighting the fires, protecting their homes or getting ready to evacuate. I had never seen a forest fire up close and wasn’t eager to do so, but we saw several on this ride. It’s both overwhelming and scary. I was not close to worrying about my safety, but could see the forest engulfed in smoke. It was quite a sight.

Our visit with Hank in Winthrop was not to be. Instead, we met in Omak, Washington, about 40 miles southwest from Winthrop and off of my original route. We met for a nice dinner, but we were a safe distance from the fires that had closed the only road heading west out of Winthrop. My plan of riding the Northern Cascade Range from Idaho to the coast would have to be abandoned.

I re-worked my route traveling south along the Columbia River to the Southern Range of the Cascade Mountains. Although not my original route, it turned out to be an equally spectacular ride through mountain passes and scenic river valleys.

Steve standing next to the Brackett’s Landing sign, the final destination.

At this point, we needed to select our final route to the coast. Looking over the map for a reasonably safe and appropriate coastline to end this adventure, Allane came across a small beach in Edmonds, Washington. Brackett’s Landing sat on the northern side of the Edmonds Ferry that connected Bainbridge Island to the mainland. It seemed that fate determined Brackett’s Landing to be our destination. Allane’s maiden name is Brackett and what better place to end this epic journey than at a place with this name?

As it turned out, Edmonds was founded by George Brackett and, after some serious research, Allane determined that she is distantly related to George, whose father was born in Yarmouth, Maine.

People have asked what I liked best, or what was the hardest part, or what was most memorable about this journey. I have a hard time narrowing my experiences down to single days, or places. In fact, what I liked best about this epic journey was that I saw more, felt more and appreciated more about this country than I have ever before. I know now that true appreciation of anything can best be accomplished at a slow and deliberate pace. And finally, reaching a destination is rarely the most gratifying part of any endeavor, it’s the process of getting there that is most satisfying and most lasting.

Finishing the trip.

PHOTOS: Opening day for Waterville youth football

The Spirit Squad members, Joslynn Allen, left, and Ava Frost, cheer on the team at Reed Field. (photos by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

It was opening day for Waterville Youth Football on October 10.

Players take the field cheered on by some older Purple Panthers and coaches. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

From left to right, Tatum, Salvatore and Leo lead their team onto the field. (photos by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

Sidney resident inducted into Honor Society for First-Year Success

Saint Anselm College student Christopher King, of Sidney, a biology major in the class of 2024, has been accepted into Alpha Lambda Delta, a national honor society for first-year success, for the 2020-2021 academic year, in Manchester, New Hampshire.

To be eligible for invitation, students must be enrolled full-time at an institution with an active chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta and have a 3.5 grade point average or higher in their first semester or first year.

China candidates forum canceled

Albert Church Brown Memorial Library in China Village (photo courtesy of library Facebook page)

by Mary Grow

The annual China candidates’ forum, intended to introduce candidates for local offices to voters and scheduled for Oct. 17 on Zoom only, will not be held.

Louisa Barnhart, Chairman of the Trustees of the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library that sponsors the event, announced, “Due to general lack of interest, the candidates’ forum will be canceled this year.”

St. Michael students lend helping hand during “Day of Caring”

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

Students at St. Michael School, in Augusta, put down their books and iPads on October 1 and picked up rakes, rags, and gloves to help make their community a better place.

Pre-kindergartners through eighth graders participated in the “Day of Caring,” an annual event organized by the United Way to celebrate the spirit of service and engage thousands of people across the country in community service projects. During the day, St. Michael students cleaned the yard at the Howell House, a senior residence in Augusta; picked up litter and raked on the Kennebec River Rail Trail; and spread bark mulch on the school playground.

In addition to the “Day of Caring” projects, students also launched a drive to collect mittens, hats, pillows, towels, and socks for Bread of Life, in Augusta, an organization that operates a soup kitchen, a family shelter, a shelter for veterans, and apartment units, and offers case management services to those in need.

“Students take pride in giving their time and donations to important projects to help improve our communities,” said Kevin Cullen, principal of St. Michael. “We are proud of our students and the community spirit they demonstrate not just during special events, but each day.”

Contributed photo

Local Dancer in the spotlight

Wyatt Woodbury, of Fairfield (contributed photos)

by Mark Huard

Wyatt Woodbury, 11, of Fairfield, recently traveled to Weymouth, Massachusetts, to appear in a photo shoot for the Turn It Up Dance Challenge. Wyatt is a member of the Stage Presence Dance Team, in Winslow. The team competes locally and throughout the country at various competitions, earning many regional and national awards for their work. In April, he competed with his team at the Turn it Up Dance Challenge in Westbrook. He earned a Platinum award and a High Score Winner award for his solo routine entitled Cruel World, choreographed by Ashley Roberge. He also competed for, and won the title Mr. Junior Turn It Up Dance Challenge. As a title winner he was invited to participate in a photo shoot for the 2021-22 dance season promotional materials and merchandise catalog. Turn It Up Dance Challenge hosts competitions throughout the Midwest and Eastern part of the country.

New child care center opens in Winslow

Neighborhood Child Care Center in Winslow. (contributed photo)

by Laurie Lizotte

When two hundred thirty one child care centers in Maine closed during the pandemic, we were determined to find alternative care for families in our community. There are currently 210 programs that have reopened for care for children ages birth through age 12. Make that number 211 as a brand-new childcare center has opened in central Maine. The Neighborhood Child Care Center is now open at 20 Garland Road in Winslow. They are currently accepting enrollment for ages 4-12. The expanded hours will include before/after school, early release days and full-day care from 6:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. They will also be open for summer care. Please email at for more enrollment information.

Over the past 18 months, many communities have been hit hard by the lack of quality child care centers that remained open during the pandemic. When the virus was at its peak, child care centers across the country and the State of Maine were forced, in many instances, to shut their doors, thus creating a void in the child care industry. This void proved to be an insurmountable, drastic upheaval in households where families were forced to either leave their jobs permanently, work from home (not the best situation), and/or collect unemployment. If your employment was in the health care field, you worked tirelessly to ensure that those folks who were ill with the virus received the utmost professional care possible all the while rearranging your schedules to provide a positive child care environment for your young children.

As noted in “Child Care Plan for Maine: September 2021 Updates”:

“Maine recognizes the importance of quality, accessible, affordable child care to support working families. The benefit of quality child care is multifold – it supports working parents to provide for their families while children benefit educationally, socially, and emotionally from a caring, nurturing environment.”

This excerpt was taken from the most recent update from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and serves as a reminder to us all that without quality, engaging, healthy, creative, and sustainable child care, the community would find it difficult to return to work.

They are delighted to be able to provide a child care solution for the hard-working families in our communities.