PHOTOS: Sheepscot Lake 2022 July 4 parade best ever

Contributed photo

Sheepscot Lake Association hosted its annual boat parade on July 4. This year’s parade was the most successful yet with 32 boats participating, and residents of several camps along the lake cheering on from the shoreline. The weather was perfect.

Contributed photo

Volunteers needed for Window Dressers workshop

Volunteers prepare window inserts at a previous WindowDressers workshop, in Vassalboro. (photo courtesy of Vassalboro Historical Society)

by Eric W. Austin

The China for a Lifetime Committee is planning a Window Dressers workshop this November 7-13, at the China Lake Camp, off the Neck Road, on the west side of the lake. The initiative is a volunteer-led, barn-raising effort to construct low-cost “window inserts” that can significantly reduce residential energy costs. Orders for inserts need to be submitted to the China Town Office or through the Window Dressers’ website by September for the November workshop.

The insulated window inserts are constructed of pine wood frames, and can be ordered in natural wood or painted white. There is a maximum order limit of 10 frames, and no minimum. Orders are open to all residents of China, Vassalboro, Palermo, Albion and Windsor.

The price of the window inserts varies depending on the size of the frame requested, but generally range from $30-$70 per frame for natural pine, with an additional $5-$10 if painted white. Discounts and financial help are available for those who qualify.

As the workshop will take place during the second week of November, orders should be placed by September. Volunteers will need to visit your home to take window measurements which will then be sent to the Window Dressers organization, who will cut the wood for the frames and deliver them in time for the workshop. All volunteers visiting customer homes to measure windows are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and wear a mask.

There is a great need for local community volunteers to make this a successful Window Dressers workshop. It is requested (but not required) that anyone ordering frames also commit to a four-hour shift on one of the workshop days. The committee is also looking for anyone who can supply food to the teams participating in the workshop.

To submit an order for window inserts, or to volunteer, please call the China Town Office at 445-2014, send an email to, or visit the Window Dressers website and fill out the request form at

For more information about the China for a Lifetime Committee, please visit their website at

Lake Association Annual Meetings 2022

Image Credit:

2022 Lake Association Annual Meetings

*   *   *

7 p.m.
Palermo Consolidated School
Route 3

9 – 10:30 a.m.
China Middle School
Lakeview Drive

10 a.m.
Vassalboro Community School
Webber Pond Road

*   *   *

To be included in this list, contact The Town Line at

China mother raises awareness for postpartum mood disorders

Courtney with her son. (contributed photo)

Family-friendly event to take place at China Community Forest, July 23

by Gillian Lalime

“You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help you will be well.” This is the encouragement offered at every step by volunteers from Postpartum Support International or PSI, a nonprofit organization that raises awareness around postpartum mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, psychosis and bi-polar conditions. PSI’s mission is “to promote awareness, prevention, and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide.”

In 2017 Courtney, a lifelong resident of central Maine, gave birth to her son. A momentous occasion, she welcomed this significant life event with open arms and an open heart. However, soon she realized something was out of whack: her emotions. Not long after the birth, Courtney began struggling with depression and psychosis – the former more commonly known, the latter less known and much more severe. This diagnosis led to hospitalization and Courtney’s journey to become well was jump-started when she got involved with a PSI group. In October 2021, Courtney became a PSI coordinator, and now works as a volunteer connecting postpartum Mainers in need of help to local resources through a hotline.

One in seven women develop a postpartum disorder. Lesser known, perhaps, is that one in ten fathers or birth partners will experience anxiety or depression after the birth of a child. Postpartum by definition, is considered the period just after childbirth to the first year after birth. Symptoms can appear as early as during pregnancy and can include depression, PTSD anxiety, OCD, mood disorders, or postpartum psychosis. Navigating these conditions as a brand new parent can be overwhelming to say the least. Maintaining relationships and taking care of yourself can feel out of reach, especially living in a rural area where it can be hard to stay connected to your community. Feelings of depression, isolation, anxiety, or other postpartum conditions exacerbate the difficulties of new parenthood and can sometimes lead to increased disconnection from both your immediate family and wider community.

Courtney’s own experience with postpartum depression and psychosis motivated her to help others going through what she did. She says, “The important thing to remember is that these feelings are not your fault.” After giving birth, Courtney blamed herself for the feelings she had. To any new parents in a similar situation, Courtney knows exactly what it feels like to go through all of this and yet, “It made me a stronger person overall.” In 2020, she attended an online PSI “Climb”. This year Courtney and two friends, Rebekah and Amanda, are organizing an event in China for local families.

“Climb Out of Darkness” announcement poster.

Team Central Maine’s “Climb out of the Darkness” is a family friendly event that will be held at the China Community Forest on Saturday, July 23, beginning at 2 p.m. The Climb is PSI’s biggest fundraiser for the year and all money goes towards training for professionals, perinatal mental health certificates, and educational webinars. The event itself provides a platform for connection and strength in the community. Folks looking to get involved, give donations, share through social media, look up the event on Facebook (search Team Central Maine), and local businesses can become a sponsor. There will be a photo booth, cornhole, fun giveaways, and other activities for kids (snacks will be provided) in addition to a resource table for anyone seeking information about postpartum mood disorders, what they are, and how to help those experiencing it. The route is stroller friendly and available to walkers of all abilities. “You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help you will be well.” This PSI mantra is a lifeline for many and a deep reminder that help and wellness is within reach.




Jefferson library children’s 2022 summer reading program

The children’s reading program starts Tuesday, June 21, and will run until August 30, with the final drawing on September 1. For each book a child reads, a ticket goes in for a drawing. A ticket is drawn once a week for a $5 gift certificate for the Jefferson Scoop. At the end of the summer, there will be a drawing for the grand prize of a $25 gift certificate to Sherman’s Maine Coast Book Shop, in Damariscotta. The Jefferson Public Library’s summer hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 4 – 7 p.m., effective Tuesday, June 21. The library is located in the Jefferson Village School, 48 Washington Road.

Also during the summer, Midcoast Conservancy will be running four programs for children:

June 29 – Fantastic World of Fungi
Davis Stream Preserve , 4 – 5 p.m.

From the mushrooms in your yard to the lichen on a gravestone to the yeast in our bread, fungi are all around us! During this half mile hike, we will explore the mushroom, lichens and other kinds of fungi we encounter and discuss why they are important to the forest and the creatures that live in it.

July 6 – Tree Trek
West Branch Preseve, 3:30 – 5 p.m.

On this one mile hike, we will meet some of Maine’s common trees and learn how to tell them apart from each other. Along the way, we will create a “Tree of Trees” and use it to identify the trees we are seeing around us!

July 20 – Track Trail Scavenger Hunt
Davis Stream Preserve, self guided between 2 and 5 p.m.

Can you find all the animal tracks along this half mile hike? Take a Track Trail sheet with you and draw all the animal tracks you find. Complete the scavenger hunt for a free ice cream cone from the Jefferson Scoop.

August 17 – Macroinvertebrate Mission
Hidden Valley Nature Center, 3:30 – 5 p.m.

Let’s explore the tiny but important creatures that live in our waters -macroinvertebrates. After a brief hike, participants will collect samples of insects and other critters from Hay Bale Pond to identify and learn about.

For more information on the Midcoast Conservancy’s programs, contact Skye Cahoon, MCC Environmental Land Steward at 207.389.5150 or

Central Maine to host U12 Major World Series for first time

Games to be played at Purnell Wrigley, Waterville and Maine’s Fenway, in Oakland
Former major leaguers to attend

For the first time ever, Maine hosts the Cal Ripken U12 Major 60 World Series right here in Waterville and Oakland. Twelve teams from across the United States play six pool play games per day from August 6 – 10, with playoff games, August 11 – 13. Games will be played at Purnell Wrigley, in Waterville, and Maine’s Fenway, in Oakland.

Bill Green

Bill Green, Banquet Emcee

For 20 years, Green was host and executive producer of “Bill Green’s Maine.” Having retired from his 47-year television career in November 2019, Bill is an inductee to the Maine Sports Hall of Fame, the Maine Broadcasters’ Hall of Fame, and the Silver Circle of the New England Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Ferguson Jenkins

Ferguson Jenkins
Guest Speaker, Opening Game Commentary Aug. 6

“Fergie” is an All Star Major League Baseball player who pitched for the Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, Texas Rangers and Boston Red Sox from 1965 to 1983. He was the first Canadian and Cubs pitcher to win a Cy Young Award.


Lou Pinella

Lou Pinella
World Series Game Commentary, Aug. 13

MLB Alumnus “Sweet Lou” played 16 seasons with the Baltimore Orioles, Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Royals and New York Yankees. He was named AL Rookie of the Year in 1969 and captured two World Series championships with the Yankees in ‘77 and ’78.

Lions Clubs hold serving kindness celebration

Lions Club members from around the state came together on Sunday, June 12, at the Buker Community Center, in Augusta, to celebrate their clubs and members’ achievements.

Lions Clubs International (LCI) was formed in 1917 by Melvin Jones, a businessman who believed that by developing clubs with caring people they could serve the needs of their communities. LCIF has expanded to over 200 countries and territories and 1.4 M members serving their communities and world needs.

LCI formed a 501C3 Foundation (LCIF) in 1968 and has awarded over $1.1 billion in grants to Disaster Relief, Vision, Diabetes, Hunger, Childhood Cancer, Youth, Humanitarian Causes, and the Environment.

International Director John Youney and Past International Director (PID) Rod Wright recognized the new Melvin Jones Fellows (MJF). When a Lions Club or member donates $1,000 to LCIF for Disaster Relief or Empowering Services. 1,000 credits are issued for each $1,000 donated and may be used to recognize an individual with a MJF plaque. This recognition is the highest recognition LCIF gives out. This year 31 new MJF have or will be recognized.

The above recognitions could have impacted the lives of more than 12,700 people in need.

Three Lions Clubs qualified to receive a Community Impact Grant (value $750+). Falmouth, Jay/Livermore Falls, and Skowhegan.

Lion Michelle Shores, Waterville Lions Club, presented Stories That Warm the Heart, and introduced the first place winner, Lion Louise Neuts, and told by Lion Dawn Connelly.

The Lion members who were involved in singing songs are, Paula Beach, Skowhegan Lions Club, Regal Naseef and Gwen Bassinger, Falmouth Lions Club, and Jeff Woolston, Winthrop Lions Club. Back-up music, Mike Mahoney of M&M Entertainment.

Lions Clubs involved in the Celebration are as follows; Bridgton, Camden, Clinton, Cumberland/North Yarmouth, Falmouth, Farmington, Freeport Lioness, Gardiner/Augusta, Jay/Livermore Falls, Manchester, Massabesic, New Portland, Oakland, Searsport, Searsport Bay Area, Skowhegan, Stratton-Eustis, Waterville, Westbrook, Winthrop, and Yarmouth.

EVENTS: Sheepscot Lake Assn. annual membership meeting Thurs., July 21, 7 p.m. Palermo Consolidated School (2022)

Sheepscot Lake Association will be hosting its Annual General Membership meeting on Thursday, July 21, at 7 p.m., at the Palermo Consolidated School, on Rte 3. Please attend that evening to renew your membership, meet your neighbors, and discuss the programs that help keep the lake healthy. The Courtesy Boast Inspection Program, LakeSmart, Water Quality Testing, and the annual loon count are all important programs that need membership involvement to continue functioning. If you are not able to attend the meeting and would like to renew your membership, join SLA, or get involved in one of these programs, please email at, or visit the website

EVENTS: Unity Parkinson’s Support Group

Unity Area Parkinson’s Support Group now meets 3rd Monday of the month from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., at Unity Barn Raisers Community Building at 32 School St., in Unity. Come for education, support and free info. Call Eleanor at 948-1474 or email: for more info.

EVENTS: Palermo library 2022 annual meeting slated

Captain David Sulin in Civil War attire. (photo by Mrs. Sulin)

Learn about Palermo Soldiers’ role in the Battle of Gettysburg at the Palermo Community Library’s Annual Meeting.

The Palermo Community Library will celebrate its 20th anniversary at the annual meeting on Sunday, July 10, 2022, at 2 p.m. The Palermo Historical Society joins the library in co-hosting our featured speaker, Captain Sulin, a member of Maine 20th Volunteer Infantry Company B reenactors. Captain Sulin will tell us about soldiers from Palermo and their role in the Battle of Gettysburg. He will also bring lots of artifacts and personal items from the Civil War.

Although the meeting starts at 2 p.m., Captain Sulin encourages the public to come as early as 1 p.m. to look at his large display and ask any questions you may have. Captain Sulin’s talk will serve as a nice lead-in to the Maine 20th reenactor’s Palermo Days encampment next to the Worthing House August 12, 13, and 14.

This is a public meeting and all are invited. Light refreshments will be served. The library is located at 2789 Route 3. For more information call 993-6088 or email or visit