Vassalboro Legion gathering personal care products for VA Veterans Home

St. Bridget’s Communtity Center. (photos courtesy of Victor Esposito)
During the holiday season for the last three years, members of American Legion Post #126, Vassalboro, gathered personal care products, puzzle books, and snacks for veterans at Togus Veterans Home, in Augusta. With the support of various organizations and individuals this has been an amazing display of generosity and thanks to our veterans.
The members of American Legion Post #126, Vassalboro, are inviting you to join them as they collect personal care products, snacks, puzzle books, etc., for this project. Once again, the Sew for a Cause group at St. Bridget Center has made and donated more than 250 Christmas stocking for this project. They will fill the stockings on December 9, 2024, at St. Bridget Center, 864 Main St., North Vassalboro. All are welcome to sort and fill the stockings. The filled stockings will be delivered to Togus Veterans Home by December 12, 2024.
Your support and donation are needed to meet the goal. For more information, to volunteer and/or make a donation, call 207-616-3148.