Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Augusta families – Part 3

by Mary Grow

Daniel Cony

Daniel Cony

Daniel Cony (Aug. 3, 1752 – Jan. 21, 1842) has been mentioned in previous articles in this series in various contexts, including as the founder of Augusta’s Cony Female Academy and the man after whom Cony High School is named. He was profiled in the Sept. 2, 2021, issue of The Town Line.

Cony was born in Stoughton, Massachusetts, south of Boston, the third generation of a family that had lived there since his grandfather moved from Boston in 1728.

Kennebec Historical Society archivist Emily Schroeder called him “a Renaissance man” and “a man of many hats.” She, and most other historians, referred to him as a doctor; but, emphasizing his many roles, one source identified him as a jurist, and Charles Nash, in his chapter on Augusta in Henry Kingsbury’s Kennebec County history, called him Judge Cony.

Cony learned medicine in Marlboro, Massachusetts, about 30 miles west of Boston, from a doctor named Samuel Curtis. By April 1775, when the first battle of the American Revolution was fought, one source said he was practicing medicine in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, farther west; James North, in his Augusta history, put him in Tewksbury, north of Boston.

By North’s account, Cony was “a lieutenant in a company of minute men.” Awakened at 2 a.m. by a messenger who shouted, “American blood has been spilled and the country must rally,” he joined his company at the pre-arranged meeting place, where they “paraded, received the blessing of the parish minister” and were on the way to Cambridge when the sun rose.

On Nov. 14, 1776, in Sharon, Massachusetts (abutting Stoughton), Cony married Susanna Curtis (May 4, 1752 – Oct. 25, 1833), daughter of Dr. Samuel Curtis’s brother, Rev. Phillip Curtis. Soon afterwards, he joined an infantry regiment sent to General Horatio Gates’ army at Saratoga, New York.

North told another dramatic story about Cony volunteering to lead a party across an area known to be under British guns. North wrote, “the young adjutant at the head of his men by his wary approach drew the enemy’s fire, felt the wind of their balls, then dashed forward with his command unharmed.”

Cony left the army after the war. His parents, Samuel and Rebecca (Guild) Cony, had moved to Fort Western on the Kennebec River in 1777. Daniel and Susanna joined them in 1778, with their first daughter, Nancy Bass Cony, who died that fall at the age of 13 months. They subsequently had four more daughters, Susan Bowdoin, Sarah Lowell, Paulina Bass, and Abigail Guild Cony.

North wrote that the family made their home on the east bank of the Kennebec. Their second house, built in the summer of 1785 and known in 1870 as the Toby House, was “just below the hospital” (the earliest iteration of Augusta’s insane asylum).

In 1797, North wrote, Colonel William Howard sold Cony a “beautiful spot on Cony street,” a bit farther north. Howard seldom sold land, but his estate had benefited from the new Kennebec bridge and Cony had been a bridge supporter, so Howard expressed his gratitude, North explained.

The first house Cony built on his new land burned in 1834, North said. Cony replaced it with a brick house where he lived the rest of his life.

Sources agree that Cony was successful as a doctor for many years. Augusta had few other doctors in the late 18th century; North mentioned Obadiah Williams, until he moved away, and one other.

In March 1789, North recorded (without explanation), Williams amputated a young man’s leg and “brought it…to Dr. Cony to dissect.”

Cony was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, North wrote, and “was on terms of intimacy and in correspondence with the leading medical men of Massachusetts.”

Schroeder wrote that in 1797 members of the Kennebec Medical Society elected him the organization’s first president.

Cony’s government service was varied. He was first elected Hallowell town clerk in 1785; North commented that after he took over, “the records began to assume a more regular form.” Schroeder wrote that he held the post until 1787.

Also in 1785, North wrote, a Hallowell town meeting chose Cony as delegate to a convention to be held in Falmouth in January 1786 to consider separating Maine from Massachusetts. At another meeting on Dec. 26, a five-man committee (including Ephraim Ballard) gave him instructions that North reprinted in full.

The instructions emphasized the committee’s desire to avoid conflict. Cony was to support separation only if “the people” were unanimously in favor and if it would not create discord or benefit one part of Maine over another. Any agreement must keep Maine in “the Federal Union,” and the committee members intended to continue to pay Maine’s share of the federal debt.

“Strengthened by the instructions,” North wrote, Cony went to Falmouth “and participated in the deliberations of the convention.”

This convention appointed a subcommittee that drew up a list of complaints about Massachusetts’ government, sent them to the towns whose delegates had attended and asked for representatives to another session in September 1786 to discuss separation. Hallowell voters again sent Cony.

At an April 1, 1786, town meeting, Cony was elected to his first term as representative to the Massachusetts General Court. In mid-April, North said, Cony wrote to the selectmen saying that he believed it was customary for legislators to reward their voters by standing a round at a local inn, to the tune of six or eight dollars; instead, he enclosed eight dollars, to be used for tax abatements for needy residents.

Schroeder wrote that Cony was also elected a Hallowell selectman in 1786; North did not name that year’s board.

The report of the September 1786 convention came to a Jan. 8, 1787, Hallowell town meeting. North recorded 35 voters favored “separation agreeably to the proceedings of the convention”; three disagreed. The majority then instructed Cony “to pursue such further measures as may be considered necessary to obtain a separation.”

Another statehood convention was called for September 1787, and Cony was again Hallowell’s delegate. By this time, North wrote, anti-statehood groups were organizing; the Massachusetts government was offering concessions, like establishing court sessions in Hallowell as well as Pownalborough (as mentioned in the article on James Howard two weeks ago); and interest in statehood waned briefly.

In 1788, North wrote, town meeting voters argued at length whether to send any delegate to the Massachusetts legislature. Eventually they voted to do so, 50 to 19, and re-elected Cony.

After the United States Constitution was adopted in 1787, on Dec. 18, 1788, Hallowell voters chose Cony as a presidential elector from the District of Maine. He also received votes for representative to Congress, but was out-polled by George Thatcher, a “distinguished lawyer” from Biddeford.

In 1789, Schroeder and North agreed, town meeting voters elected Cony one of Hallowell’s three selectmen.

By Hallowell’s May 2, 1791, town meeting, separation from Massachusetts was again being considered. As North told the story, the north-south division that would lead to the separation of Hallowell and Augusta in February 1797 was also in play.

The meeting began with a vote on sending a representative to the Massachusetts General Court, approved 41 to 38. A motion to reconsider was then approved, and this time representation was rejected, 20 in favor and 40 against.

After the election, North wrote, a separate meeting “for the transaction of town business” appointed Cony and four others a committee to consider separation from Massachusetts.

Enough voters, mostly from the area that would remain Hallowell, objected to the first action on May 2 to get another meeting called May 13. This time the vote to continue to be represented in Massachusetts was 52 to 46; Cony was elected over William Howard, on a 61-46 vote.

The May 2 committee then reported, favoring separation and urging a Lincoln County convention authorized to draft a state constitution. Voters approved 50 to 20.

The Massachusetts General Court did not approve, and instead in March 1792 called for special town meetings. Hallowell’s, held May 7, approved separation by a 56 to 52 vote; other towns voted the other way and separation was defeated.

Proponents brought the question to a November 1793 Hallowell meeting and asked for a delegate to a convention in Portland. Cony was chosen, “by 36 votes”; North blamed the low number on bad weather.

Meanwhile, in May 1792 Cony had been re-elected representative to the General Court; but he was also elected a senator, so in September a new representative was elected. North wrote that the same thing happened in 1795.

In the fall of 1792 several sources said Cony was a Massachusetts member of the electoral college that elected President George Washington to a second term. In 1794, he was again in the Massachusetts legislature.

Cony moderated a 1794 meeting that divided Hallowell into three parishes, a movement toward the division into two towns. North said after the “lengthy and warm discussion,” voters formally thanked Cony for “his impartial services as moderator.”

In May 1796, voters in future Augusta petitioned the General Court to divide Hallowell and appointed Cony to present the petition. It was approved Feb. 27, 1797; the new town named Harrington was officially renamed Augusta on June 8.

Cony moderated Harrington’s first town meeting, held April 3, 1797. He was Augusta’s delegate to an Oct. 23, 1798, convention that petitioned for the separation of Kennebec County from Lincoln County, a request granted Feb. 20, 1799.

Cony served on Kennebec County’s Court of Common Pleas. He was a judge of probate before and after Maine statehood; he retired in 1823.

In 1819, Schroeder wrote, Cony was chairman of the Portland meeting where delegates discussed a constitution for the about-to-be-created State of Maine. She called his suggestion that the new state be named Columbus (after Christopher Columbus) “unfortunate.”

North recorded that, like Ephraim Ballard, Cony served on local committees charged with finding a minister, beginning in 1786, when the choice of Rev. Isaac Foster generated years of controversy, in which Ballard and Henry Sewall were involved. Cony served on similar committees in 1792, 1794 and 1809.

That Cony was an active church-goer is attested by references to him as Deacon Cony. North recorded occasions on which he filled in as a preacher.

In 1806, he was one of a committee tasked with choosing a site and building a new meeting house for the “first Congregational society in the South parish.”

All his life, Cony was a promoter of education. North wrote that in the Massachusetts legislature, Cony actively supported a petition for “the incorporation and endowment” of Hallowell Academy, approved March 5, 1791. A new building was built to house the school, and it opened May 5, 1795, North wrote. In 1821 Cony was president of the Academy’s board of trustees.

In 1793 Cony was one of five men appointed a committee to oversee local schools.

Requests for a college in Maine began coming to the General Court in 1788, with proposed locations in Portland, Gorham and Freeport. In 1794, a three-man committee directed Cony, as a Massachusetts legislator, to do his best to get a Maine college established and funded.

The result, North wrote, was Bowdoin College, in Brunswick, chartered June 24, 1794, and given “five townships of land” from which to generate income. Cony was a member of the board of overseers from 1794 to 1797.

(North and Cony would have agreed on this topic, judging by North’s rhapsodic comments on a 1789 Massachusetts law regarding public schools. “This early provision by the parent commonwealth for the education of the people is one of those luminous pages in her history which shed their light upon every step she has taken in the pathway of her greatness,” he wrote.

The law “commanding” that everyone be educated, he continued, was to ensure “that a broad and sure foundation for republican government might be laid in the intelligence and virtue of the people.”)

In his spare time, Cony became a corporator of the Lincoln and Kennebec Bank and of the Augusta and Hallowell Bank, both in 1804, and a director of the Augusta bank in 1814. In April 1807 he became treasurer of the Kennebec Agricultural Society.

In 1808 he was one of a number of men who organized themselves into patrols to keep watch at night during the uprising of settlers defending their right to the lots they lived on (mentioned in earlier stories in this series in the July 2, 2020, and Oct. 27, 2022, issues of The Town Line).

In 1826, North wrote, Augusta celebrated Independence Day “with great festivity” appropriate for a 50th anniversary. “Hon. Daniel Cony, aged and venerable,” (he would have been about to celebrate his 74th birthday) presided at a dinner and made a speech, though he did not stay for the fireworks.

The next year, Cony was on a committee preparing for the establishment of the state capital at Augusta.

Cony, in his old age, and historian North, in his youth, attended the South Parish meeting house. North described Cony, erect and dignified, dressed in a “tartan plaid coat,” with a red worsted cap over his “locks frosted to a snowy whiteness by age” and carrying a cane “by its center so that its large ivory head appeared above his shoulder.

Daniel and Susanna Cony, his parents and other family members are buried in the Cony cemetery, also called the Knight cemetery, on Hospital Street, in Augusta, just south of the Piggery Road intersection.

Main sources

Kingsbury, Henry D., ed., Illustrated History of Kennebec County Maine 1625-1892 (1892).
North, James W., The History of Augusta (1870).

Websites, miscellaneous.

Maine Catholic youth raise nearly $14,000 in “Souper” Bowl of Caring

In addition to Super Bowl Sunday parties and gatherings, young Catholics from around Maine had more reason to celebrate on Sunday, February 12: a wildly successful “Souper” Bowl of Caring.

The event saw young people collecting money at several Maine parishes with 100 percent of the donations set for delivery to local charities that help tackle hunger in the community.

The young people collected nearly $14,000 and hundreds of food items at weekend Masses. The parishes, totals, and beneficiaries were:

St. Michael Parish, which consists of Augusta, Gardiner, Hallowell, Whitefield, and Winthrop, youth collected over $2,600 for the Catholic Charities Maine food and nutrition program.

Corpus Christi Parish, Waterville and Winslow, youth collected $1,733 to help sponsor a child in El Salvador and for the Lighthouse Soup Kitchen, in Waterville.

China 2023 Ice Fishing Derby winners


Lunker of the Day – Large Mouth Bass – Randall Glidden – 5.48 lb

Brook Trout:

1st and 2nd place – David Hamilton – 1.06 lb and .70 lb
There was no 3rd place in this category

Brown Trout:

1st place: Jaden Callahan – 3.40 lb
2nd place: Emmet Ambrose – 3.34 lb
3rd place: Dan Horning – 2.80 lb

Large Mouth Bass:

1st place: Randall Glidden – 5.48 lb
2nd place: Kolby Glidden – 4.86 lb
3rd place: Christine Casmer – 4.84 lb

Small Mouth Bass:

1st place: Terry Couture – 3.02 lb
2nd place: Mile Michaud – 2.76 lb
3rd place: Tom Monroe – 2.32 lb


1st place: Isabelle Pelotte – 4.2 lb
2nd place: Damien Lee Theriault – 3.88 lb
3rd place: Brad Wing – 3.70 lb

Kids Perch by Count:

1st place: Max Collins – 24
2nd place: Nicole – 22
3rd place: Blake Owens – 17 (first in at fire house)
4th place: Griffin Smith – 17
5th place: Alexis Wentworth – 14

FICTION: The House, part 5: A Clean Slate

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

Dave, with Jake’s assistance, measured out the smaller second floor room. Since the room had been made smaller than the other rooms due to the fact that a half bathroom was constructed from one of the large bedrooms, Jake and Miri had decided that it would be the perfect size for storage of linens, towels and other sundry items when the house would be turned into the Bed and Breakfast. There was a child sized desk and chair in the far corner of the room. In order to gain access to the walls, Dave moved the desk to the middle of the room. In the process, something fell out of the storage space of the desk. Jake immediately went over to pick it up to see what it was. He found a thin slab of slate and a pencil made of clay. “What is it?” asked Dave.

“Apparently this was where little Ian was home schooled or the desk and chair were brought up here for storage,” answered Jake. “Boy have we come a long way in school supplies,” holding up the two items to show Dave.

Suddenly they felt as if the floor was undulating beneath them. “Not again!” cried out Dave as he was looking for something to hold on to so he wouldn’t fall over from the vertigo that suddenly struck him. They found themselves in a single room schoolhouse. At the front of the room was a large wooden desk with a small desk and chair facing it and two regular sized desks and chairs behind it. Each desk had a thin slab of slate, a clay pencil and a small rag for erasing the slate. The wall behind the large adult desk and chair sported a cobbled together slate. On the desk were several pieces of clay pencils and a couple of large rags as well as a thick ruler and a wooden pointer. In the corner of the room, near the teacher’s desk was a stool with a dunce cap sitting on top of it.

All of a sudden a transparent figure appeared at the desk. As the male figure, the headmaster, walked to the front of the desk, he was struck by a small item coming from nowhere in particular. “David, how many times have I told you to stop throwing spitballs in the classroom and now you dare to hit me with one?” stormed the schoolmaster.

“What? Me? Wait, this isn’t real!” said Dave.

“We both know it’s not real. Just go along with it to get this over with. Nothing will happen. It will be OK.” stated Jake, referring to what happened in the attic.

“Come here this instance,” ordered the educator. Dave, going along with it, went toward the front of the room toward the see-through teacher. The disciplinarian took the heavy ruler on his desk and ordered Dave to put his hand out.

“Now, wait a minute!” shouted Dave.

“Don’t make this any harder on yourself, boy!” declared the school master. Looking toward Jake for reassurance and getting a nod from him, Dave went to the teacher and put out his hand. Whack came the thick ruler onto his hand.

“OUCH!” yelled Dave. “It’s not real, you said. Nothing will happen, you said. That hurt like H E Double hockey sticks! Yet when he looked at his hand, it didn’t appear like anything happened to it.

Jake started to laugh. “I see you haven’t learned anything either, dear Jacob,” stated the schoolmaster. “Go sit yourself on the stool and place the cap on your head.”

Once Jake did as he was told, everything disappeared and they were back in the linen/storage room. A slight giggle could be heard near the small desk and chair that was sitting in the middle of the room.

“Let’s finish up with the measurements you need and get the heck out of this room,” said Jake and when they left the room he took the slate and clay pencil with him. Another room was ‘cleaned’.

“Jake, Dave where the heck are you?” called Miri from the bottom of the stairs. “Dinner is ready. You guys have been up there forever.”

After taking a deep breath and calming his nerves, Jake called back, “On our way. C’mon Dave. Wait until Miri hears about this!”

“Are you guys OK?” Miri asked after hearing about the second episode to happen in the house.

“Other than our nerves being stretched out and my knuckles hurting, I think we’re OK.”

“Your knuckles don’t even look like they were hit even though I saw that ruler coming down hard on them,” said Jake.

“I felt it though,” said Dave rubbing the top of his right hand fingers. “You have to admit, it was funny when you were forced to wear the dunce cap.”

This evoked a laugh from Miri. “I’m just glad you guys are OK.”

“I heard the kid laughing. This was a game for him,” Jake pointed out.

“It is a game,” Miri asserted. “If we can tough out whatever he has us experience, we can pacify him and he’ll finally leave us alone, hopefully leaving the house.”

Continued next week

Purdue Global partnering with Northern Light Inland Hospital

Tricia Costingan

A new partnership between the Purdue Global School of Nursing and Northern Light Inland Hospital will create a more efficient and innovative learning model that meets the needs of Purdue Global students, Inland Hospital staff and the community. The partnership includes a state-of-the-art simulation center to be located on the Inland campus, at 222 Kennedy Memorial Drive, in Waterville, next door to the hospital.

The simulation center will utilize a family of high-fidelity, Gaumard brand manikins that include an infant, child, birthing mother and adult. The space will consist of large high-fidelity simulation suites staged to mock hospital rooms with audio/video capabilities, a master control room, several conference rooms to hold debriefings, a dedicated skills lab, break area, nurses’ station, central supply area, medication preparation space, offices and storage space. The new sim lab will be up and running by early spring.

“We are excited to partner with Inland Hospital, creating a state-of-the-art simulation facility that enables our nursing students and health care colleagues to engage in immersive learning with a keen training focus on patient safety, high reliability and quality of care, all while fostering interprofessional collaboration serving the rural community,” said Melissa Burdi, Purdue Global vice president and dean of the School of Nursing. Additionally, the organizations are working together to create mutually beneficial interprofessional simulation experiences where multiple health care professionals can practice patient and family care together.

Inland Hospital president Tricia Costigan said, “This medical simulation lab partnership gives our healthcare staff another important way to continue to hone and grow their clinical skills. State-of-the-art, hands-on training, with easy access right on our hospital campus, is invaluable. We are grateful for Purdue’s collaboration to help us deliver the best care possible to our community.”

This arrangement builds on an existing partnership between Purdue Global and Inland Hospital, in which Purdue Global students have completed their clinical rotations at the hospital.

For more information about Purdue Global, visit www.purdueglobal.edu.

Northern Light welcomes Dominique Uva

Dominique Uva

Northern Light Inland Hospital welcomes Dominique Uva, FNP-C, family nurse practitioner, to Northern Light Endocrinology and Diabetes Care, in Waterville.

Dominique is experienced in diabetes management and endocrinology with expertise in thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Dominique earned her undergraduate degree in Gerontology from Ithaca College, in Ithaca, New York, and her master’s in nursing from SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. She is a board-certified by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Her experience includes hospital medicine and specializing in advanced diabetes care and treatment along with management of thyroid disorders and osteoporosis at the Joslin Diabetes Center in New York. Additionally, she worked at Arnot Health Endocrinology – a hospital-based practice that specializes in Endocrinology with focus on diabetes management, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, PCOS, and hypogonadism.

Dominique believes, “Patients needs to trust their provider and be able to relate to them on some level. I find earning trust and building rapport to be most important. Additionally, I find it imperative that the patient be at the center of their care; involved in the decision making and treatment plan. We are in a relationship with and for our patients, and we should be co-navigating their healthcare journey together.”

For referrals or more information, please call 872-5529. The practice is located in the Medical Arts Building, which is connected to the hospital, in Waterville.

New provider welcomed at Northern Light Primary Care in Oakland

Stephanie Plasse

Northern Light Inland Hospital is pleased to welcome Stephanie Plasse, DNP, FNP-C, family nurse practitioner, to Northern Light Primary Care, in Oakland.

Stephanie received her doctoral degree from Quinnipiac University in North Haven, Connecticut, and her undergraduate degree from Endicott College, in Beverly, Massachu­setts. She is a board-certified family nurse practitioner by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Regarding patient care, she says, “I take the time to educate patients. It is important for patients to understand their conditions so that we can make a management plan together. In primary care, we aim to help prevent diseases, if possible, catch other diseases early to improve prognoses, and establish an appropriate plan of care once diseases are diagnosed. Education is critical in all of these areas.”

Stephanie is welcoming new patients age 17 and older. Please contact the office at 465-7342 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to schedule an appointment online. The practice is located at 74 Water Street, in Oakland.

Northern Light Vascular Care welcomes Mark Bolduc, MD

Northern Light Vascular Care

Northern Light Vascular Care, in Waterville, welcomes Mark Bolduc, MD, a highly skilled vascular surgeon to the team. Dr. Bolduc also sees patients and performs surgeries at Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital, in Pittsfield.

Dr. Bolduc is fellowship trained from the Vascular Surgery Fellowship at the New England Deaconess Hospital, in Boston, Massachusetts. He earned his medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Dr. Bolduc will be providing consultations for and treatment of arteries, veins, and poor circulation. Varicose vein treatment is covered by most insurances.

Northern Light Vascular Care is located at 244 Kennedy Memorial Drive in Waterville, on the Inland Hospital campus. For more information about our services or referral process, please contact the practice at 207.861.8030.

New mental health provider welcomed to Unity practice

Jennifer Turner

Northern Light Primary Care in Unity welcomes Jennifer Turner, LMSW-CC, a licensed master social worker, to the team. Jennifer was the Unity practice manager for the past five years and has transitioned into this new role. Jennifer has been with Northern Light Inland Hospital for 21 years.

Jennifer earned her undergraduate degree in social work at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine and her master’s degree in clinical social work from the University of New England. She is state licensed.

Jennifer shares, “I want to be a part of changing the stigma around mental health/behavioral health. It is an honor to be “allowed” into a patient’s world and be a part of their healthcare journey, one I don’t take lightly. It is important to listen, then listen more. I enjoy coming alongside the patient to help them reach their goals while providing a safe place with no judgement.”

Jennifer is a generalist social worker who provides individual therapy. She works with patients, ages 10 years and older, who have all types of symptoms and diagnosis, such as: substance use, grief, women’s health, and chronic illness. She also has experience working with learning disabilities and challenges. She will be seeing patients in-person at the Unity practice with telehealth as an option.

For referrals or more information, please call our practice at 948.2100. The practice is located at 80 Main Street in Unity.

Matthew Burnham joins Rizzo Mattson, REALTORS® as an agent

Matthew Burnham

Matthew Burnham, a lifelong resident of the Boothbay Region who served as a lobsterman for 17 years while also building and remodeling homes, has joined Augusta-based Rizzo Mattson, REALTORS® as a sales agent.

“As Rizzo Mattson, REALTORS® celebrates 40 years of real estate service throughout Maine, they are bringing onboard someone of Matthew’s diligence and devotion to caring, personal service,” said Brian Rizzo, Designated Broker-Owner of Rizzo Mattson, Realtors® who also serves as the immediate past president for Kennebec Valley Board of Realtors® and as a director for both Maine Listings and Maine Association of Realtors® this year.

In his spare time, Matthew enjoys spending time with family and friends, listening to music, finding new adventures, and hanging out with his black Lab puppy, Zeppelin.