Obituaries, Week of November 1, 2018


VASSALBORO – Paul Barker Cates, 93, of Vassalboro, packed three lifetimes into his very impressive life. When he passed away on Sunday, October 21st, he was surrounded by his family at the home in which he was born. He lived a life of service and altruism, and never wanted to burden others. In the last days, he required constant, round the clock care from his family. It was only fitting that he passed away and snuck out in the brief moment when everyone in the house had fallen asleep.

He was born August 23rd, 1925 in East Vassalboro, the eighth child of Benjamin Harold Cates, Sr. and Annabel (Ingraham) Cates, and liked to call himself “Paul the Eighth.” Paul was a child of the Great Depression, and grew up learning the value of hard work and community on his family’s farm on the shore of China Lake. His farm-life escapades punctuated a childhood he and his six sisters and five brothers were lucky to survive. A rogue spirit, Paul was constantly running away from home. At two years-old, he was found by his uncle a mile from home wearing a red sweater with a chocolate pudding-covered face. At age three, he was sent underneath the barn by his mother to catch wayward chickens. He dodged a bees’ nest that was tossed his way from the top of a hay wagon. He was an avid rider of the dairy cows on the farm, until his father caught him riding the prized milk cow, and he was severely admonished. His dairy cow rodeo days were over. Heroic from a young age, he saved his nephew Gerry from drowning on China Lake after falling through thin ice.

As a child, his family attended Quaker Meeting at the Vassalboro Friends Meetinghouse just up the road from the Cates farm, and Quaker values would influence much of his life. In his formative years, Paul was instructed by his mother, a schoolteacher at East Vassalboro Elementary School. Held back in kindergarten (by his own mother!) because the view of his family farm from the classroom window was distracting him from her lessons, Paul spent the rest of his life making up for this by dazzling people with his brilliant mind and sharp wit. Beyond elementary school, Paul attended Quaker schools such as Coburn Classical Institute in Waterville, and then Haverford College, a private Quaker college in Pennsylvania. Ever enterprising, he earned his tuition money for college by raising several hundred chickens in his parents’ attic. His mentors while at Haverford were Rufus Jones and Douglas Steere, greats among Quakers.

A young Paul Cates

While matriculated at Haverford, he was called up for the country’s postwar peacetime draft. Due to his strongly-held Quaker religious beliefs that place peace and diplomacy first, he chose to conscientiously object to the draft and was summarily sentenced to prison. Conditions in the prison were not healthy or favorable at the time, and the president of Haverford College made it his goal to have Paul’s sentence commuted. While in prison, Paul contracted tuberculosis, and his lingering cough which persisted his entire life was a souvenir of that time. Paul settled into prison life, and as a pacifist and docile prisoner, he was given the coveted job of taking care of the prison dairy cows, due to his childhood experience on a farm. This daily exposure to fresh air and exercise out in the pasture saved him from the ravages of tuberculosis. On one occasion, while tending the cows, he and another inmate were in the pasture near the road. A car pulled up, and two young women began flirtatiously interacting with them. They were very friendly until Paul and his peer turned and the women saw Danbury Federal Prison stamped on their backs. “OH! They are felons!” the women shrieked, as they sped away, terrified of this dangerous incarcerated pacifist. Eventually, after several months of debate between the president of the college and the courts, it was decided that Paul would complete his sentence by doing civilian service work with a Quaker relief organization.

Paul’s work with the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) meant travel overseas. He was particularly interested in providing aid in India; however, no volunteer positions were available there at the time. His options were Poland or Germany, countries which had both been ravaged by two World Wars. He chose Germany — a decision which would shape much of the rest of his life. He headed off to Germany, his German language limited to “Kiss me, quickly!” and “Help! Police!” Ironically, despite his initial language impediments, almost two decades later he returned to the United States with a German bride and their young son, Martin. (Apparently his “kiss me, quickly” phrase had worked out in his favor). His AFSC work took him first to Darmstadt, where rebuilding efforts were taking place in the Medieval city which had been largely destroyed by American and British firebombing. Once his initial civilian service period came to an end, he returned to East Vassalboro, and then took up a post in Iowa, as a teacher at Scattergood Friends (Quaker) School.

After teaching at Scattergood for four years, in 1958 Paul decided to return to Germany to actually learn how to speak German well (!) ironic, considering he was tasked with teaching German at the school. He ended up in Marburg, and eventually moved to Berlin and began work on his doctorate in German literature, with a focus on the writings of Bertolt Brecht. While studying for his doctorate, and after the Berlin Wall was erected in 1961, he received an urgent contact from the bishop of the West Berlin Protestant church. The people of East Berlin were starving and in need of vital medicines and paperwork that they couldn’t get through the oppressive Soviet government. Therefore, the West Berlin Protestant church was in need of an smuggler with a foreign passport. As an American, the wall was porous for him, and he was able to go back and forth, unlike West or East German citizens could.

His “courier work,” as he always referred to this period of his life, led to a drop-off point in East Berlin at the headquarters of Action Reconciliation Service for Peace. Here, he met a young woman named Elisabeth Gürtler who would later become his wife. Because he was an American citizen living in Berlin, his presence had already alerted the attention of the East German secret police. Concerned about phone taps in Berlin, when medication and documents needed to be smuggled across the border, the elderly church secretary with a limp in West Berlin would call young Paul using the coded language, “Herr Cates, I have such a longing for you!” Paul would know he needed to pick up a parcel in West Berlin. Every time he would cross over into East Berlin, his overcoat was stuffed full of medications and important documents, to the point where he almost looked pregnant. His stress at smuggling what was considered illegal contraband was palpable, as he would collapse into a chair in the Action Reconciliation office, in East Berlin, exhausted. Elisabeth was his contact point in East Berlin, though he admitted on several occasions that the other secretary was much more vivacious. However, Paul would bring chocolate from West Berlin and then purchase baked goods, and Elisabeth would make coffee which Paul would bring each time he came. Many coffees later, the less vivacious but more loving of the two secretaries won his heart.

At one point, Paul dropped Elisabeth near a train station in East Germany, and they said their goodbyes. As Elisabeth headed towards the S-Bahn station entrance, she was approached by two men in dark suits, obviously members of the East German secret police. She was questioned about her interactions with Paul, as interactions with anyone outside of the Eastern Bloc were not allowed. Paul witnessed this, and also heard of the subsequent interrogation and search of her home in Stahnsdorf. In this moment he realized as an East German citizen, their relationship posed grave danger for her. He knew he had to make significant connections to help protect her. Paul connected with the Russian Consulate in Berlin, and became fast friends with consul Julij Kwizinskij. This friendship helped to protect his future bride. Ever a peace-maker and bridge-builder, he also set up youth trips through the Russian consulate, chaperoning West Berlin youth to the Soviet Union to help rebuild the fractured relationship between the countries through youth exchanges. Through these adventures, he also developed a friendship with Princess Kira of Prussia, who later attended their wedding.

Paul and Elisabeth tried for years to get married, and had a son, Martin, in 1967. Two years later, a Soviet spy was captured by the West German government. Fortuitously, Elisabeth (along with 99 other East German brides) and Martin were part of an exchange which the Soviets negotiated for the spy’s release from custody. Elisabeth and Martin escaped the Eastern Bloc on February 26th, 1969.

Paul and Elisabeth were married in a state ceremony in West Berlin on March 20th, 1969, which was followed by a church ceremony on June 14th, 1969 at which little Martin was, as Paul frequently described, the guest of honor. The only of Elisabeth’s family allowed to be present at the wedding was her mother, a severe diabetic, who was viewed as an invalid so the East German government wasn’t concerned about her flight risk. They gave her a two day visa to cross into West Berlin for the wedding. On August 9th, 1969, the little Cates family arrived in East Vassalboro, Maine, after a long ocean voyage via freighter from Bremerhaven, Germany to Montreal, Canada, young Christopher already in utero, making a long ship’s journey far less comfortable for his mother. Their passage was free — the captain wanted passengers who could entertain him with stories, and Paul and Elisabeth had plenty.

Paul got a job with the Quarterly Meeting of the Maine Quakers which required a lot of travel for both him and Elisabeth. As a pastor, he would draw on his own prison experience and go to local jails and the state prison to counsel inmates on their life’s choices. He provided his services as a Quaker pastor to the few programmed Meetings in the state. Beginning in the summer of 1970, Paul sold cut-flowers grown on the Cates family farm to florists throughout central and southern Maine. He was soon known as the “Glad Man,” and his florist customers anticipated the weekly arrival of the Cates van loaded with beautiful blooms. He was proud that his growing business was a “family operation.” More children followed: Dorothee, then Winfried.

In 1975, while pregnant with the couple’s fifth child, Elisabeth became gravely ill with a brain tumor, and Paul left his job with the Quarterly Meeting to care for the children while she recovered from induced labor and immediate transport to Boston for surgery. Little Douglas spent his first six months in the care of an aunt and uncle in southern Maine, as Paul had his hands full with four small children at home.

Paul began work as a part-time Russian and German teacher at Oak Grove-Coburn School, a Quaker school in Vassalboro. Daughters Margaret and Helen were born during this time. When Oak Grove-Coburn was closed in 1989, Paul was hired on at Erskine Academy in a German teaching role. He retired from Erskine in 2001, and again in 2002 (this time, it stuck). He retired from delivering flowers in 2004, but often went on the delivery trips to visit his favorite customers in the years that followed.

In 2004, at the age of 79 and at the behest of a good friend, he ran and lost a hard fought campaign for the Maine House of Representatives. He was committed to shaking hands and meeting his constituents. He was relentless in seeking support during his campaign. After visiting an ambivalent farmer in Windsor for the third time, the man relented, “All RIGHT! I will vote for you, okay?!”

At the age of 88, ever in search of a good story to add to his legendary life, Paul managed to run over his own leg with the family farm truck. We still aren’t quite certain how that happened, but it marked the end of his farm-work.

Paul was an avid playwright and produced and starred in several of his own musical plays, most set in his hometown of East Vassalboro. Though he never enjoyed a Broadway run, these include classic box office smashes (by East Vassalboro standards) such as “Lily’s Apple Pie,” “The Great East Vassalboro Swindle,” “Nothing Ever Happens in Palermo,” and “Poor People,” which he wrote as a fundraiser for Head Start. All of his plays filled the Grange Hall to overcapacity, at one point alerting the fire department to breach of fire code.

He had a natural wit, and was and an eloquent speaker (and his conversations were peppered with colorful phrases such as “Good NIGHT!” and “Heavenly days!”). He also had a profound faith in God and in the tenets of Quakerism. He was a lifetime member of the local Grange, a regular attendant at Vassalboro Friends Meeting, and he served on the Board of Corporators of both Oak Grove-Coburn, and at Haverford College as well. He also served as the president of the Maine Gladiolus Society for the past decade.

He had a song for every occasion, some of which he wrote himself, and others which he sang in full, glorious tenor voice at 3 AM, as his days and nights became increasingly confused. He loved his family, and although his final years included significant health problems and a diagnosis of dementia, his grandchildren brought immense light into his life until the very end. He had a love of sweets, squirreling chocolate all over the house. We will be finding his chocolate caches for years. Ever a lover of old show tunes, the old Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald song “Sweetheart, Will You Remember” was a favorite which he frequently sang to his beloved wife, and his youngest granddaughter. Dad, we WILL remember.

Paul was predeceased by his parents, by eleven brothers and sisters and all but two of their spouses, by brother-in-law Martin and sister-in-law Christhild, and by his eldest son, Martin. He is survived by a myriad of friends and acquaintances, and by his very large extended nuclear Cates family including his beloved wife Elisabeth; son Christopher and his wife, Victoria and their two sons, Nicholas and Ethan; daughter Dorothee and her husband, David and their two children, Julia and Oliver; son Winfried; son Douglas and his son, Maximilian, and Douglas’ wife, Emily and their two sons, Elijah and Isaac; daughter Margaret; and daughter Helen and her husband, Brad and their baby daughter, Klara, who was a source of great joy for Paul in his final months. He also leaves behind brother-in-law Charles, sister-in-law Saundra, and several dozen nieces and nephews in the United States, as well as family in Germany: brother-in-law, Horst, his wife Dagmar, and their family; Konrad, husband to Paul’s late sister-in-law Christhild, and their family; and Birgit, wife to Paul’s late brother-in-law Martin, and their family. Finally, there was always a special place in Paul’s heart for his “granddogs” and “grandcats,” whom he greatly enjoyed petting and praising in the twilight years of his life.

Naturally, as the Glad Man, Paul loved flowers. However, donations may be made in his honor to the American Friends Service Committee (, to MaineGeneral Hospice (, or to the Vassalboro Friends Meeting.

In the Quaker tradition, a celebration of Paul’s life will be held on Saturday, November 10th at 2 PM at the Vassalboro Friends Meeting, 48 S Stanley Hill Rd, Vassalboro, ME; a reception will follow at the Vassalboro Grange Hall. Bring your sweet tooth. There will be chocolate.


WINSLOW – Lori A. Ware, 52, of Winslow, died unexpectedly on Saturday, October 13, 2018. She was born on July 23, 1966, a daughter of Gerald and Janice Ware.

She attended Winslow schools.

Lori enjoyed cooking, swimming, snowmobiling, watching movies with her children, and will be remembered for her big heart.

She was predeceased by her daughter, Kara Michaud; her companion, Marc Feix; and her mother, Janice Ware.

Lori is survived by her son, Nathan Feix; her father, Gerald Ware; her brother, David Ware; her sister, Robin Couture; nieces and nephews.

There will be no services. Burial was in Saint Francis Catholic Cemetery, 78 Grove Street, Waterville.


WINDSOR––Dr. William (Bill) James Mulherin, DC, 83, died in his sleep on Wednesday, October 17, 2018, at the Maine Veterans Home, in Augusta. Bill was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on April 8, 1935, the son of Joseph Anthony and Grace (Brown) Mulherin.

Bill, whom his siblings called “Mel,” graduated from local schools before enlisting in the Army in 1954, serving as a military policeman at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Company C.

In 1970, Bill married Juanita M. Upham in Wells. He brought five children into the marriage, Juanita had four, and together they had one daughter.

Bill was a life-long learner who earned multiple degrees and certificates in the medical field. Bill completed training as an occupational therapist with the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, a BS in Professional Arts from St. Joseph’s College in Standish, earning his RN doing clinical rounds at Central Maine Hospital in Lewiston. Bill later earned his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Palmer College in Davenport, Iowa.

Bill and Juanita owned and operated a nursing home for many years before Bill left that business to pursue a career as a chiropractor. Initially, Bill worked in Winslow for Dr. Lawler before opening his own chiropractic office in Augusta. After a few years, Bill and Juanita decided to move out of the city, but not too far, to Windsor, where he hung his shingle until he retired. Bill had a passion for whole body wellness, spirituality and meditation. His patients adored him as he offered “common sense medicine” and treatment without medication. Bill was known for not even allowing aspirin in the house, “medicine is not the cure, it is the problem,” he would say.

A favorite saying of Bill’s was, “if you see someone without a smile, give them yours.”

He was very interesting and intelligent, having a way with words that allowed him to talk to anyone without sounding like he knew more than others. Those who knew Bill, found him to be a down-to-earth, common sense guy.

Bill enjoyed many hobbies and activities in addition to helping others and was a member of the American Legion, Masons and Knights of Columbus. He enjoyed building large scale, 3-4 mast schooner model ships, fishing with his best buddy, Ray, and gardening, which was his second passion.

In addition to his parents, Bill was predeceased by his wife of 37 years, Juanita; and a sister, Patricia Sullivan.

Bill is survived by his children, Paula Mulherin, Stephanie Mulherin, Kelly Mulherin, Christopher Mulherin, Maria Mulherin, and Theresa Mulherin; step-children, Pamela Moon Mulherin, of Windsor, Ginny Moon Scofield, of Vassalboro, Nancy Pettegrove, of Windsor, and Dwight E. Pettegrove, of Windsor; siblings, Joseph Mulherin, Jr., of Hatfield, Massachusetts, Mary Ann Creighton, of Wakefield, Ne Hampshire, Eileen Franklin, of Foxboro, Massachusetts, Elizabeth Rizzo, of Goldsboro, North Carolina, and Kathy Either, of Plainville, Massachusetts; as well as many nieces and nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren living all over New England.

A potluck Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, November 11, 11 a.m. at the American Legion Post#205, 400 Eastern Avenue, Augusta.

Memories and condolences may be shared with the family online at

Arrangements are under the care of Direct Cremation of Maine in Belfast.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Bill’s name to the Maine Veterans Home in Augusta, or to the American Legion Post #205,


VASSALBORO – Katherine Grace Christina White, 19, of James Road passed away peacefully on Thursday, October 18, 2018, in the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center, in Portland. She was born in Kirkland, Washington, on August 14, 1999.

Katherine was a student at Winslow High School. She was not your typical teenage girl. Instead of being obsessed with boys and social media, she was obsessed with Elmo and Sesame Street. At last count, she had acquired enough episodes to watch a different one every day of the year. Elmo has been her best best friend since she was tiny. He was basically her spirit animal. On any given day you could find her dressed Elmo red and mimicking his laugh to perfection.

Katiebug is survived by her parents Tyler and Sarah (Lemieux) Watson, of Vassalboro; a sister Julia White, of Vassalboro; an aunt Lindsay Mutegi, of Minneapolis, Minnesota; her uncles Adam Lemieux, of Winslow, James Lemieux, of Pittsfield and Adam White, of Gilbert, Arizona; her dozen (yes, dozen) grandparents Wayne and Ruth Lemieux, of Benton, Lawrence and Doreen Lee, of Winslow, John and Christina Cunningham, of Gilbert, Arizona, Ray and Jill White, of Arlington, Washington, Roy and Diane Watson, of Amery, Wisconsin, and Cliff and Sharon Hill, of Scandia, Minnesota.

Arrangements are in the care of Knowlton and Hewins Funeral Home, One Church Street, Augusta, where condolences, memories and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the website at

In lieu of flowers, please donate to the foundation that her family has established in her name. It is their goal to help fund equipment for other kids and young adults like Katie. You can find information about her foundation at:

Four residents attend referendum public hearing

by Mary Grow

The four people who attended the China selectmen’s Oct. 25 public hearing on China’s Nov. 6 local referendum questions had plenty of time to get their questions answered and their comments noted.

The hearing was recorded as a video; people with the right computer equipment should be able to view it by opening “Live Stream” on the town’s web site.

The third question generated the longest discussion. It asks if voters want to use $5,000 from Tax Increment Finance (TIF) money for a preliminary concept plan for a consolidated emergency services building and perhaps a separate community center on town-owned land off Lakeview Drive, opposite the former Candlewood Camps.

Town Manager Dennis Heath said “consolidated” does not mean China’s three volunteer fire departments will share the building. Weeks Mills and South China would not be affected. The China Village department, which is constrained by its location close to wetlands at the head of China Lake’s east basin, would be the main tenant. Space would also be provided for China Rescue, the policemen who are in and out of town and perhaps for Delta Ambulance. The manager said if there were a building, Delta might station an ambulance in town. Residents have ranked a community center as important on two surveys, Heath said.

The question is on the ballot to see if a majority of voters want selectmen to continue to pursue the projects.

Resident Denis Breton would prefer the town consolidate emergency services in the town office area, sell the 34-acre Lakeview Drive property and “stop growing the empire.” For community events, the town has two schools with gyms and cafeterias, and the Baptist Conference Center building can be rented (expensively, Heath commented).

Resident Sandra Kostron replied that the schools could not be expected to store equipment, for example for a fitness course.

Selectman Irene Belanger said the China for a Lifetime Committee is looking into these issues.

Discussion of the first ballot question, whether to repeal the quorum ordinance, began with brief explanations and turned into consideration of alternatives.

The ordinance has been in effect since at least 1990, passed by voters in response to complaints that town policies and expenditures were being determined by a small number of residents who chose to come to town meetings. Now, Heath said, the complaint is from town office staff, who spend many hours rounding up the 120 voters required to make a meeting legal.

Other suggested ways to bring more residents to meetings included shortening the meetings or rescheduling from a March Saturday morning to a June evening close to the state’s June election day. Instead of an open town meeting, China could do its business by written ballot, giving voters all day to get to the polls; or switch to a council and manager form of government.

A propos of the second question, asking if voters want to seek legislative exemption from the requirement to collect personal property taxes, Heath said the town gets about $100,000 annually from owners of business and farm machinery. He and Selectman Neil Farrington think if the town stopped collecting the tax, new and expanded businesses would help cover the loss.

Question four asks approval to use income this year from the sale of tax-acquired properties to increase two transfer station employees’ hours, entitling them to insurance benefits. In the future, funds would probably come from an increased transfer station budget.

Audience and board members joined in praising the transfer station staff.

The final local question asks voters to allow selectmen to spend up to $100,000 a year in TIF funds for economic development projects between town meetings, on recommendation of the TIF Committee.

Currently, selectmen can spend TIF funds only with voter approval. The March 2019 town meeting warrant included a list of proposed expenditures, like donations to the China Region Lakes Alliance and the annual China Community Days celebration, which voters approved.

Should a new proposal be presented this fall with a request for TIF funds, selectmen could not grant it until voters acted at the March 2019 meeting, unless they considered it so important they tried to get 120 voters to a special meeting before March.

The goal of the ballot question, summarized by Robert MacFarland, Chair of the Selectboard, is “to allow us not to squander an economic development opportunity because of time constraints.”

Voters will act on the questions, and on local elections and state questions, on Tuesday, Nov. 6, by written ballot. China polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the former portable classroom behind the town office. Absentee ballots are now available, and residents may vote before Nov. 6 at the town office during office hours.

Candidates state their positions on local issues at public forum

by Mary Grow

The Oct. 28 China candidates’ forum at the China Village library gave the four candidates for three seats on the Board of Selectmen, plus retiring Selectman Neil Farrington, a chance to talk about their visions for the town’s future. After introductory statements, a question and answer session led to expanded answers and new topics, including some of the five local referendum questions.

China voters will elect town officials and decide the local referenda, along with state elections and referenda, on Nov. 6. China polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the portable classroom behind the town office.

All four local candidates are long-time China residents; Wayne Chadwick, Jeffrey LaVerdiere and Donna Mills-Stevens are businesspeople, Ronald Breton a retiree; all have some experience on local boards and committees. All think China needs growth, both economically, including services, and in population, especially young families. Speaking in alphabetical order, they emphasized the following points.

BRETON offered the most detailed list of things he would like to see done, including encouraging beneficial new businesses, adding health-related services and assisted living units for senior citizens, creating a youth center “to give kids something to do in town,” expanding high-speed internet access, reviewing the Land Use Ordinance, continuing to protect China Lake and Three Mile Pond and continuing recycling despite the drop-off in prices for recycled materials.

CHADWICK’s initial emphasis was on more responsible town spending and shrinking town government rather than growing it. LAVERDIERE, one of two incumbents seeking another term, also favors more control of town spending. He thinks selectmen should look at government from a business perspective, for example by trading equipment less frequently. He agreed with Breton on reviewing the Land Use Ordinance and commended the Alewife Restoration Initiative (ARI) as one reason “China Lake is doing pretty well.”

MILLS-STEVENS, also an incumbent, said her first year on the board and conversations with neighbors showed her some of the issues and problems; if re-elected she expects to contribute to solutions. She favors encouraging small businesses, like antique shops and a local farmers’ market; thinks the town needs a community center, centrally located and ideally near China Lake; and sees the new causeway and expanded access to the head of China Lake as another way to bring more people to town, “maybe more than we want sometimes.”

NEIL FARRINGTON, retiring from the selectboard and running unopposed for an open seat on the Regional School Unit (RSU) #18 Board of Directors, said after 14 years as a selectman complaining about the size of the school budget and the lack of information selectmen get about school matters, he decided to become a school insider. He plans to keep selectmen updated on directions the school unit is taking, programs and reasons for expenditure requests.

There seemed to be no opposition among the candidates to expanding and improving internet service. Breton, Chadwick and LaVerdiere spoke in favor of senior housing and health facilities, as long as the town assisted a private developer, for example with tax breaks, and did not own the facilities.

Later discussion returned to the topic of a community center, in response to audience questions and in relation to the Nov. 6 referendum question asking voters to appropriate $5,000 for preliminary study of using the town-owned property near the north end of Lakeview Drive. Opinions became more complicated.

All four candidates for selectman support allocating the requested $5,000 for exploration. Breton is most enthusiastic about going on, assuming satisfactory results, to create a community center. The emergency services building which is also part of the question got little discussion; LaVerdiere thinks it would be too expensive.

Chadwick is the principal opponent of a community center, citing other meeting places available in town and telling Breton activities for young people could be expanded without an expensive new building. His suggestions sparked unanswered questions about how hard it is to book school facilities – Farrington will find out – and whether and how much the town would pay for other alternatives, a question Mills-Stevens said selectmen should investigate.

Audience member Justine Knizeski objected to the two-part question, saying it should have been limited to asking for exploratory funds, instead of also prejudging possible uses. Farrington pointed out an error: the property in question is about 34 acres, not the 39.11 acres specified in the question.

On the issue of economic development, there was broad agreement among panelists and audience members about encouraging small and home-based businesses and services and not inviting big-box stores.

Chadwick, without endorsing big-box stores in general, put in a good word for the South China Hannaford, which many people now find convenient. Bigger stores “have their place if they’re well thought-out and planned,” he said.

Audience member Ann Austin, who heads the China Food Pantry, commended Hannaford for frequent donations. Such community involvement is not typical of every large corporation, she added.

In response to Jodi Blackinton’s question about getting more people involved in town business (related to the referendum question about the Quorum Ordinance), panelists and audience members repeated, with variations, many of the suggestions made at the Oct. 25 selectmen’s hearing. There was no consensus and limited optimism.

Pease announces for planning board

Hanson Road resident James Pease is a write-in candidate for the at-large seat on the China Planning Board. Pease said he is seeking the position because he sees a need; asked about relevant experience, he cited his time as secretary of the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) while he was a Rhode Island State Marshal.

New bridge construction

Construction has begun on the new bridge on the Causeway at the Head of China Lake. (Photo courtesy of Neil Farrington)

Vassalboro town manager incoming MMA president

Mary Sabins, Vassalboro Town Manager

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Town Manager Mary Sabins is the incoming president of the Maine Municipal Association’s executive committee – or, in effect, head for a year of the state-wide organization that offers many services to Maine municipalities.

Sabins says most of her job is running board meetings. With a board she describes as “mutually respectful, civil, able to disagree without being disagreeable,” and an executive director, Steven Gove, with 30 years’ experience with the organization, she expects that part will not be difficult.

Board members are municipal officers, elected or appointed. Sabins’ predecessors were the mayor of South Portland and the Kennebunkport town manager.

The executive committee’s role is primarily setting policies and doing strategic planning for the organization. The president is in charge of overseeing the annual MMA convention in October and coordinating the state delegation’s approach to Maine Congress-people during the annual March meeting of the National League of Cities, held in Washington, D. C.

Sabins said almost all Maine towns and cities are MMA members, paying annual dues based on population and valuation. Among the organization’s major offerings to its members are free legal advice, multiple insurance plans that some municipalities find more advantageous than commercial offerings, technical services, assistance with personnel and labor issues, training for municipal staff and officials and a small grant program for workers’ safety equipment that Sabins said has benefited Vassalboro firefighters.

The organization’s mission “is to provide professional services to local governments throughout Maine and to advocate for their common interests at the state and national levels.” The MMA website,, lists services along with current news and other useful information.

Sabins has been active in MMA for five years. Before accepting her first position, she got Vassalboro selectmen’s approval and permission to take time off from her Vassalboro job as needed. At the next selectmen’s meeting after her election, selectmen and town office staff gave her a congratulatory potted plant that decorates her desk in the town office.

Week of October 25, 2018

Week of October 25, 2018

Celebrating 30 years of local news

Area residents in the news

China resident recognized at final school board meeting

China resident Charlie Clark was presented with sentiments upon attending his final school board meeting, after serving for approximately 20 years, on the China School Board, School Union #52 and RSU #18 boards…

Malcolm Glidden post presented with DC flag

On September 18, the Malcolm Glidden American Legion and Auxiliary Post #163 held a special meeting honoring a few long time members and presenting certificates to the Boys/Girls State delegates sponsored by the Legion…

China resident named to financial stability oversight council

Eric A. Cioppa, a resident of the Neck Road, in China, has been appointed to a two-year term as the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s state insurance commissioner representative…

Your Local News

School board members continue information sharing

VASSALBORO — Vassalboro School Board members continued information-sharing between town and school officials at their Oct. 16 meeting, inviting the board of selectmen – represented by John Melrose – to talk about mutually relevant issues…

Law enforcement tops selectmen’s agenda

VASSALBORO — Vassalboro selectmen continued discussion of local law enforcement at their Oct. 18 meeting…

Question on Bailey property purchase put to rest

CHINA — At their Oct. 22 meeting, China Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Committee members finally put to rest the question of whether to recommend that voters buy Susan Bailey’s property near the head of China Lake’s east basin. Their decision: no…

Five questions, candidates on China’s November ballot

CHINA — China voters have on their Nov. 6 ballots five referendum questions and in annual local elections one contest and two vacancies…

Windsor Food Bank fundraiser

WINDSOR — Members of the Windsor Food Bank, a nonprofit sponsored by the North Windsor Baptist Church, are organizing a calendar raffle for the month of December. The drawings will begin on December 3 and run until December 28, during the week only, Monday through Friday…

Windsor Veterans’ Memorial fundraiser

WINDSOR — Efforts are underway to raise money for a new Windsor Veterans Memorial to list the names of Windsor residents who have served our nation…

Kudos to those who clean up our roadsides

CHINA — So nice to read about the good spirit and efforts Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bennett, Richard Dillenbeck and others, on the Lakeview Drive, China, roadside autumn cleanup…

Sew for a Cause

VASSALBORO — St. Bridget Center in North Vassalboro, will be hosting a charity sewing event on November 1, 15, 29 and December 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers can come for part of the day or the whole day…

Shrader installed as new pastor in Winslow

WINSLOW — The Rev. Kim Shrader was installed as Settled Pastor at Winslow Congregational Church on Sunday, October 14. The church is noted for its passionate commitment to extending Christ’s welcome to everyone seeking a loving family, no matter their church background, political beliefs, race, sexual orientation, or family structure…

Sheriff to speak on scams in Palermo

PALERMO — On Friday, October 26, Waldo County Sheriff Jeff Trafton will speak at the Palermo Community Center about protecting your household from scams and fraud as the number of scam phone calls reaches epidemic proportions…

Municipal Tax Information

Find out when local taxes are due for China, Vassalboro, Windsor & Winslow.

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PALERMO — The sixth annual craft fair will be held on Saturday, October 27, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., at the Malcolm Glidden American Legion Post #163, Turner Ridge Road. There will be craft vendors, raffles, door prizes and much more….

Obituaries – Week of October 25, 2018

VASSALBORO – On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, Wayne B. Higgins, (nee Wayne B. Cotta), 79, passed away in the home which he created over the past 60 years. He was born October 20, 1938, to Barbara (Thompson) Cotta and Harvey Cotta… and remembering 7 others…

Town Line Original Columnists


by Roland D. Hallee | There they were! Marching along the railing of my porch as my wife and I were enjoying the day’s end of sunshine on a Saturday afternoon. They formed a column like a trucking convoy, one behind the other, all heading in the same direction…


by Gary Kennedy | Good day my fellow veterans. I am so pleased we have taken this first step in personally solving our own problems with the government and the VA systems. Hopefully we have initiated change…


by Peter Cates | Novelist John MacDonald (1916-1986) produced over 70 pulsating examples of the suspense genre. They included the classic thriller Cape Fear which was transformed into the 1962 film…


by Debbie Walker | It seems an interest is what begins a collection. Collections move onto the best of intentions. It’s a process of getting things from different places and bringing them together. That may be when the term hobby comes into play. You may find the time spent on a hobby outside your occupation brings relaxation to you…


by Gary Kennedy | Hello to my previous readers. I left last August 28, 2017, for Southeast Asia for a literacy mission and ended up returning August 14, 2018. My project there evolved from one of educational supplies to a medical mission…

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & PercySOLON & BEYOND

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Ronald Brown recently returned home after attending a reunion of those he served in the Navy with. He served his country from 1962 until 1966. He went to Boot Camp in Great Lakes, Illinois…


(NAPSI) — Halloween can be a scary holiday for families. Not because of the haunted houses, ghosts and goblins, but because of tooth decay…

Saying Boo to cavities this Halloween

SCORES & OUTDOORS: The bug and the tree

The boxelder bug

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

There they were! Marching along the railing of my porch as my wife and I were enjoying the day’s end of sunshine on a Saturday afternoon. They formed a column like a trucking convoy, one behind the other, all heading in the same direction. Blackish-colored bugs with red stripes, about a half inch long. I had seen them before, but not this many.

Then, it happened! The next morning, one had found its way into the house, clinging to the outside door, trying to make its best impression of an opossum. Playing dead, not moving.

It was time to find what these things were and why were they trying to enter our domain.

It really didn’t come clear to me until a little later, when evidence started to fall into place. First was a call out to my contact, Allison Kanoti, acting state entomologist, with the Maine Forest Service. But, it was the weekend, and I would have to wait until mid-week for an answer.

Second, I met with an arborist with the plan to cut down some dead trees on my property. The arborist informed me the trees were boxelders, and would have not much heating value. (That was OK, I just wanted to get rid of them.)

Then came the news from my state contact: the bugs were most likely boxelder bugs. Ta-dah! There is the connection.

leaves of a box elder

Boxelder trees and boxelder bugs

The boxelder bugs feed almost entirely on boxelder, maple and ash trees. Another clue. I have a maple tree directly in front of my porch.

These bugs also like to winter indoors, if possible. Should they enter your home, they will hibernate there, mostly in cracks in window frames, gaps and crevices, and tears in screen doors. But, once they get in your home, they will lay dormant while the weather is cool. Once your heating system becomes active, they falsely perceive that it is spring time and they will head out in search of food. Their extracts may stain upholstery, carpets, drapes, and they may feed on certain types of house plants.

The next question: do they bite?

They are not typically known as biters, but they have the ability to pierce into skin, which makes the skin a bit irritated and results in a red spot that resembles a mosquito bite. Medical attention should be sought in the case of a bite. They are, in general, harmless to humans and pets.

These bugs are not classified as agricultural pests and generally are no danger to ornamental plantings. They are, however, known to do damage to some fruits in the fall as they leave their summer homes in trees to seek areas to overwinter.

The boxelder bug, Boisea trivittata, emits a strong scent, similar to stink bugs, should they be disturbed or threatened. Spiders are their minor predators, but because of their defense mechanism, only a few birds or other animals will eat them.

Eggs are laid by females in the cracks of tree bark during spring. They prefer female boxelder trees, which produce seeds, as opposed to male trees that do not.

Boxelder bugs prefer seeds but will also suck leaves. They are frequently seen on maple trees as these trees provide them with seeds as well.

So, the arborist is coming in a week or so to take down those boxelder trees, and that should help reduce the population. However, my maple tree stays.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

Have the Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers ever met in a World Series?

Answer can be found here.

Roland’s Trivia Question for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Have the Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers ever met in a World Series?


No. The Boston Red Sox played the Brooklyn Robins, predecessors of the Dodgers, in the 1916 World Series. Sox won 4-1.

Legal Notices, Week of October 25, 2018

18-A MRSA sec. 3-801

The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice October 18, 2018.

If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by his name, a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-A MRSA 3-804.

2018-242 – Estate of LISA R. STERN, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Mitchell McCrate, 1230 New London Road, Hamilton, OH 45013 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-272 – Estate of EDWIN L. GIGGIE, late of Madison, Me deceased. Neva Moody, 72 West Main Street, Monroe, Me 04951 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-275 – Estate of FLORENCE S. RILEY, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Robert R. Riley, 11 Hanover Street, Skowhegan, Maine 04976 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-276 – Estate of George R. Williams, late of Harmony, Me deceased. William LeBlanc, 2 Dee Jay Road, E. Bridgewater, MA 02333 & Phyllis W. White, 61 Town Landing Road, St. Albans, Me 04971 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2018-279 – Estate of WALTER C. MATTHEWS, late of Bingham, Me deceased. Kathleen Matthews, PO Box 266, Bingham, Me 04920 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-280 – Estate of PATRICIA M. WHIPPS, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Thomas J. Whipps, Jr., 2511 West Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60630 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-282 – Estate of DOROTHY I. LOMBARD, late of Harmony, Me deceased. David M. Wilburn, 114 Main Road North, Frankfort, Me 04438 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-286 – Estate of RAYMOND F. PHELPS, late of Palmyra, Me deceased. Monica M. Clark, 173 Moosehead Trail, Newport, Me 04953 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-287 – Estate of GLORIA M. CHAMPINE, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Raymond G. Champine, 136 Four Mile River Road, Old Lyme, CT 06371 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-288 – Estate of KELLEY JEAN DAY, late of Madison, Me deceased. Katelynn E. Gayne, 1555 Mesa Verde Dr. E., Apt 29B, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 AND Anthony S. Gayne, 4 State Street, Lisbon Falls, Me 04252 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2018-292 – Estate of JEFFREY L. POOLER, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Christopher Pooler, 153 Dixon Road, Clinton, Me 04927, Jessica Pooler, 323 Albion Road, Benton, Me 04901 and Sarah Lemieux, 43 Hammond Drive, Oakland, Me 04963 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2018-293 – Estate of WELDON A. WAKEFIELD, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Jeanne Gallway, 257 Chester Street, Pittsfield, Me 04967 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-294 – Estate of ALBERT J. THERIAULT, late of Rockwood, Me deceased. Alice A. Theriault, PO Box 215, Rockwood, Me 04478 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-297 – Estate of CAROLYN J. CONNELL, late of Hartland, Me deceased. Michael H. Connell, 10 Connell Road, Hartland, Me 04943 appointed Personal Representative.

To be published on October 18 & October 25, 2018.
Dated: October 15, 2018 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate



Notice is hereby given by the respective petitioners that they have filed petitions for appointment of personal representatives in the following estates. These matters will be heard at 10 a.m. or as soon thereafter as they may be October 31, 2018. The requested appointments may be made on or after the hearing date if no sufficient objection be heard. This notice complies with the requirements of 18-A MRSA §3-403 and Probate Rule 4.

2018-291 – Estate of MARKUS HOLDEN ALAN BEGIN, adult of Fairfield, Me. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Markus Holden Alan Begin, 2 Crosby Street, Fairfield, Me 04937 requesting his name be changed to Markus Holden Alan Roberts for reasons set forth therein.

2018-310 – Estate of ZANIA MICHELLE MARGARET FELKA, minor of Palmyra, Me. Petition for Change of Name (Minor) filed by Cheryal Brogdon, 410 South Ridge Road, Palmyra, Me 04965 requesting minor’s name be changed to Za’Nia Michelle AnnMarie Brogdon for reasons set forth therein.

Dated: October 15, 2018
/s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Collecting, or hoarding

by Debbie Walker

It seems an interest is what begins a collection. Collections move onto the best of intentions. It’s a process of getting things from different places and bringing them together. That may be when the term hobby comes into play. You may find the time spent on a hobby outside your occupation brings relaxation to you.

When we moved back to Maine I began with an interest in fairies. There is an apple tree and a boulder out front that I was drawn to. The tree has a portion of the root system above ground. I kept thinking about what a neat place for fairies to live and I could picture my fairies playing around the boulder. It has been a process but that little interest turned into a collection of fairy items and into a hobby of writing my own fairy stories and, yes, I find writing and setting up a fairy village each summer very relaxing.

(My created fairies and their critter friends are outside and inside (taking over) the house. This place became known as Apple Tree Notch, home of the Bailey family of fairies.)

This example in no way represents the amount of collections in this house. There are decorative bird houses, costume jewelry (I take it apart and make other things), books both for the kids at school and ones for resource information of my many interests, etc. Right about now it is okay to start feeling bad for Ken, my significant other. Poor man, it’s not always easy to live with a person of many interests. One day I may try to make a list of all of them. Mr. Neat Freak has done well to adapt.

There are as many reasons, unlimited and changeable, for collecting things as there are collectors.

A woman I knew in Florida collected dolls. No, not the pretty collectible dolls one would normally picture. She would go to thrift stores and find a naked, nasty haired, neglected doll. She would take it home, clean it, repair it when necessary, dress it and fix the hair. Then she would be onto the next one. Other than giving to a few children that had a need, she would keep (collect) them. Her brother explained they were a large migrant working family (with an abusive, alcoholic father). Their father wouldn’t allow toys; there was no room to carry such around the country as they traveled from state to state for each crop season. She is fulfilling her childhood dream of pretty dolls.

I suppose I have to include something about hoarding. I told you of my having many interests and Ken thinks I have entered into hoarding. Hoarding is to collect and hide large amounts (something valuable). I am not hoarding, I’m not hiding a thing! However I am definitely collecting!

People gather all kinds of things for their collections or hobbies. It all starts with their interests. So rather you are a knitter (yarn), seamstress (material), hobbyist for trains and tracks or whatever your interest, I hope your collection brings you relaxation.

I’m just curious what your collections are. I will be waiting at to hear about your collections and how they started. Thanks for reading.