Local youth waiting for Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Nine-year-old Briannah is patiently waiting for the news that she has a Big Sister. She’s anxious to talk with her new friend about her interest in geology, maybe find unique rocks together in the Skowhegan community where she lives, and is especially excited to share her love for animals. Her mom, a single parent, hopes a one-to-one relationship with a female role model will give her daughter self-confidence, raise her aspirations and set her on the path to success.

Briannah is among 25 youth facing adversity in Kennebec and Somerset counties currently waiting to be matched with positive, adult role models to serve as community-based mentors through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine. According to Gwendolyn Hudson, BBBSMM executive director, about 60 percent of those waiting are young boys.

“It is not uncommon that women tend to volunteer to mentor more often than their male counterparts,” Hudson said, citing national BBBS of America statistics, but said the agency hopes to change that trend by finding caring, compassionate males in the community ready to share a little bit of their time to help change the life of a child.

BBBSMM recently started a “Waiting Wednesday” social media post on their Facebook and Instagram platforms, highlighting youth waiting to be match with community mentors.

Big Brother Richard Behr and his Little Brother, Jaxen, have been meeting every week for more than four years. Jaxen, now a teenager, was nine years old when they first met, and unsure what it would be like to have a Big Brother. His mother said he had intense anxiety in new situations and as a working parent with other young children at home, she recognized he wasn’t getting the one-on-one time with her that he used to. He was interested in outdoor activities, but didn’t have anyone to go with him. She said she hoped having a mentor would help Jaxen increase his confidence and give him the motivation to try new things.

Today, the match between Richard and Jaxen has brought them together to hike, snowshoe, fish and take on fun building projects together.

Adults interested in learning more about becoming a community-based mentor should contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine by calling 207-370-1674 or emailing reneeigo@bbbsmidmaine.org. For more information about how you can change the life of a child through volunteering or supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine, visit bbbsmidmaine.org.

REVIEW POTPOURRI – TV: NCIS; Conductor: Andre Cluytens; Film: Dark Eyes; Music: Liszt

Peter Catesby Peter Cates


Current Netflix 15th season

Mark Harmon

This program featuring naval intelligence stories is one that keeps on giving. I am convinced some viewers watch it for the facial expressions of Mark Harmon alone. The balance of humor and suspense is another factor. The addition of Maria Bello as special agent Jack is a third factor. The series is one special in ways beyond description. Try the first five episodes of the 15th season. They are entertaining.

Andre Cluytens

The Complete Concerto and Orchestral Recordings
Erato. 65 CDs.

Andre Cluytens

The conductor Andre Cluytens (1905-1967) was one very gifted individual. I have been collecting his recordings for about 20 years. They are the gift that keeps on giving as far as I am concerned. Beethoven Concertos with Solomon and Oistrakh. Debussy, Ravel, Franck, Bizet, Gounod, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rossini, etc…

The best approach would be to sample the various YouTubes and decide if he is for you. There are videos as well.

Dark Eyes

Nikita Mikhalkov

Dark Eyes is the 1987 film of Nikita Mikhalkov. Francis Lai’s soundtrack is a mixture of Mozart, Strauss, Rossini, Lehar and Francis Lai himself, most famous as the composer of A Man and a Woman. It is a mix most suitable for pleasant ambiance at dinner parties and very listenable. The soundtrack is on the DRG label, a cassette with the catalog number SBLC 12592. The actor Marcello Mastroianni.


Piano Concerto No. 2; Sonata in B minor.

Franz Liszt

The Concerto has Walter Susskind conducting the Philhar­monia Orchestra and the Angel lp is from the ‘50s – Angel 35031. Again this Polish pianist, Witold Malcuzynski, knew how to make the kind of music making that wore well, much like the conductor Andre Cluytens. His Liszt recordings had the combination of musicality and virtuosity that elevated my fondness for this composer, the 2nd Concerto and Sonata being cases in point.

YouTube is a good place to sample these selections mentioned above.

National Fire Prevention week

Jordynn Mann and Micah Waldie learn about the personal protective gear that firefighters wear in a fire environment with call firefighter and president of the Winslow Fire Association Nathaniel White. Winslow Fire & Rescue held their annual open house on Sept. 29, in preparation for National Fire Prevention week, Oct. 8. (Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff)

Anne Guadalupi named to Assumption College spring 2018 dean’s list

Assumption College, in Worcester, Massachusetts, has announced that Anne Guadalupi, of Augusta, is one of 590 students named to the College’s prestigious undergraduate Dean’s List for the spring 2018 semester. Guadalupi is a member of the Class of 2021.

Delaney Curran wins UVM George M. Happ award for biology

The University of Vermont Biology Department, in Burlington, Vermont, presented Delaney Curran, of Skowhegan, with the George M. Happ Award during the May 18 College of Arts and Sciences Awards Ceremony.

This award is presented to a student with outstanding academic performance and excellence in research in biology. Dr. Happ arrived at the University of Vermont as a professor and chairman of the Department of Zoology in 1978. He was instrumental in transforming the faculty to a teacher-scholar model and prioritized obtaining funding to stimulate research.

Beverage enrolls at Eastern Connecticut

Eastern Connecticut State University, in Willimantic, Connecticut, recently released its list of newly-enrolled students for the fall 2018 semester. Blake Beverage of Somerville, is attending Eastern this fall. Beverage’s major is biology.

ROTARY CLUB NEWS: Rotary Club seeks books for overseas literacy program

Gary Kennedyby Gary Kennedy

Once again we are looking for good books, especially for educational projects in the Third World. There are so many thirsty minds with educational needs in the world.

I have been doing schools and libraries for so long now that I am able to see results. An educated world is a more peaceful world. If we understand each other and speak the same language then we will understand and be more patient and tolerant with each other. I have several degrees and saved all my school books and finally said to myself, “What for?” I gave them a new home with my name and email address inside and have had several emails over time. Forbes, National Geographic and other professional magazines are always in great demand. Everything from Kinder to PhD is needed in Third World countries. Don’t sell them for pennies, nor for those valuable treasures wither and mold. Give them a new life. Perhaps you would put your name and email address in there and make a new friend.

I was asked to speak at an elementary graduation and gladly said, “Yes!” There were two other guest speakers; one was the mayor’s daughter of Tanza Cavite, Philippines, and another was a young man from public health. We all gave our words of encouragement to the children and at the end the speaker from public health wanted to have a word with me.

He said, “I graduated from nursing college even though my family was very poor.” He told me a coincidence went through his mind and was my name Kennedy? He said, “I went to the mayor for help with books and he gave me many books from the library stock room with the last name of Kennedy in them.” It turned out they were my nursing school books which I had donated. What are the chances of that happening? It was a nice day for me. Maybe you could have such a nice day.

Don’t sell your books for pennies or let them decay in the cellar. Give them so others can have the chances that you were given. A college graduate in a Third World country not only assures his or herself a good life but they are much into family and will always help others along the road to knowledge and peace as well. Education is what will bring us together. Of that I am sure. If you have good quality books of any kind we will give them a new home and they will be given for free. You can reach me at 207-458-2832. God bless.

SOLON & BEYOND: Tax collector resigns to work in private sector

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The following e-mail was sent by chairman of the board of selectmen Elaine Aloes: Leslie Giroux has resigned as Tax Collector/Clerk as of October 1, 2018. She has gotten a full time job in the private sector.

“We thank Leslie for her six years as tax collector/clerk. She did a great job serving our community. It was a hard decision for her to leave the town office and we, the selectmen, very reluctantly accepted her resignation . We wish her well at her new job.”

The selectmen have appointed our treasurer, Christine Jablon, as our tax collector/clerk effective October 1, 2018. Christine will continue as the town treasurer for the time being.

They are conducting interviews for a new treasurer and will, hopefully, make a decision on October 10, on a new treasurer.

They have decided to revise the town office hours from October 8 to the end of the year. They decided to have the town office also open on Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to noonand 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

This will give Christie more time to learn and adjust to her new job and to also train the new treasurer. Christie has only worked for the town since June of this year so she was still learning the treasurer’s job and had not yet done training for Leslie’s position. When Leslie informed she was leaving Christie started training for the tax collector/clerk position. Leslie will come in on Wednesday evenings for a while to help out.

They are planning on having a meeting with the budget committee on October 17 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss this and some other issues with them.

The office hours for the selectmen are Mon-Wed-Fri. 8 a.m. to noon and 1p.m. to 4 p.m., Wed 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

The next Embden Historical Society meeting is Monday, October 8, at 6:30 p.m., at the Embden Town House (751 Cross Town Road). The program “Sandy River Rangeley Lakes Railroad,” by Tom Moore, is scheduled for 7 p.m. All are welcome. Refreshments to follow.

The next Embden Community Center supper is scheduled for Saturday, October 13, at 5 p.m. Location is 797 Embden Pond Road (formerly Embden Elementary School). My continuing thanks to Carol Dolan for sharing the news with us.

Lief and I were in the large crowd that attended the bridge ceremony dedicated to Cpl. Eugene Cole, in Norridgewock, on Sunday. It was a very inspiring and well planned affair, and we were both glad we had attended it. The weather was cloudy and windy as we stood watching and listening to all the wonderful words spoken about this dedicated and special man. When the people started walking across the bridge, just dedicated, the sun came out in full force and it was beautiful!

I think by now, many of you must know that I grew up in Flagstaff. And I do have many fond memories of living there. The other day as I was going through old papers, I came across a very important looking certificate that stated: The United States Secret Service Treasury Department certifies that Marilyn Houston, a student at Flagstaff High School, has completed the Know your money – know your endorser course of study on this 7th day of February 1946, is now a member of the Secret Service Crime Prevention Club. It was signed by my teacher and the Chief U. S. Secret Service person at that time. I knew that Flagstaff gave me a good education, but I hadn’t realized it was way ahead of the times. I am sure that I am not still a member of the Secret Service!

And now for Percy’s memoir for this week: “Be Happy” Life’s a treasure cherish it, Enjoy everyone special you share it with. Be thankful for all you have and know. Be happy now before this minute goes. Time waits for no one, neither should you. Make the most out of life and all that you do. (found this saying on a small piece of paper, don’t know who wrote it…but it sounds like a good idea. Hope it makes your day!)

Central Maine Photography-sponsored Fairfield PAL soccer team

The Central Maine Photography-sponsored Fairfield PAL youth soccer team members include, front, from left to right, Samantha Hamilton, Dawson Chapman, Dylan Frugal, Dylan Dennison, Dylan Languet and Hailey Knowles. Back, Domanic Golder, Landon Letourneau, Zoe Hutchins, Drake Johnson, Seth Gallant and Ryan Lea, coach. (Photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography staff)

Lawrence boys soccer team shows support during National Breast Cancer Awareness month

(Photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography staff)

The Lawrence High School boys soccer team took to the fields this week wearing pink and black jerseys to show their support during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.