Week of August 23, 2018

Week of August 23, 2018

Celebrating 30 years of local news

Community comes together to surpass fundraising goal

On August 19, more than 1,000 runners and walkers came together for a half marathon and a 5K in honor of Corporal Eugene Cole. Just four months ago Cpl.l Cole was slain in his line of duty as a Somerset County Sheriff’s Deputy (more)

New Dimensions FCU 5th annual “Cruisin’ For A Cure Car Show” raises money for cancer program

On Saturday, June 2, 134 participants showed up at Faith Evangelical Free Church, on Kennedy Memorial Drive, and entered their showcase cars into one of 23 offered classes (more)

Your Local News

New causeway bridge gets all local permits

CHINA — China Planning Board members have approved the necessary local permit for the new causeway bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin…

Selectmen set tax rate at 15.8 mils, down by 0.1 mils

CHINA — China selectmen have set the 2018-19 tax rate at 15.8 mils ($15.80 for each $1,000 of valuation), a decrease of 0.1 mil (or 10 cents per $1,000) from the 2017-18 rate…

Webber Pond Association members tackle many subjects at annual meeting

Webber Pond

VASSALBORO — At their August 18 annual meeting, members of the Webber Pond Association heard about water levels and clarity, bacterial infections, increasing the alewife harvest, changing the annual meeting date, and finally, a presentation on ways to deal with the increased amount of weeds…

Palermo’s Branch Mills Grange hosts annual awards dinner

PALERMO — Palermo’s Branch Mills Grange #336 hosted its annual awards dinner on August 9. The grange presents two awards annually…

Windsor Fair 2018 schedule of events

WINDSOR — What’s going on at the Windsor Fair? Find out here!

Take our weekly survey!

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School News

Erskine Academy bus route schedule for 2018-19 school year

Students should be at their pick-up points 5-10 minutes before the stated pick-up times for the first few days of school. Bus fare is $10 per week. Parents of freshmen are advised to check the bus schedule at New Student Orientation…

Area students named to Colby College’s highly selective dean’s list

Area students were recently named to the highly selective dean’s list at Colby College, in Waterville, for outstanding academic achievement during the spring semester of the 2017-18 academic year…

Local residents graduate from WPI

The following local students received bachlor’s degree at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, in Worcester, Massachusetts…

Students graduate from St. Lawrence University

Nearly 520 students received bachelor degrees from St. Lawrence University during Commencement ceremonies held on May 20 in Canton, New York…

Browne named to dean’s list at Coastal Carolina University

More than 2,000 Coastal Carolina University students were named to the dean’s list for the Spring 2018 semester, in Conway, South Carolina…

Pelletier named to dean’s list

Kaitlynn Pelletier of Waterville, is one of nearly 700 Lebanon Valley College students named to the dean’s list for the spring semester, in Annville, Pennsylvania…

Springfield College recognizes dean’s list students

Springfield College, in Springfield, Massachusetts, named the following local students to the dean’s list for academic excellence for the spring 2018 term…

Lakey performs in Wheaton College commencement celebration concert

Wheaton College student Adrienne Lakey, of Winslow, recently performed in the 2018 Commencement Celebration Concert. Lakey sang soprano I with the Women’s Chorale…

URI graduates local students

The following students from the area graduated from the University of Rhode Island, in Kingston, Rhode Island…


WATERVILLE: Boston Red Sox pitcher Mike Torrez delivers the pitch that Bucky Dent hit over the Green Monster for a three-run home run to lead the New York Yankees over the Red Sox, 5-4, in a one-game playoff on Oct. 2, 1978. They will meet again on Wed., Sept. 5, from 5 – 8 p.m., at the Proper Pig, on Common St. They will have photos, sign autographs, tell stories and more….

Obituaries – Week of August 23, 2018

FAIRFIELD – Susan Allein died on Tuesday, July 3, 2018. She had been ill in several ways for some time, but death came unexpectedly. Susan was born in Los Angeles, California, and attended schools in Alhambra, becoming a Top Twenty national champion debater before entering Occidental College… and remembering 11 others…

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of August 23, 2018

The best recent photos from our readers!

Town Line Original Columnists


by Roland D. Hallee | Cicadas are green bugs, usually one to two inches in length with prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae and clear wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced not by stridulation (making shrill or chirping sounds by rubbing certain body parts together), but by vibrating drum-like tymbals rapidly…


by Peter Cates |  This week I am focusing on the recordings of the Violin Concerto of Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), conceived in 1838 and completed and first performed by the composer’s concertmaster, Ferdinand David, of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, where Mendelssohn was music director from 1835 to 1847…

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & PercySOLON & BEYOND

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Here I sit once again at this computer, hoping against hope to find some news that I can share with all of you. But there is nothing… and so I’ll write a bit about what Lief and I have been doing…


by Debbie Walker | There are a lot of items now that it seems have multiple purposes. My question is “exactly how were these uses for items discovered?”…


by Dr. Suneel K. Basra | As a foot and ankle surgeon, I often hear “It’s just a sprain, no big deal.” Sometimes, however, a sprain can be, or become, serious. Sprained ankles are painful and can temporarily limit a patient’s ability to walk normally, so accurate diagnosis and treatment are necessary for proper healing…

Why Won’t My Ankle Sprain Heal?

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Why Won’t My Ankle Sprain Heal?

by Suneel K. Basra, DPM, FACFAS

(NAPSI)—As a foot and ankle surgeon, I often hear “It’s just a sprain, no big deal.” Sometimes, however, a sprain can be, or become, serious. Sprained ankles are painful and can temporarily limit a patient’s ability to walk normally, so accurate diagnosis and treatment are necessary for proper healing.

When a foot and ankle surgeon examines your ankle, he or she can determine the location and severity of the sprain, if the ligament is partially or fully torn, and if there is a broken bone or dislocation of the joint. All this affects treatment and recovery. A bone typically heals in six to eight weeks; a ligament sprain can take three to six months.

Dr. Suneel K. Basra

Most ankle injuries—roughly 80 percent—require no surgical intervention. If just the outer ligament is injured, we can typically reduce pain and swelling with a combination of ice, wraps and rest to lessen the chance of further tearing of the ligament.

The other 20 percent of patients might not have sought immediate care, and what began as a less severe sprain may have turned more severe, possibly requiring surgery.

Sprains not adequately rehabilitated or repeat injuries can cause chronic ankle instability—marked by persistent discomfort and a giving way of the ankle from stretched or torn ligaments. Proper rehabilitation and treatment can strengthen the muscles around the ankle and retrain the tissues within the ankle that affect balance to help prevent further sprains or injuries. Surgery is sometimes also needed.

For more information or to find a foot and ankle surgeon near you, visit www.FootHealthFacts.org, the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons’ patient education website.

Dr. Basra is a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon and Fellow Member of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Cicadas: they’re everywhere, you just can’t see them

Annual cicada photographed by Jayne Winters, of South China, taken last summer at her camp on Sebec Lake.

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

While browsing through some old emails recently, I noticed one that I had planned to respond to, but as often happens, I was sidetracked and never got back to it. It was an email with photos of cicadas with an inquiry. I apologize to that person for not getting to this sooner.

Cicadas are green bugs, usually one to two inches in length with prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae and clear wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced not by stridulation (making shrill or chirping sounds by rubbing certain body parts together), but by vibrating drumlike tymbals rapidly.

The “singing’ of male cicadas is not stridulation such as many familiar species of insects produce, like crickets, for example. Instead, male cicadas have a resilin structure call a tymbal below each side of the anterior abdominal region. Contraction of internal muscles buckles the tymbals inwards, thereby producing a click; on relaxation of the muscles, the tymbals return to their original position, producing another click. By rapidly vibrating these membranes, a cicada combines the clicks into apparently continuous notes. Only the males “sing.” However, both males and females have membranous structures called tympana by which they detect sounds, the equivalent of having ears.

Cicada found by Stan Ludzko, of Gardner, Massachusetts, during a stay at Green Valley Campground, in Vassalboro, in 2012

To the human ear, it is often difficult to tell precisely where a cicada’s song originates. The pitch is nearly constant, the sound is continuous to the human ear, and cicadas sing in scattered groups.

The question posed was as to whether it was a periodic cicada, which spend most of their lives as underground nymph, emerging only after 13 to 17 years. This may reduce losses by starving their predators and eventually emerging in huge numbers that overwhelm and satiate any remaining predators.

At least 3,000 cicada species are distributed worldwide with the majority of them being in the tropics. Most are restricted to a single biogeographical region and many species have a very limited range.

Many of North American species are in the genus Neotibicen: the annual or jar fly or dog-day cicadas (so named because they emerge in late July and August). The best-known North American genus, however, Magicicada, have an extremely long life cycle of 13 – 17 years, suddenly and briefly emerging in large numbers.

After mating, the female cuts slits into the bark of a twig where she deposits her eggs. When the eggs hatch, the newly-hatched nymphs drop to the ground and burrow. Cicadas live underground as nymphs for most of their lives at depths down to about eight feet. Nymphs have strong front legs for digging and excavating chambers in close proximity to roots where they feed on xylem sap (the woody vascular tissue of a plant). In the process, their bodies and interior of the burrow become coated with anal fluids. In wet habitats, larger species construct mud towers above ground in order to aerate their burrows. In the final instar, they construct an exit tunnel to the surface and emerge. They then molt (shed their skins) on a nearby plant for the last time, and emerge as adults. The exoskeleton remains, still clinging to the bark of the tree.

The long life cycles may have developed as a response to predators, such as the cicada killer wasp and praying mantis. A specialist predator with a shorter life cycle of at least two years could not reliably prey upon the cicadas.

an internet photo of an annual cicada

Other predators include bats, spiders and robber flies. Cicadas are fast flyers and can escape if disturbed, and they are well camouflaged. They are difficult to find by birds that hunt by sight.

Cicadas have been featured in literature since the time of Homer’s Iliad. They are also mentioned in Chinese and Japanese literature. Cicadas are also a frequent subject of haiku, where, depending on type, they can indicate spring, summer or autumn.

Cicadas have been used as money, in folk medicine, to forecast the weather, to provide song (in China), and in folklore and myths around the world.

Cicadas feed on sap; they do not bite or sting in a true sense, but may occasionally mistake a person’s arm for a plant limb and attempt to feed. They are not a major agricultural pest but in some outbreak years, trees may be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of females laying their eggs in the shoots.

The periodical cicada, which takes 13-17 years to emerge, does not exist in Maine. The Maine cicadas are the annual or dog-day species, which emerge in late July and August. It is common to discover a cicada’s shed exoskeleton on a tree (in Maine, at least) than it is to find an actual cicada. That it because they are strong fliers that spend their time high in the trees, so without the mass emergences that take place in other regions of the country, one is not very likely to encounter one in Maine very often, making them a thing of curiosity for anyone unfamiliar with them.

I have seen cicadas at my camp, but only on a few occasions.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

In 2017, Cory Kluber, of the Cleveland Indians, was named AL Cy Young Award winner. Who was second in the balloting?

Answer can be found here.

Roland’s Trivia Question, Week of August 23, 2018

In 2017, Cory Kluber, of the Cleveland Indians, was named AL Cy Young Award winner. Who was second in the balloting?


Chris Sale, of the Boston Red Sox.

Lakey performs in Wheaton College commencement celebration concert

Wheaton College student Adrienne Lakey, of Winslow, recently performed in the 2018 Commencement Celebration Concert. Lakey sang soprano I with the Women’s Chorale.

The Wheaton College Conservatory of Music provides students with comprehensive instruction that cultivates creativity, proficiency, and achievement in a Christ-centered environment. Wheaton College is located in Wheaton, Illinois.

SOLON & BEYOND: No news! so this is what Leif and I did in our travels

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Here I sit once again at this computer, hoping against hope to find some news that I can share with all of you. But there is nothing… and so I’ll write a bit about what Lief and I have been doing. We have been on the road quite a lot. Last weekend, we spent three days up in Lief’s favorite, the ‘County.’ We had a wonderful time, visiting with some of his family, and going to his annual school reunion supper. On Saturday the veterans were honored in the parade, and Lief was among them on a float with many of his friends. It had rained in the early morning, but cleared up before the parade started.

Many of the fields were full of different crops: potatoes, wheat, grain, cabbages, and some others; but there was a new one added this year! Acres and acres of sunflowers, all in bloom! Such a beautiful sight, it was breath taking for our artists ‘ eyes to see so many different colors in the wide open spaces up in that county.

Now, I’m going to share with all of you about the mystery that Lief and I are having to put up with, (especially with all the traveling we’ve been doing!) Lief had discovered some evidence a while back that we had some unwanted critters traveling with us. He found lots of torn up toilet paper in the back under the seats and other things that were wrong. We had discovered the problem on one of our trips up to camp. Eleanor had given Lief two mouse traps as we were leaving, and they put peanut butter on both traps. The next morning after we got home, he checked the traps and lo and behold, the peanut butter was gone but the trap had not been sprung! My only explanation is, there must be two of these critters, and one holds the spring while the other one eats the peanut butter, and then they switch places!

Anyway, we haven’t been able to corner whatever has been traveling with us, and when we were on the interstate traveling to the ‘County,’ I suggested that it might be wise not to go 75 miles an hour, because if that “whatever it is” climbs up my leg, I’m going to yell bloody murder! We did make it up to the county and back, as you can see.

And so, as always, I would love to hear from you, with some of your news, but since I haven’t recently, ” I’m going to end with more of Percy’s memoirs.

One entitled: Little Things: It’s not the great things in this world that make our lives worthwhile, It’s the little things like a tiny flower or perhaps a baby’s smile. A little word, sincerely spoken, can lift our spirits high; Like a tiny bird perched on a limb sends his message to the sky. A little dewdrop on a rose and tiny blades of grass, All sparkle in the sunlight, to cheer us as we pass. The lovely johnny jumpups, the smallest flower that grows, Delight the heart of youngsters peeping up around their toes. A friendly gesture or a smile mean more to me than gold. They help us feel that someone cares when we are growing old. Money cannot buy the things that mean so much to me, They are part of God’s creation, and all of them are free. (words by Laina Owen.)

And now for two that I hope give you a good laugh. They were sent to me back in 2002. In a Uniontown, Pennsylvania, cemetery: Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake. Stepped on the gas instead of the brake. And this one, on the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhousie Cemetery, Nova Scotia: Here lies Ezekial Aikle. Age 102. The Good Die Young.

May you all have a wonderful week! Will try and gather up more news next week.

Area students named to Colby College’s highly selective dean’s list

Area students were recently named to the highly selective dean’s list at Colby College, in Waterville, for outstanding academic achievement during the spring semester of the 2017-18 academic year. Each student is one of 438 Colby students – or 23 percent of the qualified student body – to qualify for the dean’s list last semester. Students earned a semester grade point average of 3.75 or higher to qualify the dean’s list last semester.

Jonathan A. Allard, a member of the Class of 2021, attended Medomak Valley High School and is the son of Laura Roberts, of Washington. He majored in computer science.

Eleanor Rose M. Theriault, a member of the Class of 2021, attended Erskine Academy, in South China, and is the daughter of David and Linda Theriault, of Vassalboro. She majored in global studies and Spanish.

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Multi-purpose items

by Debbie Walker

There are a lot of items now that it seems have multiple purposes. My question is “exactly how were these uses for items discovered?”

One item on my uses list for Coke Cola (and store brand cola) is giving a scrapbook page a vintage look. Apply a few drops to a copy of a photo or document, pat, let dry and ta-da an “old” photo. So … someone tipped a glass over, quickly wiped it off and “Oh My look what happened.” Making pennies shiny was probably a similar situation.

Shiny hair – after spilling on your hair (or dog’s hair) and rinsing off would I notice it was shinier? Supposedly you can de-gum hair by soaking the area in Coke for a few minutes and rinse.

Have you ever defrosted your windshield or washed a home window using Coke? Gargling with Coke for a sore throat; why not just drink it? Soaking a steak covered in Coke to tenderize (I could probably follow that recipe for a marinade!)

How exactly do we go from recipes to cleaning off battery terminals and rust from bumpers or to clean toilets (that didn’t work for me!).

Now, I am moving onto uses of toothpaste. I have used toothpaste to patch a hole in a wall and then moved. I hope it worked. However, I never thought of using it to clean the underside of my fingernails. From feet to teeth, who would have thunk it!

Have you seen the kits to clean headlights? Toothpaste can be used to clean them. But are they talking about the actual bulb or the cover? Anyone know?

Ever get stains and smells in plastic ware? Toothpaste clean. Get garlic and onion smells (etc?) off your hands. Toothpaste clean. Clean off your sticky iron base (if you still have one!). Scuff marks on wood floors. Toothpaste clean. Erase crayon marks from walls. Toothpaste clean.

I had not even heard the term Witch Hazel since I was a young girl. My great-grandmother used it but I was too young to remember for what purpose. Then I saw uses for it in Woman’s World magazine. Yes, I now have a bottle. Soo…..

Declump (new word) nail polish by adding a few drops and stir. Window cleaner – use one cup witch hazel, one cup water and a few drops of dish soap. Spray on glass.

Poison ivy – soak paper towel in witch hazel and dab on itch. Mosquito bites – 1 cup of witch hazel, one cup of water and 20 drops scented essential oil in spray bottle. Might be a good one?

For the last hint: Need a cool nights sleep? Think I will try this one: fill a hot water bottle with equal parts water and rubbing alcohol, freeze it, lay a dish towel over it and slide into pillowcase on top of pillow. The liquids should turn into a very cold slush. Maybe, who knows.

I am just curious who and what happened to the person who discovered using Preparation H for bags under their eyes? Contact me a dwdaffy@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading and don’t forget that we have a website and archives thanks to Eric!

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Composer: Felix Mendelssohn, Part 1

Peter Catesby Peter Cates

Felix Mendelssohn

This week I am focusing on the recordings of the Violin Concerto of Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), conceived in 1838 and completed and first performed by the composer’s concertmaster, Ferdinand David, of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, where Mendelssohn was music director from 1835 to 1847. David also proved invaluable with his advice on many as­pects of scoring.

The Concerto has been performed and recorded innumerable times. This week, I would like to briefly comment on recordings that have given much pleasure over the decades and particularly emphasize the work’s rich catalog of different individual violinists who have their own styles, yet have conveyed the beauties of the Concerto itself.

Ferdinand David

Several historic recordings are worth searching out. Fritz Kreisler recorded a Victor 78 set back in the ‘30s, with the very competent Sir Landon Ronald, that was warmly expressive in its aristocratic framework. During the same decade, Joseph Szigeti gave a reading with the most exquisite bowing and phrasing, with Sir Thomas Beecham’s elegant, vibrant conducting of his own carefully formed and meticulously rehearsed London Philharmonic, then at its peak as possibly the finest recording orchestra in the world and creating a catalog of pristine Columbia

Fritz Kreisler

Mischa Elman did an RCA Victor album in the mid-’40s with the Chicago Symphony, under the Belgian conductor, Desire Defauw, in a style best described as that of tasteful reserve and nicely matching Defauw’s own interpretive worldview . Within a couple of years, Beecham’s elegant, vibrant conducting, provided for Szigeti more than ten years earlier, would rev up his recording with the then newly-formed Royal Philharmonic into a riveting collaboration with the dashing Jascha Heifetz, also an RCA Victor release.

To be continued next week!

(Read part 2 here.)

Webber Pond Association members tackle many subjects at annual meeting

Webber Pond

A “field” of weeds in the northwestern corner of Webber Pond. Photo courtesy of Frank Richards, president of Webber Pond Association.

by Roland D. Hallee

At their August 18 annual meeting, held at the Vassalboro Community School, members of the Webber Pond Association heard about various matters of interest, including water levels and clarity, bacterial infections, increasing the alewife harvest, changing the annual meeting date, and finally, a presentation on ways to deal with the increased amount of weeds in Webber Pond.

There was concern about the water level in the pond, which drew considerable dialogue. As of August 18, the water level in the pond was four inches below the spillway following the heavy rains of the previous two days. Prior to that the water level had been measured at six inches below the spillway by association president Frank Richards. Phil Innes, who monitors the dam, reported at the meeting the levels had risen. He had taken the latest reading the morning of the meeting. It is recommended the level be set at one to two inches below the spillway by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

All the boards are in the dam except for one which must be left open to allow the egress of mature alewives, who otherwise would have no way to exit the pond. Doing so allows more water to escape the lake than would be ideal. Failure to allow the mature alewives to leave the pond could possibly result in around 100,000 alewives trapped in the lake, eventually dying, creating even more problems in the lake, according to Vice President Charles Backenstose.

Richards mentioned conversations with the state that a specially-engineered egress channel could possibly be installed that would allow the fish to continue to exit the pond, but by releasing much less water. This method is now being used in new fish ladder construction, and has proven to be successful, according to Richards.

Backenstose, who monitors water clarity in the lake through Secchi Disk readings, reported that water clarity was typical from mid-May through late June at 14 – 15 feet. “This is pretty amazing, considering that last year at this time, visibility was about half that,” he reported in the group’s newsletter. “The dry weather may have contributed to clearer water.”

Although, at the meeting, Backenstose reported that as of the week of August 12, water clarity had diminished to about six feet.

Answering a concern about incidents of bacterial infections reported in the local newspapers at other central Maine lakes, Director Susan Traylor reported that Webber Pond has never appeared on the list of lakes where these types of bacteria, including e-coli, have been identified.

Traylor also made a presentation about the possibility of increasing the alewife harvest. In her research, she concluded the lake association should recommend to the town of Vassalboro that the town submit a revised alewife harvest plan to the Maine Department of Marine Resources for the 2019 season that would allow a change to the current harvest plan, which has been in place for over a decade. She concluded that no more than 240,000 alewives should be allowed to enter the pond.

In an article in the newsletter, Traylor states the 240,000 target allows for 100 alewives per acre in both Webber and Three Mile ponds. In 2018, 461,000 alewives entered Webber Pond. Of these, an estimated 38,000 went to Three Mile Pond (about 33 per acre). This left 423,000 (352 alewives per acre) in Webber.

This study came as a result of the issue having been raised at the 2017 annual meeting that maybe there were now too many alewives entering the lake, possibly creating an imbalance in nutrients being brought into the lake as opposed to what is removed with the fall egress of the young alewives.

Two options were presented to the membership by Traylor. Richards suggested the body give the president permission to use option #1 in his negotiations with the DMR. That option states: [The lake association] recommends that the town of Vassalboro submit a plan to DMR to harvest seven days a week once a target number of 240,000 alewives have entered Webber, with no further alewife entry to the pond. In 2018, following this practice with a target of 240,000 alewives would have allowed the boards in the dam to be replaced on May 30, rather than June 16.

Presently, the plan calls for alewife passage for three days a week and allows alewife harvesting the other four days. There is no limit on the number of alewives that can enter the pond.

Replacing the boards at the dam on the latter date in 2018 contributed, to some degree, to the lower water levels in early summer.

Jim Hart, director of the China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA), warned against acting too quickly. In his address, he stated that alewives return to their place of birth. Therefore, alewives that are leaving Three Mile Pond, and returning to the ocean to mature, will be back in four years. They will most likely return to Three Mile Pond, and not stay in Webber Pond. That could affect the number of alewives that remain in Webber Pond, and vice versa. He suggested a three- to four-year trial period.

The motion to recommend increasing alewife harvest was the only item on the agenda that caused lengthy discussion, with the final straw vote being 17-8 in favor of the increase. The DMR has final say on the matter.

The final item on the agenda was a presentation by Nick Jose, a Vassalboro resident who is a third-generation resident of Webber Pond. He had seen a video on YouTube describing a piece of equipment that would literally mow the weeds on the pond.

The machinery would cut the weeds two feet down from the water surface, gathered into hoppers, brought to shore and loaded into trucks by conveyor belt, to be hauled away to a composting facility. Presently, he states, weeds are being cut by boat propellers and float to the surface. The wind carries the weeds to various locations on the lake, where they eventually sink, decay and begin the reseeding process that multiplies the weed infestation.

The equipment, which he said he was willing to invest in, carries a price tag of $200,000. Negotiations would have to take place to find a way to fund this project on both Webber and Three Mile ponds. He estimated the process would probably have to be repeated twice a year. He also stated the practice is ongoing throughout the country, and that DMR would be receptive to this program as long as the lake association was on board.

The question of whether there is milfoil present was answered by Richards, stating the weeds in the pond are native aquatic vegetation.

In other business, officers were elected: Frank Richards, president; Charles Backenstose, vice president; Rebecca Lamey, secretary; John Reuthe, treasurer.

Directors elected were returning directors Robert Bryson, Scott Buchert, Mary Bussell, Darryl Federchak, Roland Hallee, Phil Innes, Jennifer Lacombe, Robert Nadeau, Stephen Pendley, John Reuthe, Susan Traylor and James Webb. Pearley LaChance was named as a new director.

The annual drawdown of the pond, which historically has been a contentious subject, was set for Monday, September 17, at 8 a.m., by a unanimous vote of the membership.

Richards posed a question to the membership on the possibility of changing the date of the annual meeting to earlier in the summer. The straw vote showed the majority present preferred retaining the current date of the third Saturday in August.

Richards’ annual question as to whether anyone has caught, or heard of someone catching, a northern pike in Webber Pond was met with no response from those present.

The association also voted to contribute $1,500 to the CRLA.