Legal Notices, Week of June 28, 2018

18-A MRSA sec. 3-801

The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice June 21, 2018.

If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by his name, a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-A MRSA 3-804.

2018-156 – Estate of EDMUND F. WEBB, late of West Forks Plantation, Me. Gerald F. Stackpole, PO Box 136, West Forks, Me 04985 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-159 – Estate of McKINLEY DOODY, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Debra Doody, 272 Upper Main Street, Fairfield, Me 04937 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-162 – Estate of MICHAEL DAVID LANGE, late of Saint Albans, Me deceased. Leslie D. Obiri, 2520 Walters Way #24, Concord, CA 94520 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-163 – Estate of ALMA L. FRENCH, late of Solon, Me deceased. James Abbott Withers, 433 Reids Road Extension, Echo Bay ON P0S 1C0 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-164 – Estate of LEONA A. SMITH, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Grayln S. Smith, PO Box 128, Greenville, Me 04441 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-165 – Estate of BRADLEY M. KING, late of Madison, Me deceased. Kerryann Davis, 37 Lakewood Road, Madison, Me 04950 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-169 – Estate of VIOLA M. HUTCHINS, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Renee Reynolds, 23 Hutchins Road, Fairfield, Me 04937 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-170 – Estate of LINWOOD S. DUNPHY, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Colleen D. Martin, 223 Hamilton Terrace, Pittsfield, Me 04967 and James D. Dunphy, 122 Lincoln Street, Pittsfield, Me 04967 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2018-171 – Estate of CLARENCE T. LIVINGSTONE, late of Moxie Gore Township, Me deceased. Clarence Ayotte, 456 Campground Road, North Anson, Me 04958 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-172 – Estate of MARYANN SHAW, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Robert Shaw, 23 Dominic Street, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-173 – Estate of TROY G. CORMIER, late of Jackman, Me deceased. Tracy H. Cormier, 40 Donovan Road, No. Brookfield, MA 01535 and Todd R. Cormier, 111 Waite Corner Road, No. Brookfield, MA 01535 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.

2018-174 – Estate of IRENE F. TUTTLE, late of Canaan, Me deceased. Trudy Tuttle Hart, 74 Main Street, Canaan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-175 – Estate of THEODORE W. WEBB III, late of Madison, Me deceased. Gannet N. White, 118 North Street, Waterville, Me 04901 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-047 – Estate of ROMONA MAE BROWN, late of Hartland, Me deceased. Todd Brown, 351 Nokomis Road, St. Albans, Me 04971 and Troy Chipman, 1107 Canaan Road, Hartland, Me 04943 appointed Co-Personal Representative.

2018-180 – Estate of ROLAND J. LEARY, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Travis C. Leary, 241 Hill Road, Clinton, Me 04927 appointed Personal Representative.

To be published on June 21, 2018 & June 28, 2018.
Dated: June 19, 2018 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate

Estate of
DOCKET NO. 2018-175

It appearing that the following heir of THEODORE W. WEBER III, as listed in an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative is of unknown address as listed below:

George Weber, address unknown

THEREFORE, notice is hereby given as heir of the above named estate, pursuant to Maine Rules of Probate Procedure Rule 4(d) (1) (a), and Rule 4 (e) a.

This notice shall be published once a week for two successive weeks in The Town Line, with the first publication date to be June 21, 2018.

Names and address of Personal Representative: Gannet N. White, 118 North Street, Waterville, Me 04901.

Dated: June 21, 2018
/s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate

I’M JUST CURIOUS: New T-shirt sayings

by Debbie Walker

Okay, so I spent too much time looking at catalogs! I see these T-shirts and I like some of the sayings, I rip out the page and maybe more than one! I eventually have enough collected to share with you. I hope they entice you to smile like I am.

Not my circus, not my Monkeys

Can we just admit we may have taken this “anyone can grow up to be President” thing just a bit too far?

Wait! I do not snore! I dream I am a motorcycle!

You are about to EXCEED the limits of my medication.

I’m going to stop asking “How dumb can you get?” People seem to be taking it as a challenge!

If I am ever on life support, Unplug me. Then plug me back in. See if it works!

Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet!

I’m not even a hot mess… I’M JUST A MESS!

Sorry I’m late…. I didn’t want to come.

Marriage: When dating goes too far!

You know that little thing inside your head that keeps you from saying things you shouldn’t? Yeah, I don’t have one of those.

Elect a clown, expect a circus!

DON’T grow up, It’s a trap!!

Sometimes I meet people and feel bad for their dog.

Telling a woman to calm down works about as well as baptizing a cat!

Life is too short to waste time matching socks.

Sawdust is Man glitter!

Being cremated is my last hope for a smoking hot body.

I’m more confused than a chameleon in a bag of Skittles!

I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.

I meant to BEHAVE but there were too many other OPTIONS.

In my defense, I was left unsupervised.

You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions!

You can’t scare me, I have a daughter!

When women get to a certain age they start accumulating cats, this is known as ‘many paws’

I didn’t trip I do random gravity checks (me lately!)

If I woke up in the morning and nothing hurt I would think I was Dead!

The 12-Step Chocoholics Program, Never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate!

I should be given an award for keeping my mouth shut when there’s so much that needs said!

Crazy? I prefer the term Hilariously Unstable.

Onion rings are vegetable donuts.

I am NOT just an Aunt. I am a loving, beautiful, awesome bundle of wonderful.

Line dancing was started by women waiting to use the bathroom.

I’m still hot; It just comes in flashed now.

I hope this gave you some smiles. I always enjoy reading them. I like the ones like “Crazy, I prefer Hilariously Unstable!” That is me! My niece tells me I am a wonderful aunt but of course she is a wonderful niece!

I’m just curious what T-shirt line gave you a laugh. Contact me at with your questions or comments. I enjoy them. Okay, onto my next project for the day! Thanks for reading.

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Composers: Anton Bruckner and Burt Bacharach

Peter Catesby Peter Cates


Symphony No. 8
Anton Nanut conducting the Ljublana Symphony Orchestra; Stradivari Classics, SCD-6059, CD, recorded 1980s.

Anton Bruckner

If I had to pick only one conductor whose recordings I could take to a desert island, it would be Anton Nanut (1932-2017) . He conducted almost every piece of music as if it were the most beautiful and exciting music to be heard this side of heaven, equaling, if not surpassing, the most well known conductors of the last 100 years.

He was below the radar of listeners in the United States during the Iron Curtain years, pre-1989, as he transformed the orchestra in Ljublana, Slovenia, then a part of Yugoslavia, into a world class ensemble. Since the late ‘80s, his recordings began appearing mainly on cheapie labels while his frequent appearances in Japan and more sporadic ones in the U.S. increased his international reputation. Meanwhile, live concerts with Japanese orchestras have appeared on that country’s labels and are super expensive on Amazon- I do own a CD of a 2013 live concert featuring one very powerful and beautiful Brahms 4th Symphony among the batch of Brahms 4ths on my shelves and paid a few dollars more than the norm.

The 8th Symphony of Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) is a magnificently beautiful, soaring, exciting 76 minutes of music that displays the full range of the orchestra. Being a devout Catholic, Bruckner intended for his music to praise God, to evoke His full glory. Nanut delivered a gripping, deeply moving performance and I found a copy of the cd at the Waterville Bull Moose for 4 bucks after searching high and low on Amazon.

Several Nanut recordings can also be heard on YouTube.

Burt Bacharach

Plays His Hits
Kapp, KS-3577, stereo LP, released 1965.

Burt Bacharach

Now 90, Burt Bacharach has been intertwined with so much of pop music’s infrastructure as a composer, pianist, arranger, conductor, etc. I would recommend a reading of his Wiki biography which is a super-lengthy chronicle of his hugely phenomenal musical achievements by themselves. The Dionne Warwick mega-hits; the musical Promises, Promises; and his collaborations with Carol Bayer Sager, Christopher Cross and Elvis Costello are still tips of the iceberg.

The LP posted above with chorus and orchestra is a suavely and vibrantly played assortment of 11 songs, over half of which have been recorded a zillion times and features such classics as Always Something There to Remind Me, Walk on By, Wives and Lovers, Blue on Blue, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart and Joel Grey doing vocal honors on What’s New Pussycat.

And most of it can be heard on Youtube!

The great conductor, Herbert von Karajan (1908-1989), recorded one beauty of a Dvorak New World Symphony for Deutsche Grammophon with the Berlin Philharmonic back in 1964, and it can be bought cheaply through Amazon as part of a mega box set of many CDs featuring this conductor’s legacy or as a single CD. He did at least four others but this is the only DG one with the Berlin Philharmonic. And this recording is on YouTube also!

Waterville’s First Baptist Church celebrates 200 years

by Roland D. Hallee

On the corner of Elm and Park streets, in Waterville, stands one of the more magnificent buildings in the city. An iconic landmark that stands tall in the Waterville skyline. This year, the congregation of the First Baptist Church will celebrates its 200th birthday. The official date of the anniversary is July 15, 1818.

According to Jan Goddard, chairman of the 200th anniversary committee, church secretary, and China resident, “Two hundred is a number. Numbers in themselves are insignificant; it is the events of those years that make it significant.”

The First Baptist Church, circa 1955, which doesn’t look much different than today. (Contributed photos)

Organized by Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, in 1818, the original meeting house was located in a farmhouse on the site later occupied by the Elmwood Hotel, at the intersection of Main Street and College Avenue. Chaplin was the first president of Colby College, when it was located on College Ave., where the Waterville Police Station, Social Security Office, and the Waterville Homeless Shelter now stand. Recognizing the need for the college to be affiliated with a church, Chaplin gathered a few Baptist families at his home, a building later known as the Elmwood Hotel.

The First Baptist Society, a legal entity to hold property, was formed in 1924, and the society sold pews to help finance the new meeting house. At a cost of $4,000, the new meeting house was completed in 1926, on the corner of Elm and Park streets. The main part of the building still rests on the original foundation. The land was donated by Timothy Boulette, Waterville’s leading attorney and state senator.

“This small group of Baptists did not want to depend on the availability of the town meetinghouse, where most others met to worship,” Goddard added. “They were determined to have their own church.” *

Stephen Chapin served as part-time minister until the election of the first full-time pastor, Harvey Fritz, in 1829.

Between 1836 and 1904, additions were built in four separate stages, resulting in the present vestries, classrooms, parlors and dining facilities.

The bell was hung in the belfry in 1844 and the first small reed organ was put in place in 1850.

In 1855 saw the first major alterations to the sanctuary with the removal of the doors from the pews, the lowering of the pulpit and the installation of carpeting.

In 1866 the congregation accepted into membership Samuel Osborne, a former Negro slave, on his own statement that he had been baptized and accepted into a church in Culpepper, Virginia, where the Civil War had destroyed all records.

In 1877, the first baptism was performed inside. Previously, all baptisms had taken place either in the Kennebec River or Messalonskee Stream.

The church underwent major renovations in 1875, and services were temporarily held at the Unitarian Church. The re-dedication sermon was delivered by Rev. George Dan Boardman Pepper, the only man since Jeremiah Chaplin to be both pastor of the First Baptist Church and President of Colby College.

In the 35 years between 1879 and 1914, only two men served as pastor, William Spencer (1879-1899) and Edwin Whittemore (1899-1914).

Electric lighting was installed in 1889.

The pipe organ that is now used in the church. Contributed photo)

Rev. William Spencer, who had a successful pastorate at the church for more than 20 years, shared his appreciation of music and secured the enrichment of the service of song, most notably with the purchase of a new, hand-pumped organ in 1893 at a cost of $2,200.

In a change in the law in 1901, permitting churches to hold property, the society was incorporated as the First Baptist Church of Waterville, thus ending its run as a “society.

A new Purinton organ was installed in 1924.

On the 100th anniversary of the building, the Philbrick parlors and Morse Baptistry were opened, and new lighting was installed.

The sanctuary underwent another remodeling in 1951 when the central pulpit was changed to a lectern and pulpits were added on either side of the chancel, with the altar in the center. This remodeling cost $60,000 – 17 times the original cost of the entire building back in 1826. In 1960, the Purinton organ was rebuilt and placed in the balcony.

The building was placed on the National Registry of Historic Places in 1976.

Many other occasions were instituted in the more recent years. The steeple was renovated in 1990, and the Purinton organ underwent another reconstruction in 2002. From 2002-2009 the Handoll Mission Church (Kor­ean) used the facilities for their services.

In 2010 the lower level of the building opened to accommodate the overflow of the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter. From 2012-2014 the basement became the the shelter’s primary facility.

Some facts about the church:

  • The First Baptist Church is the tallest building in Waterville, and its oldest public building.
  • While many of the ministers who have served at the First Baptist Church have a notable history, perhaps none would exceed that of Samuel Francis Smith, composer of America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee), who served as pastor from 1834-1841. The first time the song was sung indoors was in this church.
  • Rev. B. F. Shaw, who became pastor in 1867, was said to have been the most popular pastor the church has ever had.
  • Every Colby College annual commencement and baccalaureate sermon were held there from 1827-1917.
  • Four former members of the church have streets named after them in Waterville: Jeremiah Chaplin, Nathaniel Gilman, international merchant and the town’s wealthiest man, Asa Redington, the most prominent local Revolutionary War veteran who served in George Washington’s honor guard, who also built the Ticonic Dam, and buried at Pine Grove Cemetery, in Waterville, John Burleigh, publisher of the town newspaper.

When the First Baptist Society was formed in 1818, Maine was still part of Massachusetts (becoming a state two years later in 1820).

Jeremiah Chaplin was president of the Maine Literary and Theological Institution (now Colby College) when he organized his friends to convince them to organize the church.

James Monroe was president of the United States, and William King was Maine’s governor.

Goddard once reflected on a sense of what had filled the past 200 years.

“I came into the sanctuary one morning, and had a compelling feeling to sit in silence for a bit to enjoy the peace, the beauty, the tranquility of this room. Sitting in silence is not entirely true; I may have been silent, but the building was not. I do believe that this building ‘talks.’”

Local and foreign missions were a prime consideration for members of the First Baptist Church.

Rev. Jonathan Forbush started what was known as the “French Mission,” serving French Canadian immigrants. Later, Rev. Isaac LaFleur presided over morning worship in French. The French mission eventually grew to the point where they moved on to what is now the Second Baptist Church, on Water St., in Waterville.

Since 1990, the church has held weekly organ concerts during the Lenten season, featuring many local organists, including China resident Don Pauley.

In an anniversary presentation, Goddard once commented, “Only during the organ concerts held each Sunday afternoon during the Lenten season, does it [ the organ] come out of the corner and is placed in the middle of the sanctuary for all to see and hear the various area professional organists. Then, the congregation and audience can truly appreciate the art of the organist, for not only can we see the hands on the keyboard, but also the feet dancing on the foot pedals.”

Current pastor Russell D. Laflamme.

Current pastor, Russell D. Laflamme, assists in providing a time of worship to residents living in area nursing homes.

“The First Baptist Church, which we in the community use and enjoy, represents our inheritance from hundreds of devoted and generous forefathers,” Goddard concluded. “Proudly, we say, ‘Happy 200th birthday, First Baptist Church!”

The celebration will continue throughout the year with Adoniran Judson, by Rev. Foster and Mary Jane Williams, in July; Tea and Tour, in August, which is open to the community; Dean Ernest Marriner’s Little Talks on Common Things,” by David Brown, in September; Earle Shettleworth: ˆWho was Rev. Henry S. Burrage?, in October; The Mt. View Chamber Singers, in November; and December will see the Christmas Cantata, the combined choirs of Getchell Street and First Baptist churches.

* From an article written by Jan Goddard in Discover Maine magazine, Vol. 27, Issue 2, 2018.

Purdue University in Maine holds graduation

A jubilant graduate and proud family take a selfie at the Purdue U. graduation. (Contributed photo)

Purdue University Global in Maine recently held its graduation ceremony at the Merrill Auditorium, in Portland, at which close to 275 graduates were recognized for their academic accomplishments.

Purdue Global became Indiana’s newest public institution of higher education earlier this year, when it officially acquired Kaplan University, expanding Purdue’s land-grant mission by providing access to higher education for the tens of millions of working adults who started but did not complete a college degree and for others unable to attend a traditional college campus.

Shannon Moss, an acclaimed journalist for News Center Maine, gave the commencement address. Ms. Moss’s message to the more than 125 graduates attending the ceremony in person focused on the importance of their individual academic accomplishments achieved at a time in their own lives, when most are also juggling full-time employment and family obligations. Moss shared her successes and challenges along her career path, and encouraged the class to enjoy every moment as it comes.

Purdue Graduates 2018

“Don’t let the importance of your accomplishment languish. Let your mind seek new adventures and march with great confidence and enthusiasm into your future as you make your dreams, or goals you set for yourself, a reality.” Ms. Moss challenged the assembled graduates to “…Be fearless, be courageous, be magnanimous with your new life as a graduate of Purdue University Global.”

Graduate and undergraduate degrees were awarded from the School of Business and Information Technology, Nursing, Health Sciences, and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Betty Vandenbosch, Chancellor of Purdue University Global, conferred the degrees.

Bridger named to dean’s list

Gabrielle Bridger, an Ithaca College student, in Ithaca, New York, from Fairfield, was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2018 semester.

Oliveira earns dean’s list at Roger Williams

Michael Oliveira, of Waterville, Maine, has been named to the Spring 2018 Dean’s List at Roger Williams University, in Bristol, Rhode Island.

Winslow McDonald’s holds grand re-opening

Original general manager, Jim Sevey, and present general manager Chrystal Parker, cut the ribbon at the grand re-opening following recent major renovations.

The McDonald’s in Winslow, owned by Mike and Lana Ortins, gave away more than $1,500 at the restaurant’s grand re-opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, June 16.

The ceremony began with an official flag raising from Richard Poirier, a Bronze Star recipient and veteran of the Korean War, while the Winslow band played the Star Spangled Banner.  20 percent of that day’s sales from 9 am to 1 pm, along with a check for $1,000, was also donated to the Winslow Parks and Recreation Department.

Above, during the 1987 grand opening at McDonald’s, in Winslow, Bob Ortins, far left holding the ribbon, and original general manager Jim Sevey, right in black jacket, cut the ribbon. Current owner, Mike Ortins, can be seen directly behind the man holding the scissors, wearing a red and white shirt with a dark jacket.

Veteran of the Korean War and winner of the Bronze Star for bravery, Richard Poirier raises the flag to kick-off the grand re-opening ceremony. The Winslow High School band plays in the background.


Mike and Lana Ortins present a check to Winslow Band Director Ben Clark.


Mike and Lana Ortins present a check in support of Winslow Parks and Rec to department director Amanda McCaslin.


Mary Franks named to Castleton dean’s list

Mary Franks, of Liberty, was recently named to the Castleton University dean’s list for the spring semester of the 2017-18 academic year.

Andreozzi and Veilleux on dean’s list at Dean College

Dean College, in Franklin, Massachusetts, has announced that Kiara Andreozzi, of Waterville, and Joshua Veilleux, of Winslow, have earned a place on the dean’s list for the Spring 2018 semester.