PHOTO: Spirit Squad in Waterville

Front row, from left to right, Jaelynn McInnis, Sophia Barnaby, Amy Burton-Wing, Addilyn Jones, and Ava Frost. Middle row, Joella Smith, Olivia Bradstreet, Maggie Barcarcel, Janaya George, Addysin Petell, and Makenzie Burton-Wing. Back row, Assistant Coach Haley Twitchell, and Coach Crystal Cullen. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

PHOTO: Messalonskee homecoming

The Messalonskee High School homecoming parade was held on September 25. Messalonskee Youth Football players, from left to right, Dawson Dube, Sawyer Bearce and Andrew Proctor riding in the parade. (photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)

EVENTS: Carrabec Homecoming

Carrabec High School

Carrabec High School is planning a big homecoming this year starting on October 10, with classes having competitions throughout the week. On Friday, October 13, they will be having a pep rally and parade with homecoming games under the lights. The middle school will start with a soccer game at 4 p.m., and then the high school games begin at 5:30 p.m., vs. Temple Academy, of Waterville. They will have a DJ, Karaoke, classes selling baked goods, Cobra spirit items, coffee and hot cocoa, face painting, to name a few. They will conclude the evening after the boys soccer game with a bonfire. Saturday night will be the homecoming dance.

Griffin Brown welcomed into the Honors College at the College of Charleston

Griffin Brown, of Oakland, will attend the Honors College at the College of Charleston, in Charleston, South Carolina, starting this fall.

Brown joins a community of highly motivated Honors students who live and learn together while pursuing their own unique interests. Honors students at the College of Charleston benefit from personalized mentorship, access to specialized opportunities, and small, seminar-style classes. Students also participate in high impact experiences like faculty-led research, internships, and community engagement to help them maximize their time at college.

Brown is a graduate of Messalonskee High School, in Oakland, and plans to major in systems engineering at the College of Charleston.

Logan McDonald is enrolled at Lehigh University

Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, welcomes the Class of 2027, which includes Logan McDonald, of Bingham.

SNHU announces summer 2023 President’s List

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire, announces the following students to the Summer 2023 President’s List.

Talon Mosher, of Winslow, Alisha Barrette, of Skowhegan, Candice Eaton, of Waterville, Alyson Cass, of Waterville, Matthew Bandyk, of Jefferson, David Gerry, of Fairfield, Stormy Wentworth, of Fairfield, and Jacob Colson, of Albion.

Those named to the dean’s list include: Carrielee Harvey, of Waterville, Robert Farrington, of Augusta, and Ashley Parks, of Anson.

The summer terms run from May to August.

Ashley Carrier graduates from Shenanhoah University

Ashley Carrier, of Madison, was among the 1,143 students who graduated from Shenandoah University, in Winchester, Virginia, during the 2022-23 academic year. Carrier earned a bachelor of science degree in public health.

PHOTO: Football season in full swing

Waterville Junior High School running back, Alex Roth, #17 (eighth grader), during a recent game vs. Brunswick, held in Waterville. (photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)

VASSALBORO: HVAC main topic for school

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

A main discussion topic at the Vassalboro school board’s Sept. 19 meeting was HVAC – heating, ventilation and cooling – with the emphasis on cooling.

Vassalboro Community School (VCS) was uncomfortably warm during the September hot spell. Assistant principal Tabitha Brewer said teachers in the top-floor classrooms were invited to move their classes to cooler spaces elsewhere in the building.

Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer pointed out that when the VCS building was built in 1992, cooling “was not even on the architect’s radar.” Now, he and Director of Maintenance and Grounds Shelley Phillips are seeking input as they consider three main options: ceiling fans, heat pumps or a whole new HVAC system.

Ceiling fans would be the quickest and least costly option, as a temporary fix. Phillips brought photos of what she labeled “newer style commercial ceiling fans:” three blades “styled more like a wind turbine,” variable speed, with a 20- to 25-year life expectancy.

Winslow High School has them, she said, and staff find them effective and not disruptively noisy. They cost around $500 each; if fans were ordered this fall, they could probably be installed over Christmas vacation.

VCS has a heat pump to cool the office area for administrators who work in the summer, Pfeiffer said. Phillips has doubts about relying on heat pumps to cool so large and complex a building as VCS, which she said has 77,000 square feet of interior space.

There would have to be many of them, at $5,000 to $6,000 apiece, she said. Although state energy efficiency funds contribute to the initial cost, the pumps would need replacing every eight to 12 years without, as far as she knows, state aid.

A third option would be to hire an energy management consultant to review the current system, talk with staff and make recommendations for the building, probably including lighting as well as HVAC. This choice would be expensive and would take time.

From the audience, Chris French, chairman of the Vassalboro select board, suggested there might be state energy efficiency grants to help with the cost.

Resident John Melrose (who was instrumental in signing up Vassalboro for a solar farm project that has reduced electricity bills for the town and the school, Pfeiffer remembered) recommended assessing building energy use as background information for a consultant. A consultant might well come up with ideas locals had not considered, he added.

School board members intend to continue the discussion at future meetings. Board member Zachary Smith is leaning toward installing ceiling fans as a temporary solution.

“I just want the teachers to hear that we hear them, and we have a plan,” he said.

In other business Sept 19, VCS Principal Ira Michaud reported the school year had begun well. Pfeiffer, speaking for finance director Paula Pooler, said the budget is in good shape so far.

French asked if there was interest in exploring joining an organic waste diversion program. Pfeiffer suggested French and Phillips talk about it; Phillips said she has heard they’re expensive.

Board members discussed beginning to plan for the June 2024 promotion ceremony, remembering more elaborate pre-Covid recognitions of departing eighth-graders.

The next Vassalboro school board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17, at Vassalboro Community School.

PHOTO: First day at China Primary School

Contributed photo

Students in Mrs. Dunn’s class had an amazing first day of school at China Primary School! They got to make crowns to celebrate the occasion, and everyone was smiling at the end of the day! Wishing them a great year of learning as they start their educational journey at RSU #18!