Victor Esposito
Victor Esposito delivers message to the community
by Victor Esposito
As Bob Dylan once said during the ‘60s: “The times they are a-changing!”
However you want to look at it, everything changes, and change is good. You just have to be open to that change and when it is ready to happen and you’re ready to let it happen.
It is not a rumor, but a fact that I will be changing jobs. I will be finishing up 20 years here at Vassalboro Community School, and moving onto another JMG position. After 40-plus years in the classroom (I started in the mid ‘70s), I have been afforded an opportunity to be given a JMG position working out of the Alfond Boys & Girls Club, in Waterville. I will be working on a summer enrichment program, and during the school year will be developing an after school academic recovery program for both high school and middle school students. I am excited for the opportunity and yet saddened to be leaving Vassalboro and my students. It has been an amazing journey with so many great memories.
There has been our JMG core program with the best of the best kids and what they were able to achieve over the 20 years; The sixth grade Page Day at the State Capitol, Leadership trip, Scavenger hunts, and career visits to businesses in Portland during Urban Adventure. Students running the concession stand, outside snack shack, and numerous local community service projects. The Career Exploration that taught students how to fill out job applications, research future careers, write resumes, cover letters, listen to the many guest speakers, and take part in mock interviews.
The many Ski/Snowboard trips, and kids and families that learned or relearned how to ski. The rock climbing program and kids who competed at the state level. The golf program with never ending support from Natanis Golf Course. The students who learned how to tie flies, and fly fish, along with the many kids learning to play chess; along with most recently this year fifth graders learning to build model boats.
So many great memories.
This is not only a letter going out into the Vassalboro Community, but also to the surrounding towns; Waterville, Winslow and any of the other surrounding. This is also meant to be a very heartfelt thank you to everyone, my students, parents, guardians, civic folks, business people, and beyond. There have been so many people who have helped me to do the kind of things I was able to do at Vassalboro Community School, as a JMG Master Specialist.
The support of students, parents, guardians, grandparents, the three amazing Principals I have had the honor of serving under; (Kevin Michaud, Dianna Gram, and now Dr. Megan Allen). The supportive VCS staff, and all my JMG family members. All the surrounding high schools that our kids can attend.
In the community there were people like town manager Mary Sabins, Ray Breton, business entrepreneur, and numerous business people. In the outer lying towns there were people like Tom Davis (Are You Ready To Party) Chris Guance (Central Maine Motors), Ann Lindeman (Bangor Savings), Kim Lindolf (Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce), Mary Dyer (FAME), Jill Jameson (Junior Achievement), Angie Miers (Army Recruiter), Tanya Verzoni (New Dimension Credit Union), Amy Leclair (Johnny’s Selected Seed), and the list could go on. Thank you to all!
My daughter Brittany wrote a paper while she was doing her master’s degree at the University of New England a long time ago. It was titled My Father, and it started with a quote from Emerson, “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I believe I have left a trail here at Vassalboro Community School, and at JMG (Jobs For Maine’s Graduates), one for which I am proud.
This is not goodbye, but rather see you all later.