Area high schools hold graduations

Winslow graduate Cassie McCaslin listens to the keynote address at the graduation at Colby on June 6. (Photo by Carol Fredette)


Jacob Bickford is happy to receive his diploma from Superintendent Dean Baker, at Lawrence High School’s commencement, on June 7. (Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff)


Ryan Gagnon marches at Winslow’s graduation. (Photo by Carol Fredette)

Seagulls claim championship

Front row, left to right, Preston Roy, Ryan Brown, Gaige Martin, Jaiden Berube, Connor Brown and Colby Nadeau. Second row, Mike Stewart, Braden Littlefield, Nash Corson, Parker Higgins, Matix Ward and Wyatt Gamache. Back, coaches Joel Littlefield, Nick Nadeau, Mike Corson, Matt Ward and Chuck Roy. Contributed photo

The Albion Seagulls captured the Fairfield PAL majors baseball championship recently. The team entered the tourney as the No. 1 seed. They took the opening game, 20-11, over Yankee Trophy, and put the title game away, 15-1, over Wright’s Dairy.

Jessica Crouse named to spring dean’s list at Elizabethtown College

Jessica Crouse, of Winslow, was named to the dean’s list of Elizabethtown College, in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, for the spring 2018 semester. Crouse is a class of 2018 Environmental Science major.

Students on the dean’s list are full-time undergraduate students who earn a semester grade point average of 3.60 or better in 14 or more credit hours, of which at least 12 credits are letter-graded course work

Chamber awards scholarship

Sidney Knox

Sidney Knox is a 2018 graduate of Lawrence High School, in Fairfield. Sidney spends her time purchasing and cooking weekly meals for the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter, organizing veterans’ care packages, and organizing the annual St. Jude’s Trike-a-thon fundraiser. At Lawrence High, she maintained high honor roll status while participating in National Honor Society, PRIDE Club, was the Renaissance Committee secretary, class secretary, a class representative and played softball. She plans to attend the University of New England in the fall to study pre-med.

The annual scholarship was established in memory of Joe Ezhaya, a community leader who was known for his generosity and dedication to civic engagement.

This $750 annual scholarship will be distributed to the recipient after the completion of her first semester four years for a total of $3,000.

VBA announces scholarship winners

Megan Lemieux

The Vassalboro Business Association recently awarded scholarships.

Megan Lemieux, daughter of Richard and Deb Lem­ieux, will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Megan is going to Unity College, majoring in biology.

Kassie Nadeau

Kassie Nadeau, daughter of Andrew and Christine Nadeau, will receive a $500 scholarship. Kassie will be attending the Uni­versity of Maine at Orono, majoring in biology with a concentration in pre-med.

Both recipients attended Erskine Academy, in South China, and have extensive experience in volunteerism.

Submitted by Linda Titus VBA President

RSU #18 2018 budget hearing scheduled

Messalonskee Middle School (photo source RSU 18 Messenger)

Regional School Union #18 district budget meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 29, at 6 p.m., in the cafeteria at Messalonskee Middle School, in Oakland.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute announces fall 2017 dean’s list

The following local residents were among 1,608 students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), in Worcester Massachusetts, named to the university’s dean’s list for academic excellence for the fall 2017 semester.

McKenzie Brunelle, of Sidney, is a member of the class of 2018 majoring in biomedical engineering.

Madison Michaud, of Vassalboro, is a member of the class of 2019 majoring in biomedical engineering.

Molly Silsby, of Augusta, is a member of the class of 2021 majoring in mechanical engineering.

Erskine announces class of 2018 Top 10 Seniors

Erskine Academy top 10 seniors in the class of 2018 include, front, from left to right, Valedictorian Caleb Tyler, Salutatorian Kayla Hubbard, Kassandra Nadeau, Luke Hodgkins, and Maggie Anderson. Back, Megan Lemieux, Emma Stone, Gabriella Pizzo, Kaylee Porter, and Carleigh Ireland. (Contributed photo)

Erskine Academy has announced the class of 2018 Top Ten Seniors.

Valedictorian is Caleb Tyler, son of Regan and Jason Tyler, of Palermo. Throughout his four years at Erskine, Caleb has participated in such activities as National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Soccer, and Lacrosse and he has completed a variety of community service projects. Caleb is a Maine Principal’s Association Award recipient, he is a Rensselaer Medal recipient, and he has received high honor roll distinction every trimester with awards of excellence in the areas of Algebra, Integrated Science, Chemistry, and US History. Caleb plans to attend the University of Maine to study Mechanical Engineering.

Salutatorian is Kayla Hubbard, daughter of Phil and Julie Hubbard, of Palermo. Kayla is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Student Council, EA Leadership, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, Drama Club, Soccer, Tennis, and she has participated in numerous community service endeavors. A student who has received high honor roll distinction every trimester, Kayla has received awards of excellence in the areas of Algebra, Social Studies, PreCalculus, and Physics, she was the recipient of the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award, and she has received Renaissance Recognition and Senior of the Trimester awards. Kayla plans to attend Lancaster Bible College where she will major in Elementary Education.

Third in academic standing is Kassandra Nadeau, daughter of Christine and Andrew Nadeau, of Vassalboro. Kassandra is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Business Club, Prom Committee, Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Track & Field. Kassandra has completed a variety of community service projects and she was selected to attend the New England Student Leadership Conference. Kassandra plans to attend the University of Maine with a major in Biology.

Fourth in academic standing is Luke Hodgkins, son of Lisa and Craig Hodgkins, of Jefferson. Luke is a member of National Honor Society and he has participated in such activities as Student Council, EA Leadership, Math Team, Future Business Leaders of America, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, Cross Country, Tennis, and he has served as a class officer for three years. Luke has received an award of excellence in English and he has received Renaissance Recognition and Senior of the Trimester awards. Luke plans to attend the University of Maine to pursue studies in Biology.

Fifth in academic standing is Maggie Anderson, daughter of Michelle Anderson, of China, and Frank Anderson, of Augusta. Maggie is a member of National Honor Society and she has been a participant of the Drama Club, Prom Committee, and TLC (Erskine’s community service group). Maggie was a recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa Award and she has received high honor roll distinction every trimester. Maggie plans to attend Gordon College with an undeclared major.

Sixth in academic standing is Megan Lemieux, daughter of Debbie and Richard Lemieux, of Vassalboro. Megan is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as TLC (Erskine’s community service organization), Drama Club, Math Team, and the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club. Megan has received the Society of Women Engineers award, she has received high honor roll distinction every trimester with an award of excellence in English, and she has received a Renaissance Recognition award. Megan plans to attend Unity College with a major in Biology.

Seventh in academic standing is Emma Stone, daughter of Katrina Johnsen Smith, of Palermo, and Andrew Stone, of Hope. Emma is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Drama, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, and Tennis. Emma plans to major in Business at Gordon College.

Eighth in academic standing is Gabriella Pizzo, daughter of Deanne and Greg Pizzo, of China. Gabriella is a member of National Honor Society and she has been a participant of the Drama Club, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, and Tennis. Gabriella has received high honor roll distinction every trimester and she has received a Senior of the Trimester award. Gabriella plans to attend Sarah Lawrence College with a major in Theater.

Ninth in academic standing is Kaylee Porter, daughter of Deann and Shawn Porter, of Palermo. Kaylee is a member of National Honor Society, she has participated in such activities as Student Council, EA Leadership, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, Soccer, Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Track & Field. In addition, Kaylee has completed a variety of community service projects. Kaylee was the recipient of the Smith Book Award, she received the Most Valuable Member of Student Council award, and she has been a Renaissance Recognition award recipient. Kaylee plans to major in Nutrition at the University of Maine.

Tenth in academic standing is Carleigh Ireland, daughter of Amy and Scott Ireland, of Vassalboro. Carleigh has participated in such activities as Math Team and Prom Committee. Carleigh has received awards of excellence in Health, English, and French. Carleigh plans to major in Nursing at the University of Maine.

Local students compete at robotics tournament

Let the games begin. These Lawrence High School students getting ready for competition are, left to right, Kaleb Anderson, Justin Trott, Robert Klean and Hunter Dusoe. (Photo by Dan Cassidy)

Students from SAD #49, in Fairfield, and RSU #18, from Messalonskee High School, in Oakland, participated with many students from all over New England in designs programs motivating more than 450,000 young students from in 88 countries to pursue education and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math skills.

The robotics tournament put teams together to see what students can accomplish using creativity, problem solving and teamwork with the help of mentors from the worlds of education and business. The future workforce learns how to collaborate, encourage one another and persevere in this year’s challenge FIRST Power UP, according to the Pine Tree District Event Planning Committee’s program release.

Students compete on time clocks by using Robots working together to exchange power cubes, climb the scale tower to face the ‘boss’ and try to escape the game. Operators take control for the final two minutes and 15 seconds of the match, scoring points by gaining ownership of the scale or their alliance’s switch, delivering power cubes to the alliance’s vault, using power ups for a timed advantage, parking on the scale platform or climbing the scale to face the boss. The alliance with the highest score at the end of the match defeats the boss and wins.

The program highlights indicate that it’s the hardest fun you’ll ever have.

How local officials are making our schools safe again

“Both times I visited the school, I was asked my business within seconds of stepping through the front doors.” –Eric Austin (photo source:

by Eric W. Austin

“Nothing’s foolproof,” Augusta Deputy Chief Jared Mills told me at the beginning of our meeting on the issue of school safety. “The best laid plans are not going to prevent this from happening.”

What is ‘this’? Take your pick. Terrorists and school shooters. Bomb threats and bullying. Our students and teachers have a lot to deal with these days.

The fact that nothing is completely foolproof hasn’t stopped our local law enforcement and school administrators from laying down the best possible plans. In researching this article, not only did I speak with Deputy Chief Mills, I also sat down with high school principals Chad Bell, of Winslow, and Paula Callan, of Messalonskee; Headmaster Michael McQuarrie, of Erskine Academy; and Detective Sergeant Tracey Frost, of the Oakland Police Department and one of two school resource officers for RSU #18.

Fifty years ago, schools were primarily designed around the fear of fire. Plenty of exits. Regular fire drills. Today, those concerns have shifted to include “access-point control” and lockdown practice. Fire is still a concern, but now each additional exit or entrance is also a point of vulnerability that needs to be considered. Those changes are obvious by looking at the design of our schools over time. Messalonskee High School, built in 1969, has 37 exits, while the middle school, constructed nearly 50 years later, has only ten.

These warring priorities of access and security are a constant theme for administrators looking to update their facilities for the 21st century.

The front entrance at Messalonskee High is now equipped with a buzz-in system (photo source:

Schools have responded to the new safety concerns in various ways. Messalonskee High School, like many area schools, has implemented a buzz-in system for the front entrance, and keycard-only access for outlying classrooms. Anyone coming to the front door is required to press a button which signals the front office. After verifying your identity, the door is unlocked and you can enter. Winslow High School does not have this system yet, but Principal Chad Bell told me its implementation is at the top of the school’s list of priorities. New policies have been implemented in both schools restricting which exits can be used during school hours in order to more carefully monitor who is entering the building.

Erskine Academy has its own set of challenges. It’s the only school without a full-time school resource officer and, located on the outskirts of China, it faces the longest response time from law enforcement in case of emergency. Though Erskine’s main building does not have a buzz-in system, external classrooms now require keycards to enter, and all classrooms have been fitted with deadbolts that lock from the inside.

Security upgrades have not only encompassed entrance and exit points. Classrooms have also received attention. In older buildings, classrooms were primarily designed to prevent students from being accidentally locked inside. As such, classrooms could always be opened from within, but often could only be locked from the outside, with a key. Now, schools are preparing for situations where being locked inside a classroom might be the safest place for a student to be.

Winslow High School Principal Chad Bell

Winslow has come up with a simple and low-cost solution to the problem. Instead of replacing the outdated locks at significant cost, they have installed a thin, magnetic strip that covers the strike plate of the door jamb. Doors are always locked, but with the magnetic strip in place, they can be closed without latching. In the event of a lockdown, anyone can pull the magnetic strip away from the door jamb and close the door, latching and locking it securely. It’s a simple and elegant solution to a problem that can pose a substantial cost to schools faced with regularly insufficient budgets.

Classroom doors at Messalonskee High School are kept locked but left open so they can be pulled closed at a moment’s notice.

Security cameras have also become a fixture at our schools. Winslow High School has 30 security cameras installed, and although there’s no buzz-in system yet, safety and security are a top priority for the staff. Both times I visited the school, I was asked my business within seconds of stepping through the front doors.

Messalonskee High School has only ten cameras, and the system desperately needs replacing. Installed seven years ago, camera resolution is far below current standards and, after operating 24/7 for nearly a decade, quality has degraded even further. The school intends to replace the system and add more cameras soon, but, as always, cost is the driving factor: new books or new cameras?

Each of these improvements can be taxing on schools scrambling for every cent. Take for example what seems at first a simple problem. Most classroom doors have windows installed in them. Administrators can easily walk the halls and see what is going on in each classroom. But when faced with the worst possible situation, an active shooter in the school, that visibility quickly becomes a dangerous liability. To fix the issue, the windows in classroom doors are now fitted with curtains that can be pulled down from the inside. A fairly easy fix, and cheap. And yet: “At $20 a curtain, roughly,” RSU #18 resource officer Tracey Frost explained, “for hundreds and hundreds of doors across the district? The bill came, but we got it done.”

For Tracey Frost, preparation is key. He aims to make lockdown drills as automatic for students as fire drills, and he thinks he’s almost there. “I can have 800 kids out of a line of sight in under a minute,” he told me proudly. “When we first started doing it, it was maybe two to three minutes.”

The lockdown drills students practice today remind me of the old Nuclear Strike Drills from the 1970s that ended only a few years before I entered school. They start with “LOCKDOWN DRILL! LOCKDOWN DRILL!” blared over the intercom speakers. Students lock classroom doors, pull curtains, and shut off lights. Then they gather in a designated “safety spot” in the classroom, keeping as low as possible, and quietly wait for the all-clear. Or as Tracey Frost puts it: “Locks, lights, and out of sight.”

All of the school administrators I spoke to were in the process of investigating additional training programs to help them prepare for the unthinkable. Three specific such programs seem to be most popular here in central Maine.

“Run, Hide, Fight” is a program endorsed by the Maine Department of Education, and offers a low-cost option with support from the state, but it has its detractors. “I’m not too comfortable with the concept of teaching kids to fight a gunman,” SRO Frost confided, “but I can teach them to stack desks in front of the door. If a bad guy spends 30-seconds trying to get into a classroom and can’t, we’ve saved lives and gained half-a-minute, and that’s a long time in such a situation.”

A.L.I.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) is another popular program many schools are evaluating. It focuses on preparation and planning to, per their website, “proactively handle the threat of an aggressive intruder or active shooter event.”

The final program, which Officer Frost has adapted in large part for schools in RSU #18, is called the Standard Response Protocol. It was developed by the “I Love U Guys” Foundation (, an organization started by the parents of a girl killed in the school shooting at Platte Canyon High School in 2006. Frost particularly likes the program’s way of presenting its concepts with colorful, kid-friendly materials, and its method of using what Frost terms “teacher speak:” a common lexicon of terms that make communication between students and teachers simple and unambiguous. The foundation was named after the last text message sent from the girl to her parents before she was shot and killed.

Erskine Headmaster Michael McQuarrie

Beyond lockdown drills and hardening schools and classrooms, everyone agrees the best way to prevent school violence is to develop a culture that makes each student feel understood and respected. “[Students] all have to feel valued,” Erskine’s Headmaster Michael McQuarrie told me at the conclusion of our discussion. “If you’re alienated, if you’re disenfranchised and bullied on top of that — that is an incredible variable that we cannot dismiss or underestimate.”

For law enforcement and school officials both, the introduction of the internet has complicated things, especially in the area of identifying possible threats. In the old days, threats came by way of graffiti on bathroom walls, an anonymous phone call or an overheard conversation.

Today, none of those avenues have disappeared, but now there is also Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, email, and internet discussion boards to worry about. Add to this the tendency for children to post their thoughts on the internet without fully considering the implications of their words, and it’s common for casual threats to be bandied about on social media platforms with little thought of serious evil intent. In our current safety-conscious climate, however, each of those casual threats must be run down by law enforcement, which takes time away from other, equally important, tasks.

Thankfully, central Maine is still small enough that this hasn’t become the insurmountable effort that it has in bigger urban areas. “We still have the ability to follow up on every tip,” Augusta Deputy Chief Mills assured me. Local law enforcement works closely with the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit and the FBI to track down the source of any online threats.

Kids are also figuring out that behavior which might have been viewed as merely mischievous in the past is now considered a serious crime. It starts with parents having a conversation with their kids at home. It continues with teachers and administrators creating a school atmosphere where students feel comfortable bringing their concerns to adults. It ends with law enforcement and the courts, which are dealing out tough sentences for online threats of violence. It’s not unusual for students to be expelled, fined or even jailed for such behavior, as happened in Skowhegan where two boys were recently charged with terrorizing, a class C felony; or in Ellsworth where, this past February, police arrested a 19-year-old student for making threats against the high school in a chat for the online game Clash of Clans.

Messalonskee High’s Principal Paula Callan

New challenges face our schools like never before, with budget shortfalls, teacher shortages, and now safety concerns that would have seemed unthinkable 50 years ago. Still, the brave public servants in our schools are not shrinking from the challenge, and resource officer Tracey Frost is also quick to point out, “[Statistically,] your child is much more likely to get hurt on the drive into school than they are once they enter this building.”

Despite the challenges, school officials are determined to make student safety a priority, whatever the cost. “You can’t put a price on a student’s life,” Messalonskee principal Paula Callan told me firmly, as we shook hands at the end of our talk. In the face of this scary new world, these heroic public servants are taking no chances with the safety of our kids.

Eric W. Austin is a writer and consultant living in China, Maine. He writes about technology and community issues, and can be reached by email at